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Dirty Biker (An MC Motorcycle Romance) (The Maxwell Family) by Alycia Taylor (9)

Chapter Nine


It was another busy week in the shop. Not as busy as the previous week, thank goodness. Another week like that and I was sure my father would bring up the idea of hiring new staff again. I really wasn’t in the mood for that conversation all over again. But the steady flow of work was nice, and Chris and I were able to work at a good pace all week. Weeks like this reminded me of how lucky I was to be working in a place that I loved so much, and doing work that I enjoyed.

“I can’t believe it’s Thursday already,” Chris said.

“I know. It’s gone so fast. It always does when we’re busy, though.”

“So, have you called that girl from the fundraiser again? What was her name?”

“Eliza,” I said. Lashes, I thought. “Nah, not yet.”

“Playing hard to get or something?”

“No, I mean, it’s only Thursday. I’ll call her soon.” I shrugged and tried to make it look like it wasn’t a big deal. It was better that I didn’t tell him that I’d been thinking about her ever since I saw her on Sunday. It wasn’t like me at all.

“You’re only upset because you didn’t sleep with her.”

“It was the first date!” I insisted.

Chris laughed. “Like that’s ever stopped you before. Maybe you’re losing your touch.”

“Not a chance. I’ll get her in bed, you’ll see. I was just testing the waters. Trying to decide if I really wanted to sleep with her.”

“Yeah, a likely story. Did you at least kiss?” he asked.

“Yes! Of course we did. I told you, I’m not losing my touch.” Sure, she just gave me a peck on the cheek. But Chris didn’t need to know the details. A peck on the cheek was still classified as a kiss.

I was just about to say something more when Chris cleared his throat and gestured toward the woman that had just walked through the door. I figured she was pretty by the way he was looking at her. I stuck my head out from under the bike I was working on and tried not to gasp. It was Eliza.

“Eliza!” I said. I stood up and wiped my hands on my jeans and walked up to her. I was very aware of Chris watching me, so I tried to act cool.

“Hi,” she said shyly. “Good to see you again, Gunner.”

“You too. Oh, this is my friend Chris. He also works at the bike shop. Chris, this is Eliza.”

“Nice to meet you,” Chris said. “I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said, and I glared at him.

“Sorry to barge in on you like this, but my boss needs me to get a few signs formed regarding that party we threw for the fundraiser. So I’m actually here to see Mr. Maxwell. Is that your father?”

“It sure is. Come on; he’s in his office. I’ll take you.”

My father was face deep in paperwork and was biting the end of a pencil in concentration. He smiled when he looked up and saw Eliza. I wondered if all men had the same reaction when they saw her. Her bright-yellow sundress looked so completely out of place in the dark and grungy shop, and she was hard to ignore.

“Dad, this is Eliza. She’s from that party-planning place. She’s here to see you.”

My father stood up and shook her hand. “Eliza, yes, of course, we met that evening. It’s good to see you again. You did a wonderful job at the fundraiser. I’ve been talking to your boss, John, about it. Great man that guy. Sit down, sit down.”

I wasn’t sure whether I should stay or go, but I somehow found myself sitting down, too. My father gave me a strange look, but I pretended not to notice. He kept telling me that I needed to be nicer to the guests. Well, this was me being nicer.

“It was my first assignment, and it was a good one. My boss was very pleased,” Eliza was saying. Her face was all flushed from the compliments. “I’m sorry to bother you like this out of the blue, Mr. Maxwell. He just needed some forms signed. He said he’s been battling to get them through to you in email.”

My father groaned. “I know. This thing has been acting up all week. And I don’t mind you coming in at all. I’m happy to sign. Oh, and don’t call me Mr. Maxwell. I’m Paul.”

“Paul. I hear they all call you Pop.”

He laughed. “Yeah, they do. Everyone has a nickname around here.”

I tried not to look at Eliza at that comment. My father had no idea that I’d already given her a nickname.

Eliza passed him the papers and showed him where to sign, and while my father signed, he continued to talk. I watched in amazement as the two of them struck up an easy conversation with one another. How did they manage to hold a conversation like that together? I’d spoken easily with Eliza when I’d taken her out. But that was a date, and I was good when it came to flirtation. But her and my father were talking like old friends. My father was so good when it came to interacting with people he didn’t know, and clearly Eliza was good at it too. I wasn’t sure if that was something I’d ever be good at. I just sat there mute, watching them talk and smiling when I thought was an appropriate time to smile.

My father was telling Eliza all about the bikes and how he’d gotten into the business. She seemed captivated by the conversation and was leaning in to take it all in. I couldn’t stop thinking about how sexy she looked, and I had to push the thoughts away from my mind to stop myself from getting excited. Thankfully, having my father there was breaking the spell for me.

“You know,” my father was saying. “You should get Ian here to take you for a ride. He’s great with bikes. You’d love the feeling. I truly believe that it’s something that everybody should experience. What do you think Ian?”

Eliza looked at me and grinned.

“I think that’s a great idea,” I said, pretending as if I hadn’t already done that.

“Wonderful. Maybe one day you’ll be a bike rider yourself,” my father was saying.

“Who knows,” she said. “Stranger things have happened. Well, I better get going. Thank you so much for signing these papers for me. And if you’re ever in need of a party planner, you know who to call.”

My father laughed. “I don’t see myself throwing any more parties. I’m sure you can see that I’m not much of a party person. But I will let everyone else know and definitely spread the word. It was lovely seeing you again, Eliza. Ian, would you mind walking her out.”

The look my father gave me was clear, “Do not be rude,” his eyes were saying.

“Of course,” I said and smiled.

The moment we were back inside the shop, I turned to look at her.

“So, you’ve never ridden on a motorcycle, have you?”

She laughed. “Apparently not. Maybe I dreamed the other night.”

“Really? So you’re dreaming of me already?” I teased.

“Nah, I’m dreaming of amazing pizza places.”

“Speaking of which, I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I’ve been meaning to do it all week, but it’s been sort of crazy around here. I was actually going to call you tonight.”

She shrugged. “It’s no big deal. It’s been busy for me, too.”

Wow, that was unexpected. I’d thought she’d give me grief for it, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. This could either mean she was a very cool chick, or that she hadn’t thought about me at all since the date. I hoped it wasn’t the later.

“So, can I make it up to you? How about I take you out tomorrow?”

She smiled. “Sure, that sounds good.”

“Great. I’ll call you,” I said.

Then, without thinking, I walked up to her and gave her a hug. I pulled away at her and smile.

“See you soon, Lashes.”

The hug had been incredible. I could still feel her body against mine as I stood and watched her leave. But I snapped out of my reverie when Chris started laughing.

“Did you seriously just hug her? Since when are you a hugger?”

“Whatever,” I said. “You’re just jealous.”

Then I walked over to the bike I’d been working on and stuck my head under it to continue my work. But I was really just trying to hide my face from Chris. He was right. What the hell had I been doing hugging Eliza?

“Softie,” I heard Chris say, and I ignored him.

Fuck that, I thought. The next time I’d end our date with more than just a hug.