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Casual: Part 4 (Power Play Series Book 12) by Kelly Harper (12)

Chapter 17


Logan lowers me to my feet and presses me back against the thick marble railing. My fingers press into the back of his head, pulling him even deeper into our embrace. His taste is intoxicating.

My body buzzes and tingles as I undulate against his solid frame. I can already feel the familiar bulge of his cock growing in his khakis. My hips gyrate, rubbing myself against that magical weapon in his pants. 

I want it.

I want him. 

I’m ready to have him. Here. Now. This is the moment I’ve been wanting since I first approached him at the bar on Friday. Just the two of us, totally uninhibited, totally free.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

Unable to wait a second longer, my hands dart for his belt. A hard tug frees it. His pants are ripped open a second later, unleashing his monstrosity.

Logan’s cock is all mine. I don’t have to share it with the ghost of any other women. This time, I can enjoy him fully, without worrying about being caught or betraying anyone’s trust. He’s settled things with Mara and Lucas. Now it’s time for his reward.

Logan lets out a groan as my fingers wrap around his thick root. His cock is harder than I’ve ever felt it. I tug it, moving my hands in slow circles while I look him in the eye.

“Do me a favor…” I say.


“Don’t hold back. I want everything you have to give. I want all of you.”

“You already have all of me,” he says. “I can’t give you any less.”

I bite my lip to distract myself from the butterflies that suddenly erupt in my stomach.

“I want to feel you inside of me. All of you.”

“As you wish.”

I grab my dress and pull it up until it’s scrunched around my waist. Logan’s fingers hook into my panties. I lift one foot at a time as he drags them off. His hands slide up the backs of my legs while his soft lips kiss there way up my inner thigh. His tongue slides between my folds and over my clit, but he doesn’t stop there.

In one fluid motion, Logan grabs me by the ass and lifts me into the air. My legs spread and hook around him and my hands grab him by the back of his head. I pull him into a deep and powerful kiss. Logan transfers my weight to one arm. His free hand reaches beneath me and takes hold of his massive growth.

The tip of his cock rubbing against my soaked pussy is the only warning I get before his enormity presses into me. I gasp for breath as he slides into me. My back arches and my legs tighten around his waist, trying to pull him even deeper. I lean back to thrust my hips forward, letting myself be supported by Logan’s strong embrace.

His fingers press into my back. They’re comforting. I feel safe when he’s holding me. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to finally trust that feeling.

Logan’s eyes widen and his mouth slacks open in a look of pleasure. 

“You’re still so tight,” he says. 

“I’m just too tiny for that gigantic thing.”

He shakes his head.

“You’re perfect for it.”

I gasp as Logan thrusts himself into me. It feels like he’s filling every last possible part of me. But still, I want more. I want absolutely everything. My body won’t settle for anything less.

“Harder,” I whimper. 

Logan slams his hips forward, driving himself even deeper. My body stretches and expands to accommodate. I’m literally growing because of him.

“God, yes baby, just like that!”

Logan groans with each hard thrust. The sound of his pleasure builds delicious tension inside of me. I let my head fall back as his fingers dig their way down my back. The cool air off the sound chills the sweat beading on my exposed skin, sending pulses of sensation throughout my body.

“Give me all of it,” I beg. “Give me everything.”

Logan’s eyes meet mine. They blaze intensely as our connection strengthens. Unable to stand the little distance between us anymore, I grab the back of his head and pull his lips to mine. Fireworks ignite when our lips touch. They explode from the inside out as intense orgasms contort both of us. 

Logan’s cock floods me with his warmth. His entire body quivers with every burst. My vagina pulsates in sync with him as I tighten my grip on the back of his head. It’s a moment that may never end. It’s like the entire world is coming to a standstill with us at the center of the chaos. 

When everything slows down and things start making sense again, Logan lets out a low groan. He hugs my chest to his. The beating of his heart slams a rhythm against my breasts. Logan’s cock slides out of me as I lower my legs to the floor. I cling to him, never wanting to let go.

Neither of us moves for a long while. We just stand there, holding each other close. My cheek presses into his muscular chest and the world around us seems to fade away. I don’t know for certain how long we remain in each other’s arms. It could be a minute, or a lifetime.

“That was incredible,” I say, finally.

Logan flashes a smile. It pinches the corners of his eyes into little creases in the most adorable way.

“We have the whole place to ourselves,” Logan says, softly. “And there’s a lot more where that came from.”

Excited energy renews within me.

“We shouldn’t let that opportunity go to waste…”