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Doctor D: A Single Dad Romantic Suspense Novel (Doctor's Orders Book 2) by Lilian Monroe (23)

Chapter 41 - Emma





I left Elliot’s house late last night, and I’m feeling it this morning.  I don’t care though, it was worth it.  My whole body is tired but at the same time I feel electrified.  I can’t stop smiling when I get into work.

“What’s with you, good night last night?” Dave is standing in the kitchen when I walk in.  I can’t help but blush.

“Oh you know, the usual.”  I’m trying to keep my voice steady, trying to keep the smile from creeping onto my face.  Dave smirks.

“The usual, hey?  I wish my usual was like yours,” he laughs.  I laugh with him and grab my coffee, practically running back to my desk.  

I don’t remember the last time I felt this good.  Months ago, or more.  I’ve had boyfriends, or lovers, or whatever you want to call them, but none of them have made me feel the way Elliot does.  He makes me feel like safe, I’m at home wherever he is.  It’s exciting being with him.

Ever since my father died I haven’t been able to find any joy going out or talking to guys.  And now, with him.. It all feels like it’s falling into place.  The way he looks at me makes me feel like a queen, like I’m the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.  I don’t know if I’ve ever had anyone else look at me that way.

The front door opens and Elliot walks through.  His hair is tousled and his muscular body is carved perfectly by his shirt.  I can see the biceps that were wrapped around me last night and I feel the familiar warmth in the pit of my stomach.  He flashes me a smile.

“Morning, you,” he says in a low voice as he gets closer.  “Missed you this morning.”

“Me too,” I respond as my heart flutters.  I wanted to sleep over but couldn’t, not with Gracie there.  It’s all well and good to come over for dinner but it’s too soon for me to be waking up with them.

“You want to come over tonight again?  Gracie couldn’t stop talking about you this morning, she said she wants to make you her famous brownies tonight.”

I laugh.  “Sounds perfect, I’d love to.  I do love brownies,” I say with a grin.


For the next week, I can’t stop smiling.  Every night I go to Elliot’s house and every morning I look forward to seeing him walk in the door at work.  One the weekend we go to the park with Gracie, go for ice cream together.  I help her with her lines for the play.  I can’t believe how seamlessly I’ve slipped into family life with them.  It feels good and right to be with the two of them.

Gracie is feisty.  She jumps into Elliot’s arms and I watch them twirl and laugh with each other and I feel so lucky to be a part of it, no matter how small my part may be.  We spend the evenings together in the living room and I get to know the both of them.

I’m happy.

At work, Elliot and I steal sweet moments together.  It’s the touch of his hand on my hip when he’s moving by me in the kitchen, or the half smile he gives me when he walks by my desk.  I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I hear his voice or see him coming towards me.  The darkness I saw before, the quiet, sulky jerk - I see right through it now.  He’s private, and solitary, but he’s kind.  And generous.  And incredibly sexy.  

I think Dave knows, but I don’t care.  He’s caught us exchanging glances and given me a knowing eyebrow raise.  I just laugh it off and walk away, and he laughs with me.  Ask me three weeks ago and I would have said No Way.  But now I can’t imagine my days without Elliot in them, and I can’t imagine my quiet evenings without Gracie.

Dr. Yates seems to have cooled off.  The hard gaze and questioning looks have disappeared and been replaced with the friendly small talk that I got used to when I first started.  I still need to ask him for that letter, I’m just waiting for the right time, and by waiting for the right time I mean the thought of asking him for anything makes me incredibly nervous.  I’ve been putting it off.  It’s been too nice to have a week full of happiness with Gracie and Elliot, I haven’t even brought myself to think of Victor or the debt.


It’s another Monday morning and I’m humming to myself at my desk when reality comes crashing down, in the form of the blonde bombshell with the overconfident strut.  Melodie Sanders.  She walks in the door and my mood darkens.  Elliot still hasn’t mentioned her, and I haven’t asked.  She doesn’t even speak to me this time, only waves her hand and walks past me down the hall.  I watch as she knocks twice and Elliot’s door opens wordlessly, swallowing her inside.

My heart hammers as I get up from my chair.  I follow in her footsteps down the hallway, heart beating harder and harder with every step.  I get to his door and I raise my hand, ready to knock.  I pause.  What am I even doing?  What would I say?  Why am I here?  

I shake my head.  I’m not going to embarrass myself in front of them.  She’s a client, nothing more.  I’m being jealous and irrational.  This is ridiculous.

Instead, I glance down the hall and decide to do what I’ve been putting off for a week.  I need to ask Dr. Yates for that reference letter.  I need to get my mind off the gorgeous blonde in that room with Elliot, and this needs to get done anyways.

I take a few more steps and knock on Dr. Yates’ door.

“Come in,” comes the voice through the door.  I take a deep breath and turn the knob, stepping through to his office.