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Bull (Brawlers Book 3) by J.M. Dabney (7)

  1. 7  Babysitting 101

Oh shit, he’d forgotten kids hated sleeping all night. Bull fed and changed Matty. Now he laid in bed with Matty’s small, chunky body sprawled on his bare chest with a stuffed rat tucked under his arm. Of course, Lucky and Priest wouldn’t get their kid normal stuffed animals.

He’d be miserable tomorrow. Since Gregory moved in, he hadn’t been sleeping enough as it was, throw a baby on top of it, and he snapped at everyone. He yawned, and his jaw popped. Bull was a light sleeper. He could nap, but if Matty even made a sound Bull would be awake.

“Exhausted yet,” Gregory’s amused whisper came from his open door.

“It’s been thirty-eight years since I did this and Polly got Hank through most of this stage.” He still remembered the letters he got while he was away from home training or on missions. Hank didn’t like sleeping. He was picky about his food. He also got the funny stories of what Hank was up to. Bull needed to get in contact, but Hank wasn’t due home for leave until next month.

Gregory chuckled softly and walked quietly into his room. The younger man curled up on the left side of his bed with his head on Bull’s pillow. That was probably not a good idea, but he didn’t open his mouth to say anything. Gregory reached out and stroked Matty’s hair.

“I didn’t think this through when I offered to babysit. They’re doing Attachment Parenting and co-sleeping.”

“Is that what the three-sided crib is for?”

“Yep, but apparently Lucky and Priest snuggle Matty a lot because he’s not having anything to do with his bed.”

“Maybe it’s because it’s a strange environment.”

“Yeah, and they said if he cries at night he’s not allowed to self-soothe he’s to be snuggled.”

“Matty’s going to be spoiled.”

“Attachment parenting and radical honesty, they’re going to spend a lot of time in the principal’s office.”

“Sounds about right.” Gregory rolled to his stomach and hugged the pillow.

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping. Don’t you got some meeting in the morning?”

He’d moved Gregory in almost a month ago. Arnold was still making a nuisance of himself, but he didn’t know if it had gotten worse or better. He had a feeling Gregory wasn’t telling him everything. That evening Arnold showed at up Twirled, he’d made it clear for the man to stay away. He wasn’t listening, and Bull was losing his patience, which was already short due to extreme frustration.

“Landon’s handling it. I just called him so I can watch Matty and you can sleep.”

“Baby, I’ve run on less sleep and been just fine.” The endearment came naturally, and he’d ceased trying to stop it weeks ago.

“Yeah, but, Grump, you’re like a rabid bear, snapping at anyone who steps wrong. The harmony of the house depends on your sleep.”

“Smart ass.” Without thinking he reached out a smacked Gregory’s ass. “Shit, sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

But something in Gregory’s tone said it wasn’t.

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s fine, Bull,” Gregory said as he scooted closer and pressed his forehead to Bull’s bicep. “I’m not as fragile as everyone thinks.”

“I fucking know that.”

“Watch your language, Matty’s first word—”

“You’ve met his dad, right?”

“Okay, that was stupid.”

Gregory’s soft laugh eased Bull somewhat but didn’t quell his urge to sooth the cheek he’d spanked or the fact he wanted to do it again—harder. He wasn’t going there. The need to kiss and touch Gregory grew stronger every day, and it wasn’t just some passing thing. He was fucking falling for the man, and that would be a mistake. What would the younger, handsome man want with his old, surly ass?

The man treated him like the rest of the guys did, well, how Twitch, Landon, and Brody did. He didn’t notice even an ounce of attraction on Gregory’s part. Matty jerked in his sleep, and he slowly rubbed Matty’s small back until the baby relaxed.

“You’re good at that.”

“Babies have basic needs, eating, sleeping, diaper changes and comfort and safety. I’m just glad I’m the Uncle now. I can spoil him and give him back.”

“Aw, didn’t want more than the one?”

“Polly couldn’t have any more after Hank. There were complications.” He leaned his head to the side until he rested his cheek against Gregory’s soft hair.

“I’m sorry.”

“Polly’s husband is younger than her. He had three young kids when they got together, and she got to spoil more kids.”

“Was it weird when—”

Gregory lifted his head, and Bull noticed the single furrow between his brows that signaled he was thinking or analyzing. He was so careful about what he said and how he said it. Gregory seemed happier and more relaxed lately, but Bull still noticed him occasionally watching himself.

“No, it’s one of the reasons we got divorced as quickly as we did. I wanted her to have a chance at a healthy relationship.”

“What about you?”

“Since I’ve been sober I wanted…” He stopped trying to figure out what to say and how to explain. Gregory seemed to be moving closer because he was pressed fully to Bull’s side and his head on his arm. Bull shifted until he could slip his arm under Gregory. He hoped it didn’t end badly with him making a fucking fool of himself.

“Wanted what?”

“I needed to be fine alone, and it sorta turned into a habit. When you’re in your mid-forties and early fifties you’re pretty much stuck in your ways.”

“But you’ve tried to date?”

“Yeah, but men my age aren’t exactly getting pounced on.”

“Especially grumpy bears.”

“You’re fucking obsessed with my grumpy nature.”

“It’s actually pretty cute in a weird sort of way.”

“Not cute, supposed to be sexy and distinguished, middle-aged bad boy.”

Just then Matty lifted his head and rubbed his face against Bull’s chest. He made little snuffling sounds that he was sure left baby snot in his chest hair.

“Nope, definitely cute.”

“I’m getting ready to kick you out of bed.” He must’ve growled a little too loud because Matty began to whimper. Gregory took a turn and rubbed Matty’s back and then over his soft hair. He was shocked they hadn’t woken him yet, but he’d heard Lucky and Priest stayed up late to have conversations while Matty slept beside them.

“Don’t, this mattress is fucking amazing.”

“Wow, was that an f-bomb falling from those virgin lips?”

“Ha ha.”

“Definitely corrupted at Brawlers Farm.”

“I like being here, you know that, right?”

“You’re welcome to stay. As long as you don’t mind communal housing and hearing people have sex all the time.”

“It’s not that bad. You can’t deny that Crave and Twitch love each other. I’ve never seen couples like the Twirled and Brawlers ones before. They always know where the other is and touch for no other reason to assure themselves the other’s there. The amount of affection even outside the couples amazes me. For a bunch of rough, hardened bikers, y’all are pretty damn affectionate.”

“I think it’s because not all of us had that and the ones that did it’s something in their nature. It took awhile for me to be comfortable with it.”

“You seem pretty good at it though.”

“You’re going to be as tired as I am if you don’t sleep. We’ll both be useless.”

“Is that your way of telling me to shut up?”

“Would I do that?”

“No, no you wouldn’t. I should go back to bed.”

“Stay, you’re taking over when you wake up anyway. If we fall asleep, you’re in charge of his next cry.”


He almost groaned as Gregory wiggled around until he got under the covers and resumed his spot with his head on Bull’s shoulder. Gregory curved his arm around Matty.

“Goodnight, Bull,” Gregory whispered as he settled in.

“Night.” Bull closed his eyes knowing he wouldn’t go to sleep right away but wanting to savor this one moment. Okay, it wasn’t exactly how he wanted to get Gregory in his bed, but it was something.

Gregory would always have a place there just like any of the guys, but his decision was his hardest since he’d never had one moment of attraction to any of the others. Except it was more and that scared the fuck out of him. Bull was everything Gregory didn’t need, and maybe he’d fucking remember that one day, just not tonight.

Bull turned his head and found Gregory asleep. He brushed a kiss on the man’s forehead and tensed as the man whispered his name and snuggled closer to him and Matty. It was going to be a long ass night.