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Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance by Ashlee Price (163)


I saw Ben first since he was the one standing outside the van. He was this tall, hulking man with finely tuned muscles. He was tanned, probably from spending too much time outdoors hunting or whatnot, had neatly cropped black hair and a goatee. He wore an old flannel shirt, ripped jeans, boots, and a cap worn backwards.

Inside, in the driver's seat, was James. He stepped out to greet me too. James was probably only half an inch shorter than Ben, had an equally well-built body that rippled with muscles, and wavy dirty-blond hair that reached his shoulders. His jaw and chin were marked by a trimmed 5 o'clock beard.

"Hey!" I finally managed to say.

"Sabrina, right?" Ben asked as he reached out to shake my hand.

I gripped his hand it felt like I was being handled by a bear, so firm and strong. "Yeah," I replied. "Sorry I got you guys in this mess. I took too long and my Dad had to go ahead so now you're stuck with me."

James waved it off as he offered to take my bag. "You kiddin' me?" He asked as he pushed my bag into the back of the van, behind the back seats. "We'd love to have you along. It'll be a long ride, missy, and it can get boring with no one to talk to. I'd go insane if I had to listen to Ben's banter all day."

Ben rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I love you too, moron."

I chuckled at that. I guess hitching a ride wouldn't be so bad after all. If they were this lively on the road I might have more fun with them than I would have listening to music on my phone if I had ridden with my Dad.

"Lucky us," Ben then said.

I frowned back, "Why lucky?"

"Well," he answered as he opened the van's side door for me. "We get to ride with a hot chick for once."

I burst into a fit of laughter. Ben sat down in the van as James took his seat at the driver's side. I entered and took a seat right beside Ben.

"How is that funny?" He asked me.

"I've never been referred to as the hot chick," I admitted. Honestly, hearing him say it made me blush so I turned to the other side and stared out the left window just as James began maneuvering out of the driveway.

James glimpsed at my reflection through the rear-view mirror, "What? No one ever told you you're a walking sex machine at school?"

I laughed at that but confirmed my previous statement, "Nobody. Even my ex never told me anything like that. Well, he did say I had a nice ass."

Ben leaned in closer, "Did he ever get to tap your ass?"

Laughter again burst out. I shook my head when I was able to compose myself, "What? Nope, actually I'm still a virgin."

I felt James almost stomp on the breaks upon hearing what I said. Luckily he had better concentration than I and was able to drive us out of the neighborhood. We were on our way to the back streets that would eventually lead us to the interstate. "You never had sex all through-out high school?"

I shrugged, "Never. I only had two boyfriends in high school and the farthest we ever got was light fondling."

Ben looked at me like I was some poor kitten abandoned on the street. "No one ever tried?"

"Uncle Ben," I replied. "Guys want skinny girls."

"Maybe in your school," he told me. "But when it comes down to it, a chick with some meat on her is always better."

That seemed a bit confusing. Didn't all boys want skinny, sexy girls?

"Huh?" I asked.

"How does being a bit thicker make me better?"

James answered this one quickly, "We want to fuck girls, not skeletons."

"Nothing turns me on more than the sound of my body smashing against a thick ass while pounding a girl doggy style," Ben added.

"Too much info!" I said as I tried to stop myself from laughing.

Ben casually wrapped his arm over my shoulders and scooted himself closer to me, "So now you're heading to college as a virgin, huh?"

Okay, I admit, that sucked. "Yeah," I said with a sad tone.

"Honestly I did try to seduce my ex during our prom but he fucking walked out on me and took that slut Melissa home instead of me."

"What an idiot," Ben commented. He inched even closer to me and by now I could smell the strong fragrance of his cologne. It was a cool, refreshing sensation. He smelled like a man. I almost swooned over!

"Oh Uncle Ben," I said as I shook my head. "It's too late for me now, I guess. I won't meet another guy until I start college."

James answered without even taking his eyes off the road, " Oh I doubt that. You've got fans, dear, fans who would jump to be with you the moment they could."

"Huh?" I shot back with a chuckle. "That's impossible Uncle James, where would I meet a guy, during summer no less, who would feel inclined to date me much less sleep with me?"

Ben cupped my face all of a sudden and turned my head so he could look at me eye to eye, "Right here, honey."

And without warning he leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips.