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Bound by Thorns (The Dragon Soul Series) by Sean Michael (13)

Chapter Thirteen

Another meal prepped and served by Luke. Not that it hadn’t been delicious and exactly what he’d needed and without having to wait for it, too. Still. Greyson glared at his lover as Luke began to clear the dishes.

“I’ll do it,” he barked.

“Whoa!” Luke stepped back with his hands up. “I didn’t realize I was depriving you of the dubious joy of carrying dirty dishes around.”

Greyson rolled his eyes. “It’s not that. You do everything for me. I’m supposed to be cooking.” It wouldn’t be a huge thing, but at least he would be contributing.

“I’m trying to make sure you get fed. I know how empty your stomach always feels. I’m not sleeping as much as you are—you need it more—so I figure why make you wait if I’m already up?”

“You know, I could have a bowl of cereal when I first get up, and then make food for our next meal.” He wasn’t helpless.

“Sure.” Luke stared at him, not quite like he was crazy, but close to it.

“I’m not trying to be a jerk here. I’m just... I can do stuff, especially now that my leg doesn’t hurt very much anymore, but I’m just eating and sleeping and fucking.” He was being a lazy ass. And Luke was letting him.

“Those are three very worthy activities.”

“Yeah, well, man doesn’t live on fucking alone. It’s not natural.”

Luke snorted at him. “Yeah, well maybe not the natural you’re used to. For dragons, it totally is.”

“You have a job,” Greyson pointed out. “I’m just sitting in your house, taking up space.”

“Our house,” Luke corrected.

Greyson melted. How was he supposed to stay grumpy when Luke said things like that? “I feel like I need something to do, Dragon.”

“Other than doing me, you mean.”

“Not other than, but as well as.”

Luke looked happier at his response. “We could go build a snowman. It’s sunny out today, and I think the snow might be sticky enough for it.”

“Or have a snowball fight,” Greyson suggested, going for the hall near the back door where all the winter gear was stashed. “I haven’t warred since before my run-in with the mine.”

Luke followed him. “I don’t know how fair that’s going to be. I am a dragon after all.”

It was his turn to snort. “A—you have to stay in your human form. B—you forget that I’m an army veteran. Flying and rescuing people from ramshackle cabins might be your job, but war was mine.” He pulled on his boots, acknowledging that he was going to need new ones for next year. As well as a better coat. He loved thinking about still being here in the future.

“If you’re sure...”

“I’m sure.”

“You’re going to get cold.” Luke put his own boots on, plus his huge ranger parka.

Greyson wasn’t worried. “You’ll make sure I warm right back up.” Besides, he’d have more manoeuvrability in his less warm and cozy outdoor clothing.

Luke grabbed a hat and a scarf from the pegs by the door, putting the hat on Greyson’s head and the scarf around his neck.

“No arguments,” Luke said as he opened the front door. “You’re wearing them.”

“No arguments from me,” he promised as the wind gusted in from outside. Jesus. It was possible this would be the shortest snowball fight on record. Ever.

“All right. We take five minutes to prepare our arsenal and then we have at it,” Luke suggested.

Greyson grinned. Clearly this wasn’t Luke’s first snowball fight. Good—it wasn’t his, either. He took off at a run, sinking in almost to his knees. Deep, soft snow. He might have to rethink his strategy. A glance back at Luke proved his dragon-lover was having as hard a time walking through the deep snow as he was, so they were on fairly even footing at least.

Abandoning his plan to run around and create ammunition caches all around the house and garage, Greyson opted to put his back to the house and dig out a semi-circle wall to hide behind. He piled the snow he removed up in front of him and had a three and a half foot wall built with over a minute to spare. That gave him a chance to build his arsenal. Most of them were ill formed and he wasn’t sure they’d hold together, but he did have a couple dozen snowballs completed when Luke called time by sending a shot right past his head.

Gasping at how close that had come, Greyson ducked down behind his wall and grabbed three balls in one hand and one in the other. When his first two attempts to peek out over the top of his wall resulted in facefulls of snow, he wished he’d built a window inside his wall. Looked like Luke wasn’t holding back. Good.

He moved to the side of the wall and took three quick peeks. Figuring out where Luke was. Right there, beside the garage. Greyson was going to need him to come forward a little, so he lay on his side and raised his leg so his foot would pop up over the top of the wall close to the middle of it. As soon as Luke stepped forward to launch a couple of snowballs at Greyson’s boot, he went to his knees and peppered Luke with four quick shots.

He knew at least two had been hits and he chortled as he ducked back down, grabbing more ammunition.

He was able to do the decoy foot trick once more, but by the third time Luke had figured him out and was aiming for the side of the wall, making it impossible for Greyson to peek out there without getting pelted.

He only had a dozen or so balls left anyway, and he could no longer feel his feet, so he gathered all the snowballs in one arm and jumped over the wall he’d built. Shouting at the top of his lungs as if he were a horde of barbarians, he quickly pumped all of his balls in Luke’s direction. He was pretty sure at least a few found their mark.

He’d only taken a few steps by the time he ran out of snowballs, but that didn’t matter because he stepped in a particularly deep section of snow and face-planted. Boom.

Oh God. He was stuck, his arms going deep as well when he tried to use them to push his torso up out of the snow. His face was freezing, as were his hands, the mittens he wore now totally soaked. Cold was seeping rapidly into through his coat and now that he wasn’t in the throes of their battle, he realized his feet were blocks of ice.

Before he could panic, he was hauled out of the snow and up over Luke’s shoulder like a bag of dry goods. He tried to grab on to Luke, but he couldn’t find a handhold on the slick parka. Dammit!

“I’ve got you,” Luke assured him. “And we’ll be inside in a second.”

“I could have made it in under my own power.”

“But this was faster and you’re freezing.” Luke set him carefully back on his feet and Greyson grabbed hold of one arm when he felt a little unsteady. “You need better winter gear before we do that again.”

Greyson didn’t argue with that.

He didn’t complain, either, when Luke stripped him not only out of his outdoor gear, but the rest of his clothing as well, and wrapped him in a blanket. This time Luke held him cradled against that strong chest as he carried Greyson to the couch.

“Hot chocolate with marshmallows,” Luke suggested as he stoked the fire and added a couple of logs.

“I can do it.” Greyson struggled to get out of this blanket cocoon and stand.

“Let me. You’re cold and stiff and it’s my place to take care of you.”

“And when do I take care of you?” Greyson asked. “When exactly am I going to get a chance to do that?”

“You can blow me after you get warmed up,” Luke suggested. “I’ll never say no to an orgasm from you.”

“A blow job for a mug of hot chocolate, eh?” He wasn’t sure if that was a fair transaction.

“Sure it’s fair. You haven’t tasted my extra-special hot chocolate I’m making you today. Plus, you know, marshmallows. I put in a lot.”

Greyson had to laugh at that and by the time he had a large mug of hot chocolate—with many marshmallows drowning in it—wrapped in his hands, and a naked Luke was curled up behind him, he was feeling much warmer and less like he’d undone all the magic Luke had managed on his thigh.

“This hits the spot,” he admitted.

Luke didn’t say I told you so but Greyson could feel the words trying to get out.


“I didn’t say a thing,” Luke noted. I didn’t even think it.

“No, but you were trying awfully hard not to.”

“Still counts. I’m a good soul mate.”

Nodding, Greyson snuggled back against Luke. “You are.”

Luke hugged him tight and then stole one of the marshmallows out of his cup of cocoa.

“Hey!” Greyson laughed, though, amused as hell. “Are your brothers like you?” He was curious.

“We look alike enough to be recognized as brothers. I think. I haven’t seen any of them in person for a while, but I don’t think anyone suddenly looks completely different.”

“Does that happen with dragons?” That would be weird.

“What? No. I’m messing with you.” Luke kissed the top of his head.

“What about their soul mates?” Was he anything like them? What if they all hated each other?

“I haven’t met them, but if any of them are ever mean to you in any way I will eat them.”

Greyson laughed. It was an idle threat he was sure, but it was good to know that Luke was in his corner above anyone else.

“Do you want me to meet them?” Or did Luke want to keep him hidden away?

“I’d love to show you off. Here, I’ll prove it. We can Skype them.”

“Right now?” He hadn’t expected that. Was he ready to meet Luke’s family? Even if it was only over the internet?

“Satellite’s clear at the moment. Once it starts snowing again it’ll have to wait until I can get it cleared off again. It’s up to you.”

Greyson took a breath and made his decision. “I do. I’ve met the family of some of the guys in my squad, if they came to visit, or had me over for dinner or something, but I’ve never had a loved one of my own, family to meet that belonged to me.”

“That’s sad, Grey.” Luke hugged him tight, comfort flowing through the bond.

“It’s okay, it’s how it was.” He had never known anything different.

“Well, it’s not how it has to be now.” Luke untangled himself and padded off, leaving Greyson in front of the fire with his hot chocolate.

He sipped at it, pleased to note that he was feeling much warmer now, almost back to normal.

Luke came back with the laptop and settled next to him again.

“We’re calling right this second?” Greyson frowned, shifted.

“I thought that’s what you wanted?”

“I’m not dressed!” He was absolutely naked beneath the blankets.

“But you’re covered. No one is going to see anything but your head anyway.”

Greyson thought about that. About how he’d know he was naked beneath the covers. But if nobody could see would it matter?

“If they’re anything like me—and they totally are—my brothers are only going to have eyes for their own soul mates.”

“Okay. Yeah. Let’s do this.” Before he lost his nerve.

Luke opened the laptop and then Skype and hit the video call button for “Jake.”

“I usually call him on the sat phone, but this way we can both talk to him and you can see him.”

Greyson took another sip from his cocoa and held tight to the mug with both hands to give them something to do. Oh God, the call was being answered.

Shh. They’re going to love you.

Before he could refute or agree with that, a face appeared on the screen. The man seemed to be in his mid-twenties, and he had a ready smile. He was definitely related to Luke. That was unmistakable

“Luke? Everything okay?”

“Everything is fine. Someone wanted to meet you. And your soul mate—we’ve not been introduced.”

Greyson unclenched one hand from around his mug to wave, and cleared his throat. “Hi. I’m Greyson, Luke’s—” Oh God, what did he call himself? Maybe he should have let Luke introduce them. “—lover.” The word shot out of his mouth as his brain dithered on what to say.

“Hi, Greyson. I’m Jake—Luke’s older, better-looking brother.”

“Fuck off.” There was no heat behind Luke’s words.

A guy with tattoos and fascinating silver-shot hair appeared on screen with Jake, grinning wide. “Hey! Another brother. I’m going to meet you all one day.” The guy waved. “I’m Shae.”

Greyson waved back, trying not to feel inferior. This guy was practically glowing.

You glow, too, Pet.

He did?

Yes. Jake’s guy is cute, but he’s got nothing on you.

It wasn’t like it was a contest or anything, but Shae looked so happy and fulfilled. The guy leaned against Jake, smile dreamy.

“I’m Greyson. Luke’s lover.” It was easier this time as he knew what to say.

“Welcome to the family.” Shae rolled his eyes and there was a slapping noise. “Five minutes. You can wait that long.”

Jake looked sheepish but unrepentant. It made Greyson feel good actually, knowing that Jake and Shae were that into each other, too. This fucking-every-two-seconds thing was normal. Or as normal as it got for dragon mates, anyway.

The picture blanked out for a second before coming back.

“I think we’re going to lose the satellite connection to wind and snow soon,” Luke said.

“Sure, sure. You just want to take Greyson back to the bedroom,” teased Jake.

“Like Shae hasn’t been fending you off this entire conversation,” Luke shot back.

Shae went a lovely shade of red, proving Luke’s guess to be accurate.

Greyson buried his face in his hands, but he was laughing.

“We should have a call just the two of us next time,” Shae suggested. “I’ll try and get Bryan here, too. We can dish on the dragons in our lives.”

“That sounds great.” Greyson liked the idea of having a new squad, even if it was loosely connected and separated by many miles of ground.

“Awesome. Talk to you later!” Shae called, the last word cut off as the call was ended.

Greyson blushed, knowing exactly why Jake had cut the call.

“You see? It’s not just us.” Luke nibbled at his neck.

No, it wasn’t just them. It was kind of crazy.

“So how does it feel?” Luke asked.

“It tickles a little,” Greyson told Luke. But he liked the nibbles and didn’t mind the tickling.

Luke rolled his eyes. “Not that. I mean meeting my brother and his soul mate. Having someone other than you and me know you’re gay.”

“Oh. Right.” Greyson gave it some thought, but felt no panic that it was out there in the world beyond their house. In fact, it didn’t feel bad at all. “It feels okay. I’m glad they know about us.”

“I’m so proud of you.” Luke did look proud, pleased.

Greyson didn’t know what to say. That he wished he’d been able to tell people sooner? In the end it hadn’t really mattered until he met Luke anyway. He kissed the corner of Luke’s mouth and asked, “Is it really beginning to storm?”

“It is. It’s going to be a doozy, too.” Luke was looking at him, heat in his eyes.

“Good thing we have lots of marshmallows,” Greyson teased.

“Among other things.”

Any answer Greyson might have given was swallowed by Luke’s kiss.




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