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Conviction (Club Destiny #1) by Nicole Edwards (17)

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 “What’s your safe word, baby?” Logan asked again, standing beside her chair, twisting something in his hands.

It looked like a…

Sam’s brain swirled with a mixture of fear and total abandon. Logan was going to blindfold her, and for some reason, that excited her. Here she was, venturing into a situation she’d never even dreamed of, yet she could tell by the look on Logan’s face that he thought she had done this before. Sure, she knew what a safe word was. Who didn’t?

She knew from those erotic stories she would read in the dark of night that a safe word was designed to bring all activities to a striking halt if she felt like she couldn’t go any further. As she eyed the thin piece of black fabric, she wondered if she might actually need to.

No. She could do this. Logan would take care of her. She knew that much.

 “While you think of a word, I’m going to blindfold you.” He offered as he stepped behind her chair, bringing the material down over her eyes. “You have nothing to worry about, Sam.”

He read her like an open book. Her emotions must have been written on her face, but she couldn’t very well help it. She was still half naked, about to be blindfolded and utterly vulnerable at that point.

Leaning forward, Sam allowed Logan to slide the soft fabric over her eyes, holding still while he worked to tie it behind her head. He was gentle with her, trying not to pull her hair in the process. She just wanted him to hurry up. The more time she had to think, the worse off they were.

And, if Logan had any doubts as to whether she had ever done something like this before, she was sure the slight tremble of her hands would tell him all he needed to know. She might be crossing over to the darker side of her sexuality, but until today, she had never done so before. Never even dreamed it.

Logan checked the blindfold, making sure it was secure. Sam could have told him that it was. She was plunged into total darkness, her other senses on high alert with the absence of her vision.

“What’s your safe word, Sam?”

Sam heard the sound of his shoes on the concrete, knew he was walking around to her side. Her right side. The only word she could think of blurted from her mouth, “Conviction.”

“Conviction it is.” Logan agreed though he sounded like he wanted to question her choice. “If, for any reason, you feel uncomfortable, just use that word and everything will stop. Understand?”


“Are you ready?”

“I am.” Or at least she hoped she was.

“Good, because I’m dying to touch you.” Logan’s voice sounded closer.

Sam turned her head in the direction of her leg as she felt a hand slide slowly over her silk stocking. He lifted her calf, cradled it in his palm, then brushed his lips across her knee. Trailing more kisses down to her ankle, Sam focused on her breathing.

The tenderness in his touch allowed her to relax slightly, some of the tension in her neck easing. Her stomach muscles tightened when he pressed his lips to the inside of her knee. When she relaxed enough that she fell back into the cushion, Logan switched to the other leg.

Sam was burning from the inside out, the anticipation building to a crescendo; her entire world had come down to the feel of Logan’s hand on her leg, his lips teasing her. Then he brushed his palms up her thigh, both hands cupping her leg, the tips of his fingers getting closer and closer to where she wanted him. Her legs were still spread wide, one leg on each side of the chair, and he had her right leg in his hands, the roughened skin gliding just above the tops of her silk stockings. God it felt good.

Sam turned her head, thinking she heard something on her left side, but Logan’s hands still caressed her right leg, and she could feel the warmth of him by her side. Suddenly, there were two more hands gliding up her leg. Only this time, it was her left leg and ohmigod… there were two pair of hands on her legs.

She could barely breath, barely focus. Torn between sheer disbelief that this was really happening, and an overwhelming embarrassment that there was another person – another man – touching her, seeing her like this.

But, God it felt fantastic.

Hadn’t she already said that?

Trying to orient herself, Sam focused on both sets of hands, trying to tell the difference. From her perspective, they were the same, yet entirely different. The feeling was… awkward. That’s what it was. It was awkward to have someone’s hands roaming over her, not knowing who they belonged to.

It was surreal. Until today, Sam had gone years without any type of sex. Well, except for the self-serving kind, but that was nothing compared to this. Here she was, letting Logan invite a third person to join them, letting this stranger touch her, letting him…

It was thrilling.

Resigning herself to the moment, Sam tried to relax further into the chair, letting the two pair of strong, masculine hands travel up her legs, tease her lightly. All four hands moved to the top of each thigh, rubbing small circles into her flesh, followed by two hot mouths, two tongues licking and sucking. Oh, God. She would never survive this. She couldn’t hold back the moan of pure ecstasy.

“That’s it baby. Let it feel good.”

It was Logan’s voice she heard, and it made her heart beat harder. His low baritone tore through her system like a freight train igniting all of her nerve endings in its wake.

She stayed perfectly still as she felt movement around her, only one mouth was on her leg now, moving slowly, deliberately, down to her ankle. She felt the stubble of his jaw abrade her skin, then snag on her stockings, and she just wanted to remove them. She wanted to feel every inch of her skin covered by his mouth.

“I’m going to lay you back now, baby.” A deep voice mumbled in her ear, and she wondered if it was Logan. She couldn’t tell. The sensations were overwhelming her; the not knowing confusing her.

The chair slowly lowered, Sam felt herself reclining until she was fully prone.

Logan mumbled in her ear as he maneuvered the lounge chair to a lying position. If it was Logan, then who was the other man licking her, his tongue moving ever so close to right where she wanted him?

He stopped abruptly, his warm mouth blowing short puffs of air across her mound. Sam nearly choked on the groan she held back.

Someone was behind her, probably kneeling at the end of the chair. Sam could feel his body heat as he leaned over, his shirt tickling the tip of her nose. Two hands, palms flat, pressed against her breast bone, gliding down until they cupped her breasts, one in each hand. Sam didn’t know which way to turn, didn’t know what to expect next. Then there were lips on her ear lobe, a soft, deep voice in her ear again.

“Does it feel good, baby? Do you want your sweet pussy eaten? Tell me you do.”

Yes! Oh, God, yes! Anything to ease the tension pulling her tighter, so tight she threatened to break in half. “Yes. Please, yes.” She whispered.

The hands on her breasts continued to squeeze, lightly at first, then more urgent. She could feel her nipples being tugged, pinched with just enough pressure to make her moan out loud.

The lips that had been close to her ear moved across her jaw until they aligned with her lips, a warm, soft tongue sliding into her mouth. Sam met the kiss with a hunger she had been holding back. At this point, she didn’t care who the hell was kissing her, as long as he didn’t stop.

She was still pretty sure it was Logan, but she honestly didn’t know. The way he kissed her was intimate, sweet at first. Then the kiss broke, and she heard a deep rumble coming from the chest hovering just above her head, right before a hot, wet tongue plunged into her slit, then teasing her clit with light flicks.

“Oh God!” Sam’s entire body bowed from the intensity of the pleasure, her orgasm threatening.

“Kiss me.” The voice was urgent, just as his mouth crushed hers, his hands continuing to squeeze and pinch her breasts.

Between the dual sensation of one tongue delving deeper into her pussy, another feeding from her mouth, Sam was going to explode.


Logan crushed his mouth to hers as his hands tormented her breasts, squeezing and pinching, driving short, breathless moans from her throat. Her mouth opened for him and he thrust his tongue in, tasting the sweetness of her. Samantha.

She was wild with lust and returning his kiss as if she would die without it. Her hands braced his head, her fingers digging into his scalp as he drove the kiss deeper, his mouth taking from hers.

Breaking away, Logan dragged his mouth down her neck, his teeth nipping her skin, his tongue soothing away the sting as he went. Her body was responsive; her moans fueled the dark fury that flowed through him.

She was like a drug, driving him mad. He couldn’t remember a time when a woman had been this responsive to him. Nor, had he known that he would be as possessive over her as he was. Watching Luke lap at her made his dick harder than stone, but ultimately, he wanted to be the one to bring her the ultimate pleasure.

Logan moved down her body with his tongue and with one flick of his fingers, the front clasp of her bra gave, the cups separating, her breasts now on display. He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked with fury. She pressed her chest into his eager mouth, holding his head to her breast in an obvious attempt to increase the pressure and intensity. Her body vibrated from the moans that escaped, her hips gyrating against Luke’s mouth.

Logan moved his hands down her body, resting between her thighs as he pulled her pussy lips open so Luke could thrust deeper, sending her higher.

She was close, he could feel the way her body tightened, her fingers digging into his scalp, the muscles in her stomach standing out in stark relief as she tried to push herself over. He wasn’t ready yet. Logan wouldn’t let her come until he was ready and there was still so much more left to be done before that happened.

Logan released her nipple from between his lips, pushing himself up. While still leaning over her, he maneuvered so he could remove her shoes. First one, then the other, and finally he released the garters clipped to her stockings, then sliding the silk down her legs, her moans increasing as he trailed his mouth down her leg to her toes. He removed the garter from her waist and looked down at her lying on the chair, Luke’s head still between her legs lapping up the sweetest honey the other man would likely ever taste.

Logan removed his own clothes as he stood there, his cock sticking out from his body as he moved back toward her head. He needed to feel her mouth on him. Since earlier that day, he’d thought of very little else. She must have realized what he was thinking because as he lowered himself so he could reach her sweet mouth with the tip of his cock, Sam parted her lips.

She used her hand to guide him inside, her other stroking him lovingly. He watched as Luke buried his face between her legs, having to hold her hips down to keep her from jerking completely off of the chair. The position was awkward, so Logan lifted her head slightly until she was able to take him completely into her mouth. Her talented tongue slid over his hard shaft, repeatedly teasing the sensitive underside. If she kept that up, he wasn’t going to last.

“Your mouth is so fucking hot.” Logan groaned, keeping his eyes on Luke feasting like a starving man. “Oh yea, like that.”

Logan lost it. Holding her head tighter, he began fucking her mouth, hard and fast as Luke drove two fingers inside of her, still sucking on her clit. He knew what would happen next.

“Fuck. Sam. Baby. I’m gonna come.” Logan groaned, the signal for his release and he saw Luke lock his lips around Sam’s clit, his fingers driving inside of her until she was moaning, her body bucking beneath him as she exploded.

He wasn’t sure how he was still standing, but somehow Logan managed to ease Sam back down onto the chair while he maneuvered around until he could sit on the chair with her. Gently, he pulled her into his lap, holding her as she lay boneless against him.

Luke took a few steps back, removing his clothes so they could get to the next round of the evening.

“Do you still trust me, baby?”

He wasn’t sure what her answer would be, but for some reason, Logan needed the reassurance from her. Despite the mind blowing orgasm, he knew she would likely have regrets. He didn’t want her to regret anything.

“I trust you.” Sam whispered, kissing his neck and tightening her arms around him. He couldn’t remove the blindfold from her just yet, but he held her closer, letting her know he was with her.

When he finally caught his breath, Logan lifted Sam in his arms, carrying her the short distance to the pool. As he descended the steps, the warm water embraced his legs, and then both of them as he took them further until he was waist deep. Squatting down, he let the water rush up, then turned her in his arms, using the buoyancy of the water to support her weight.

“Wrap your legs around me.” He whispered into her ear as he held her close, keeping a firm hand on her back.

With her ankles clasped behind his back, their bodies aligned perfectly, and Logan could feel the slickness of her pussy as his cock slid between her swollen lips.

“That’s it baby.” He continued into deeper water, holding her close as his cock hardened between them. He wasn’t sure how he could get hard so quickly after what she’d just done to him, but just the thought of burying himself inside of her was doing the job.

“I want to be inside of you, Sam. I want to fuck you until you come on my cock.”

She moaned and pressed herself against him, her legs tightening around his waist. She clung to him as he stopped moving and stood upright, the water still coming midway up their bodies.

“I’m going to turn you around, and you’re going to put your hands on the edge of the pool.”

Luke was sitting on the edge of the pool where she was going to be, and Logan turned her so she put her hands on the other man’s legs, letting her orient herself to the situation. There was no hesitation in her movements as she slid her small hands up Luke’s legs, finally resting on his thighs, her face just inches from his steel hard shaft.

Luke moved closer to the edge, bracing his legs along her rib cage as Sam opened her mouth and eased the head of his cock into her mouth.

Logan almost lost it. Watching as she took another man’s cock in her mouth was hotter than he expected. When Luke grabbed the back of her head, guiding her where he wanted her, Logan looked on with intent fascination. When Luke pulled back, his cock sliding from Sam’s mouth, Logan saw how she swirled her tongue around his long, thick erection as she pressed her ass back against him.

“That’s it, baby. Take him into your mouth. Take him all the way in. That’s a good girl. Fuck, baby, make him feel as good as you make me feel.” Logan kept his words low, watching as she devoured Luke’s cock, his own dick going rock hard instantly.

Luke groaned, his eyes trained on the point where his cock slid between Sam’s lips. Logan continued to watch as intently as Luke.

“Your mouth is so hot, Sam.” Luke’s words were strangled, and Logan knew the pleasure the other man was feeling. “It feels so good on my cock. I want to bury it deep into your throat.” The deep baritone reverberated in the air.

Luke held Sam’s head, pulling her closer as he pushed his cock further into her mouth, the soft moans Sam made vibrating against Logan. He had to be inside of her.

Luke’s constant groans were fueled by Sam taking him in the same way she had Logan earlier in the day, reminding Logan that he was a participant in this little threesome. As much as he enjoyed watching another man bury his cock in her mouth, he loved the feel of her pussy around his cock more.

Logan shifted Sam so her legs parted, keeping his hands on her hips. Lifting her up an inch, trying not to interrupt the erotic blowjob playing out before him, Logan pressed his cock into her snug entrance. She was holding herself up on her toes, her arms still balanced on Luke’s legs.

He couldn’t be gentle. He didn’t want gentle, and he didn’t think Sam did either. Instead, he rammed his cock inside of her, letting her push back against him, using the side of the pool for balance. Holding her hips, Logan began thrusting in an even rhythm, allowing Sam to rock back and forth, taking both cocks inside of her at the same time.

“Your pussy is like a fist, gripping me tighter, baby.” Logan growled low in her ear, holding her to him as he continued to thrust deeper. “That’s it. Suck his cock. I want to watch him come in your mouth while you come on my cock.”

No sooner had the words left his mouth, Logan felt Sam’s body grip him like a vice, her body tensed and she screamed around the cock in her mouth.

Increasing his movements, Logan let Sam ride out her orgasm while her pussy spasmed around him, sending him hovering on a razor’s edge so sharp, he didn’t think he could hold on.

“Fuck.” Luke exclaimed, holding Sam’s head tightly, as Logan continued to ram her from behind. “I’m going to come in your mouth, baby. I want to watch you take it all.”

Logan felt Sam’s internal muscles squeeze him. Luke’s words sent a tremor through her and she increased her tempo, still being pushed and pulled between the two of them.

“While he comes in your mouth, I’m going to come inside you.” Logan ground out the words through clenched teeth.

With that, Logan let go just as Luke mirrored his groan with his own release.


Sam wasn’t going to be able to walk. It was a good thing they were in the pool because she could barely hold her head up. When Logan turned her to face him, his mouth meeting hers, she leaned into him, sinking into his kiss.

Her body was pleasantly sated, feeling weightless in the water with Logan’s arms wrapped around her. She held onto him tighter, giving in to the kiss and letting his tongue duel with hers.

Even though she’d had some of the most explosive orgasms in her life within the last few minutes, she still wanted Logan. She wanted to get closer to him, to feel him, to reassure herself that this was real.

“You want more don’t you?” He asked as she tried to climb his body. “I promise you’ll have more, but you need to rest. I need some alone time with you for the rest of the night.” He kissed her forehead, her cheek, and down to her chin as he held her close.

Sam could feel the power in his arms, the sensations flooding her system as she felt the strange emotions bubbling up between the two of them. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Sam pressed her face into him, breathing in his scent. Even submerged in the pool, he still smelled yummy. She was still blindfolded, but she was too weak to care about that.

As they floated through the water, Sam let her mind wrap around what had just happened. Right or wrong, it had been the most intense moment of her entire life, and she couldn’t come to regret it. Logan had been with her, despite the rest. The rest had been just an added bonus. She didn’t know how she would feel about it during the harsh light of day, but right here, right now, she was content.

Logan’s hand moved to the back of her head, and she could tell he was untying the blindfold. She’d sort of gotten used to it. When the material slipped from her eyes, it took a minute for her to adjust to the dim light surrounding them. Logan cupped her cheek, turning her so she looked at him, and Sam swallowed tightly.

“You’re wrapping me around your little finger faster than you will ever know.”

His words came out in a tortured whisper, and they wrapped around her heart and squeezed. She swallowed again, forcing the tears back. As she stared into the greenish brown depths of his eyes, Sam realized three things.

She wanted this man.

She needed this man.

She loved this man.




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