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BROTHERS (Slater Brothers Book 6) by L.A. Casey (7)


Eighteen Years Old ...

I was a hot-headed asshole.

My entire body was tense as I drove Bronagh to the hospital. I was so mad at myself for acting like a dramatic little bitch when Kane called me and told me Bronagh and Gavin Collins were looking mighty comfortable in McDonald’s. Like my brother knew I would, I took the bait, showed up, and fought Gavin for no other reason than he liked Bronagh and had her attention. I was possessive of her, and as I glanced at her, I knew I’d have to change my ways because she had gotten hurt and that was absolutely unacceptable.

“Are you okay?”

She jerked her head in my direction. “Does it look like I’m okay?”

No, she looked like she was in pain, and it turned my stomach.

When I didn’t answer her, she yelled, “Answer me!”

I sighed. “No, because you’re just going to yell at me no matter what I say, so I’m keeping my mouth shut.”

She grunted. “That’d be a fuckin’ first.”

When I didn’t reply again, I felt her look at me, and it drew a laugh from me.

“I’m not going to argue with you, babe, so stop trying to bait me.”

She sounded murderous when she hissed, “I’m not your babe.”

A sharp pain jolted across my chest.

“I forgot,” I said with a forced smile. “Sorry.”

She shook her head at me, then looked down at the hand she had cradled to her chest.

“God, this hurts so bad.”

One glance at her face told me she was about to cry, and it tore me apart inside.

“Bronagh, please don’t cry.”

She sniffled. “I can’t help it. It really hurts.”

“I know, but we’re almost at the hospital,” I assured her. “I’ll make them fix it, okay?”

I watched as she rooted for her phone from her bag, and I exhaled a deep breath when she put it to her ear. She whimpered in pain, and I heard Branna’s voice as clear as day as she began shouting.

“Bronagh? Baby? What is it? What’s wrong? Did Gavin hurt you? I’ll fuckin’ kill ‘im—”

“Branna, shut up.” Bronagh cut her off with a cry. “Gavin didn’t hurt me, but I am hurt, and I’m on my way to the hospital.”

“The hospital?” her sister shrieked. “Why? What happened? Are ye’ okay?”

Bronagh managed a snort. “Dominic happened.”

I sighed again.

“Dominic?” Branna snapped, then growled, “I’m goin’ to kill your little brother.”

“Not if I kill him first,” I heard Ryder bellow.

I groaned out loud and silently hoped I could explain what happened to them before they ended my life. Bronagh finished her phone conversation just as I pulled into the hospital. I found parking near the emergency room’s entrance and hustled her out of the car. When we got inside, I stayed right on Bronagh’s heels. After she was checked in, we headed inside the waiting area that was absolutely packed with people.

Bronagh took one look around the room and glared up at me. “I hate you.”

I nodded. “I hate me, too. We’re gonna be here all fucking night.”

“Leave then,” she argued. “No one is askin’ ye’ to stay.”

I raised a brow. “If you think I’m leaving you here, then you don’t know me very well.”

“I don’t know ye’ at all.”

I rolled my eyes and tugged on her good hand, leading her towards the only spare seat in the room. She didn’t like me leading her, so she gave me a little kick on the shin as we passed by people, earning us chuckles.

“Trouble in paradise?”

I snorted at the stranger. “Nah bro, this is foreplay for us.”

Bronagh was mortified, and her red face told me so.

“I’m sorry, I was only playing.”

I saw her eyes widen ever so slightly when I sat down on the empty seat, then her lips parted with shock when I placed my hands on her thick hips, turned her away from me, and then tugged on her so she fell nicely onto my lap. I adjusted her body so she was resting comfortably on my crotch. I slid my arm around her waist and applied a bit of pressure. When her back was moulded against my chest and her head rested against my shoulder, I relaxed and so did she, though I was sure she wanted to remain rigid.

“You can hit me later. Just relax now and let me hold you until you get seen by the doctor.”

After I spoke, I nuzzled my face to hers and kissed her cheek a few times. I was so sorry she had gotten hurt because of my temper when fighting Gavin, and I wished I could take her pain away. I hoped she knew that I never intended her to get hurt because I would honestly rather die than cause her a moment’s pain. I cared about her too much not to.

A few minutes ticked by slowly when Bronagh suddenly shifted, sitting up to remove her cardigan. She draped it over her legs, and the action seemed a little odd to me.

“Are you warm?” I quizzed as she settled back against me.

She shook her head and held her injured hand to her chest.

“Then why did you—”

“I was coverin’ me legs.”


I was silent for a moment then said, “I’m probably going to regret asking this, but why did you cover your legs?”

She turned her head, and in my ear, she whispered. “‘Cause they triple in size when I sit down.”


I tried to see from her point of view why it would be an issue, but I couldn’t.

“God save me from girls and their stupid way of thinking.”

She was about to tell me off as I nuzzled my nose against my neck.

“I happen to think you look fucking gorgeous tonight. I’ve never seen you wear clothes that actually fit you before. I must say, Bronagh, I like it a lot.”

She ducked her head as heat made its way up her neck, drawing a chuckle from me.

“Bronagh Murphy?”

We both looked up, then got to our feet when we noticed it was a nurse who had called Bronagh’s name. I followed Bronagh closely, and she didn’t say a word. I knew she would never admit to it, but she wanted me there with her. I made her feel better about the situation she was in.


Bronagh nodded at the nurse, then the woman’s eyes landed on mine.

“Family or partners only—”

“I’m her boyfriend.”

Bronagh remained silent as the nurse smiled and gestured us to follow her into the triage room. It took only a few minutes for the nurse to check Bronagh over before she decided she needed an X-ray to see if her hand was broken. I prayed it would only be a sprain. I’d be sick to my stomach if she broke her hand because of me. When the nurse left the room, I focused on a silent Bronagh.

“What are you thinking about?”

She looked up at me. “I’m thinkin’ that you’re dangerous, and that havin’ ye’ in me life would be doin’ what Branna always wanted me to do, open up to someone. You’re a risk that I’m thinkin’ of takin’.”

I could scarcely believe what I was hearing, and before I knew it, I nudged my way between her thick thighs and stared down at her.

“You want me?”

I knew she wanted me, she had told me as much when she slept in my arms, but I wanted her to say it when she was sober.

Bronagh swallowed. “Ye’ have to work on not makin’ me so mad, but yeah, I want ye’.”

I lifted my hands to her cheeks and strummed my thumbs up and down all the while keeping eye contact with her.

“I’m not sayin’ I’ll be your girlfriend right away,” she added, a little breathless. “I’m sayin’ that I’m open to the idea.”

I raised an eyebrow. “So I’m on a trial basis with you?”

She bobbed her head. “Exactly. I just want to feel out how this could work with us before I put a title on us. Is that okay with ye’?”

On one condition.

“Can I kiss you whenever I want?”

She playfully rolled her eyes at me. “No kissin’ in school because I’m not ready to deal with any of that drama, especially after what happened with Destiny, which, by the way, I never want to talk about. We weren’t anythin’ over the weekend, so anythin’ that happened or didn’t happen is none of me business. Apart from that, though, yeah, ye’ can kiss me whenever you want to.”

She had nothing to worry about when it came to Destiny. I didn’t kiss her or have sex with her. When she hinted that we did things in the PE hall, I let her because I wanted to hurt Bronagh like she had hurt me by rejecting me, but when things weren’t so fresh, I’d explain that to her and make it clear that since I’d set my sights on her, no other girl had my body. I knew if I said nothing happened between us right now, she would think I was only saying it to please her, so I kept my mouth shut on the topic just as she’d requested.

“I’m fine with it then.”

With that said, I crushed my mouth to hers and forced my tongue between her parted lips. Bronagh gripped me with her good hand and groaned as I deepened the kiss and took what I wanted from her. It wasn’t close to what I needed from her, but it was a damn good place to start. I had barely had my fill of Bronagh’s lip when I was suddenly yanked away from her. I turned and tensed my body as I saw Branna Murphy’s fist hurdling my way.

Shit hit the fan after that.

The police were called, and once they got there, Ryder and Branna were separated from me and Bronagh. I was brought to a separate examination room to receive eight stitches thanks to Branna’s ring cutting through the tissue just over my eye. Bronagh had gotten an X-ray, and then the all-clear that she just had a sprain. She returned to my side to make sure that I was okay once the doctors discharged her. While I was being stitched up by a pretty nurse, a pretty police officer came in to talk to me about whether I wanted to press charges against Branna, which I found very amusing.

“He already told ye’ he doesn’t want to press charges against me sister. Why are ye’ bein’ so repetitive?”

Bronagh had been in a foul mood ever since the female officer came in to speak to me. I noticed straight off the bat that the officer was interested in me, and Bronagh seemed to notice it too.

The officer flicked her eyes to Bronagh. “It is me job to ask the victim of attacks these types of questions more than once to make sure they are solid on their decision.”

Bronagh leaned closer to me. “Is it also your job to flirt with said victim while his girlfriend is sittin’ right next to him?”

The officer looked from Bronagh to me, then back again, and her cheeks flushed. The nurse who was stitching me up also went silent upon hearing Bronagh’s declaration. I wanted to laugh my ass off, but I didn’t. She asserted herself as my girlfriend for no other reason than to get these women to back off, and I loved it.

“Listen here,” the officer narrowed her eyes at Bronagh, “I wasn’t flirtin’—”

“Yeah, ye’ were, but ye’ may as well give it up. He isn’t interested in ye’. Right?”

When she looked at me and found that my eyes were already on her, she licked her lower lip and blood rushed to my cock.

“Right,” I answered.

Satisfied, Bronagh looked back at the officer and snidely said, “See?”

My body was stiff from sitting down for so long, so when the nurse was finished with me, I stretched my arms over my head, which naturally caused my muscles to flex. I was shirtless thanks to Branna ripping my T-shirt during my beatdown, and as I stretched, I saw three pair of eyes on my bare torso. I wasn’t stupid. I knew what my body looked like, and normally, I loved the attention from women, but right now, I only wanted the attention of one woman, and I had it.

“Your tattoo is gorgeous.”

I looked at the nurse when she spoke, then at the officer, who was nodding in agreement.

“Thanks, ladies.” I smiled as I slid my arm around Bronagh’s waist. “My girlfriend agrees with you both.”

Bronagh tensed when both women pulled a face at the mention of her being my girlfriend, and to be honest, I got a little pissed off at their silent dismissal of her too.

“Is he finished here?”

The officer and nurse bobbed their heads to Bronagh’s question, though they looked saddened by their answer.

“So can we leave then?”

I looked at Bronagh, then at the officer, who looked like she’d had just about enough of Bronagh’s attitude.

“D’ye have a problem—”

“Yeah, she does,” I cut the officer off with a big smile. “She sprained her hand a few hours ago and hasn’t had any painkillers yet. We’re collecting them from the twenty-four-hour pharmacy on our way home as soon as I’m done here.”

The officer smiled at me, suddenly forgetting that Bronagh existed.

“I’ll discharge ye’ now.”

I watched Bronagh as she rolled her eyes after the nurse spoke and left the room, and it caused my lips to twitch. The attention I was getting from these women was killing her.

“I’m done ‘ere, too, unless ye’ do want to press charges. We can take this down to the station if ye’ do.”

Bronagh’s eyes narrowed to slits.

“No, thank you,” I said politely. “I’m set on my decision.”

The officer accepted that, said goodbye, and then left the room. I turned my attention back to Bronagh, who was brooding in silence.

She sighed after a few moments. “What?”

“You’re so fucking sexy.”

I leaned down and latched my lips onto her neck, sliding my tongue over her flesh. Bronagh groaned for just a moment before she jumped away from me with her cheeks flushed red.

“Stop that,” she scowled. “Anyone could walk in ‘ere!”

My eyes rolled over her curves. She was so thick it made my mouth water.

“Like I care, you being jealous and possessive of me has me hard as diamond. I fucking love this side of you.”

“Dominic,” she said, her face aflame.

Laughter bubbled up my throat. “You’re going from sexy as fuck to adorable as hell. You’re killing me here!”

She raised a brow. “I am about to kill ye’ if ye’ don’t cut this out. I don’t like it.”

“Why are you crossing your legs then?”

She looked down at her body and realised her legs were indeed crossed.

“Shut up.”

The amount of willpower I had to use to remain seated was incredible. I knew her pussy throbbed for me, and the tighter she pressed her thighs together, the more her cheeks flamed.

“If you come over to me, I’ll take that ache away and turn it into immense pleasure.”

She closed her eyes as I spoke.

“I bet you’re wet for me. I can practically feel how hot you are for me from all the way over here.”

She tried to focus on her breathing. I saw her take calming breaths, and it made me smile. She was trying to block me out, and there wasn’t a chance in hell I would let her do that, not when she was finally opening herself up to me.

“Come over here, baby.”

Almost instantly, she walked towards me, and I licked my lips as if she was a damn buffet. She opened her eyes when her knees knocked against mine. I grinned at her as I leaned my head down and brushed my nose against hers. She was trembling, and I knew that she was scared, but I wanted to show her that being intimate with me was something to crave, never something to fear.

“What are you feeling right now?” I asked. “Tell me, pretty girl.”

Her breathing turned laboured as she said, “I feel hot ... and achy.”

“Is it a teasing ache?” I whispered, brushing my lips over hers. “Does it throb?”


I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth for a moment, then released it. I wanted nothing more than to toss her down on the exam table, pull her jeans down, part her thighs, and fuck her until she screamed, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen, so I put that thought out of my mind and focused on the pleasure I’d get from pleasuring her.

“Your body knows what it wants, and the more you hold back, the more that pretty little clit of yours pulses away as it demands my attention. It wants just my attention, right?”

Bronagh’s good hand shot out and gripped my shoulder. She squeezed it when my hands came around her waist, then drifted south and gripped her behind. I palmed her ass and swallowed down a groan of my own. I loved her ass.

“Why are ye’ doin’ this to me?” she whispered. “I’ll kill ye’ for this when I’m thinkin’ clearly.”

After she spoke, she kissed me like a woman starved. Quickly, I took control of the kiss. I kissed her hard and deep, and just as she was focused entirely on my lips, I slid my right hand around to the front of her jeans and flicked my fingers over the front, unbuttoning and unzipping them within seconds.

“Dominic, please.”

I knew what she was begging me for, and she didn’t have to ask me twice.

“Just relax, baby, and let me take care of you.”

I slid my fingers down her stomach, then dipped my hand into her panties. She sucked in a sharp breath when my fingers slid between her smooth, wet folds followed by my thumb as it brushed over the tiny bundle of nerves that pulsed away for my attention. I wished I could take her clit in my mouth and lick and suck on it until Bronagh screamed my name, but fingering her was the best I could do, so I focused on making it good for her.

“Bronagh, baby, you’re fucking soaked.”

When I resumed our kiss, she wasn’t responding to it with much enthusiasm, and I knew it was because my finger swirling around her swollen clit had her and her body’s full attention.

Her grip on my shoulder tightened. “Oh, God.”

I pulled back an inch and stared at her expressive face, feeling myself harden to the point of pain as pleasure washed over her face. When her eyes drifted shut, my cock throbbed. Seeing how much she enjoyed my touch turned me on beyond belief.

“Eyes on me.”

She pushed her pussy against my hand, and I knew I had her.

“Yes, yes!” she suddenly cried out. “Don’t stop.”

“Not a fucking chance,” I said, rotating my finger at a faster pace. “Does that feel good, pretty girl?”

Her hips bucked in response.

I smiled, and said, “I’ll take that as a yes. Open your legs a little wider for me.”

She did so without hesitation and moaned a little out loud when I slid my finger down her folds and carefully dipped inside her hot, wet pussy. A shudder ran the length of my body when I felt how tightly her muscles constricted around my finger. My mouth watered, imagining it was my cock.

“That’s a tight fit for just one finger, babe. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock,” I almost growled. “You’re going to be the undoing of me, pretty girl. I know it.”

After a few pumps of my fingers in and out, I moved back to her throbbing clit and rotated with a faster pace than before, and it had her making noises that made me fight with my self-control.

“Oh God,” she whimpered. “Okay, ye’can stop no-now. Dominic, it’s gettin’ too much. I ca-can’t—”

“You’re about to come, baby. That’s all that is,” I said, cutting her off as I pressed my lips back to hers. “Let me make you come, pretty girl.”

Her body tried to move away from my touch as her body approached its climax, and I refused to let that happened. I tightened my hold on her and worked her pussy with my fingers until her limbs trembled. She sucked in a sharp breath, then held it as her lips parted and her eyes squeezed shut. I watched her face contort in ecstasy as her orgasm slammed into her, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My chest swelled, knowing I put that look on her face and made her body feel that bliss.

When she blinked her eyes open a few seconds later, I licked my lower lip. “You look so fucking hot when you come, pretty girl,” I said as I slowly removed my hand from her panties. I kept my eyes on hers as I lifted my fingers to my mouth and licked them clean. “Hmm, you taste even better.”

I watched as she began to freak the fuck out.

“Oh, Jesus.”

“Don’t do it, Bronagh,” I warned with a chuckle. “Don’t be embarrassed about what just happened. It was fucking beautiful, and I won’t let you play it off as anything but. Do you understand me?”

She didn’t speak, and she couldn’t look at me, so I put my fingers under her chin and lifted her head until my gaze found hers.

“Do you understand me?” I repeated. “Let me hear you say it.”

“How can I not be embarrassed?” she asked. “Ye’... ye’ just did that to me, and then ye’... ye’—”

“Licked your cum off my fingers?” I finished. “Yeah, I did. So what? It tasted great, and I’m already looking forward to seconds.”

If I thought her face was red before, it went beet red now.

“Dominic!” she scowled. “Don’t say stuff like that to me. I’ve never done anythin’ like this before, ever. Well, except for the times we almost had sex in your bedroom, but still, this is huge for me, and I don’t know how to process what I’m feelin’—”

“Baby, you need to take a breath and calm the fuck down. This is natural. You had an orgasm, an orgasm that I made you have. Big fucking deal. It made you feel incredible, so why should you be embarrassed about that? I’m your boyfriend; this is what I’m good for. It’s pretty much all I’m good for.”

I watched her process my words, and I knew that in her mind, she was talking herself down.

“Besides,” I continued, “I’m so fucking happy no one else has done that to you before. And I’m panting to be the first to have sex with you. I literally dream about it, pretty girl.”

Her eyes flicked to mine.

“Ye’ do?”

“Every night,” I responded. “Ever since you told me you were a virgin that day in my house after I fought Jason, I can’t get it out of my head.”

She swallowed. “Is it hard to believe?”

“Only because you’re so beautiful. I’m just surprised no one else has gotten here before me.” I winked. “I’m glad, though, because your virginity is mine.”

Her lips twitched. “It’s yours, huh?”

“I’m the boyfriend, so yep”—I grinned—”all mine.”

“I thought I said you’re on a trial basis with me before I put a title on us?”

I tugged her closer to me.

“Yeah, well, I’m promoting myself to boyfriend because I made you feel drunk on an orgasm. You’re welcome, by the way.”

She playfully rolled her pretty green eyes. “I don’t know why I bothered even sayin’ you’re on a trial basis with me. As soon as I said I’d take a risk with ye’, ye’ pretty much took up root that ye’ were me fella, right?”

I shrugged one shoulder. “Pretty much. I was going to let you think the ball was in your court and that you had all the power, but as you already found out, I have all the power in the world right here in my fingertips.”

Her eyes widened as I wiggled my fingers at her, which made me laugh. I hugged her to me, knowing we would have a lot of ups and downs in our relationship, but I had her now, and I wasn’t ever going to let her go. She fit into my life like a puzzle; she was a piece of me that I didn’t know I was missing. The thought of living my life with her by my side made the future that much more exciting, and I knew a relationship with her would be more than worth it.

Nothing could take her away from me.





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