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Casual: Part 4 (Power Play Series Book 12) by Kelly Harper (10)

Chapter 14


The early evening feels incredible. A cool breeze steals the heat from the spring day. It might actually be chilly out here if it weren’t for Aimee nestled against me.

We’re sitting on a chaise sofa on the master terrace overlooking the sound. After being apart from her for more than an hour I want nothing more than to grab her in my arms, bend her over the marble railing, and fuck her brains out. But that’s going to have to wait.

Unfortunately, we’re not here to enjoy the peaceful evening. There is something more important I have to do first—something I discovered when I talked with Gervas. Aimee was understanding when I told her we would have some company. It’s incredible how supported she makes me feel.

I usually like to handle business on my own. I’m surprised that I even wanted Aimee here with me for what’s about to happen. Somehow, she’s managed to change me in ways I thought were impossible. And so she’s here. Because I want her here. And because she wants to be here.

Nothing so simple has ever made me feel so good.

We don’t get much time to ourselves before Gervas appears. Mara and Lucas are following close behind, looking curious. I’m sure they have no clue as to why they’ve been summoned to meet with me. Gervas gestures them towards the empty couch opposite Aimee and I before hunching down at my side.

“I’ve just confirmed… we found others, sir,” he whispers.

“What about the one?”

“It’s just as you suspected.”

I let out a soft breath before nodding.

“You know what to do.”

“It’s already being handled, sir.”

Gervas parts without further delay. 

I should feel good about the news. Instead I feel betrayed. And played for a fool.

I turn my attention to our new guests, keeping a neutral expression. Mara doesn’t hide the fact that she’s suspicious about whatever is happening. Her eyes dart between Aimee and I. 

“What’s this all about?” she asks.

I allow a smile to spread across my face. 

“I wanted to bring us all together one last time to celebrate what I think we’ll all remember as a pivotal weekend.”

Lucas flashes a confused smile.

“It’s been a great weekend, but I hardly think it’s been all that memorable…”

“On the contrary, I can say with absolute certainty that the last forty-eight hours have been nothing short of life changing. I’m sure you’ll agree with me before long.”

Mara isn’t amused by my preamble.

“Let’s cut the bullshit,” she says. “Why did you want to meet with us?”

I always did love her ability to get to the point.

“Yes, let’s do that…” I pause long enough to fix her with another smile. “I brought you two here to say that I know all about what’s going on.”

Lucas immediately looks nervous, darting a glance to Mara.

“What do you mean?” he asks, innocently.

Mara touches a hand to his forearm, signaling that she’ll do the talking. She fixes me with a dubious look.

“Is that supposed to be a surprise? This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten close to someone we were in talks with. You knew all about the others…”

Lucas turns to her, eyes wide.

“The others?” he asks, dumbly.

I have to suppress a laugh.

“I’m sure there are a number of things you don’t know about her,” I say to him. “It seems that Mara has a love for keeping secrets.” Mara isn’t fazed by the comment. “But that’s not what I was talking about. I know all about your extensive history together. Though, I am curious: have you two really been a thing since Brown or did you rekindle it more recently?”

The corner of Mara’s lip turns up.

“You think you’re so clever, don’t you?”

“I can’t really take credit for it, actually. Aimee is the one that figured it all out…”

Mara’s eyes darken as they turn to Aimee. Aimee doesn’t shrink away from the intense stare. She’s so fucking bad ass.

Finally, Mara looks back to me.

“It doesn’t matter. There’s nothing you can do about it anymore.”

My smile gets even wider.

“Let me guess how you think this is going to play out…” I begin. Her stare remains flat. “Monday morning I’m going to get a call from Lucas’s father. He’s going to demand an immediate meeting where he’s going to tell me that someone has contacted him with some compromising information. He’s going to say that the potential damage to the brand he’s worked so hard to build isn’t worth it and he’s going to call the whole deal off…

“How am I doing so far?”

Mara sneers, but the obvious concern on Lucas’s face betrays them both.

“That’s quite a story you’ve concocted,” Mara says. “But why would I want to undermine all of the work we’ve done? I stand to make a fortune as it is…”

“On the contrary,” I say. “The only thing I think you want to undermine is me. I think you’re planning to swoop in at the last minute to save the day. You’ll say that I’m the only thing that needs to go. I think you want to take everything for yourself.”

To her credit, Mara keeps her composure for a long time without responding. Somehow, Lucas is the one that looks like he’s in the hot seat.

“I’m confused about something,” he says, his brow tight. “Why in the world would my father want to call the deal off?”

“I’m glad you asked,” I say, positively beaming. “That’s where this story gets good…”

I squeeze Aimee’s leg lightly before standing to walk around. Having her by my side is empowering, but I need to be light and nimble for this next part.

I walk to the thick, marble railing and slide my hand across it. It’s the only thing protecting the balcony from a long drop to the rocky coastline. The sun has set, leaving the sky a deep shade of purple. It’s going to be a clear night, perfect for seeing the stars. I can’t wait to hold Aimee and look at them when this is all over.

“I built all of this for myself,” I say, still taking in the beautiful evening. “My father didn’t have much to leave me after… everything that happened… but what he did gift me with was the ability to expect the unexpected. That’s how I’ve managed to climb my way to the top so quickly. You can’t get to where I’m at without being prepared for your opponent’s moves.”

Mara lets out a laugh.

“Logan, I never took you for the monologue type. Might you stop wasting all of our time and get to the point?”

I ignore the comment.

“Lucas, you and I haven’t always seen eye to eye.”

“You could say that,” he says, sounding amused.

I turn to face him.

“Truth be told, I’ve never liked you.”

His brow scrunches together but the amused smile on his face remains.

“Well don’t sugar coat it. Tell me how you really feel.”

I flash him a grin before getting serious again.

“In all honesty, I can’t imagine what you’ve been going through these last few months.” His smile fades. “I’m sure it’s hard to watch the man you’ve despised for so long take your inheritance out from under you.”

“My father and I have discussed it at length. We both agree it’s what’s best for the company.”

His stoicism is commendable.

“I admire your loyalty. It seems to be rare these days…” I dart a glance at Mara. “But now isn’t the time for politics. It’s just us out here… tell me how you really feel.”

“There’s nothing else to tell. I want what’s best for the company, and if that means letting your company acquire us, then so be it.”

“Come on, Lucas. You can’t tell me there isn’t some part of you that wants to tell me what you really think. Man to man.”

His neutral expression hardens and his eyes flash. I knew it wouldn’t take much goading to get a reaction out of him. It’s finally time for the real Lucas to reveal himself.

“You want the truth?” he says, his tone harder. “The truth is that I hate it. I think it’s the worst decision my father has ever made.”

“You think we’re going to run your company into the ground?”

“Not intentionally. But you won’t give it the attention it needs. It’s only a matter of time, before…”

We both know what will happen if the company doesn’t get some life breathed back into it.

“And you think you could do a better job running it?”


There’s not a single hint of hesitation or doubt coming from him. I bob my head a few times, getting more and more confident about what I have to do.

“Why do you think your father is going through with it?”

“I’ve asked myself the same question every night for months.”

“And what answer did you come up with?”

He hesitates for a moment before responding.

“He’s only doing this because he feels guilty about whatever happened between him and your father. I think he believes he owes it to you to make things right.”

My eyes flash.

“He cheated my father out of a fortune. He leveraged all of the hard work my father put into the company and then left us with nothing.” My nostrils flare with every breath. “He should feel guilty.”

Lucas jumps to his feet and squares off to me. He looks like he’s ready to punch me. No doubt he’s wanted to do that for a while now.

“Look, Logan… I don’t know everything that went down all those years ago—my father doesn’t talk about it. I’m sure you want some kind of restitution, but two wrongs don’t make a right.”

In an instant all of the anger melts away as I startle him with a wry grin.

“I couldn’t have put it better myself,” I say.

This obviously isn’t the response he was expecting. Lucas looks dumbfounded. Mara takes the opportunity to leap to her feet, shooting angry glares between the two of us.

“This game of kiss-and-makeup is fun and all, but it doesn’t change anything,” she says. “It’s time you face it, Logan. You’re out.”

“Actually, it changes quite a bit,” I say, ignoring her attempt to intimidate me. “At least I now know why a respected man like Lucas Copeland would go along with your crazy plan.” I fix her with a suggestive look. “He’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect what he loves. Even if that love is… misplaced.”

I turn back to Lucas. The surprised look on his face is rewarding.

“I want to help you,” I say, simply.

He looks uncertain but Mara interjects before he can respond.

“Have you been paying attention?” she says. “We don’t need your help. We’re taking everything from you.”

I flash her a confident smile. She’s obviously not sure what to make of it.

“I think Lucas will find that I have a much better offer in mind…”