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Bossman's List: A Billionaire Christmas Office Romance by Ashlee Price (184)


Chapter 2 – Jesse

“I didn’t think I was going to see you until later. Did you decide to take the rest of the day off?”

He kissed me, and I heard a few comments from the line that I tried to ignore. It was still new with me and Scott, but he was making himself a regular fixture at the bistro. I’d truly thought that I wasn’t going to see him again after we had sex, but I was seeing him even more, if that was possible. It became an unspoken routine that every night was spent together. I certainly didn’t have a problem with that, but I was worried about what was going to happen when he got bored with me. I knew his reputation, and I knew guys like him.

“I have to go back to work, but I just wanted to give you a kiss. I missed you.”

I giggled a little and kissed him again to a chorus of catcalls and wolf whistles from my customers. Smiling at him, I told him he was lucky because I was looking for some help. I was just joking, but he got a strange look on his face that bothered me a little bit. Was he that against helping me?

“Well, never fear, Scott, I was just joking. I know that you’ve got better things to do than taking money and wiping down tables.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Then what is it like?”

He started to say something and then stopped. I realized that I had things to do and customers in front of me, so it made it easy to push it to the back of my mind. I didn’t want to think about what was going on in his mind, so I just tried to ignore the uneasiness that I felt.

Scott gave me another kiss, this one noticeably quicker and less lingering. I felt my face go red, and I knew it was because of what I was thinking about doing to him later. I wasn’t sure what he was upset about, but it was clear that something was bothering him. I told myself that it most likely had nothing to do with me, but how could I be sure? I wasn’t, and as I watched him leave, I had to think about whether he was done messing with me. I knew that the day was going to come, but I still wasn’t sure when it was going to happen.

I tried to shake the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Melissa asked me what was wrong a couple of times, but I told her that I was fine. Everything was fine, but in truth I wanted to cry. I wasn’t much of a crier, but I felt suddenly hopeless.

After closing everything up, I made my way upstairs and almost jumped when I heard the phone ringing. I’d built up the earlier meeting with him in my head so much that I was convinced that I was never going to see him again. When I realized that it was Scott on the phone, it was hard to think of something to say. I’d been so sure, but then again I’d been wrong a time or two before.

“Hey, Scott.”

“What’s wrong?”

I groaned inwardly. Why was everyone asking that when I was trying so hard to hide my emotions?

“Nothing, I just figured that you were going to be working tonight.”

“I still am, but as soon as this last meeting is over I’m going to be heading your way. Since I don’t have a key and I figure that you’ll be sleeping, I was wondering if you could leave the key out for me or something.”

I smiled at myself and knew more than ever that I was in trouble. I was grinning ear to ear just from the thought of him wanting to come after work. Even if I was sleeping, he would rather be with me. It was like everything that I’d worried about was for nothing. I’d been worried about the end of us for no reason. I chided myself for being such a worrywart.

“Sure, I’ll leave it under the mat. I’m kind of tired, so I don’t know how much longer I’ll be up, but you’re always welcome.”

“Thanks, Jesse. I don’t want to be without you tonight, but I don’t want to keep you up either.”

“I’ll stay up if you want me to. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to make it worth my while.”

I heard the deep sound of his laugh and I melted a little more inside. I don’t think he knew how badly I wanted him there with me right then. I wanted to feel his body on mine, if not for anything else than a reminder of the fact that he was still mine.

The phone clicked, but the sinking feeling that I’d carried with me all day was gone. It was scary how just hearing from him could change my mood so much. I’d fallen too far, too fast. That was clear to me then.



I didn’t hear him, not really, until he was next to me in bed, naked. I was in the same state. I would have thought that I would have woken up before my body was wet and ready for him. My nipples were hard and still damp from his mouth. How long had he been there?

The question died on my lips when I felt the hardness at my opening seconds before he pushed in swiftly. It took my breath away, as it always did, and I was powerless to do anything more than wrap my legs and arms around him. He was like an amusement park ride: I had to hold on tight when he really started going.

Scott’s name was continually on my lips as he sank deeper and pulled out faster, only to repeat the process immediately. He felt so good. Far too good – before I’d been up a total of five minutes, I was coming so hard it almost put me back to sleep.

His pleasure took longer, and I was limp by the time he finally got off of me. There had been something on his mind that night that had impelled him to such a thorough taking of my body, but Scott said nothing to help me understand. He pulled me to him and I lay on his chest, listening to his slamming heart slow down as minutes passed.

“Are you okay, Scott?”

“Yeah, why?”

I stopped and just shrugged, nestling into his hair and closing my eyes. There was no point in bringing it up. If it wasn’t broke, there was no reason to fix it, or so I was thinking. I should have asked, maybe pressed for an answer, but I realized that I most likely didn’t want to know what it was anyways. I didn’t want to know if this was the last night with Scott. I knew that it would come soon enough, so there was no point in worrying about it now. There was always tomorrow for that.