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Burning For Her Kiss by Sherri Hayes (16)

When Drew’s alarm woke him up at six the next morning, he jumped out of bed with an excess of energy. He loved his job, but it had been a while since he’d had such a spring in his step. The renewed energy he felt was an obvious byproduct of his date with Beth. Or Beth herself. Things had gone better than he’d expected, and they were moving forward with a relationship. He couldn’t have asked for more than that.

His mind on other things, Drew opened his door and headed toward the bathroom. It wasn’t until he heard movement in his kitchen that he remembered he had a houseguest.

Seconds later, Shawn turned around and caught Drew standing there buck-naked. Shawn smirked and pointed a piece of toast at him. “I like you, Parker, but not that much.”

Drew held up his middle finger and continued on his way to the bathroom.

Figuring he’d get his shower out of the way, he turned on the water, and stepped into the spray. As he worked the soap down his body, he smiled remembering Beth between his legs. He had no idea what the future held for them, but he knew he’d do just about anything to feel her mouth on his cock again.

Although it was tempting, Drew decided it probably wasn’t a good idea to jack off in the shower with Shawn in the other room. Besides, his friend would most likely want to shower as well before heading into the station, so he probably shouldn’t use all the hot water. Finishing up, he dried off, and wrapped a clean towel around his waist.

Shawn was just finishing his breakfast of toast and orange juice when Drew strolled out of the bathroom. “It’s all yours.”

His friend nodded, and Drew darted into his room to get dressed.

They drove separately to the station. Shawn wasn’t ready for the guys to know that Jill had kicked him out. Drew could relate to that. These guys were family to him, but there were some things you didn’t even want family to know.

It was midmorning before they got their first call. There was a gas leak in an assisted living facility. All seventy apartments had to be evacuated. Since the residents were over the age of sixty-five, many had to be helped out or even carried. Once everyone was safe, it was a matter of securing the area until the leak could be fixed.

When they arrived back, everyone fell into their normal routines making sure the trucks and all the equipment were cleaned and ready for the next call. Drew gathered his crew for a quick debriefing, and out of the corner of his eye he could see Shawn talking to his guys as well. Everything had gone well, all things considered, so there wasn’t much to discuss. When he dismissed his crew, though, he glanced over to where Shawn had been but he was gone.

Drew found his friend in the kitchen. It was lunchtime, but given they’d all been out on a call for the last two hours nothing was ready. He washed his hands and pitched in to help.

“Thanks,” Shawn said.

The two worked together to get lunch on the table as soon as possible. Drew didn’t know about everyone else, but he was starving. He’d learned long ago to make sure he ate well at every meal. A call could come in at any time, so you took advantage of the food put in front of you no matter what it was.

They’d barely taken a few bites of the lunch they prepared when another call came in. It looked as if it was going to be one of those days. He shoved a last bite in his mouth while he listened to the dispatcher rattle off the information they would need. Then they were off—their half-eaten lunch left sitting on the long table.

Three hours later, Drew worked alongside his crew as they finished their daily chores around the station. It was only then that he had time to think on Shawn’s situation. Jill had complained that Shawn was afraid of commitment. The two had never gotten married. They weren’t engaged. Yet they’d been together for over seven years. Drew had always thought that was a mutual decision, but apparently it wasn’t.

Thoughts of Shawn’s relationship inevitably led back to Drew’s newly established one with Beth. He knew she’d been hurt by her last relationship, and that she had trust issues. Would that translate into a fear of commitment? She hadn’t showed any signs of that last night, but things had moved rather quickly. Maybe once she had time to ponder everything she’d change her mind. He really hoped not.

Shawn came up on his left. “You got a minute?”

“Sure.” Drew tossed his rag onto the bench and followed his friend outside.

Shawn kept walking until they were several feet away from the open bays. It wasn’t likely anyone would hear them out there.

“I got a text from Jill while we were out earlier.”

From the look on Shawn’s face, she hadn’t been messaging to ask him back. “What did she say?”

He leaned back against the building and ran a hand over his face in frustration. “She wants me to come get the rest of my stuff tomorrow. Says she wants a clean break so she can move on with her life before it’s too late.”

Drew moved to stand beside Shawn. “I’m sorry.”

For the first time in the seven years Drew had known him, he thought Shawn might break down.

He didn’t. Instead, he took a deep breath and looked across the street where a couple of kids were playing. “I know you have a date tomorrow night with your new girl, but do you think you can go with me to move my stuff? It shouldn’t take more than a few hours. Most everything in the house is hers anyway.”

“Sure. Did you want to go first thing in the morning, or would you rather get some sleep first?” Drew asked.

“I think I’d rather get it over with, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not.”

Shawn nodded. “I’d ask some of the other guys but . . .”

“But you’d rather they not know yet. I get it.”

Shawn snorted. “I suppose you do. How long do you think you’re going to be able to keep your new girlfriend from everyone? Given that cheesy grin I’ve seen on your face a few times today, and your late night phone call . . . I’m thinking a week, tops.” The change in subject had brightened Shawn’s mood considerably.

Drew rolled his eyes. “We’ll see.”

“She must be something if she has you mooning after her already.”

He smiled. “She is.”

“I’m happy for you.” Sadness crept back into Shawn’s features.

“Do you think you and Jill can work it out?” Drew asked.

“I don’t know. She seems pretty determined it’s over.” Shawn bent down, picked up a stick from the sidewalk, and began tearing off the bark. He’d quit smoking about six months ago, and Drew figured he was probably trying to distract himself from wanting a cigarette. “Tell me about Beth. What’s she look like?”

Drew grinned and lowered himself down beside Shawn. “She’s about five six. Long, dark brown hair. It’s almost black it’s so dark. Her curves are what dreams are made of, and her legs . . .” Drew sighed as he remembered having his hands on her hips as he licked her pussy and watched as she shuddered around him.

Shawn whistled. “You’ve got it bad. Maybe a week’s too long.”

Drew shoved his friend, stood, and brushed himself off. “We’d better get back in there before someone comes looking for us.”

Nodding, Shawn threw the battered stick down on the sidewalk. Drew thought he’d push himself up off the wall and that would be the end of their conversation. He was wrong. Shawn looked up at him, squinting in the sunlight. “If she’s the one, don’t let her get away. Don’t make the same mistake I did.”

Before Drew could respond, Shawn was up and headed back into the station. Drew had no choice but to follow him. Shawn always had liked to get in the last word.

Aside from an EMS call around nine that night, things were quiet. Drew settled into his cot a little before eleven. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. It had been a busy day. He should’ve fallen asleep in minutes, but at eleven thirty he was still awake. Of late, he would have blamed it on his libido, but that wasn’t the problem this time.

He was worried about Shawn. His friend had gone through the motions during their shift. Normally he was a pretty laid-back kind of guy. He could be serious when the situation warranted it, but otherwise he didn’t let much bother him. The apparent end of his long-term relationship was weighing on him. Shawn’s parting words rang through Drew’s head once more. He knew his friend was right. If Beth was the one, then he had to do everything he could to hold onto her. He had to show her she was appreciated and that he wouldn’t take her for granted.

Rolling over, he dug his cell phone out of his pocket, and scrolled through his contacts until he found Beth’s name.

I hope you had a relaxing day. I’m looking forward to tomorrow night.

There was no reply. He hadn’t expected there to be. Beth was most likely asleep.

Feeling better since he’d reached out to her, Drew tucked his phone back into his pocket, and tried to get some sleep while he could.


She found Drew’s message the next morning when she checked her phone. Beth smiled at his words. If she wasn’t careful, she could see herself falling for him. Who was she kidding? She was already well on her way.

After making herself a quick breakfast, she headed to the grocery store. There were a few items she would need if she was going to make dinner for the two of them this evening. She was going to keep it simple—steak, baked potatoes, and salad. What meat-loving guy didn’t like that?

Beth was on her way out of the store when her phone rang. The moment she saw Drew’s name on her screen, her stomach did a little flip. “Morning.”

Drew chuckled. “Good morning. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“Nope. I’ve been up for a while. I was just doing a little shopping for our dinner tonight.”

“That’s actually why I’m calling.” His voice took on a serious tone.

She frowned. “You aren’t canceling on me, are you?”

“No. Not at all. But I had to do something this morning, and it’s taking longer than expected. I haven’t even been home yet to change out of my uniform,” he said.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask for details, but she held back. “Is everything all right? Are you okay?”

“Yeah. It’s nothing like that. A buddy of mine just needed my help with something.” He paused. “I need to go. I’ll see you tonight. I promise. I just might be a few minutes late.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tonight.”

He seemed reluctant to hang up. She was about to ask again if everything was all right when she realized he’d disconnected their call.

Trying not to let it bother her, Beth put her shopping bags into her car, and drove home. She had a lot to do before he arrived, including going through her toy box. While they wouldn’t be playing tonight, she did want to talk about what their first scene would be. If all went well, and he agreed, their first session would be Wednesday evening. It was the start of his four days off, and it would give him some time to deal with any lingering effects of their play.

The hours passed quickly as she worked around the house and prepped dinner. By the time five o’clock rolled around, everything was as ready as it could be. All she needed now was Drew.

Only twenty more minutes went by before she heard a car pull up out front. She watched as he climbed out of his vehicle and made his way up the driveway. He had a small bouquet of flowers in his right hand.

When he reached the front porch, Beth opened the door to greet him. He looked up at the sound, and smiled as soon as he saw her standing there. Despite his smile, she hadn’t missed the worry that had creased his features before he realized she was there. Something was troubling him. While their relationship was still new, she hoped he would open up and share whatever it was with her. If they were going to have the type of relationship they both claimed they wanted, communication was key. Especially if they weren’t only going to be play partners.

He stepped through her door and extended his arm, offering her the flowers. “Sorry again. I was hoping I wasn’t going to be late, but . . .”

“It’s fine. Why don’t you come into the kitchen with me while I finish putting everything together?”

Drew grinned and motioned for her to lead the way.

She strolled over to the refrigerator while he took a seat at the table.

“Anything you need me to do?” he asked.

“Nope. I cooked the potatoes and made the salad earlier. All I have to do now is cook the steaks.” She glanced back at him and smiled. “Thank you for offering, though.”

He sat patiently as Beth removed the potatoes from the oven and then adjusted the setting to broil. She seasoned the steaks and laid them aside before going back to the refrigerator for the salad. It was a simple meal, but one she thought he’d enjoy.

Once everything was cooking, she joined him at the table. She was trying to come up with the best way to broach the subject that had been eating at her all day when he spoke up. “I guess you’re probably wondering what all that was about today.”

“I am a little curious.” A little was putting it mildly.

Drew sighed. “Remember when we were talking Saturday night and I told you what happened with Shawn and his girlfriend?”

Of course she remembered. “Yes.”

“Well, she sent him a text Sunday while we were working wanting him to come by today and clean out his stuff. He asked if I’d help him.”

“That was nice of you.” It was nice, but from everything she’d learned about Drew so far, it fit his character.

He shrugged, brushing off the compliment. “He’d do it for me.”

Beth figured that since he’d brought up the subject, she’d go ahead and jump in with both feet. “Is that what you were thinking about then, when you were walking up to the door?”

“Yes and no.”

He was quiet for a few moments, and Beth took the opportunity to get up and put the steaks in the oven. When she turned around to return to her chair, Drew was standing behind her. Without a word, he reached out, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her.

“I missed you,” he said, resting his forehead on hers.

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to admit it yet, but she’d missed him, too. Everything seemed to be happening so fast between them. “I’m here now.”

Drew took a deep breath and then lowered his mouth to hers once more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave as good as she got. If she wasn’t ready to say she missed him, she had no problems showing him.

Things quickly got out of control as their tongues mingled and hands explored. Beth ran her fingers through his hair as he lowered his mouth to her neck. All thoughts of food quickly left her mind until she began to smell the meat as it broiled in the oven. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed a little to get his attention. He pulled back with a questioning look on his face.

Beth smirked and held up one finger.

Turning her back to him, she leaned over and turned off the oven. As appealing as dinner sounded, Drew was even more so. Sure, she could wait, but she didn’t want to. And from the looks of it, Drew didn’t either.

When she faced him again, she had a plan. “I know we agreed that we wouldn’t play when you have to work the next day, but are you up for a little mild bondage?”

His eyes lit up, and she could have sworn she saw his cock twitch. “Yes.”

She nodded and placed her palm flat against his chest.

He got the message and began walking backward. Within a few steps, his knees hit the edge of the chair he’d been sitting on a few moments before.

Beth ran her hand down the length of his chest until she reached the hem of his shirt. She took hold of it and worked it up over his torso. When he realized what she was doing, he raised his arms over his head to help her remove it.

Then she went for the button on his pants. He kept his hands out of the way as she worked. Normally she would take her time if she was undressing a sub as part of foreplay, but she wasn’t worried about either of them being ready for the main event. She was already wet and aching to feel his cock inside her, and from the way his erection stood at attention, she would guess he was more than ready as well.

Once he was completely naked, she directed him to sit down. She could tell he was curious, but eager as well.

She walked around behind him and opened a drawer where she kept various items. Beth had learned not long after she and Ben had started playing that it was a good idea to have kinky items, or at least pervertables, in each and every room. Toward the back of the drawer, she found what she was looking for. It was an old scarf. Someone had given it to her years before at a Christmas party. It was orange and rather ugly looking. She’d found it one day and was going to throw it out, but then had gotten inspiration to keep it for times such as this.

Grasping the scarf in her hand, she went back to stand behind Drew. She took hold of his arms and guided them behind the back of the chair. “I’m going to tie your wrists. If something doesn’t feel right, just say red and we’ll stop. I’ll untie you and that will be it.”

He nodded. “Got it.”

Beth waited a spilt second before she bent down and secured his wrists with the scarf. “How does that feel?”

“Amazingly good.”

She chuckled.

Moving around to his front, Beth released the top button of her blouse. The muscles in his jaw flexed a moment before she saw him swallow hard. Oh yeah, this was going to be so much fun.





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