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Decker's Wood by Kirsty Dallas (3)


I had dropped Andi off at her new store and apartment three days ago. I hadn’t heard from her since nor had I attempted to contact her, but she had been at the forefront of my mind. For just a brief moment in time, the melancholy that was my life seemed to sharpen and brighten. She had incited a physical reaction from my body, albeit not on purpose, that no other woman had been capable of doing for a year now. That mere fact alone intrigued me. To be honest, the entire damn package intrigued me. She was so innocent and so country, I could almost smell the pure, clean country air on her skin. No, not country air, cinnamon. As if she spent every spare moment baking cinnamon rolls or something. I wanted to lay her out before me and inhale her in like an addict. Andi wasn’t at all like the women I would normally indulge in socially. She was smaller and paler, too carefree, too real. She was the kind of girl a man took home to meet his mom and dad. She was the kind of girl I avoided.

As I stepped off the elevator to my apartment, I was so preoccupied with my thoughts and the phone in my hand that I failed to notice Donna strolling seductively towards me. By the time I glanced up, she was almost upon me. She was wearing a coat which I knew could only mean one thing, and as she slowly unwound the belt, she confirmed my suspicious. As naked as the day she was born, except for a pair of exceptionally high heeled boots. Her body was a masterpiece, her tits perfection, tipped with pale brown nipples that I knew were smooth and soft. Her pussy was groomed to a neat little runway strip, her legs long and slender. In the boots she stood at the same height as me. Without pause, Donna pressed her body to mine and groped me through my jeans. Her expert hand did nothing for me. Shit, shit, shit. Come on, dick, get with the program. You put on the performance of a lifetime with Andi, time to get back into the swing of things.

“My pussy is throbbing for you, Decker,” whispered Donna. Not wanting the neighbors to catch me with a naked woman in the hallway, again, I quickly opened my door and pushed Donna inside.

“Baby I can’t, I’ve got plans tonight,” I said in an attempt to put her off.

Donna ignored me; she was good at that. What Donna wanted, Donna got. She pulled the belt from my jeans and skillfully unzipped my fly. The next thing I knew, she was on her knees in front of me with my cock in her mouth. Damn, now was not the time for performance anxiety. I leaned against the door and squeezed my eyes closed. Behind the darkness of my eyelids, I imagined Andi doing this to me, her tiny little body worshipping mine, sucking on me. Much to my surprise, I grew hard. I kept my eyes closed as I grabbed Donna’s long dark hair and forced her head closer, pumping into her collagen injected lips. Damn that felt good. Donna’s mouth was like a slick, wet furnace. At the thought of Donna my dick began to rapidly lose interest. OH HELL NO. Andi, strawberry blonde hair wrapped around my fist, her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked hard on my length. Her hands skillfully cupping my balls, playing with them as her other hand follows her lips up and down my shaft. Oh yeah, that was better. I could do this for hours. Donna—scratch that—Andi cupped my balls, rolling them in her hands while she sucked me, her tongue flicking with expertise over the end of my knob. All that sensation combined with my image of Andi had me racing to a quick climax. The pressure built like a freight train and blew out of me with the force of a volcanic eruption. As the white light that had momentarily flooded my vision receded, I imagined when I opened my eyes I would find Donna before me with the back of her head blown out. I smiled. I hadn’t blown that hard in years. And all it had taken was the mental image of one sweet country bumpkin that was as good as my best friend’s sister. She was a no-go zone. Well, didn’t that just suck the happiness right out of my soul?

I finally looked down and found Donna licking her lips with satisfaction. She looked up at me through her thick and heavy false eyelashes, her fingers already busy in her pussy. That sight was doing nothing for me. “Thanks, babe, that was awesome,” I murmured, pulling my jeans up and stepping around her. I needed to get away from her. She wasn’t the one I needed right now. In the last ten minutes, it had become apparent that my dick had a hard-on for Andi Jennings.

“What the fuck, Decker?” Donna screeched as I moved to my bedroom and quickly changed my shirt. I threw some water on my face and dried it off, Donna squawking at me the entire time.

“Donna, I told you I have plans tonight.” I grabbed my keys and pulled her towards the door.

“You’re just gonna leave me like this? My pussy is so sensitive I could come from just walking.” She growled as I locked my apartment.

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Then you shouldn’t have any problem taking care of it yourself.”

As I walked away, I expected growling, snarling, the sound of sharp nails trailing with murderous intent down the walls. Instead, she was remarkably quiet. I didn’t relax until I was seated in my car, and even then I kept thinking Donna would come at me out of nowhere, screaming like some out of control banshee. But she didn’t.

I drove around town for hours, angry and frustrated at the conundrum my perfect life had become. A year ago my future was paved in the sweet sound of orgasms and adult porn. Now it was overgrown with confusion and indecision. My reaction to Andi had been a purely visceral reaction, as if my flaccid member had recognized the scent of a pure, untarnished woman and demanded its fill. But was it just a onetime thing? Would I feel the same if I saw her again? Would I need to picture Andi every time I wanted a drug free erection? Wouldn’t that basically make Andi my new erectile dysfunction drug of choice? Around eleven, I bit the bullet and dragged my pondering ass home. Thankfully, Donna was pleasantly absent.

Two nights later I found my burning curiosity over my equipment’s erratic recovery a feat that needed testing. Cindy had a shoot that night, so Leah dropped by for a far too familiar social romp. As soon as she sauntered through my door, I knew something was missing. There was no thumping in my chest, not even a twitch in my pants. Thankfully, Leah was not completely oblivious to my problems, and after I helped her reach her own orgasm without the use of my bored dick, she left without so much as a barb or harsh word. Maybe it was the fact that Andi was not familiar to me, she was new, a breath of fresh air. With that thought in mind, I threw on a pair of jeans and a button down shirt, and hit the town.

Provocateur NYC wasn’t your usual club; it was exclusive, it was expensive, and it was hard to get in to. They had their doors locked down tighter than a camel’s ass in a sand storm. However, it was a club that I frequented often. I gave Joey a fist bump as he pulled the door open, and I made my way to the café where I had planned to meet one of my best friends and fellow porn star, Ryder Harder—yes, that is his real name. I had met Ryder at the start of my career when we had both inadvertently answered an ad for a part in an adult film. Apparently nude modeling somehow equated to porn. That didn’t bother either of us who were naïve twenty-year-old men only happy to get paid to wet our whistles. Little did we know the glamorous life we thought we were stepping into was, for the most part, anything but glamorous. Abuse, disease, and drugs were prolific, and I had no idea how I made it through those early days without contracting something that turned my dick green. Ryder was so appalled by the state of adult film that he started his own company, Kink Harder. It grew quickly into a thriving business that was run with extensive medicals, zero tolerance for abuse and bullshit, and high quality scenes. I had worked exclusively for Ryder since the beginning of Kink Harder. I was one of the lucky ones who had found a clean, well paid career.

Ryder raised his glass as I approached, and I nodded as I moved past him, making my way to the bar. This section of the club played softer music, making the room a hell of a lot easier to work when trying to meet a girl. A decadent space of glamour and sophistication, the café featured its own garden in the center of the room, colorful horseshoe lounge suites and European themed tables and chairs. I barely paid the guys any attention as my eyes swept the room in search of tonight’s preferred flavor. I found her in the way of a tall, lithe blonde with legs made to be wrapped around my waist. I bought Holly a drink, we flirted and laughed, and three hours later, I held my door open as she stepped into my apartment. Twenty-three minutes later, I used the excuse that I needed to grab a condom from the bathroom to give myself the timeout I needed. I sat on the side of the bathtub with my head in my hands as I cringed over the disaster my night had turned into. I couldn’t even look at Holly as I worked her body into a state of sexual need, and even with my eyes closed with Andi’s image in my head, every time Holly moaned or spoke it killed the illusion I was trying to create. I turned my phone over in my hand and sent an S.O.S. text to Ryder. Yeah, we guys did that shit too. My S.O.S. was responded to immediately. As Ryder rambled on about the amazing blow job he had just received in a shadowed corner of Provocateur, I feigned shock about the accident that had just seen my best friend admitted to hospital. I hung up on Ryder before he had time to finish explaining how amazing his orgasm had been; I really didn’t want to hear about someone else’s joy over their normal and healthy erection. My equipment had failed me, again. The stranger theory had crashed and burned. I could have popped a pill, but I wasn’t in the mood to play anymore. I was pissed off and confused. I politely apologized to Holly who seemed genuinely concerned about my hospital story. I actually felt bad for deceiving her like that, and when she offered me her cab so I could get to the hospital more quickly, I thought the big fella above might smite me on the spot for lying. As the door closed behind the beauty, I leaned my forehead against the cool wooden surface in frustration. What the hell was wrong with me? I needed to test my highly strung body on one more female, I needed to see Andi. I was so nervous about seeing her, you’d think I was going to be neutered, not possibly resurrected. What did it mean if my body responded to Andi and Andi only? It was like being forced into an arranged marriage by my dick. Perhaps she had a divine pussy? I shook my head with frustration, ripped the sheets off my bed that Holly’s pungent perfume clung to, and collapsed on top of the bare mattress. Would being with Andi be all that bad? She was hot in that girl next door kind of way. There was only one way to know; I’d have to man up and go see her.

I inevitably avoided Andi for another two weeks. Two weeks of thinking about her, wondering about my body’s reaction to her. It was seven o’clock on a Thursday evening and I knew she was home, the light in her upstairs apartment spilled down on me. I had a pizza in one hand and a few groceries in the other. I had no idea what the groceries were about, but I had stopped at the store on the corner to grab some Pepsi and ended up throwing a few essentials into a basket. Andi had been here for over two weeks now. Surely in that time she had gone and bought herself some groceries. I should have called her before now; she might have needed a ride to the store. Surely she would have called me if she did. Screw it, I was going to feed her and fill her cupboards. I had never felt the need to feed or care for a woman outside the bedroom before. The enigma over my response to Andi was confusing, but I found myself curious enough to simply try running with it. Before I chickened out and walked away, I banged hard on the front door. A moment later, the light in the store flicked on and Andi smiled from the other side of the window. She opened the lock and pulled open the door. Her gaze zeroed in on the pizza.

“Food,” she growled, grabbing the box from my hand.

“You’re welcome.” I chuckled, following her inside. I watched her climb the stairs to her apartment, her ass level with my eyes. A perfect, little ass that had fit easily into my hands when she had climbed my torso in her rodent induced panic more than two weeks ago. My heart pounded hard at the sight and memory of that ass. Less than a minute with her and my body was already reacting to her.

“I sure wasn’t expecting to see you on my doorstep,” Andi confessed as we stepped into the studio.

“I was in the area and thought I’d stop by to see if you’d eaten.” Unlike the day I dropped her off, the apartment was now fully furnished. She still had some unpacking to do, boxes were sprawled from one end to the other, the furniture arranged haphazardly. Her bed caught my eye first, of course. It was a king with a wrought iron headboard, great for holding onto or tying someone to. Yes, male, one track mind, I know. A cozy looking white quilt covered the bed, with half a dozen or more pillows of varying colors taking up the better half of it. I still couldn’t fathom why women did that. Pillows that ended up on the floor each night, only to be picked back up and sit unused on the bed the next day. Complete waste of time and pillows.

“I like a big bed. I kinda like to sprawl,” Andi said through a mouthful of pizza.

I tore my gaze away from the bed and took in the small living area that was consumed with one big-ass couch that sat in front of a flat screen TV that was currently leaning against the wall. A small square oak table, that had seen better days, with four chairs, each a different style and color, sat in the kitchen area. An old-school bright red, retro style fridge was humming away softly. By the enormous arched window sat a big brown leather recliner and a small table with an antique style lamp. A big, fluffy white rug was thrown on the floor in front of the window, and on the opposite wall was a pile of solid wood. I nodded towards the mess and arched a brow. “Oh, that’s my bookshelf. It’s kinda heavy, and I might need some help assembling it,” she somehow managed to get out through another mouthful of food.

“I’ll give you a hand after dinner, if you feel up to it that is. Don’t feel that you’re being rude if you want me to go; you might have plans or something.” Andi watched me curiously as I put the groceries on the counter in the kitchen.

“No plans. Don’t really know anyone to make plans with. You went shopping?” she asked, not even attempting to hide the surprise in her voice. Hell, I was surprised.

“Yep, I needed a few things so I grabbed you some stuff. You’ve probably already done a grocery run, but I figured since I was at the store I might as well grab a few things.”

“I haven’t really done the grocery thing, I’ve been living off pizza, hotdogs, and cereal.” She was quiet as I began putting things away. “I don’t get it,” she said.

“Get what?” I asked as I put the cold stuff in the fridge. I was fascinated with this fridge. It looked so old on the outside, I half expected mold and fungus when I opened it, but it had a pleasantly modern interior.

“Bradley told me you didn’t have female friends. Well, ones you didn’t sleep with anyway. But you seem to be doing okay with me. Mind you, it’s only been a couple of weeks and I’ve barely seen you, so it’s probably a bit premature to go making assumptions about you.” I turned with a frown set in place and Andi’s expression suddenly morphed to one of shock. “That’s not why you’re here now is it? Is this a booty call? Because I’m flattered and all, but you’re not really my type. I mean, you’re hot, but you’re Bradley’s best friend for goodness sake. And I’ve known you forever, not that I really know know you anymore. I mean, people change, right? And it’s been like thirteen, fourteen years? But even if I got to know know you, I think having sex would be weird. Shit, that’s not going to make things awkward is it? Me rejecting you?”

I laughed at her rambling. “Cool it, Country. I’m not doing this in some attempt to get into your cotton-tail panties and I’ve got plenty of female friends, most of whom I’ve slept with, but we still maintain friendships. I’m not a total ass. And there is nothing to reject because I’m not interested either.” I wasn’t interested. My dick seemed to be, but I wasn’t. It was a physical response, nothing more—just wanted to get that straight. Andi relaxed, leaning back against the kitchen counter, chewing on her bottom lip in thought.

“What makes you think my panties are cotton?” she said with a smirk.

I laughed. “You’ve got that look, you know, immensely comfortable not only in your own skin but also in your underwear.”

Andi grinned as she grabbed another slice of pizza. “So, friends…without benefits, you’re cool with that?” she asked with her mouth full of food again. It was kinda disgusting, but I liked her unladylike manners.

“I’ve got a feeling it will be no hardship being your friend, Andi. Just keep your clothes on and we’ll be fine.” I joked, sort of…not really. I was pretty sure if I saw her naked, I would either unman myself by coming in my pants or jump her bones like a mindless animal.

“Cool. Well, since you think you got me and my cotton-tails all figured out, how about you tell me a little more about yourself.”

I leaned against the counter opposite her. “It seems like Bradley filled you in on quite a bit.” She passed me the pizza box, and I grabbed a slice. Damn, the little beast had eaten half the pizza already.

“He obviously didn’t get your profession right. What do you do?”

I shook my head. No way was I telling her that now. I was fairly sure she would no more want to be friends than shovel shit. Why it felt imperative to be her friend, I had no idea. Maybe it was because I had known her for so long that I felt a sense of protectiveness towards her. Maybe it was because she was my best friend’s family. Or it was quite possible my dick was in charge right now and I wasn’t thinking straight.

“Nu huh, that’s one you’re going to have to figure out on your own. Ask me something else.”

“Fine. Do you wear cotton underwear?”

I laughed easily. I was actually enjoying a girl’s company, and I wasn’t trying to get in her panties. My body was enjoying her company on a whole other level, and I was pretty sure I was going to have to have words with my protesting cock, but I actually liked being here, just hanging out. Andi was easy-going and genuine; she lacked the tiring intensity and predatory sexual nature of most of my female friends, and in turn, I found myself comfortable around her.

“I don’t wear underwear,” I confessed, and she blushed.

“Did you have a dog when you were a kid?” she asked quickly, changing the subject.

“Ummm, no. Why?” She shrugged, grabbing for another piece of pizza. The girl was a machine.

“I just wanted to know if you were one of those cute little boys who had a dog named Buddy that went everywhere with you and you loved with your whole heart and soul, or if you were one of those disturbing little kids who plucked the wings off flies and got off on torturing kittens.” I didn’t answer, I just stared at her, trying to figure out this random thought process. “Men who have pets and treat them well tend to do the same with people. It’s a sign of character.”

I shook my head at her logic, but answered her anyway, “I had a cat named Axel Rose. He was sixteen-years-old when he died of old age. He slept at the bottom of my bed every night, and I never once forgot to feed him.” I liked cats. Bradley was most likely the only other person to know that fact.

“Really? Axel Rose?” she asked with a wistful smile. I nodded and Andi got a dreamy look on her face.

“The only man who could wear lycra bike pants and look sexy. I would have married him, but he didn’t do country. That was a deal breaker right there.” I wasn’t sure any man looked good in bike pants. “Tea or coffee?” she burst out suddenly.

“Tea, chamomile.”

She screwed up her nose at that. “Book, TV, or music?”

“All three at once, TV muted of course.”

“Romance, action, or horror?”

I chuckled at the inquiry taking place. “Action.” She was quiet for a moment. “Do I pass?” I wondered out loud. “Am I a good guy or not?”

“You pass. At this stage you are ticking the good guy boxes, but I reserve final judgment until we’ve hung out for longer than a day. I really didn’t take you for a cat kinda guy though,” she mused. “Or tea. I think you’ve been influenced too heavily by Bradley and his English addiction.”

I shrugged. “What can I say, tea calms me, and I love pussy.”

Andi rolled her eyes and groaned loudly. “Well, I walked myself right into that one, didn’t I?” I agreed and passed the pizza box back her way. There was only one slice left. “I don’t think I can. I mean, I’m seconds away from popping the button on my jeans and letting my pudge hang out.” I automatically looked down at her tummy which looked as flat as it had twenty minutes ago. Where the hell did she tuck all that food away?

“Oh screw it, I’ll manage,” she said, grabbing the pizza. MACH-INE!




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