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Defiled (Devil's Horsemen MC Book 3) by Brook Wilder (4)

Chapter Four



Well the night hadn’t quite turned out the way I had planned. I had gone to the fret house in the hope that Amy was there.


What I hadn’t anticipated was her running from some asshole in the parking lot. My adrenaline had kicked in when I saw the anger and terror on her face, wanting to kill the bastard for laying a hand on her. I was pissed at myself for not arriving earlier, deep down knowing she was going to be here tonight.


But now I was in her car, and we were going to have that conversation between us, the one in which I hoped she would forgive me.


Amy pulled into her driveway and shut off the engine.


“This doesn’t mean I automatically forgive you, you know.”


“I know,” I said, raking a hand through my hair. “But I hope you will at least hear me out.”


Her hands clenched on the steering wheel.


“I can’t believe… maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”


I opened the door before she could cut the car back on.


“I’m not leaving until we talk, Amy.”


Her growl of frustration had me grinning as I shut the door and walked to her front door, my hands in my pockets. Amy always had brought out the best in me, surprising me at every turn, and I had missed the hell out of her the time that we had been apart. I didn’t care who she was or that we weren’t even supposed to like each other.


What I cared about were the feelings coursing through my body and my heart.


Amy brushed past me and my cock hardened at her scent. Fuck, she drove me wild. She pushed open the door and stepped in the dark house. I followed close behind her, shutting the door as she turned on the lights. How many times had I been in this house, kissing her at the front door, fucking her against the wall because we couldn’t make it to the bedroom?


“Come on,” she said, heading to the kitchen. “I got some supplies in here somewhere.”


I followed her into the kitchen, walking over to the fridge and opening the door with a frown.


“What the hell have you been eating?” There was nothing in there that could still be edible. Hell, even the milk had expired a week ago.


She paused at the cabinet, not turning around.


“Ice cream if you must know.”


“Why?” I asked, rooting around in the drawer but finding no beer.


That was odd. Amy had always kept a few beers in the fridge.


“Do you have something against going grocery shopping?”


She slammed the cabinet door.


“I haven’t had the time. Sit down at the table before I throw you out, Eric.”


Alright then. I shut the fridge door and walked over to the kitchen table, stripping off my shirt in the process. Sure enough, I had popped open the wound that had started to heal on my shoulder. My knuckles were also busted up, but it felt damn good to inflict pain on someone else.


Amy sat in the chair beside me and slapped gauze on my wound, the sizzle causing me to hiss.


“Are you trying to hurt me intentionally?”


“Sorry,” she muttered, dabbing at it carefully.


I looked at her face, frowning as I saw the circles of exhaustion under her eyes.


“Are you not sleeping either?”


“Are you that concerned with my well-being?”


I grabbed her hand, forcing her to look at me.


“Yes, I am. What’s going on Amy?”


She snatched her hand away and turned, but not before I saw the tears glimmer in her eyes. Something was seriously wrong. Amy never cried.


“I’m fine.”


“Talk to me,” I urged as she messed with the supplies on the table. “Dammit Amy, please.”


Amy looked back, her expression sad.


“What do you want me to say, Eric? That everything’s good? It’s not. Y-you are part of the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood!”


I took her hand, clasping it in my own.


“I’m not part of those assholes. I promise you, Amy.”


Surprise filtered through her expression.


“B-but you were there! I saw you. Explain that to me.”


I couldn’t. That would mean she would find out the truth about who my father was, and it would only screw up the situation further.


“It’s complicated, but I had nothing to do with your kidnapping. I would never put you in that kind of danger, Amy.”


She bit her lower lip.


“Why did you rescue us that day, Eric?”


I rubbed my thumb over her hand, choosing my words carefully in my head before I spoke them.


“Because I wanted you to know I had no part in your kidnapping. I-I didn’t know they were coming after you or any of your friends, and it’s wrong. What they did was wrong.”


“So why were you there?” she prodded, clearly wanting to know what my role had been that day.


I blew out a breath, formulating the lies in my head.


“I was helping unload the weapons. A hired hand, nothing more.”


“A hired hand,” Amy said slowly.


I looked up at her, hoping that she couldn’t see the lies reflected in my eyes.


I couldn’t tell her the truth. The moment I told her, she would want to distance herself from me and these last few weeks without her had been hell for me. She was the only one who treated me like I meant something on this earth.


“My feelings for you have not changed, Amy.”


She stared at me for a moment before launching herself at me, her mouth viciously attacking mine. I wrapped my arms around her as the chair started to tip back, landing on the floor with a thud. My shoulder spasmed in pain as I cushioned her from the blow.


“I’m beginning to think you missed me too,” I murmured against her lips, nibbling at the corner of her mouth.


“Let’s forget for a while,” she murmured back, sucking on my lower lip.


Groaning, I rolled her over onto her back and rose up over her, staring down at her gorgeous face.


That face had haunted me in my dreams.


“Tell me to leave, and I will do it.”


Her eyes searched mine, and for a moment I thought she would say it. I deserved it. After everything I put her through, I deserved for her to walk away from me.


But then her lips curved into a saucy smile, and relief flooded me with the knowledge I would have another night with her.


“Are you having some stage-fright?”


I chuckled, leaning down to press my hard body against her soft one.


“You tell me,” I whispered into her ear, grounding my hard cock against her.


She gasped, and I seized her mouth with mine. There was no doubt in my mind or in my body what I wanted.


Her arms went around me, and I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, molding her lips to mine, our tongues doing a dangerous tango. I knew I needed to stop, move this to the bedroom, but I didn’t want to.


Her hands slid up my back, and I groaned, feeling the light rake of her nails on my skin. My body welcomed her touch like a long-lost friend as my own hands slid down her body to the hem of her dress. Her legs fell open as I slid my hand up her leg to the place I knew was already wet and waiting for me.


“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I whispered against Amy’s skin, my lips nipping at her jaw as my hand leisurely slid her panties aside.


“Touch me, Eric,” she begged, arching against my touch. “Please.”


I did as she asked, sliding a finger inside her tight warmth and groaning as her body clenched around it. My cock was bucking against my zipper, begging for release, but I wanted her screaming my name first. Pressing a hard kiss against her lips, I slid down her body, bunching up her dress around her hips.


“Eric?” she asked as I breathed in the smell of her arousal. “W-what are you doing?”


“Relax,” I said before pressing a kiss to the center of her.


She moaned and tried to pull away, but I held her still with one hand, sliding my finger in and out with the other. Her hands fisted into my hair as I found her clit and sucked on it, feeling her tremble beneath me.


This was the Amy I knew, the one who gave everything to me.


To me.


“Oh, my god,” she breathed, her hands tightening on my hair. “I’m about to cum.”


I lapped at her clit faster, moving my finger in a steady rhythm until she clenched around it, crying out my name as the orgasm hit her. I pressed a kiss to her thigh, my own body begging for release before grabbing my jeans and sliding them down far enough so I could free my cock.


Amy’s eyes slid open as I paused at her entrance.


“What are you waiting for?”


I chuckled.


“For you to look at me. I want you to know who’s about to fuck you.”


She grabbed at my hip, sliding me into place.


“You’re taking too long.”


God, I loved this woman. I buried myself to the hilt, hearing her moans as she clenched around me. There was nowhere else I wanted to be right then.


Her grasp became frantic, and I started a slow rhythm with my hips, bringing her to her next explosive orgasm while trying to hold my own back.


Just in case this was the only time I got this chance.


Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, roaring to my own orgasm. My mind completely emptied, and I allowed the feelings to wash over me, those of fierce protectiveness and love.


Hell, there was always love.


My hands released her hips, and I pulled out, standing up with my pants around my ankles. She covered her mouth and sat up, her eyes full of laughter.


“You look ridiculous.”


I grinned, grabbing my jeans and pulling them back onto my hips.


“And you look gorgeous.”


She flushed and pushed herself off the floor, smoothing her dress down. We had just had sex on the kitchen floor.


“I’m sorry,” I blurted out, running a hand through my hair.


She eyed me.


“For what?”


“For taking you here,” I forced out, feeling like an ass.


Amy deserved so much better than the kitchen floor. She deserved things I couldn’t provide for her, the best of everything.


I was nothing more than a shitty warehouse worker, with no future the longer I attempted to be the son my father wanted me to be.


Why the hell did life have to be so damn difficult?


Amy burst into laughter.


“You’re apologizing for fucking me?”


I ground my jaw.


“No, not that, but doing it on the floor. I… you deserve better.”


Her laughter quieted, and I saw something cross over her face.


“We shouldn’t be together, Eric.”


So, we were back to that again.


“Give me a reason why Amy.”


She swallowed, kicking off her shoes in the process.


“You know why, Eric. This thing between us… it’s not going to work out.”


That pissed me off. Hell, I knew we were up against a brick wall, one that she had no idea how deep, but it didn’t mean we couldn’t be together.


“So, you don’t love me.”


Amy picked up her shoes, pushing her long hair out of her face, but not meeting my gaze.


“I… you can’t throw that back at me.”


I took a step forward, attempting to keep my anger under control.


“Why not Amy? Either you fucking love me or you don’t, but you can’t have it both ways.”


“Eric,” she said, her voice breaking.


I reached out and cupped her cheek, forcing her to meet my gaze.


“This thing between us, it’s damn near perfect. Tell me you don’t want me, and I will walk the fuck out and never bother you again. If you don’t, I’m willing to put it all on the line to make it work.”


“Things are complicated,” she fired back, though her eyes held no anger.


“Life is damn complicated,” I shot back softly. “Give me one reason why I should walk away. One reason, Amy, and it better be a damn good one.”


I wasn’t leaving. I wasn’t going to leave because of the Brotherhood or because of my father. I didn’t give a damn who she was.


I wanted Amy.