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Changing Fate (Endgame #5) by Leigh Ann Lunsford (19)

Chapter Twenty



Avery curling into my side is the best way to end an evening with our friends. “With the welcome we’ve gotten regarding our relationship, I wonder why we hid for so long.”

She yawns and shakes her head. “I’d count the ways but I’m too tired.” I chuckle and know she’s got a point. “Everyone has their shit together, but if we’d told them during the mayhem it would have been an obstacle.”

“We still would have survived.” I’m sure of that.

“Yes. We would have, but would they?” Her lips brush my chest as she snuggles closer.

“I talked to Deacon— Saylor is under a lot of pressure and she’s lonely.” I brush my hand over her head and she nods.

“Yeah. I noticed. What did he suggest?”

“You come home to visit and spend time with her. It’s harder for Emberlee with Darby and now Breck pregnant. Plus, Brody and Mason traveling so much.” I feel her nod.

“Yeah. As soon as I get my footing with the gallery, making it stable, I can hire someone part time and free some time to come home. Are they okay?” Her eyes find mine and she’s fearful.

“Solid. Just a lot of changes and we know how Saylor deals with change.” If there was a perfect girl for Deacon it’s Saylor, but our upbringing and hers is so different. Her home life now is stable but it wasn’t always and she carries deep scars.

“Okay. We’ll make it work.”

“You’re perfect, you know that?” I admire her selfless demeanor.

“Yeah. Hence sainthood.” She pats my chest. “Shhhh. I’m tired.” I drop a quick kiss to her head and let her sleep.



Thanksgiving morning allows us time to sleep in and it’s welcome. Since returning to Nashville, I haven’t had a relaxed day with Avery. Breck’s photos are selling; Avery’s paintings are in demand, so if she isn’t working at the gallery she’s painting to fill demand. She’s snagged a few local artists to display and all in all the gallery is thriving in a short time. It’s been draining but a labor of love.

School is mundane for the moment but that will change come January and I worry how the pressures will play with our time. “Penny for your thoughts.” She whispers.

I laugh at her quiet voice. The first two nights we stayed at her parent’s house and I was on pins and needles waiting for her dad to castrate me. Last night and tonight we’ll be at my parents and I’m much more relaxed. “That’s all I’m worth?” I tease.

“As a matter of fact—” She reaches for her purse on my desk and hands me an envelope. I open it and stare at her. “The house sold and my dad gave me the check yesterday. It was supposed to be my start up and rent for the gallery but since someone handled that, I figure we’ll open our first joint account with this.”

“Picasso, I’m not destitute. It took a chunk of change but I’m solid. I don’t need your money.” I argue.

“Seems how this isn’t my money. I think I clearly stated a joint account. That makes it ours.” Her sass hardens my cock.

“I’ll accept this joint venture if you agree to one condition.” I’ll bargain.

“What?” She’s humoring me.

“Pick a wedding date.” She grins.

“Really?” I can tell she’s thrilled.

“Yeah. Why haven’t you?” I haven’t brought it up because she’s been so busy.

“I figured you wanted to get through med school. Or something.” She refuses to meet my eyes.

“Or something?” I question. “Aves, I’d marry you this minute.”

I hear her sigh of relief. “How about next summer? You’ll have a year of school under your belt.” I squint my eyes in frustration. “What?”

“I was hoping to take summer classes this year to make up for this semester. I want to finish within the four years because I still have four or five years residency.” Shit— it seems like a lifetime. Thirty— I’ll be fucking thirty by the time I’m done.

“Okay.” She grins. “The summer after. I don’t want to do it while you have a week break— I want us to enjoy some time after.”

“Deal.” I pull her back to my side. “Our moms will go berserk.”

“Emberlee, too.” She sits up. “I’m gonna shower. Everyone will be here soon and I wanna see Breck’s belly.” Emberlee, Brody, Darby, Mason, and Breck flew in late last night and promised to come first thing.

“Saylor seemed relaxed.” I comment.

“Yeah. She’s working part time and doesn’t take start up companies any longer. She has time with the girls and her and Deacon are doing a date night every weekend.” She winks and I sigh in relief. Shortstop takes a lot on her shoulders and asking for help isn’t her strong suit. Stubborn woman.

I want to join her in the shower but I know she’ll throw a shit fit because we’re under my parent’s roof. It was the same at her parents. Hell, I got more action at our parents when we were hiding our relationship than I do with us in the open. She better plan to take a few days off, keeping the gallery closed when we get home because I’ll need to be inside her for a few days after being neglected this week. I don’t think I’ll have any problem convincing her.

I hear the doorbell and hurry to dress so I can greet everyone. They all arrive at once and the parents head to one end and we’re all designated to the front living room. “Where’s Avery?” Breck asks.

“Right here.” She says, coming downstairs with wet hair but a gorgeous smile. “Let me see.” She stands in front of Breck patting her belly.

“Why does everyone do that?” Breck rolls her eyes.

“I’m not everyone, bitch.” Avery winks. “We have news. It won’t be this summer but next we’re getting married.”

“Why so long?” Saylor asks.

“Good, I’ll have baby weight gone.” Breck sighs.

“Lots of time to plan.” Emberlee quips.

“Fuck. One at a time.” I laugh.

“Caden is gonna take summer classes this year, so no time.” She answers Saylor and she nods.

“Here?” Saylor and Emberlee ask.

We haven’t discussed details but I don’t see us getting married anywhere else. “Either here or a destination wedding.” Avery says. “We’ll play it by ear.”

“No destination wedding. I want to plan it.” Emberlee decides.

“Well, when you get married you can determine where it will be. Also, get in line—we both have moms chomping at the bit.” Avery blows her off.

“I’ll marry her wherever but she still is being a pain in the ass.” Brody grumbles and I reach for Darby but she turns from me.

“What the hell?” I ask him.

“She’s become stuck up his ass.” Emberlee grouches. “I birthed her. I change shitty diapers, rock her to sleep, feed her— basically I keep her spoiled ass alive and she’s a daddy’s girl.”

I can’t lie— I have a pang in my chest that my little angel refuses to come to me. “Sorry.” Brody says.

“It’s cool. She does have your DNA running through her.” It sucks not seeing everyone everyday. We’re all split up and I hate it. I didn’t think I’d see cracks in relationships so quick but they’re starting with the kids. Kinsley is staring at Darby and refusing to leave Deacon’s arms— Julie still cuddles to Mason but is quiet. Until we’re settled for my residency and permanent job I don’t wanna have kids. This is killing me.



“You happy in New York?” I ask Emberlee while we’re in the kitchen alone.

“No.” She sighs. “Darby misses Kinsley and it’s like they’re strangers. I miss Saylor and Deacon, my parents. Brody is never home and I’m lonely.”

“Talk to him.” I implore.

“I did. He suggests I move here and he’ll fly in when he has days off but during the season those are almost non-existent. I don’t want him to miss that time with Darby. I don’t want her to be a product of my mistakes.” She’s near tears and I take her in my arms.

“Hey. It’ll be fine. Is he happy?” This may be a solution.

“No. But he has a two-year contract and the money is good. You know his hang up with money.” She huffs with an eye roll. “And I think he is happy but because I’m not it puts a damper on his jubilance. I’m a horrible, horrible person.”

I groan. “No, you’re not, Lee Lee. There’s an adjustment period. Saylor is missing y’all, too. She’s struggling so you aren’t alone. I give it a few months before Avery has her own issues, and Breck will only be pregnant so long. This is home. We’re all spreading our wings but I don’t think any of us feel complete until we are here— together.”

“Promise me. By age thirty— not Brody cuz’ he’s older— we will all be back here. Together. Darby will be ten . . . that sucks. I need my people.” She’s blubbering and I shake my head.

“Promise. Go wrangle the others in this pact. I’d make them swear in blood, but you know I’m good for it.” I wink.

“Love you, Caden.” She hugs me.

“Love you, Lee Lee.”

“Proud of you. And treat my girl good.” She winks.

“Oh, no complaints from her.” I tease.

“I think I just threw up in my mouth.” She saunters off to make some age pact thing and I grab a beer to join her.



My eyes are closing and I still have an hour of studying. Staying home for Christmas was the best idea we had and while our parents joined us, we missed our friends. The last three months of school, going full time, have been hell and rewarding all the same. A full load is kicking my ass but Avery is supporting me every step of the way. My eyes fall to the pictures I have decorating my workspace and my arms yearn to hold her.

I contemplate blowing off this last chapter and I realize she leaves early tomorrow for New York and I can finish it when she leaves. Breck is being induced in two days so Mason could be there and she insisted Avery be there for the birth. All the girls will be. One more thing I’ll miss but it can’t be helped. Deacon is bummed he can’t get away from work but these are the sacrifices we make for our expanding families. And my future one.

Making my way into the room, I stop at the end of the bed and bite my tongue. Seems to be a regular thing for her to put that big ass dog in our bed. Or cuddle on the couch with him. I go to move it and he shows me his teeth— but he’s smart enough not to bite me. Avery calls it protective. I call it a death wish. “Down.” I hiss.

Fucker ignores me. He makes eye contact. And does nothing. “Down.” I’m a bit more forceful. I guess that bores him because he closes his eyes and snuggles closer to my woman. Fuck it— I grab the covers and rip them from the bed.

“Hey!” She shrieks. Her fucking dog doesn’t move. He knows my plans and thinks he’s outsmarted me.

“Hey baby. Dog’s in the bed.” I state the obvious.

“Hmmm. Wonder how that happened.” She tries the innocent act. Hmmm— my ass. She either carried the big fleabag up there or patted the bed for him to get comfortable.

“You leave in a few hours.” I inform her.

“Yeah.” She yawns and stretches, making no move to remove the intruder in our bed.

“I was hoping to give you a send off. You’ll be gone a week.” That grabs her attention and she snaps and points to the floor. Láska tries his best, lifting his head with a whine and fucking puppy eyes. I take matters into my own hands— in the literal sense. I can feel her shifting her attention to the dog so I bring my cock out and stroke.

“Down.” She commands and he obeys her orders— after shooting me a death glare. “Naked.” She gives me the same voice and like the dog, I listen. She’s stripping her clothes as I climb over her.

“Miss me?” I grin.

“Yes.” She moans as she searches for my mouth with hers.

I pull my head back. “Have I been neglecting you?” She nods. Damn— fucking med school. “Sorry, baby. I’ll make it up to you.” She pants as I circle her nipple with a finger.

“Next time. Right now, I just wanna feel you inside me.” As much as her words turn me on— I don’t wanna skip foreplay this time. Ignoring her pleas, I cover her mouth and duel with her tongue. She sinks into the bed as I continue to manipulate her nipple, and as she bites my bottom lip, I drag my hand down to her pussy.

Rubbing the outer edges of her lips, I won’t give her the friction she wants and she growls. I let go of her lips and nip her neck as I thrust two fingers inside her and she bucks her hips to ride my hand. She’s dripping and I kiss along her collarbone soaking up her cries of ecstasy. “Still want me inside?”

“Just a minute.” She throws her head back and clamps down on my fingers, taking what she wants and I’m more than happy to deliver. I press down against her clit with my thumb and hook my fingers up, forcing her to shout my name and come around my fingers. I don’t try to hide the grin as her eyes focus, watching me. She rolls her eyes and smirks. “As you were.” I take her mouth, kissing the sass outta her but she surprises me by wrapping her legs around my waist and rolling us so she’s straddling me.

“You in charge, Picasso?” I question her.

“We’ll pretend, but we both know you own my body.” Her lips and tongue come down to taste my skin and I relax into the pillow giving her time to enjoy. She pays homage to my tattoo; her eyes shine with lust and love— best combination ever. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“Me, too, Picasso. Less talking.” I joke and she snorts, but quits talking and trails her tongue down the center of my torso. Catching the tip of my cock with her tongue, she gives a small lick and pushes her tongue into the slit. “Fuck.” I buck off the bed and she chuckles.

Her lips circling my cock is the sexiest fucking sight. It never gets old— I’m a typical guy. She sucks me in deep, massaging my balls and her hair caresses my stomach. I force myself to keep my eyes open, wanting to watch the erotic scene in front of me. Her hum of satisfaction has my hands tangling in her hair, holding her head and thrusting up deep. She relaxes her throat and takes me deep as her hand drops down and I know she’s rubbing herself. “Don’t do it.” I warn her. “That’s mine.” She nods with my cock deep in her mouth and continues to rub herself but doesn’t get off.

She takes one long swipe up the underside of my dick, tracing the vein and I make my move, flipping her off but putting her face down. “Up on your knees.” She does so with no hesitation and I push her arms flat in front of her. Bringing my hand down once on her ass, I harden further seeing it turn pink.

“Please.” She shakes her ass and I line the tip up and push in halfway. “Caden.” She whines. I shove the rest of the way in and still, letting her acclimate. Her hips push back demanding I move but instead I stay still. Her fingers fist the sheet and she propels herself forward and pushes back, gliding herself on my dick.

Snaking one hand underneath her, I find her clit and pinch and rub as she builds speed and momentum. Lubricating my finger with her juices, I bring my hand back to her ass and push in her hole as she shouts and becomes forceful with her thrusts.

“Find it.” I challenge her and she doesn’t disappoint. With my finger in her ass, my dick in her pussy, she finds it and milks mine from me. Collapsing down to her side, I rub her back while her breathing slows. “Love you.” I pull her in front of me, kissing her shoulder and tuck her head under my chin.

Waking up before her the next morning finds me biting my tongue. I’m spooning her and she’s spooning the fucking dog. I narrow my eyes and mouth to the puppy. “Obedience training this week. No more bed.” He yawns and plops his paw down over her hand— covering my ring.