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Devil's Kiss (Sunset Cove Series Book 2) by Ella Frank (14)


WHEN THE ELEVATOR came to a stop at Jordan’s floor, Derek was positive his heart skipped a few beats. Christ, he wasn’t sure he had the balls to ask for what he’d come there for. But as the door slid open and Jordan’s handsome face came into view, he was determined to fucking try.

On his way over to Jordan’s, he’d been running through Finn’s words about leaving, and though he knew it wasn’t personal, it sure as hell felt that way. Finn leaving Sunset Cove meant the end of an era of sorts. An end of them, for real. Not just because they were busy and doing their own things, but because Finn was putting miles, states, and a plane ride between them.

Thinking about it made him mad all over again, though he knew he had no right, and when he stepped off the elevator and headed toward Jordan, he watched him cross his arms over his chest in a move that Derek knew all too well. It was a blocking move. A do not come any closer move. And it had his steps faltering.

When he saw Jordan standing in the crowd today, he’d wanted to go to him for many reasons. One of those was to tell him he looked fucking hot in a suit. But after talking to Daniel, the need to be with Jordan had become more pressing. More desperate. Derek had felt out of control, unable to fix or stop what was happening in his life, and he’d known the only person who would make his world seem stable again was the man opposite him, with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.

“Okay…” Jordan finally said. “What’s with the fierce frown on a day where you should be over the moon?”

Derek wasn’t even aware he’d been sporting a scowl until Jordan, as always, called his ass out on it. Then before he realized he was going to, he blurted out, “Did you know?” 

Jordan cocked his head to the side and asked, “Did I know what, exactly?”

Derek wasn’t sure why, but he had a feeling that Jordan had known about Finn leaving. But before he could continue his interrogation, Jordan was speaking again. 

“That you would graduate? I never had a doubt. Though your smartass mouth and tendency to cause problems for your professors may have given me reason to worry over the last four years.”

Derek let his eyes move down from Jordan’s styled hair to his high cheekbones, and with his shirt and tie still in place, plus his gray slacks and wingtips, he looked the epitome of sophistication. And just like that, Derek’s first line of questioning left him, and instead he asked, “You worry about me?” 

“Oh, only whenever I think about you.”

“And how often’s that?”

The question lingered between them like a dare. One that had been issued four years ago but never acted on. Then… Jordan took him up on it. 

He let his eyes trail down over Derek’s own shirt, tie, and slacks, then brought them back to his face and answered, “More often than not.”

Unable to stop himself, Derek took a step forward and Jordan walked backward. They continued that way until Jordan’s back hit a wall and Derek’s polished shoes were touching his.

“Fuck, I want to kiss you right now,” Derek said, as he looked into Jordan’s eyes and waited for him to tell him no. But he should’ve known better when it came to Jordan, who angled his chin up instead. His body language screamed out one thing: I dare you. But if you want me, you better have the fucking balls to take me on.

No problem there, Derek thought, as he placed a hand on the wall by Jordan’s head. As all of the feelings he’d squashed down over the years rushed to the surface, Derek brought a hand up to touch Jordan’s chin. But before his fingers made contact, Jordan took hold of his wrist and added, “Be sure.”

Derek’s dick was positive, but as he looked into the dark eyes staring back at him, he sensed there was more to what Jordan was asking him—and he was right.

“What I mean is,” Jordan said, “be sure that one night is enough for you.”

That brought Derek up short. “Why only one?”

“Because tomorrow I fly to Italy for the summer.”

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. “What’s with everyone leaving all of a sudden?”

Jordan shrugged. “This has been planned for months. But I understand if it changes your mind. If you can’t do one night.”

Derek shook his head, not believing that this was actually happening to him. “So basically you want to fuck me then kick me out.”

Jordan’s eyes widened at his blunt words, but Derek didn’t care. It actually felt good to be able to say what he really thought instead of offering a fake smile and going on his merry way, like he’d had to earlier with Finn. 

“No. I just don’t want you to think this is something it’s not. I’m not in the right place for anything serious. I’m going on vacation and you’ll be starting work. So I don’t want—”

“A boyfriend. Strings. I get it. You want to be able to fuck whoever you want and not worry about the guy back at home mooning over you. Got it.”

“Excuse me. It’s not like that.”

“It’s exactly like that,” Derek said. Then he sighed. “But I don’t even care anymore. I want you. And I’ve waited for fucking ever to have you.”

Derek thought it interesting that Jordan didn’t like hearing his terms stated so bluntly. But that was too bad. Jordan had been the first person to really open his eyes and show him it was best to call a spade a spade. And right now, he wasn’t about to sugarcoat shit to make it sweet and romantic just so Jordan would feel better. 

“Fair enough,” Jordan said. Though he looked like he wanted to claw Derek’s face off. “As long as we understand each other up front.”

“Oh, I understand,” Derek said, while inside he was busy thinking, Fuck this. On the same day, he was going to lose both Finn and Jordan. Sometimes he wished life would give him a break and spread shit out rather than dump it all on him at once. 

Jordan’s fingers tightened around his wrist, and Derek knew he had to be able to feel the rapid tattoo of his pulse. 

“Okay, then,” Jordan said. “Go to my bedroom, take off your clothes, and wait for me by the end of my bed. I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to see that.”

And before Derek could change his mind, he turned on his heel and made his way down to Jordan’s bedroom.

* * *

JORDAN SHUT HIS eyes and counted to twenty as he stood in his living room and watched Derek leave. He needed to get a handle on himself.

Breathe, Jordan. Fucking breathe. Because if you pass out on the floor and the first time he has his mouth on yours tonight is due to CPR, you will never forgive yourself.

After his little pep talk, he removed his shoes and socks, unbuttoned the first couple of buttons on his shirt, and then took off the damn tie he’d been wearing all day. Once he was slightly more comfortable, minus the hard-on between his legs, he made his way down to his bedroom.

When he got to the door, the sight that greeted him just about had his jaw on the floor. Derek naked was fucking impressive.

Jordan let his eyes trail over Derek’s side profile as he waited at the foot of his bed. His large feet were planted firm, shoulder width apart, and his built calves were rigid as he stood silently. His thighs bunched just as Jordan’s eyes trailed over them, and Jordan bit down on his lower lip to keep the groan he could feel bubbling inside him from slipping free. 

From the angle he was standing at, Jordan could see the thick length of Derek’s erection as it jutted out from his body, and it took everything in him not to go straight to his side and wrap his hand around him and stroke.

Jordan wondered what Derek was thinking right then. He was curious if he was still upset about their previous conversation or if getting naked had brought more carnal thoughts to mind. Because the sight he was seeing had Jordan’s hands quickly moving to the button of his pants, and once he had that free, he was unzipping. 

The sound must’ve caught Derek’s ear, because his head finally turned, and instead of the irritation Jordan had seen earlier, his eyes were like the center of the hottest flame—blue and blazing.

Half-dressed, Jordan knew he must look completely disheveled as he walked closer to the man he’d been dying to get his hands, mouth, and cock against for years.

When he was finally by Derek’s side, Jordan gave a roguish grin and, without touching him, leaned forward and dragged the tip of his tongue up one of the elaborate tattoos decorating Derek’s arm. 

Derek grunted and Jordan raised his head and winked at him, catching the ticking of Derek’s jaw when he clenched his teeth. Then, with a smirk, Jordan lowered his head to do it again and traced his finger over the curve of Derek’s back to his tailbone, causing a rumble to escape him this time.

“I’ve thought about you naked way more often than I should’ve, but, ahh…” Jordan lost his train of thought as he stepped around behind Derek and drew his finger up his spine. He then smoothed his palm over to his shoulder and pressed his lips to the warm skin at the nape of his neck. “God, Derek, you’re built like a god. And I have a thing for muscles and tattoos, and fuck,” Jordan said as he scraped his teeth along his shoulder. “I think I just have a thing for you.”

Jordan knew he needed to shut his mouth before he said anything else incriminating. But before he did, there was one more thing… “Turn around for me. I want to look at what’s mine for the night.”

Then he took a step back.

* * *

DEREK SHUT HIS eyes for a second and willed his dick not to embarrass him. He’d been waiting for this moment for years, and there was no way he was going to come without experiencing, or at least fucking seeing, Jordan naked. 

God, please let him get naked…

He slowly pivoted until he was facing Jordan, and Jesus, the guy looked like he was two seconds away from pouncing. His pants were hanging open, his shirt was half undone, and his lips were swollen, as though he’d been chewing on them while he’d been teasing Derek.

As Derek stood there mesmerized, Jordan pulled his shirt from his pants, undid the rest of the buttons, and stripped out of it, throwing it to the floor.

Damn, Derek wasn’t sure he’d survive watching Jordan strip in front of him without some sort of… Oh, fuck it, he reached down and clamped a tight fist around the base of his cock and squeezed. 

When a chuckle echoed around the room and his eyes found Jordan’s, the guy shoved his pants to the floor along with his boxer briefs and said, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Derek had no witty comebacks in his brain at that moment. All he had was the honest to God truth, which was, “You’re gorgeous.”

Totally naked now, Jordan, bold as you please, walked over to him and wrapped his fingers around the top of the ones Derek had encircling the root of his shaft. Jordan then tipped his face up and batted his lashes. “I told you so.”

The comment was so Jordan, and so fucking arrogant, that Derek scoffed before Jordan twisted his hand and drew it up the length of his cock, making him groan instead. 

Jordan waggled his brows and aimed a blinding smile up at him. The guy was a fucking trip, but when he kissed his way up to Derek’s ear and said, “Get on the bed,” he had Derek’s undivided attention. 

Derek sat down on the mattress, but before he could do anything else, Jordan bent and took his face between his hands. His lips were against Derek’s before he could even blink and the kiss was totally fucking mind-blowing. Jordan’s lips were forceful, his tongue rapacious, and any doubt or misapprehension Derek might have had vanished. 

As the initial hunger was somewhat tamed, Jordan grazed his lips over the top of his and whispered, “Scoot back to the middle and let me see what you’ve been teasing me with since day one, Derek.”

Not sure if it was the words or the tender touch in amongst the rawness of that moment, but Derek’s heart joined his brain and body right then as he sat staring up at Jordan, and a shudder raced throughout his body.

“You okay?” Jordan asked, when he just sat there. 

Derek nodded and a seductive smile split Jordan’s lips. That was when Derek realized what a gigantic mistake he’d made in coming there tonight. Because even as he moved to the center of Jordan’s bed, Derek knew after he left it, his heart would remain right there, where he was about to hand it over to the man looking down at him.

* * *

AS DEREK MOVED to the middle of his mattress, Jordan thought his bed had never looked more inviting. He was magnificent lying there waiting on him. His colorful tattoos were bright against the crisp white of the bedsheets, and that stiff cock of his was leaking fluid over his abdomen. 

Derek was beyond turned on. He looked ready to explode, and Jordan knew their night would be over very quickly, once the touching began. So he was all about taking his time for a moment to enjoy his view. 

He’d been waiting to kiss, stroke, and touch Derek Pearson since the first moment he’d seen him, and now that he was his for the taking, Jordan didn’t want to rush. 

He wanted to savor. To get inside him and stay there. But that wasn’t what this was about. This wasn’t about forevers. This was about the now. 

One night. So they could finally relieve this sexual tension between them and move on.

Ever so slowly, Derek worked his shaft as he raised both feet to plant them on the mattress, and Jordan rolled a condom on. He lubed up, and then tossed the bottle on the mattress before placing a knee on the bed to climb up onto it. 

Derek’s breathing increased and he pulled his knees up against his chest, waiting for whatever Jordan was going to give to him. He looked beautiful as he lay there, trusting him in that moment with something Jordan knew he’d never given to another, and for that he had to at least tell him… “Derek?”

Derek blinked up at him. “Yeah.”

“I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you right now.”

The blush that reddened Derek’s cheeks made Jordan’s confession well worth it as he stroked a gentle finger down the dark channel of Derek’s body. He saw Derek lower a hand back to his cock, and pick up the pace as he methodically stroked himself up and down as Jordan probed his body for entrance. 

“Yes, Derek. That’s it. Let me in.” 

Derek’s body was like a furnace where Jordan was slowly massaging him, and as his finger slipped inside, he heard a moan escape the man he was working over.

“Oh God, Jordan, more.”

Jordan shifted to his knees so he could lean over Derek’s body and trace the tattoo across his heart with his tongue as he tunneled his finger in deeper, finding and nailing Derek’s prostate.


The curse was like music to his ears as he did it over and over, all the while licking and sucking every bit of ink he could reach on Derek’s body. Finally, Derek let go of his knee to grip the back of Jordan’s neck and haul his mouth up to his. As their lips met in a molten kiss, Jordan sucked on Derek’s tongue. God, if he didn’t get inside Derek, the guy was going to make him lose it like a damn teenager. 

When their lips parted and Derek’s breath ghosted over his, Jordan asked, “Ready?” 

And Derek’s eyes told him all he needed to know. 

He moved back, grabbed the lube, and slicked some over his aching length before he poured a nice amount over Derek’s waiting body. Then he shifted in between Derek’s raised legs and lined the head of his erection up with the tight pucker he’d dreamed of taking many times over.

When Derek’s fingers dug into his own knees, Jordan’s eyes found his and Derek gave a brief nod. Permission to enter.

With the utmost of care, Jordan pushed inside the man laying his body down for him, and when he breached the first ring of muscle and he heard a curse ricochet around his bedroom, he looked to Derek for direction. He bared his teeth and begged, “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

“I don’t plan to,” Jordan said, then he was inside and buried to his balls, and Derek’s body was clasping his cock like a fucking vise.

He could hear the blood rushing around his head, and when his eyes met Derek’s, Jordan knew he’d grossly miscalculated this moment. This was so much more than acting on something they’d been tiptoeing around for years. 

This…this was everything, and he wasn’t ready for everything right now.

Shoving aside his heart and replacing those emotions with the ones making his cock throb, Jordan put a hand on each of Derek’s legs just below his knees, and pushed them back high to Derek’s chest, spreading him wide open for him. As he gained a nice, deep slide inside Derek’s hot body, Jordan’s brain shut down on all things emotional and instead flipped to the physical.

“Yes…” Derek said as Jordan pulled out of him and then tunneled back inside. “Again,” he demanded, wanting, and, from all accounts, needing more, and Jordan gave it to him. 

He took Derek in ways he’d never imagined taking anyone. He was more demanding and unapologetic than he’d ever been before, and the entire time Derek lay under him arching up off the bed, giving to him without any complaints. By the time the both of them were close to passing out, Jordan whispered, “Come for me, Derek. Let me see you explode as I take you.”

Derek’s eyes found his and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed and nodded. Jordan leaned over him and placed a hand by Derek’s head, and when Derek’s legs shifted down to wrap around his waist, Jordan moaned. 

Yes… he thought, as he started to piston in and out of Derek, hitting his prostate on every dig. Finally, as Derek’s voice cracked and a hoarse cry ripped from his throat, he came in a fountain of hot fluid all over his hand and abdomen. 

Mesmerized by the sight, Jordan pulled out of his tight body, rolled the condom off, and watched his cum drip down over Derek’s muscles and tattoos as he wrung an orgasm, which just about blew the top of his head off, from his own body.

What a sight Derek was as he lay flat on his back, and in those few seconds, Jordan knew that Derek was his: body, heart, and, as their eyes met, soul—then the moment was gone.

“You need to move,” Derek said, his eyes now looking anywhere but at Jordan.


“Get off me,” Derek grit out, and Jordan could feel Derek shudder.

Jordan moved of off Derek’s body, and as he shifted to his side Derek rolled off the bed, swung his legs over the edge, and picked up his clothes. Jordan lay still and silent as Derek walked to the bedroom door, and the last thing Jordan heard him say was, “Enjoy Italy. Baggage free.” 




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