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Depths of Deceit by Kellie Wallace (27)

Chapter 27

Elias dashed through the hospital halls, hoping he wasn’t too late. He bypassed mothers cradling newborn babies and grandparents dragging tired and uninterested children around the ward. Nurses stepped out of his way, confused by his crumpled wedding suit.

He turned the corner and located Ava’s hospital room at the end of the hall. A ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hung on the doorknob. He knocked softly and heard muffled voices inside the room. The door opened, and Veronica’s exhausted face lit up at the sight of him.

“Elias, what a sight for sore eyes.” Her voice was low and hushed. “It’s wonderful to see you. Please come in.” She welcomed him inside the room, pushing aside the curtain that offered privacy to Ava lying upright in bed.

Elias’s heart was pounding if he’d run a marathon. He stood planted on the spot, his eyes firmly fixed on the little bundle pressed against Ava’s chest, small and unmoving. The stunning smile she bestowed him reaffirmed his feelings. He loved her. She was the one he wanted to be with.

“Come over and meet your daughter,” Ava said softly.

He approached the bed slowly and perched on the edge, welcoming the baby into his arms. She felt so delicate and breakable against his chest. “She’s so beautiful. What’s her name?”


Elias kissed the baby’s soft scalp adorned with bright, copper hair. Her skin was pearl white. “Hello, Lila.” He felt the heat of Ava’s gaze drawing up and down his body.

“Did you get married today?” she asked. “You’re wearing your suit.”

He glanced up and found sadness behind her emerald eyes. “No. I’ve left Daisy for good.”

Veronica made a small noise and walked towards the door. “It’s best for me to leave. I’ll be outside if you need me.” She slipped out of the room.

When the door closed behind her, Ava glared wearily at Elias, breathing sharply through her nose. “What did you do, Elias?”

“I chose you and Lila. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Yes, I do. But what about Daisy?”

“She’s not an innocent party,” Elias argued. “She betrayed me. I can’t forgive what she did. Selling her photos of us to the press was the first mistake she made. I can’t trust her anymore.”

Ava climbed out of bed and stood opposite him. “So you left her at the altar?”

“No, I told her before the ceremony.”

“How dignified of you. How did she take the news?”

“As well as you expect. I didn’t make the decision lightly, Ava. I’ve been thinking of leaving her for months. Abandoning Daisy at the altar wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever done, but it was needed.” With his free hand, he cupped her face, stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “I want to be a family. With you and Lila. No more half-assed promises. It’s you I want.” He leaned forward to kiss her, but Ava rebuffed him.

“I’ve been waiting for you to say those words for months. But forgive me if I’m not jumping with joy. When I was pregnant, it broke my heart seeing you with Daisy, planning a wedding and an impending arrival. How do you think she feels now that the roles are reversed? She’s pregnant with your child. She needs your support more than ever.”

“I will give her anything she wants.”

“She wants you, Elias. If you’re with me, then you can’t give her what she truly wants.” She turned and sat back down on the bed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You need to talk to her. You cannot move on with me when there’s unfinished business with her. I wouldn’t feel right unless it was done. Do you understand? It’s important for our children to grow up in a civilised environment.”

Elias carefully lowered Lila in her crib and joined Ava on the bed. He kissed her softly, uncaring if she protested. He had missed how she tasted, how she felt under his touch. “I will speak with Daisy. Life’s too short to have two women pissed off at you.”

Ava smiled, burying her fingers into the depths of his hair. “Stop talking, Elias. I’ve waited too long for this moment.” She bought him in for a passionate kiss.

~ ~ ~

The apartment was quiet when Elias came home on Sunday night. The living room lamp was on as he’d left it, throwing fractured shadows onto the ceiling. There was an eeriness in the air that left goosebumps along his skin. Some of Daisy’s belongings that were never fully unpacked were back in boxes, this time stationed around the unit in a uniform manner. Her clothes were hastily thrown into boxes, topped off with shoes, boots, and unbreakable knickknacks. Seeing her things like that offered some comfort and relief that all this was over. Today would’ve been the start of his honeymoon. A new life that no longer existed.

Elias wandered into the living room to inspect a box full of crockery when the front door opened. Daisy froze at the sight of him, quickly regained her composure and closed the door behind her.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded. “I asked you not to be here while I packed up my stuff.”

“I need to talk to you.”

She rolled her eyes and dumped her keys on the kitchen bench. “I think I’ve given you enough chances to talk.” She approached a box and rummaged through it. “You’ve humiliated me. My poor father was forced to explain your absence to the guests. What you’ve done to me is unforgivable.”

“I’m sorry our relationship ended the way it did. But I couldn’t keep living the lie. Come on, Daisy. We were fooling each other to think we had a future.”

“Did you love her this entire time?”

Elias averted his gaze to the floor. “Yes. I guess I did.”

“Why did you propose to me if you felt this way?”

“I don’t know why I proposed. I guess I did it to hide my true feelings. I was so conflicted by my emotions for you and her. I thought marrying you would be the right decision. But something happened to you, Daisy. You’re a completely different woman.”

“Our lives changed the moment you started working with Ava.” She sneered at him. “I often wonder if we would be in this situation if you never left Manny Magpie.”

“I was getting shit money and the job had no prospects at all. I did it for us.”

She laughed. “Really? You were thinking with your other head when you accepted the job at Blue Tail.”

He went to stroke her belly when Daisy jumped out of the way. “Why don’t you let me touch you?” he asked. “I haven’t bonded with the baby at all. Honestly, when you told me you were pregnant, I thought it would change our relationship. It only made things worse.”

“There’s no baby, Elias.” The lack of emotion in her voice sent shivers across his skin.

“What do you mean there’s no baby?” Elias probed. “Did you lose it?”

She met his gaze and lifted her shirt to reveal a fake pregnant belly. “You wanted to know why I refused you to touch me. This is the reason. I was never pregnant. Ever.” There was nothing on her face to show her remorse, no regret or guilt in her eyes. Dead. Emotionless.

Elias’s knees weakened and he pulled out a kitchen stool in time. He covered his face in his hands, grieving for a child that never existed. “You lied me for months! I believed I was going to be a father. You showed me a scan of our baby.”

“You can buy fake scans on the Internet,” Daisy explained. “You’ll be surprised how easy it is.”

“Why did you do it?” There was so much Elias wanted to say—no, scream—at her, but he was exhausted of her playing games of deceit. She was toxic, not worthy of any redemption.

“I figured if I was pregnant with your baby, you’ll stay with me. You’re not the type of man to leave a pregnant woman.”

“That’s entrapment.” Elias got off the stool and peeled the baby scan off the fridge. He ripped it into two pieces, throwing them at her. “You’ve committed low acts before, but this is the lowest. I came here tonight to discuss our future. Ava wanted our children to grow up in a civilised environment. I can tell her that there’s no need for that now.”

“It’s always about Ava! Always! From day one, she was the topic of conversation,” Daisy screamed. “I’ve had enough hearing her fucking name. She doesn’t own you, Elias.”

“Neither do you! I’ve tried my hardest to accommodate you, Daisy. I’ve ignored the piteous jealousy and the need for control. It’s not going to happen anymore. I’m done. We’re done.”

Daisy shrunk at his outburst and gathered her purse on the kitchen bench. Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out between us.” She rested a gentle touch on Elias’s arm and pressed a ghost-like kiss to his cheek. “I’m sorry your feelings for another woman destroyed this relationship. I’m too tired to fight anymore. Good luck with your new family, Elias. Ava is lucky to have you.” Without waiting for a response, she turned, opened the front door and left Elias’s life forever.