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Bull (Brawlers Book 3) by J.M. Dabney (3)

  1. 3  Bull’s Going to Jail

The insistent ringing of his phone drew his attention away from his furnace as he worked on a custom bed frame for an old client. He could still feel the heat through his protective clothing. That ringing though was getting on his last nerve. He threw down the wrought iron bar with the half-done curve, pushed his welder’s mask up, and strode to his workbench. His jerked his gloves off and picked up his phone.

Bull answered without checking to see who it was, “What?”

“Aren’t you a ray of sunshine this lovely morning?”

Landon’s voice made him roll his eyes skyward and hope for patience. He hadn’t slept last night, so he was a little short on his temper. It’s why he was spending the morning in his workshop instead of sleeping. He didn’t want to think about why he hadn’t closed his eyes, and it didn’t have anything to do with craving a drink, although he wanted to drink his new problem away.

“What do you want, Landon?”

“I need your help.”

“You okay?”

“I’m fine, but I’m not so sure about my boss. You remember him from the other night?”

He remembered him, smooth, tanned skin, long, lashed green eyes and a lean body that—married man, Bull, he yelled at himself.

“Yeah, the pretty boy, stuck out with his designer gear.”

“He called out sick the whole week, I’ve gone to his house a few times, but no answer. One night Arnold came to the door and told me Gregory wasn’t there. I’m getting worried, Arnold isn’t the nicest man and he creeps me out.”

There was what was driving him the craziest, a single microsecond of fear and Bull knew. Men fought each other, it happens, and there wasn’t anything wrong with it, but a man doesn’t put his hands on his partner—no matter woman or man.

“What do you want from me?”

“I called the cops to do a wellness check, but nothing came of it, either they didn’t go, or they took Arnold’s word for him being okay. Go with me to the house, I need to see Gregory make sure he’s okay.”

“Why me?”

“Because you’re six-three and over two hundred pounds of intimidating man. One of your thighs is bigger around than my waist.”

“Exaggeration, Landon.”

“Not really, I’ve studied them, you have great—”

“Off track and you’re distracting me, so I’ll go along with whatever fucked up plan you’ve got in your head. So just spit it out.”

“If something did happen to Gregory, he’s gonna need a place to stay for awhile…a safe place surrounded by huge manly men.”

Gregory in his house, no, he couldn’t fucking do it.

“Please, I know you’re thinking of ways to say no, but just come to his house with me.”

“I can do that, where do I meet you?”

“I’m waiting outside.”


“When have you been able to say no to one of us?”

Landon, Twitch, Elijah and Brody, along with Bull’s nieces Juvie and Princess didn’t get told no often or at all. He was weak when they batted their lashes and gave him a sweet smile. Bull was a pushover for those six.

“Dammit, fine, but you’re gonna get me as is.” He disconnected the call and strode out of his workshop pulling his old threadbare t-shirt off to wipe down his face, chest and under his arms.

“Here, Bull,” Twitch called out as he ran up to him.

Twitch held out a t-shirt, his wallet, and keys, and his other hand to take his dirty shirt.

“You in on this too?”

Twitch just smiled and said, “Go get your boy.” The man skipped away.

“He’s not my boy,” Bull roared.

“Shouldn’t call his name when you get off then.” Twitch turned his look over his slim shoulder.

“You know I fucking didn’t.” He paused as he took in Twitch’s too sweet expression. “Have your stuff packed by the time I get back.”

“Yeah right,” Twitch yelled and let the screen door slam behind him.

Bull pulled on the t-shirt as he headed for Landon’s car. Landon was laughing his fool head off, and Bull growled as he opened the passenger door.

“Can’t you buy a bigger damn car?”

“Shut up, Giant, just because you’re cranky and shit.”

He hit the switch to roll down the window as he tried to shove himself into the toy car. No sooner did he have the door closed, Landon was backing up. He quickly pulled the seatbelt around him and buckled it to Landon’s amusement. Bull turned to stare out at the scenery speeding by.

Bull was leery about what he’d find when they got to Gregory’s house. He’d fought most of his life, and he had countless scars to prove it. The thought the younger man even had one bruise on him pissed him off. Bull wanted someone of his own, but he sure as shit wouldn’t admit that to anyone.

The man’s husband thinking—he shook off the thoughts because it wasn’t a foregone conclusion, maybe Gregory was actually sick. Landon could just be acting like a drama queen.

A half hour later they pulled into one of the nicest neighborhoods in Powers. The houses were all cookie cutter, suburban perfection. Some Rockwellian utopia with perfect little white picket fences and manicured lawns. It made his skin crawl.

They slowed to a stop in front of a house that could only be described as a showpiece. He didn’t know Gregory, but he really couldn’t see him living in a place like that.

“Now, don’t do anything rash, I just want—”

“I know what you want, but I’m not going to promise anything. If his husband put his hands on him, the bastard needs to be punished.”


Landon didn’t say anything else, and they got out of the car, he followed close behind the smaller man. Bull’s usual scowl in place and as they stopped on the porch landing he crossed his arms over his chest.

Landon raised his hand to push the doorbell. It wasn’t long before they heard muffled steps on the other side. When the door opened, Bull felt himself snarl. The man framed in the doorway was about his height but muscled like a runner or swimmer, not a brawler. Even on a Saturday morning, the man wore a dress shirt and expensive slacks with high polished dress shoes.

“Landon, I already—”

The guy’s voice was smooth and cultured, each syllable enunciated to hide any sign of an accent.

“I don’t give a shit what you told me, I want to see him.”

Bull noticed the man’s fingers curled into his palms. He moved his larger body between Landon and Arnold. A muscle ticked in the man’s jaw. It was the only sign other than the fists that betrayed Arnold’s anger.

“Motherfucker, I wouldn’t think about it,” he warned. “Now, you’re going to let Landon inside to check on Gregory. If he’s fine, we’ll be on our way, if not, you better call the cops now.”

Bull stepped up as Landon darted around him and Arnold and into the house calling Gregory’s name. Arnold tried to grab Landon, but Bull caught his wrist.

“We don’t touch without permission.”

Arnold tried to shake off Bull’s grip, but Bull was a hell of a lot stronger. He crowded the thinner man back against the door. Even at ten a.m., he could already smell the alcohol on the other man’s breath.

Is that what Gregory liked? Slick and handsome. Bull was an asshole, but he wasn’t a bastard, and that’s exactly what Gregory’s husband was.

“You’re making a mistake, I’ll—”

“You won’t do shit, man, I’ve got more than fifty pounds on ya, and I fight for a living. You throw a punch, and I’ll make sure you don’t get back up.”

“I’m calling the co—”

“Call them you, bastard,” Landon’s enraged voice had him turning to find him leading Gregory down the steps.

Every step Gregory took appeared to cause him pain. There were bruises, but they’d faded until they gave Gregory’s complexion a jaundiced appearance. He even looked thinner than he had a week ago. His plump lips were dry and cracked.

“He fell down the steps, no big deal.”

The words were barely out of the fucker’s mouth before Bull wrapped his hand around his throat.

“I know you ain’t that fucking stupid,” Bull growled and then turned to glance at Landon, “Did you pack him a bag?”

“No, I just—”

“Get him to the car and come back, pack whatever he needs. Gregory, tell Landon what you need.” They passed behind him talking quietly, and it sounded as if Gregory was giving Landon a list.

He didn’t take his attention away from Arnold. Bull wanted to teach the bastard a lesson, but there’d be time enough later. Right now, he was getting Gregory back to the farm. He’d have a security detail organized by the afternoon.

“You can’t take him—”

“Oh, but I can, and I’m going too. From this point on, he’s mine, and don’t fuck with what I own.”

Landon stepped up beside him out of his blind spot. “I’ll be about five minutes, he has a go-bag hidden away.”

Bull nodded. The fact Gregory had a hidden bag enraged him more. This shit wasn’t a recent occurrence, but how long had Gregory put up with this shit?

“You’re going to regret this, I’ll ruin—”

“Ruin what, asshole, you might run the game where you come from, but you ain’t got shit to do with my world. Also, if you think you’re gonna fuck with my crew, we’ll bury you, got it?”

Arnold didn’t have a chance to answer before Landon appeared with a large duffel bag and laptop case.

“Is that all he wants?”

“Yeah, except this,” Landon held out a Manila envelope. “It’s the divorce papers.”

Bull took it and slammed it against Arnold’s chest. “Sign them.”

“I’m not letting him go.”

“We’ll see. Go on, Landon, start the car.”

He stepped back as Landon exited the house. That’s when he saw it, the shifting of Arnold’s shoulder, and instantly raised his arm to block Arnold’s punch. He countered and struck with his left. Arnold’s head connected with the door as he slid down it to sit on the polished hardwood.

“When you throw a punch, don’t lead with your shoulder. It lets your opponent anticipate your move. You’re a bad ass when you’re taking on someone who can’t defend themselves. Don’t make that mistake with me.”

Bull left the man sitting there. “Sign those fucking papers, I don’t want to have to come back.” He threw the statement over his shoulder as he strode to the car.

Gregory was curled up on the backseat. A blanket was wrapped tightly around him, and his eyes were closed. He ignored the urge to slip into the backseat and gather the man into his arms. Instead, he forced himself back into the front seat. Landon pulled away from the curb and headed back toward the farm. Once he had Gregory on his turf, he’d figure out what the fuck he was going to do with the fragile man. His life definitely wasn’t one designed for Gregory, but Gregory would have to get used to it—at least for now.