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Brotherhood Protectors: Guarding Aurora (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 6) by Lynne St. James (8)



Was she as innocent as she seemed? He’d bet a week’s pay that if she wasn’t a virgin, she’d only been with Jim. The slightest teasing turned her cheeks the most amazing shade of red. It was fast becoming his favorite color. He wanted to slide off her clothes and see if it tinged her entire body. Hank would probably kill him, Chase, too. The last job he’d decked the client, it wouldn’t be a good idea to sleep with this one. But he wanted her and not just for a night.

Not sure when he fell in love with her, but if walking around with a perpetual hard on was any indication, it had been from the moment his eyes met hers at the White Oak Ranch. Resistance appeared to be futile. He told himself he’d turned her into the perfect woman over the last two years and that she wasn’t real. But the more he was around her, the more he realized he’d been spot on. Everything this world tried to destroy was in abundance in his angel.

As she washed, he dried, and they made quick work of the rest of the clean up. His stomach grumbled reminding him he hadn’t eaten since the croissant he’d grabbed with his coffee and that was hours ago.

“Where’s the diner? Do we need to drive or can we walk over?” He had to admit he loved the Montana weather after all the disgusting humidity of Florida and the jungle before that. Cool, dry, and the leaves were even changing. It was like looking at a postcard.

“We could walk, but I’d be just as happy to throw something together upstairs.”

“Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? I know I’m not the prettiest guy around…”

“Are you kidding me? You’re gorgeous.” He knew the exact moment when she realized what she’d said, once again her cheeks were tinged red. Yup, it was definitely his new favorite color.

“Thank you. But I’m used to scaring small children everywhere I go.”

“No, you don’t. I don’t believe it.”

“Sometimes I do. But if it’s not me, why don’t you want to go out? The bags under your eyes tell me you’re exhausted.”

“I am tired, I’m not going to lie, but after the door thing, I don’t feel comfortable. It has to be someone in town, right? I won’t be able to eat if I’m looking around wondering who is the one causing all the trouble.”

It made sense, and he understood, but it didn’t make him happy. She shouldn’t be afraid to go out especially with him there to protect her. But if she’d be happier at home, so be it. He could live on PB&J and be content, besides there were still a few strudels left from last night.

“We’ll catch this asshole, and then you’ll be able to go out without worrying, I promise.”

“Thanks. I guess I owe Hank some more treats for bringing you to protect me.”

“As long as they’re baked goods I’m okay with that.” He couldn’t resist giving her a wicked grin. He was starving and not just for food, for another taste of his sugar-coated angel. When she punched him in the arm, he laughed, not just sweet, his angel had a feisty center.

She double checked the lock on the bakery doors, front and back, and then stopped to survey his paint job on her apartment entrance.

“You did a good job. I can’t even tell it was there. How did you get the paint off the doorknob.”

“Paint stripper. I was happy to see it didn’t destroy the knob too. There are two sets of keys to both deadbolts. I left yours on the table upstairs. If it’s okay with you, I’ll keep the second set until we figure out who is behind this crap.”

“That’s fine, it’ll make it easier if you’re not ready when I need to head over to the bakery.”

“No, it won’t because that’s not happening.” He gently grasped her shoulders to turn her so she could see the new floodlight, but as soon as his hands touched the thin fabric of her t-shirt, a burning desire ignited within him. Unable to resist, he slid his lips over hers.

It hadn’t been a one time deal, she still tasted like cinnamon sugar and felt like heaven in his arms. Enfolding her closer, he deepened the kiss as her arms wrapped around his waist. Groaning as her belly leaned against his rock hard dick, he worried he’d lose it right there.

As he pulled away from their kiss, her eyes opened and were filled with confusion and longing. He’d been worried she’d tell him to hit the road, and he couldn’t be more relieved to see the answering desire.

“I think we need to continue this upstairs, where we are alone.” He might as well have poured cold water over her head or flipped a switch. One second she was oozing lust and the next she’d closed up like a bank vault.

“I’m sorry…”

“No don’t be. I don’t know what I was thinking. No wait, that’s the problem. As soon as you touch me, I can’t think.”

“That’s not a bad thing.”

“Isn’t it? You’re going to catch this guy and then move on to your next job.”

“It doesn’t have to be that way.” She didn’t look convinced, and he couldn’t blame her. She hadn’t remembered him until yesterday and had no idea he’d been trying to find her for what felt like a lifetime.


What the heck was she thinking? Way to go, Rori. Her brain reminded her that he was there for a job, and a job only. If she didn’t start remembering that she was going to be in a world of pain when he left. And what would keep him there, in the small town when he’d traveled the world and probably been with tons of beautiful women? Its not like she was a catch. Scared inside and out from the Paris attack, and on top of that, she was about forty pounds overweight. But Raptor, damn. Her heart wanted to tell her brain to take a hike. Even with the scar on his face, he’d have women falling over themselves to get to him. Would giving in to her desires be so bad? At least, after he was gone, she’d have the memories to hold on to.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine. Umm, what else did you want to show me?” He looked perplexed at her attitude change, but so was she. It was all too much too fast. She needed to put some space between them so she could think because she sure as hell couldn’t when he was close enough to lick.

“I put up a floodlight with a motion sensor. Now when anything moves back here, the light will come on.”

“Thank you. It’ll make it so much better when it’s dark out here.”

“Yup. I’m surprised there wasn’t one already. Anyway, let’s go upstairs, I fixed the light in the hall too. So now you can see when you’re going up the stairs.”

“I know I should have changed those bulbs. I kept thinking about it but never got around to buying the new ones.”

“You’re set now,” he said with a smile. When he smiled his eyes crinkled up at the corners, and it softened the hard edges of his face. His eyes held a lot of pain, seen too much suffering for sure. How she’d love to be the one to make that disappear. Ugh, there she was going on again. Snap out of it, Rori.

“Is this normal bodyguard stuff? I mean, fixing lights, changing locks? It doesn’t seem like that would be part of the normal job description.”

“It’s not. But I didn’t mind. I like working with my hands, and it’s all to keep you safe. That’s what’s important.”

“Right. It’s the job.” He frowned but didn’t say anything, just held the door open for her to go inside. He’d done a good job, whatever type of light bulbs he’d put in were really bright, and not even a shadow lurked. At the top of the stairs, he unlocked the new deadbolt and opened the door for her.

Everything was the same as they’d left it early that morning. Relief washed over her that they hadn’t gotten inside and destroyed her home.

“If you promise to stay put, I’ll grab a quick shower and then help with dinner.”

“I won’t go anywhere, I promise. Enjoy your shower.” With a short nod, he walked down the hallway to his room.

Taking a deep breath, she rotated her shoulders to try to relax the aching muscles. She was always stiff by the time she was done for the day and would come home and hit the shower before fixing something for dinner. But she’d gladly give up dibs on the first shower to have some alone time.

Heading into the kitchen, she pulled out a bunch of things from the refrigerator. Simple would be the word of the evening. Grilled cheese was tempting, but she didn’t think it would we enough for Raptor. Instead, she whipped up a quiche. Out came the Swiss cheese, bacon, a tomato, and onion. Over the weekend she’d made some piecrusts, so that helped with the process. Cooking the bacon first, she chopped the vegetables. After the bacon was done, she sauteed the veggies in the grease and then added everything to the egg and milk mixture.

As she slid the pie pan with the quiche into the oven, she heard his footsteps in the hallway. Too bad the man didn’t take longer showers. But at least she’d had time to wrangle her hormones under control, or so she thought. He was standing so close she bumped into him when she straightened and closed the oven door.

“Damn. You smell good.” So much for thinking she had her body and mind under control.

“I’m glad you think so. What can I do to help? I thought I smelled bacon when I was getting dressed.”

“You did. I threw together a quiche. All that’s left is to make a salad.”

“Quiche? What’s that?”

“Hmm. I guess it’s sort of like an egg pie with stuff in it. Or maybe an omelet in a pie crust.”

“Weird, but if it has bacon in it, it’s got to be good. Why don’t you go shower while I make the salad? I know how to do that.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yup. Then we can have dinner and talk until bedtime. When do I have to take the egg pie out of the oven?”

“It bakes for almost an hour. It’ll be fine, I’ll check it after my shower.”

“Great. Go, angel, you look dead on your feet.”

“Thanks, I won’t be long.”

“Take as long as you like, I’ll be right here.”




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