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Dirty Biker (An MC Motorcycle Romance) (The Maxwell Family) by Alycia Taylor (12)

Chapter Twelve


I don’t know what came over me. There was just something about Gunner that intrigued me. It had something to do with his bad-boy exterior which was in complete contrast to his personality. He was a sweet boy, even if he would never admit it to anyone. And I liked that about him. Mae had been wrong. These were guys that just loved their motorcycles, and they loved the lifestyle. But he didn’t seem to have a malicious bone in his body. And after being with such a horrible man for so long, I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips against mine.

Gunner looked like he hadn’t shaved in days, and when we kissed, his rough stubble rubbed against my skin. Raymond had been clean-shaven, and I liked how different Gunner felt against me. I wondered what he saw in me, but I decided I didn’t care. At that moment the only thing that I wanted was to be with him. For the first time in my life, I felt as if it were all about me. I pulled away from him, took his hand, and led him to the bedroom. I made him sit on the bed, and then I turned around so that he could unzip my dress from the back. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and as my dress fell to the ground, I felt his hands over my body. He pulled my panties down and then turned me around.

“Holy crap, Lashes. You’re gorgeous.”

I smiled. Not the most romantic sentence I’d ever heard, but I liked it nevertheless. I liked the way he was looking at me, as if he were about to eat a delicious cake after a month of no sugar. He licked his lips, and then pulled me in. His mouth went immediately for my breasts, and as he sucked on my nipples, he reached behind and grabbed my ass. I felt my entire body shake with pleasure. He was still fully dressed. He even had his jacket on. And I was completely naked. I loved it. But I wanted more. I wanted to see him; I wanted to feel him. I pulled away and sat on the bed. Then I pointed to his clothes.

“Take them off,” I said with a confidence that I didn’t know I had.

He smiled and slowly took off his clothes. Gunner was incredibly well built, and he looked as if he had more tattoos than skin around his arms, legs, and chest. I looked at him with greed.

“Do you have a condom?” I asked before he climbed onto the bed. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do if he said no. Thankfully, I didn’t have to worry. Of course Gunner was the sort of guy that carried a condom on him. He reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled one out.

Gunner was just about to move on top of me, but I pulled him down, turned him over and sat on top of him instead. I’d never been on top before. Raymond had always liked to be the one in control. I’d thought it was normal then, perhaps just a personal preference of his. But now, I wanted to know what it felt like. Gunner entered inside me with ease, and as I rode on top of him, he reached out and placed one hand on my breast, and the other on my ass. I liked the way he looked at me, and the more I rocked, the more I groaned in pleasure. This is what I’d been missing out on all these years.

Sex with Gunner was hot, pleasurable, and explosive. And my entire body screamed thank you when we were done. I lie in his arms afterward, while we both caught our breath. I was surprised at how happy I was with what had just happened. I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt even though I was certain that Gunner had only ever wanted sex from me. I wasn’t the sort of girl that liked to sleep around, and I didn’t like being with a guy that only wanted sex from me. But, after everything that I had been through with Raymond, I couldn’t help but feel that I’d deserved that. I’d forgotten how good sex could feel.

Gunner got up to get dressed, and I watched him in admiration.

“Your tattoos are amazing,” I said.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows. “Really? You like them?”

I laughed. “I do. Don’t be so surprised. I’m not a prude, you know.”

It was his turn to laugh. “Well, I certainly know that. I’m glad you like them. It’s a bit of an obsession. You get one, and suddenly you want more. Thinking of getting one?”

“Maybe. Maybe. Who knows. I’m starting to realize that my life is an open book. Anything can happen.”

“You’re only realizing that now?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I grinned. “I’ve never in my life felt this content.”

“Wow, was the sex that good?” he teased.

“Not the sex. The moving here. The new job. The freedom. Okay, the sex too,” I admitted.

He grinned and reached for his jacket. I climbed out of bed and grabbed my robe. I supposed I couldn’t just lie in bed and watch him change. He looked as if he were ready to go. I wondered if that was the last I’d ever see of Gunner Maxwell.

“Well, I had a great time. I never did give you that coffee,” I said and laughed.

“Ah, the coffee. I forgot about that.”

We walked out the room and I ran to the kitchen and wrapped four cookies up in some tin foil to him. I handed them over.

“No coffee, but you have to at least have some of my cookies.”

“Sex followed by cookies. I could get used to this. Thanks, Lashes.”

“No problem,” I said.

I opened the door to let him out, and Gunner surprised me by leaning in and kissing me gently on the mouth.

“What’s today?” he asked.

“Friday. Why?”

“Friday? Okay, great. I have a meeting with the club on Sunday, but I’ll come by after and pick you up. If you’re free?”

“I’m free.”

“Great! See you then, lovely Lashes.”

I closed the door behind him and grinned. The last thing that I had expected was for him to invite me out again. I’d been so sure that the whole thing had just been about sex. Clearly, there was more to Gunner than I had imagined. And, as I was finally figuring out, there was more to me, too.