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Breathe You (Pieces of Broken Book 2) by Celeste Grande (41)

“REMIND ME AGAIN why I invited muscle man?” Blake looked toward the steps as Victoria descended, Drew close on her heels. When she got to the bottom, she spun and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I don’t like this,” he added.

I scooped my arm through the bend in Blake’s and tugged him to me, trying to turn his point of focus. “Leave her alone. The girl never dates, and you know he’s a good guy. He’d never hurt her.”

“He’s not for her.” The ice in Blake’s tone was foreign, but his words were enough to narrow my gaze.

I dropped his arm and turned to face him fully, fisting my hips. “You sounded an awful lot like someone else I know just now. What’s the matter? Drew doesn’t meet your high socialite standards, Mr. Turner?”

That was enough to snap Blake’s focus back to me. “What are you talking about?”

I lowered my voice and stepped in, poking Blake in the chest. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. I didn’t pin you for a stuck-up snob, Blake.”

He exhaled. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and quit going against me for other guys. What is that?” He narrowed his eyes at me, hurt reflecting in them as he lowered his voice with the question.

“Explain yourself then.”

Blake sighed. “He’s too hard for her. Victoria’s soft. He’s had a rough life, Angel.” He couldn’t hide the concern in his eyes.

I softened a bit, knowing how protective he was of her, but I wouldn’t let him believe he was right in his thinking. “Which is why he deserves a chance at some soft.” I placed my hand on his forearm, wanting that to sink in before adding, “Leave them be, Blake. Let them both have some fun. They deserve to let loose and have a little happy of their own.”

Blake scowled in their direction once more before succumbing to my request like he always did. As Drew helped smooth the hair behind Victoria’s other ear, Blake swallowed then noticeably forced himself to turn to me. “Come on, make me not think about what’s probably about to happen.”

I laced my fingers with his and smirked, thinking of all of the possibilities this house had to offer. “My pleasure.”

Shot, shot, shot-shot-shot, shot, shot, shot-shot-shot, shot, shot, shot-shot-shot, shot—everybody!

And repeat.


We were all wasted, and the music was pumping through the deejay’s speakers. The sound was banging off the walls so loudly, I was thankful Mr. Turner had built his own compound, and we didn’t have to worry about the neighbors calling the cops.

Jace jumped up and down in front of me, punching his fist in the air to the beat, sweat dotting his forehead as he balanced a sloshing cup in his other hand. He tossed what remained down his throat and leaned into my ear. “I’m gonna bounce for a while.”

“You’re not driving like that,” I yelled back, still bopping.

“Nah, I got a ride outside. I’ll be back before the sun wakes up. But if I’m not, don’t come find me. It means I had a better night than I thought.” He smirked. “Love.”

“Love,” I called back before planting a kiss on his cheek. Then he was gone just as fast.

Everywhere I looked was wall-to-wall bodies. Gyrating bodies, half-clothed bodies, tilted bodies, laughing bodies—all signs of a good time. I wondered if Blake even knew all of these people, and I hoped there was a cleaning crew on hand that would show up in the morning.

Speaking of Blake, him and his sparkling eyes were dancing his way through the crowd toward me. Even from far away, I couldn’t mistake the hint of playfulness that shimmered there in the flickering lights, and my stomach bunched in anticipation of him reaching me. In a slow sway, which probably didn’t match the beat of the music, my eyes dragged over this man who continued to be the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. Tonight, he was wearing an ice-blue V-neck, which only helped to accentuate his matching eyes and showcase that dip beneath his neck that I loved to lick. Eyes intent on mine, he stalked toward me, slightly matching the rhythm, the rest of him determined to get to me. His approach heightened my breaths until a wave of his scent rushed my system as his front blanketed mine in a flush coating. Stumbling back a drop, I gasped, sucking in Blake-infused air, a woodsy scent peppered with his own sweet, sweat-laced aroma.

One of his legs landed between my thighs, his left hand combing through the hair at my nape, steadying me while anchoring me to him. Some kind of spicy liquor was present, a warm, moist coating lining his warm skin as I squeezed the round mounds of his shoulders. His smile was crooked in the corner as he tilted his head and bent so his mouth was level with my quickened breaths. Then, without taking his eyes from mine, he pushed his tongue between my lips, tangling mine in a seductive dance. Already buzzing, I groaned from the overwhelming sensation, tasting the liquor resting on his tongue before his lips parted with mine. In a euphoric daze, I lingered as Blake poured a sweet-tasting shot down my throat. His fingers grazed the path of my swallow, heat spiraling through my core as he chased it inside with his tongue—drinking what remained and grinding his erection into me in a fluid motion to the beat of Ariana Grande’s, Into You.

“You’re fucking delicious,” he spoke into my ear, cupping both sides of my face, still rocking into me with his dirty little dance.

“Blake,” I replied, my head dipping back from his thumbs as he tasted my jaw, my neck, my collarbone, making sweet, seductive circles with his hips. Closing my eyes, I let the warmth of his lips mingle with the tingles, letting myself feel every piece of him enjoy each piece of me. I combed my fingertips into his hairline and rested my forehead against his, my breath catching as he pushed his hardness further between my legs.


I’d lost count of the number of ways I’d had him already since we’d gotten here, but right now all I could think about was hiking up my skirt and fucking him right here on the makeshift dance floor. “What’re you doing to me?” I panted, hardly able to think.

“Nothing.” He kissed the right side of my neck just below my ear. “Everything.” He dropped a kiss on the other side before bending and scooping me up behind the knees and whisking me toward the stairs. My arm draped across his broad upper back, feeling the bulge of his muscles gliding across it with his strides as he weaved through people. But I didn’t care who was watching as my man’s lips tangled with mine again.

Blake kicked his bedroom door shut, muffling the sound of the music, and didn’t stop walking until he was lowering us onto his bed. His weight followed my body, resting on top of it as he scattered kisses along any exposed skin he could find.

I mewled a soft moan, arching my back toward him as one leg wrapped around his waist, anchoring his hardness against the throbbing between my legs. My fingertips explored his body, roaming the peaks and valleys until they reached the waistband of his jeans. I yanked, getting my point across that I wasn’t willing to wait to feel his skin on mine.

Blake complied, lifting from me just long enough to cross his arms at his waist and pull his shirt over his head, the strain in every defined muscle layering his body, moving in a fluid dance beneath his tanned skin. Before he could descend back on top of me, I pushed a hand onto one of his pecs and sat up to sample him, swiping my tongue into that divot I loved, then sucking an earlobe, feeling his abs bunch along the edge of his jeans as I lightly brushed my fingertips along it, and then those muscles pulled in tight to make room as my hand delved below the denim to find what I wanted.

“Fuck,” Blake spoke into my mouth before his teeth clamped down and tugged on my bottom lip. I rushed to free the button of his jeans before lowering his zipper and shoving his pants down his legs.

“Lift your arms,” Blake demanded, fisting the hem of my little blue dress and dragging it up my legs. When it reached my hips, Blake’s hands repositioned so that they rode my body the rest of the way, passing the delicate curves of my waist before his thumbs brushed over the hardened peaks of my nipples. I gasped when he lingered there, putting pressure on the tightened buds before lowering his face to mere centimeters of it.

“Well, look at you. No bra,” he stated, his breath tickling the sensitive flesh.

“No bra,” I replied, scooping my fingers into the hair at the back of his head to try to urge him to me.

Blake didn’t move, merely raising his line of sight to my eyes, making sure to keep his lips as close as possible to my chest without actually touching it. “Don’t rush me, Angel. I want to enjoy you.” His tongue flicked across my nipple before he blew a puff of cool air over my panting chest.

Blake tossed my dress aside and then settled two of his fingers along the wet strip of material between my legs, leaving his thumb resting on my pelvic bone.

Another flick of his tongue forced my head to fall back. “Fuck,” I hissed.

Blake’s fingers teased the material, rubbing back and forth, purposefully swiping it aside a couple of times to meet the smooth skin beneath it. He sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, coiling heated ripples from each point of contact before one of his fingers found its way inside my core. He dipped in and out a few times, sucking a bit harder as he did, and then his fingers left me to circle around my other nipple. With a sparkle in his eyes, he moved to that one to lick the arousal he’d just deposited there.

A graveled strain coated his voice as he ordered, “Lie back.”

With a heaviness in my belly and a hitch in my breathing, I did as he asked, anticipation for what he was about to do with me racing my heart.

Stripping me of my panties in a slow calculating motion, his palms ran over my thighs, my calves, before he tossed them aside. He reached over to the nightstand and collected another shot, and my eyes fell to the amber-colored liquid.

“Open,” he instructed.

Parting my lips, I waited to taste the sweet concoction. His gaze fell to the round circle of my mouth, and a heated look swarmed his irises, hooding his eyes. As though he couldn’t help himself, he slid his tongue inside—long, deep spirals around mine before dragging it back out with a kiss. Sitting back on his heels, he dipped his head back and drained the shot into his own mouth instead. With fire in his eyes, he lowered his face, tilting his head to the side before dropping his lips to mine, depositing the liquid into my mouth in a slow trickle.





I barely suppressed a moan as I sucked down all that he gave me and then even more greedily on his tongue once it was gone.


I was drenched with lust and liquor and Blake’s intoxicatingness as he reached next to him a second time, swiping the can of whipped cream that I hadn’t noticed before.

With a tilt to his glistening lips, he rolled the chilled can back and forth along my chest, sending my nipples to a peak. I wriggled beneath it, the cool of the metal a stark contrast to the heat emanating from me.

“You didn’t think I forgot this, did you?” His smile spoke to his satisfaction with himself.

Fluffy white foam erupted over my chest, the round mounds prickling further. With bright eyes, as though he were about to consume the best meal of his life, Blake swiped his tongue through the valley between my breasts, cleaning away the cream. My breath left me in a thick swoosh at the feel of the warm pad of his tongue to my flesh, which was hot yet cold at the same time. He blew on the newly damp skin, causing a wave to ripple through me.

He cleaned every inch of me before the shake of the can rang out again. Another cool line began at the hollow of my throat, but this time his tongue landed on it almost immediately, chasing it as he sprayed the column. Moaning, I opened my mouth just as the soft tip met my bottom lip. Sweet cream exploded into my mouth, filling it before his tongue dipped in—tasting me and rubbing my breasts, which were swollen with need, grinding his cock into my pelvis, feeling as though it was about to start a fire.

“So. Fucking. Delicious,” he kissed the words, using his tongue to be sure all traces of his dessert were removed.

“I need you. Please, I need you.” I was near-tears with desire for this man.

Blake’s grin was infectious, his eyes never leaving mine as his hand moved lower. “I’m not full yet.”

A cool sensation met my hot pussy, forcing a struggled groan from my lips as the back of my head pushed into the pillow. “Oh my god,” I moaned as the pad of his tongue landed on my clit, a finger pushing into me at the same time.

Blake spoke against the smooth lips of my sex, brushing his mouth side to side. “I always knew you were sweet.” He sucked the side of one clean. “But this is sweet enough for a toothache.” He bit down, and my body jolted in response. Then he circled his tongue around my clit before taking the opposite lip into his mouth, still fingering cream into me. After placing a bite there as well, he kissed a line down my center, making me buck and whine, before finding my opening. He replaced his finger with his tongue, dipping in to taste both the cream he put there and my desire.

“So fucking good.”

My body quaked with a soft release, unable to contain the pressure anymore. Blake lapped at it greedily, savoring each drop with moans of his own. When the small tremors subsided, and he knew none of me would be wasted, he flattened his palms to the backs of my thighs and pushed up with his body, bringing my legs with him as he nestled his cock between my folds. My ankles rested on his shoulders, and I stared down at the swollen head, anxious, waiting. He took himself in his hand and caressed my center, swirling, rubbing. With one final stroke, he was positioned at my entrance.

I reached between us to grab his ass and force him inside. My body arched up to meet his as he fell on top of me, my knees now pushing into my shoulders as he began to rock. He was so deep this way, I could feel him stroke every inch of my channel, hitting each spot that yearned for him. He moved as though he were mapping out each piece of me.

“You feel amazing this way,” he breathed into my ear.

I agreed with a moan. No words were adequate to the way this felt—when two souls connected to form one being, knowing when they were separated they were broken fragments of nothing but together made up a beautiful masterpiece beating in tandem and thriving off one another. Even though it locked you into one person, essentially binding you, it was somehow freeing. Like you were finally alive enough to be free to live, where before you were too bogged down with the weight of feeling incomplete to even breathe.

“I feel it, too,” he answered my thoughts.

I forced my eyes open, finding his. He stopped moving, leaving himself deep inside of me, and combed my hair from my face, freeing my legs to fall to my sides. He reiterated. “You don’t have to say anything. I feel it, too.” He pressed his lips to my forehead, then my nose, and finally my own before dropping his forehead to mine and rocking his hips once again.

“Now, stop thinking.” He twined his fingers into my hair, sending a chill through my over sensitive body, and kissed me softly, slowly. My eyelids slid closed to focus on feeling him once again just as his eyebrows pinched together and he returned his forehead to rest on mine. “Feel me, baby. Just feel me love you.”

With each soft thrust, my body took him into a new crevice, locking him there for as long as I would have breath to breathe. Though he moved slowly, Blake hardened inside me, and I knew he was close. Wanting to experience every pulse of his release, I wrapped my legs around him and used my stomach muscles to tilt my hips, the effort heightening the build-up brewing. On a gentle incline, my arousal skated—

Gliding . . .

Climbing . . .

Reaching . . .

Peaking . . .

Panting . . .

Caressing . . .

Kissing . . .

Breathing into each other as we reached the top together.

I drew his bottom lip into my mouth and held on, my eyes pinched shut as the need to feel him overtook all of my ability to do anything but experience this release with him.

In a sweaty heap, we crumbled into each other—one body, one soul, our hearts finding the rhythm that only the two together could make. They beat in a quick song, each call of his heart eventually slowing mine until the thumps matched our decreasing breaths and relaxation sunk in.

Music still rang out from downstairs, the sounds of a good time bleeding through the seam of the door, but the only thing filtering through my being was the comfort and calm that I felt knowing that, above all else, I was blanketed with love and protection. I felt untouchable by harm, like all of my fears were absorbed into Blake and dissipated from my system as I lay, lulled by the slow circles of his thumb on my upper back.

He kissed me once, then settled his palm over my now steady heart. “Mine.”

I smiled, loving that he felt the need to keep reassuring us of this. “Yours.”

His lips curved up in the corners as they began their descent toward mine once again but quickly jutted away to face the rapid pounding of a fist on the door.

“Eva! They said you’re in there. You in there?”




I knew that voice.

In a prickling draw, the blood drained from my face, the presence of Abby’s voice meaning only one thing. “Come out, come out, wherever you are! I’m drunk. Stop screwing around and give me a kiss!”

The voice from my nightmares directly followed hers. “Yeah, beautiful. Come out and give us both a kiss.”





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