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Bossman's List: A Billionaire Christmas Office Romance by Ashlee Price (315)


Chapter 3

Scott was in his head most of the day as well. He tried to imagine his life without Lisa. It was the first time that he had done it and he didn’t like the idea of her not being there. He didn’t like the idea of getting married because everyone was pushing them into it, but it was the first time that he seemed to understand that he very well could lose her.

He wanted to blame Gemma and his mother for putting it in his head, but the idea that Lisa was unhappy was too much for him to think about. Scott did love her and he had thought of the two of them growing old together. Why did it have to include marriage and children? He just didn’t understand the need since he had never had it himself.

“You are being quiet today.”

Scott nodded towards Henri, though he didn’t say anything else. His mind was going a mile a minute and he just didn’t want to talk about it. Henri asked him a few questions. “Are you sure that you don’t want to talk about it?”

Scott looked up from his duties. The two of them were cleaning out the horse stalls and though he knew his brother was just trying to help, he had to admit that he was angry that he had found his love and they were already talking about getting married. It just put more pressure on him as the last one standing.

“Not really Henri. I thought you were the one that liked the quiet?”

“I do, but I feel bad for you. I saw the way your face looked last night while they were talking about Lisa.”

“Well I talked to her about it and like always Gemma was right. Lisa’s clock is ticking hard and she wants to get married. She never said anything about it before.”

Henri just shrugged. “All women want to get married and have kids. They change as they get older.”

“Yeah, so I am told.”

The two men worked in silence for a while until Henri broke the silence. “You know that they just want what is best for you.”

Scott nodded. He had heard that before but ruining the long relationship he had was not his idea of helping. He wanted Lisa, it was that simple, but he hated the thought of her being unhappy with him. He loved her enough that he would let her go if he had to. He didn’t want to, but the more he thought about it, the more Scott knew that he had to. It was only a matter of time before she came to him to break up or that she had found someone else. Scott just figured he would save her some time and both of them some pain.

“I know and I love Lisa, but I am never going to be able to give her what she wants. I am not that kind of guy.”

Henri just kind of shook his head. He had never seen himself as a married man, but once he found his love, there was no getting out of it. He wanted to make her his and had no problem being halfway dragged to the altar. He knew that it was for the best, but Scott was different. He had always been the rebel and the one that said and did whatever he wanted to do. Nothing was going to change that about him.

“You have to do what is right for you, but you and Lisa have been together a long time.”

“Yes we have.” It was the main reason that he didn’t know what he was going to do without her. She had been his rock for years, always there for him when he needed something and to not have her, even the idea of it made him feel alone.

“It will all work out. It always does.”

Scott wanted to believe him, but he just wasn’t that sure if it was true. “I sure hope you are right brother.”


Lisa did not fare any better. She got a few calls from Gemma while she was at work and she called her on the way home from work. “Hey, Gemma. Sorry I missed your calls. It has been crazy here today. What’s up?”

“I think I messed up, Lisa.”

“Why, what happened?”

“Well me and mom were talking to Scott…”

“I know. He called me this morning acting strange.”

“You don’t think we pressure you guys too much do you?” Gemma was afraid that her well-meaning had caused problems and she was right. There was no two ways around it and she could tell from the pause on the other side of the phone that Lisa felt the same way.

“I think that Scott doesn’t like to be pushed. The more you push him, the harder he will fight it. You know how he is.”

“Yes and so do you. That is why you are perfect for him. You know how he is and you still love him for it. I just want you guys to get married. I know that is what you want.”

“It is, but I would rather have him as a boyfriend then nothing at all. The way he was talking, I don’t think we are going to be together much longer.”

It was the last thing that Gemma wanted to hear. She was pregnant and emotional, almost in tears when she heard it. She tried to apologize, but Lisa just waved it off. “Whatever is going to happen, will happen. I have faith that it will all work out, but sometimes I just don’t know. I do want to get married and have a family, but without Scott, none of that seems worth it.”

Gemma and Lisa talked till she got back to her house. Scott was waiting for her on her porch and there was a look of determination in his face that scared him. He was handsome no matter what, but the look of unknown in his eyes made her even more nervous.

“Well he is here, so I am going to go.”

“Call me later and tell me what happens.”

Lisa told her she would and then hung up before she got out of the car. If something did happen, she didn’t know how it would turn out. The Callahans had been like family to her for years and it would not just be Scott she lost, but all of them. The idea made her a little misty-eyed and she tried to push the thoughts away. She was already planning the end and she didn’t even know what was going to happen next.