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Dr Stanton by T L Swan (16)










I lie on my side and smile at the beautiful man facing me. We’re naked and in his bed after a couple of rounds of lovemaking.

This is special.

Every moment with him is sacred.

I couldn’t go to work tonight knowing it may cause us to end. I could never purposely end what we have because I know what a gift it is.

His eyes watch me and I smile softly as I run my fingers through his stubble. “What are you thinking about?” I ask.

He swallows and his eyes don’t leave mine. “You,” he eventually answers.

I smile as I push his hair back from his forehead and kiss him gently on the lips. “What about me?”

“That soft fucking thing that you do messes with my head,” he murmurs.

I smile broadly. “That’s called intimate lovemaking, Cam.”
His eyes search mine. “It’s new to me.”

My heart explodes. “It’s new to me, too,” I whisper as my lips brush his.

He holds me tight and the emotion between us is so strong—so strong it feels like love, even though we have only known each other for two minutes.

But what a perfect two minutes they have been.

“I don’t know what I’m doing here,” he whispers.

I frown and push the hair back from his forehead as I watch him battle with some kind of internal struggle.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

He pauses before he answers. “Something is going on with me. I’m acting crazy and demanding that you do things the way I want you to do them.”


“And that’s not who I am. I don’t usually give a fuck what girls do.”

I kiss him softly. “Why does it scare you to feel close to someone?”

“Because I don’t have any control.”
“You have a lot more control of us than you think Cameron.”

“I can’t even stand the thought of one night without you,” he whispers as he holds me close.

My eyes tear up. “I can’t, either. Why do you think I resigned tonight? I don’t want this to end.”

He pulls back to look at me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell you to leave, but I just can’t handle you working there.”

I blow out a breath and roll onto my back. “It’s okay.” I think for a moment. “To be honest, it’s kind of a relief that you didn’t want me to go back.” I sigh.
He leans up onto his elbow and places his hand over my stomach. “What do you mean?”

I run my hand up over his shoulder and up the back of his neck. “If you didn’t mind me working there then you it would mean you don’t really care.”

His eyes hold mine as his brain catches up with my thoughts. “I’m probably going to fuck this up between us, you know…” he whispers.

“Will you stop being such a chicken?” I smirk.

He watches me for a moment and eventually he smiles. “You’re right. You’ll probably fuck this up way before I do.”

Oh man, if only he knew how true that statement is. I giggle as he rolls on top of me.

“I’ve got an idea.” I smile against his lips.

“What’s that?” he asks as his mouth drops to my neck.

“How about you show me that animal fucking thing that you do so well.”
His eyes widen in delight and he slides his hard cock up my stomach. “That is a good idea, Tucker.”

I laugh and he slides into me with a sharp snap.

“Legs up.” He growls.

I laugh as I wrap my legs around his waist and he withdraws before he slides home deep. My eyes close from the pleasure.

“This is much better than pouring drinks, right?” he whispers as he pumps me hard.

I giggle as I clench and he moans in pleasure.

“Fuck, yeah,” he whispers up against my ear.

“You need to fuck me, Cameron Stanton. Really hard. Right now.”

He laughs and lifts his body off mine and with straightened arms, he does as he’s told.





It’s Friday night and we’re boarding the Stanton private jet bound for San Francisco for Natasha’s charity ball tomorrow night. I feel like we are in some Mission Impossible spy film. There’s people everywhere and the children are boarding the plane first with Natasha and Joshua. There are the five children, two nannies, three guards who are apparently the children’s guards. Adrian, Cam and me, and a man I haven’t met before called Jarvis. Then there are another six security guards, Max, and the other man I met the other night. The children are all playing quietly on their iPads and I watch on in wonder. They’re so accustomed to flying that they don’t even flinch and are paying absolutely no attention to their exciting surroundings.
“Do the kids always come?” I ask Cameron as I watch them all get onto the plane.

“Yes, always. They would never leave them in another city.”

“Oh.” I frown, distracted.

“Do they always have the nannies?” I ask. They seemed so normal the other night. I would never have imagined all this carry on.

“They are employed, but they only come away on things like this. Tash doesn’t like to have people in the house, but sometimes they’re needed.”

I frown at him. “Would you have a nanny for your children?”

He shrugs. “Depends.”

“On what?”

“On whether their mother worked or not.”

“Hmm,” I mutter distracted.

“I was brought up with nannies,” he replies.

My eyes widen. This is news. “Really?”

He nods and picks up my hand to kiss the back of it. “My father travelled a lot and my mother… well, she was always distracted.”


So… you come from this kind of money, too?” I ask.

He shrugs. “Not this much, no. But yes, I come from money. You knew that.”

I nod as another piece of the Cameron puzzle fits into place.

“You will meet my parent’s tomorrow night, actually.” He smiles.

“Really?” I feel a nervous flutter in my stomach at the thought.

He smiles, puts his arm around me and kisses my forehead. “Yes, really.”

I wrap my jacket around my shoulders as I curl into him. I just want my Owen home. I’m missing him so much with these kids around. These last few days have been horrendous without him. Three days to go.

The guards move to the side and we are ushered onto the plane boarding from the back. We take a seat in the middle. The children, Natasha and Joshua sit at the front, and the children’s chairs are already laid back with blankets over them as they play their games quietly.

This is another world. “Tell me about this charity?” I whisper.

“Natasha and Nicholas run a charity for mental health.”

“Oh.” I think for a moment. “Who is Nicholas?”

“He’s one of our friends.”

“They have raised over thirty-million dollars to date.”

“Wow, that’s amazing.” I smile. “Impressive.”

“Tash works really hard on it. This is her thing.”
“What does she have to do with mental health?” I ask.

“She’s a psychologist.”

My eyes widen. “You didn’t tell me that?”

Cameron shrugs. “You didn’t ask.”

“Where does she work?”

“She has her own private practice near their home.”

“In LA, where we were the other night?”

“No, near Willowvale, their property. They live there most of the time. LA is just, like, their holiday house. They only live there a few days a week and even less now that the children are at school.”

“What?” I whisper. “Are you kidding me?” That mansion is a frigging holiday house.

“Joshua works out of LA one day a week and then the other days from home. Adrian is his CEO.”

What the hell? “So Adrian runs the company?” I frown.

“Pretty much.”

I shake my head in disbelief. Jeez, this is full on. I knew Adrian seemed intelligent, but a CEO of a billion-dollar company… I had no idea. Natasha is a psychologist and Joshua a pioneer app developer. Cameron’s a doctor. I wonder what Jarvis does? The plane takes flight into the sky as my mind tries to catch up on the dynamics of the of the Stanton clan.

Well educated and beautiful.

This money runs deep.





The sun peeks through the blinds we didn’t shut properly last night. We’re in the Four Seasons on the top floor. I would call it the Stanton floor because the whole floor was booked just for us for security reasons.

I can’t believe how the other half live. And what seems unbelievable is that they are really, really nice people. We had dinner last night in Natasha and Joshua’s suite after the kids went to bed with Adrian, Nicholas, and Jarvis. We drank expensive wine and laughed. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time. The conversation is natural, intelligent, and funny, and I feel like I’ve finally found my people… just as I’m on the precipice of fucking it up.

Cameron is sleeping and I sit up and watch him for a moment. What a beautiful man he is. He’s different to his brother. I can tell by the way he is with Adrian and the others, he seems more in tune, but then I suppose that’s a doctor thing. It’s his job to be in tune with people.

And he is so in tune with me.

I’ve never had this. I’ve never had a man who dotes on me—and he does. My wish is his command. I know it’s not his normal behavior by the way the others are all shocked at how he treats me. We got back here late last night and had a hot bath together. We drank tea and I can feel myself slipping deeper and deeper into his abyss. Unfortunately, now I know what kind of a loss I really face. I’ve never had this happiness, never even dreamed of it. I didn’t know it existed, to be honest. I get up and go to the bathroom, and when I come back and open the blinds just a little, I peer out at the street below. It’s early morning and a truck is unloading across the street as the sun comes up. I watch the workers unload presumably their first job of the day. On the surface, I’m so happy and ecstatic, yet underneath my nerves are simmering in a boiling pot.

I miss Owen.

Owen is my priority. I have to do what’s best for him and if Cameron doesn’t accept him then I will walk away… and I will die a little inside because I know how happy we could have been. Of course, I know that I probably won’t have to walk away because Cameron will walk away from me. Pain slices through me at the thought. How could I go on knowing what it feels like to be with ‘the one’ and then not have him in my life? I close my eyes as the horror sinks in.

“Morning, my beautiful Bloss,” his sleepy voice murmurs.

I turn and see Cam lying on his side facing me, and I immediately go and sit beside him and kiss him softly. “You sure know how to make a girl’s day with a morning greeting like that?” I smile. I run my fingers through his messy curls and try to tame them. “You have just-fucked hair.” I smirk.

“Hmm,” he murmurs. “That’s because I am in a constant state of just fucked with you.”

I giggle and lie down next to him. He wraps me in his arms and inhales deeply with happiness and contentment.

“Thank you for introducing me to your family. It means a lot.”

He smiles sleepily as he grabs my behind.

“What’s on today?” I ask.

He frowns. “I don’t know, whatever you want. Tash and Adrian will be organizing stuff for tonight and Joshua will be with the kids, so we can do anything.”

“What will Natasha be doing?” I ask.

He shrugs. “Venue shit, I don’t know.”

“I should help her.”

He groans with his eyes closed.

“Yeah, I want to help them. Can you ring her and find out what I can do?”

“No, babe. Stay with me today.”

I sit up. “No, you hang with Joshua. I want to help.” I get up and get Cameron’s phone and scroll through. I dial Natasha’s number.

“Hey, Cam,” she answers chirpily.

“Oh, hi Natasha. It’s Ash.”

“Oh, hey Ash.”

“I was wondering if I could help you today.”

“Oh, that’s so nice of you, but not necessary. It’s a shitty job. We just set tables and crap.”

“No, honestly. I would love to help.”

“Really?” She thinks for a moment. “Okay, fantastic. We can pick you up in hour.”
“Great, see you then.” I hang up and smile.

“Are you really ditching me today?” Cameron frowns.

I smile as I get up and flick the kettle on. “Sure looks like it.”





Natasha, Adrian and I sit on the floor at the back of the ballroom. Natasha has her shoes off and we’re each having a much-deserved soft drink. It’s four in the afternoon, and we have worked our asses off all day long. The stupid coordinator called in sick and then the girl who took her place knew nothing, so we ended up doing the lot. We set one hundred tables, each with ten places. Full cutlery, full table arrangements… you name it, we did it. Adrian had about five meltdowns at the incompetent staff missing butter knives and cutlery. The table flower arrangements were nothing like what Natasha ordered, so her and I did them all again. We both have about a thousand rose thorn pricks on our fingers and have established that we can swear like sailors when forced to.

“I’m too tired to come tonight.” Natasha sighs. “Bed sounds really, really good.”

I laugh and nod. “Same.”

“I’m exhausted. This function coordinating is over the top,” Adrian replies dryly.

I lean my head back on the wall behind me. “If I don’t eat soon, I may faint,” I grumble.

Natasha burst out laughing. “Way to chase you away.” She elbows Adrian as if this is his fault. “Don’t tell Cam we didn’t even feed you.”

I smile. “There was food. I just didn’t get time to eat it.”

“Thank you so much, Ash. We wouldn’t have got it done without you.” Adrian smiles as he takes my hand in his.

We sit for another ten minutes as we try to get the energy to go home and get ready.

“If I fall asleep at the table tonight, it’s that stupid fucking coordinators fault,” Tash sighs as she stands.

I smile as Adrian pulls me to my feet.

Natasha looks at her watch. “Ash, I’ll send my hairdresser and makeup girl down to your room when she’s finished. Should be there about six, is that okay?”

“Oh.” I frown. “That’s not necessary. I can do it myself, but thanks so much anyway.”

“Nonsense,” Adrian snaps. He throws his arm around mine and Natasha’s shoulders as we walk toward the exit. “Both my girls need good hair.”





I stare at the mirror as the makeup girl paints on the last of my gloss red lips. I feel like a movie star. I’m wearing a gold sequin designer dress that is fitted and backless with spaghetti straps. My hair is down and set in Hollywood curls, and my makeup is out of this world. When I knew I was wearing this dress, I even bought matching sexy cream underwear.  I’m buzzing with nerves. I’m tired, yet excited, and I’ve missed Cameron today. I’ve seen him for all of ten minutes.

“So, this is your lipstick and then this is the lacquer to put over the top. And here is the powder if you get a bit shiny to reapply throughout the night.” The trendy makeup girl smiles as she hands everything over.

“Okay.” I look around for my purse. “How much do I owe you for this?”

She smiles warmly. “It’s all been taken care of. Nothing to pay.”

“Oh.” I frown. This seems so weird. “Are you sure?”

She nods. “Have fun.” And with one last look at me she smiles and leaves the bathroom. I blow out a breath as I turn and check out my behind, once more. I walk out into the bedroom and then into the lounge area where Cameron is standing at the window in a black dinner suit and tie, a glass of Scotch in his hand. He turns and smiles sexily as his eyes drop down my body.

“You look fucking beautiful,” he growls in that come-fuck-me voice he uses so well.

I try to stifle my goofy smile.

He circles me as he does his inspection, and I wipe my hands nervously on my thighs as I feel the heat from his gaze.

“You know what that dress would look great with?” he purrs.

“What?” I whisper.

“My cock in your mouth.”

I giggle. “Sex maniac.”

He brushes my hair back over my shoulder and kisses my collarbone softly. “I’m an Ashley maniac.” His mouth trails up and over my neck and then kisses my ear. “You look beautiful, Bloss,” he whispers. “I’m so proud to have you on my arm tonight.”

Tears instantly fill my eyes, and he frowns. “What’s wrong?”

I swallow the lump in my throat. Stop it. “I’m just really happy Cam, and I’m scared this is going to end,” I whisper.

He smiles as he takes my lips in his and kisses me softly. “It’s not. Don’t be scared.”

“Promise me if something comes up between us, you won’t walk away,” I whisper against his lips.

His tongue dives deeper and I feel his cock harden against my thigh. “Stop being so fucking gorgeous or you going to be bent over this bed and fucked hard.”

I smile as he wipes my tears and he seems to suddenly remember something. “Oh, I got you something today.”

I frown.

He disappears into the other room and reappears with a small, navy blue, velvet box and hands it to me.

I stare at the box for a moment. “What? Why? I—”
“Just open it,” he interrupts.

I open the box to find a pair of gold, filigree-drop earrings with a teardrop shaped gold stone. My eyes widen. “Cam, I don’t need fancy earrings.”

“I know, but I want you to have fancy earrings.”

My eyes hold his. “You’re spoiling me,” I whisper.

He smiles. “For the first time in my life, I have someone I want to spoil. Let me do it.”

I want to blurt out that I love him… but it’s too soon and I have to tell him about Owen before I can even think of doing that.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

I walk to the dressing mirror and begin to put them on. He walks up behind me and, with his hands on my hips, starts to kiss my neck from behind. I watch us in the mirror and I know that this is my Cinderella moment—d

ressed to the nines with a beautiful prince worshipping me. I’m going to keep this moment in my memory bank forever.

This is how I want to remember us… just like this.

Knock, knock.

Cameron smiles, and with one last peck on the side of my face, he goes to answer the door.

It’s Max. “Time to roll.”

“You ready, Bloss?” Cam asks.

I nod, smile, and walk out into the corridor to see guards on every door and exit of the floor. My eyes flash to Cameron in question. “The children will be here alone with the nannies tonight. Security around them is high,” he murmurs as he takes my hand.

“Oh.” I frown. God, having money is not worth this.

Natasha comes out of the room with Joshua trailing behind her. She’s wearing a navy lace evening gown and she looks amazing.

She smiles broadly as she approaches me. “Ashley, you look fucking awesome.”

I burst out laughing. How is she so normal? Here we are, flanked by security guards and she is just dropping F-bombs in front of everyone.

“You look amazing too,” I whisper as she takes both of my hands in hers to inspect me.

Joshua approaches us, smiles and nods. “Joshua. Look how beautiful Ashley is,” Tash coos.

“Gorgeous.” He smiles as he gives me the once over.

“And all mine,” Cameron interjects with a cheeky smile.

I laugh and Natasha links my arm with hers. We walk down the corridor with the boys behind us, talking.

“How do you deal with all this security?” I whisper.

She shrugs. “It is annoying, but you kind of get used to it.”

“It’s really necessary?”

“Unfortunately, yes. Joshua has some crazies out there and we’ve had incidents in the past. He’s obsessed with the children’s safety.”

I frown in question.

She shakes her head. “God, that’s a whole other Stanton story. I’ll tell you one day.”

We get into the elevator and Cameron takes my hand in his. Joshua is in conversation with the security guard who is staying at the hotel. We walk out into the foyer of the hotel and three photographers appear from nowhere. Suddenly the cameras start flashing and we are shown to a waiting black fancy rented car.

Natasha and Joshua are ushered in first and then I climb into the car as the security push back the photographers. Cameron dives in and slams the door shut.

“Fuckers.” He growls.

“What the hell was that?” I frown.

Joshua rolls his eyes and Natasha smiles. “Photographers.”

“What on earth for? That’s just bizarre. And they were so pushy.”

Joshua and Cameron start to chuckle, while Natasha smiles sympathetically. “Do you have any idea how refreshing you are, Ashley?” She takes my hand in hers.

I smirk as I realize there’s a bigger picture going on here that I don’t know about. “No, not really.” I definitely need to Google these two when I get home.

What is their story?

As the car speeds into the night, I put my hand up to check I haven’t lost my beautiful earrings and Cameron smiles as he gently kisses my face.








We walk into the ballroom and the atmosphere is electric. Tash knows her stuff and these balls are an amazing achievement. Tash and Ashley have clicked and are getting along famously. Even Murph loves her.

“What do you want to drink?” Joshua asks us.

“I’ll have a Margarita,” Tash replies.

“Me, too.” Ash smiles. “My favorite drink. Great picking.”

“Scotch for me,” I murmur.

Natasha smiles and her and Ash begin to chatter. I’m distracted. I need to find my mother before she gets to Ashley.

“Back in a minute,” I whisper in Ash’s ear.

“Okay.” She smiles and gives me a squeeze of my hand.

I follow Joshua to the bar. “Have you seen mother?”

He glances around. “No.” His eyes hold mine in a silent acknowledgment. “Good idea,” he says.

My father comes into view as he walks through the crowd toward us. I laugh and shake his hand and pull him into an embrace. I love my father. He’s travelled from Australia to be here tonight. He never misses a function. His flight only landed a few hours ago.

“Hey, Dad.” I smile.

“How’s my son?” He grins.

“Good. Great, actually.”

Joshua turns when he sees our father and grabs him in a headlock. The two of them laugh together.

“Dad, I have someone I want you to meet.” I smile.

His eyebrows rise in surprise. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever said that to him.

I lead him through the crowd to the most beautiful girl in the room, and I wrap my arm around her from behind until she turns. “Ashley, this is my father, Robert.”

Her face falls in surprise. “Hello, lovely to meet you.” He kisses her on each cheek and smiles and then turns to take Natasha in his arms as he says hello to her. I glance around as the three of them make small talk.

Where is my mother?

Suddenly, I see her approach us through the crowd. Fuck it. I wanted to get her alone before she met Ashley.

“Cameron.” She smiles as she approaches and I wrap her in my arms.

I love my mother but I know she’s an acquired taste with zero tact.

She kisses Natasha and my father.

I smile. “I have someone I want you to meet.”

She turns in surprise.

“This is Ashley, my girlfriend.” I take Ashley’s hand in mine and my mother raises a brow.

“Girlfriend,” she repeats with surprise. “And when were you going to tell me this, Cameron?”

“I’m telling you now. Ashley, this is Margaret, my mother.”

My mother’s eyes drop to Ashley and she looks her up and down.

Ashley shrivels under her glare and I feel my protective instincts kick in.

“Hello, nice to meet you.” Ashley smiles.

Mother puts her hand out and shakes Ash’s hand with a fake smile. “Likewise.”

A frown crosses Ashley’s face and my father interjects, sensing my mother’s lack of manners.

“Ashley, what do you do for work?” he asks politely.

“I’m a final year med student,” she replies meekly as her eyes find mine across the group.

I smile and nod as my fury begins to rise.

I bend down. “A word, Mother,” I whisper in her ear as I pull her over to the wall.

“What is it?” she snaps.

“What was with that greeting to Ashley?” I snap.

She frowns in disgust. “You introduce someone to me as your girlfriend and expect me to play happy families? Forget it. How dare you not tell me you were seeing someone? It’s the height of rudeness. I should know everything that is going on with you.” She sneers.

“Let me make something very clear to you: Ashley is important to me and you will be fucking nice to her.”

“I’ll do nothing of the sort. She looks cheap. Where did you meet her? In a trailer park?” She looks around the room to escape my penetrating glare.

“Listen here… I mean it. You better behave yourself.” I growl.

Joshua walks over and my mother smiles and kisses him. “Oh, Joshua, talk to your brother. He’s picked up God knows who.”

Joshua rolls his eyes. “Cut the shit, Mom. Ashley’s nice.”

“You don’t even fucking know her.” I sneer. I swear to God, if she’s rude one more time, I’m going to lose it.

“Mind your language, Cameron,” she snaps. “How long have you known her?”

“I met her years ago and we lost touch. She’s only just came back to me.”

She smiles slyly. “Well, let’s just see how long she lasts, shall we?” She walks back through the crowd to Ashley. “We do know your track record with women.”

Joshua rolls his eyes.

“I swear to God, if she ruins Ashley’s night, it’s fucking go time.”

Joshua smirks. “Look at you getting all protective.”

I clench my jaw as I watch my mother’s fangs come out as she talks to Ashley across the room.

“You really like her don’t you?” he asks.

I nod once. I don’t even know how to verbalize how I feel about her.

He pats me on the shoulder. “This could be it, mate.”

I raise a sarcastic brow.

“Maybe she’s the one.” He smirks sarcastically.

“Fuck off, will you?” I reply flatly. He walks back to the group and I stand and watch them all talk.

She’s the one, alright. I knew it five years ago.

I know it more than ever now.





The night has been fun, but it’s coming to an end. Ashley, Natasha, and Adrian are dancing and laughing like they have known each other forever. I stand and watch them from my spot near the bar.

“You can’t take your eyes off her, can you?” Joshua asks.


“She’s beautiful.”

“I know.” I smile as I sip my drink.

He watches her for a moment. “It’s a weird feeling, isn’t it?”

I nod, knowing that he knows exactly how I’m feeling.

He’s obsessed with Natasha and always has been.

“How can you be with so many women and feel nothing, only to then meet one woman who makes you feel everything?” I ask.

“I don’t know.” He thinks for a moment.

“Wait till you have kids one day, mate. Then you’re totally fucked. Your heart doesn’t even beat inside your body anymore. It belongs to them.”

I frown. It doesn’t feel like it is now.

Ashley turns and sees me, and her face breaks into a broad smile. She wiggles her finger for me to go to her. I down my drink, put my glass on the bar and walk over to take her in my arms. We sway to the music in a slow waltz. She leans up and kisses me. “What an amazing night.” She smiles.

“It has been.”

“Your mother hates me.”

“My mother hates everyone. Pay her no attention.”

“That’s what Tash said.” She smiles hopefully.

Joshua comes and joins the group. He takes Natasha in his arms and they kiss tenderly.

Ashley smiles as she watches them. “God, those two are so in love, aren’t they?”

I smile as I watch them. “Since they were kids.”

Her face falls in surprise. “They fell in love when they were kids?”

I nod as I watch them laugh together. “They fell in love as kids and then couldn’t be together. They reconnected in their late twenties.”

Ashely smiles in wonder as she watches them. “Sounds so romantic.”

“They’ve got one of the most incredible love stories. They’ve been to Hell and back. They adore each other.”

She frowns and then looks up at me, smiling softly. “I adore you.”

I bend and take her lips in mine. “You ready to go home, Ashley Tucker, my all night fucker?”

She laughs out loud and I spin her around.

“With a romantic line like that, how can I resist?” she replies.

“Well, I am a three in the romance category, remember?” I raise a brow.

“Five.” She smirks.

We continue to sway to the music. “I’ve been upgraded to a five?”

She kisses me and then smiles softly, pulling my ear down to her mouth. “Maybe a seven, but don’t tell anyone,” she whispers. “I don’t want it to get out on the street.”

I laugh. This woman kills me. “How about I take you home where I know I can give you a ten?”

She licks her lips and smiles up at me, with those big beautiful eyes shining.

I need to bury myself deep inside this woman tonight.

Fuck. I can’t get enough.

I can’t get close enough.

I push my hips forward so she can feel how hard I am for her.

“Do you want to fuck me, Cam?” she whispers sexily.

“You know I do.”

She smiles as her eyes drop to my lips. “My body is yours. You just have to take it.”

I raise an eyebrow. I want her body. I want all of her body. That beautiful fucking ass is on my hit list.

“We’re going home, Bloss. I need me some supper.”





I stand at the end of the bed. My cock is thumping at the sight of her lying naked and spread waiting for me. Only a small lamp lights the room. Ashley’s writhing around with arousal as she watches me slowly take my suit off. I undressed her first. I’ve been waiting to do it all night. I undo my bowtie as my eyes hold hers and she smiles sexily as I throw it aside. Then I open my shirt button by button, and then slide off my pants. I’ve never been so hard, so hot for one woman in my life.

This is as much mental as it is physical.

I drop to my knees at the side of the bed. I need to worship every inch of this woman who can make me feel this way. I open her legs and spread her pink flesh in front of me.


Unable to help it, I slide I finger in and feel her clench around me. My cock pumps in appreciation.

“Cameron,” she whimpers.

Our eyes lock, and in some unspoken way, I know she feels the same. “I know, baby,” I whisper. “I know.”

I drop my head and inhale her scent deeply, my eyes closing in ecstasy. My tongue darts out for a taste, just a taste of Heaven that only she can give me.

I lick deeper and then I have to suck. I can’t help it. I become almost violent as I take her hard. Her hands drop to the back of my head and she moans in pleasure.

I smile against her. It’s going to be one hell of a long, hard night.







I sit at the table at my house with my heart hammering in my chest. It’s Monday night. We’re at my house and Cameron has just cooked us dinner. Owen gets home in the morning and I have to tell Cam now. We’re inseparable and I’ve never felt closer to anyone before. We flew in late last night, and then today we worked. He was in his surgery today, so I didn’t see him. The days are long without him. It’s just assumed now that we will spend every night together. It’s what feels natural—what feels right. My heart is about to escape my chest as I watch him over the table.

“Cam, I have to talk to you.”

“What about?”

I pause as I watch him. Please handle this well. Please, please handle this well.

“There’s something I haven’t told you about me.”

He frowns. “Go on.”

My mouth is suddenly as dry as sandpaper and I can’t speak. How do I say this?

“I want you to know that it doesn’t change who I am. Who… who we are?” I stammer.

“What are you going on about?”

“I have a son.”
His face drops. “What?”

“I said I have a son.”
His eyes widen in horror and he stands violently with his glass in his hand. “What the hell do you mean you have a son?” He growls. “Where is he?”

“He’s been at his grandmother’s for twelve days. He gets back tomorrow,” I push out in a rush.

He runs his hand though his hair. “How old is he?”

My eyes tear up. “He’s four.”

Fury fills his face. “You had a fucking child after we were together?”

I nod.

He throws his wineglass at the wall and it smashes everywhere.

“Cameron, calm down,” I whisper through tears. I’ve never seen anyone so furious.

He storms toward the door.

“Cameron, wait!” I cry.

“I don’t do kids, Ashley. How could you not tell me this?”

“This doesn’t change anything between us...”

He stops on the spot and screws his face up, as if I’m an idiot. “This changes every fucking thing.” He grabs his coat and rushes out the front door, slamming it behind him.

The tears run down my face in shock.

“Cameron,” I whisper in the silence. “Come back.”








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