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Dragon Protector: Paranormal Shifter Romance by Cara Wade (21)

Book 2: The Love Triangle


“What do we do?” Talia gasped at B as she pulled her clothes back on in a hurry. She couldn’t believe how everything had gone from amazing to awful in just a few short moments. One minute ago, she had been on top of the world, having had amazing sex with B, and feeling like she could conquer everything. But now everything had come crashing down and she had no idea what to do about it.

Talia was one of the few remaining humans left on Earth, trying to survive the alien war, trying to win, and B was technically her enemy. He was one of the Ec’dua alien race, the guys that were attacking humans, trying to claim the Earth as their own, and B was part of the group that had taken Talia by surprise by kidnapping her.

Before that happened, she had always been a very independent, lonely woman, and a bad ass fighter. Then she had been cornered and taken by an unexpected group, and locked in a cage at one of the alien bases. The ordeal had been almost unbearable.

Except for the company of B.

As one of the researchers studying her DNA for the aliens’ war effort, he had been the first one to spend time with her, to explain what was going on with her, and in a weird way, to be kind to her. She couldn’t help feeling an affinity with him because of that. They had an undeniable connection, one that eventually transcended into something else, but in all honesty, Talia hadn't done anything to prevent their bond from strengthening over time. She quickly realized that she needed that bond, just to keep her going.

But the aliens’ DNA weapon was a failure, and the humans grew in strength. They attacked the alien base where Talia was being kept. Talia and B made their escape and ran off by themselves. She knew that she should probably stay behind and fight with her own kind, but the bond they had at that point was too strong to simply ignore, and she wanted to stay with him.

With nowhere else to go, Talia took B to an isolated cottage where she’d hidden out once before, knowing that they would at least be safe temporarily, but once she got inside she realized that it was actually going to be difficult to be around B with all of the confusing feelings that were swirling around inside of her.

So she made a crazy, irrational decision, and she pulled out a bottle of vodka, hoping that alcohol would help dull her swirling emotions, and the feelings she had for him. It hadn't, if anything it had highlighted them tenfold, stripping away her inhibitions in the process.

She found herself drawn in by him, sucked in by the taboo of it all, and she took the brave, crazy step of kissing him. Once their lips had touched, the temptation became too much, and one thing had led to another. It was easy to believe that they hadn't done anything wrong, because B had shifted into the most perfect looking human form ever – one that Talia was really attracted to – but that didn’t take anything away from the truth of the matter, and that was that all they’d just done was so, so wrong. They were on enemy sides on a war, not to mention different species!

It might have felt amazing, it might have been the most mind blowing sex ever, complete with some kinkiness that she hadn't even considered that she would like before. But then there was a knock at the door.

It could not possibly be good news. Talia’s private cottage was obviously not as private as she assumed it was. If there was an alien at the door, they were both going to be killed, and if there was a human, B would definitely be murdered. There really was no good solution for either of them, which was absolutely terrifying.

Talia hadn't been through all that she’d been through just to die like that. She had been fighting this war since she found herself alone at six years old, and she didn’t want the end to be now, just after she’d found a little glimmer of happiness. B was the first person she’d had since she returned home to find her mother dead and her father missing. She had purposely isolated herself from everyone else to ensure that she wouldn’t get hurt, and now it seemed like all of that was going to be for nothing.

“We should run,” B gasped out, clearly in a state of panic too. “We need to…”

But it was too late. The door had creaked open, and footsteps could be heard. Someone was already inside. There wasn’t any way that either of them could escape from the room they were in. They clung to one another, thinking that this could be the end.

“Is anyone there?” An unfamiliar male voice called out through the house. “Hello?”

Talia’s heart pounded in her chest, and a sick feeling consumed her, as they stood frozen in the kitchen, waiting for someone to arrive in that room to find them. She was fully in a state of panic, and she had no idea what to do about it. This was something her life as a warrior had not prepared her for. She tried to glance at B, but he was clearly panicking himself.

“In here,” B suddenly announced loudly, deciding to take the bull by the horns. His bravery scared Talia, but since she didn’t have any better plans, she remained behind him, deciding to trust his judgment. She just hoped that the first time she trusted someone, it wasn’t going to backfire.

A shape slid into the kitchen, proving that this wasn’t a human they were dealing with, which increased Talia’s anxiety tenfold. There was no good solution here, no one would have been good, but she’d had enough bad experiences with the aliens to be fearful. She knew how much they hated humans, despite living among them for many years while they waited and planned their attack. She had the horrible feeling that she was about to experience the brunt of that hatred.

Soon, much to her surprise, the alien shifted his shape and turned into a human form, which this time didn’t make Talia feel any safer at all. He had chosen a completely different look to B, one that was more blond, surfer style, and laid back, but still she was afraid. She felt like he’d chosen this image to try and relax her, but of course that wasn’t going to work – not when she was so anxious.

The new alien gasped in shock. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize that anyone was here… wait,” he stopped suddenly, flicking his dark human like eyes back and forth between the pair of them. “You are a genuine human, and you are one of us,” he was confused, and he was doing nothing to hide that. “What is going on here?”

Talia and B exchanged glances, before B took a deep breath and started to explain himself. “We were at Base R when the humans attacked, and we panicked, not wanting to get involved in the fighting, so we made a snap decision. We raced away without even thinking.”

“And why did you have a human at Base R?” said the newcomer.

“She was being used for DNA testing,” B answered honestly. “The overlords wanted to find out more about humans, to find a way to defeat them quicker, and I was brought in on that project. When the attack happened, I broke Talia out because it didn’t feel right to me to leave her there.” His tone suddenly turned defensive, and his voice took on a growly tone. “I know that you might not agree with me, but I couldn’t allow it to continue. I don’t have to agree with everything that we do… not all of it feels right.”

“No, no, you have me all wrong…” The other alien insisted in a way that made Talia’s head swim. “You have me all wrong. I’m on the run too, and I also disagree with this war.” She glanced at him in shock, her entire opinion of the enemy changing. It didn’t seem like many of them were bad guys after all. “I never wanted it in the first place, and it’s become far too brutal for my liking.” He stepped closer to B and spoke in a hushed tone. “I am part of a rebel group, and we have been helping the humans to survive, which is why they are suddenly doing much better. We have been giving them defensive technology to give them the upper hand too. They are better in strength, and now they have the too.”

“Wow,” Talia gasped as the sudden turnaround of the human resistance began to make sense to her now. “What about if the humans turn on you too?” That felt like a very realistic possibility to her.

“We have an agreement,” he told her seriously. “When this eventually comes to a head, and a battle breaks out, we will fight for the humans. After victory, we will abide by a peace treaty.”

Wow – people were already making a plan for the end of the war. That was almost a little too much for Talia, especially since there was the distant possibility that at least some of the Ec’dua race might be remaining on Earth after all. She wondered if B would be one of them.

The newcomer continued. “The problem is, I’ve been seen so I need to keep hidden, to keep out of view before I screw up everything that we’ve been working towards. That’s how I ended up here.” The other alien continued, a sadness filling the room as he spoke. He was being punished for helping the enemy, but that was exactly what B had done too – and Talia in a way. They were all in the same boat.

He was looking at them both with such pleading eyes that they felt compelled to ask him to stay… they could hardly send him back out there to be killed when he was helping humans.

“You can stay with us,” Talia gushed. “If that’s okay with you B?”

“What’s your name?” B asked, still sounding a little untrusting despite everything that he’s just heard. “Your Earth name I mean.”

“Wade,” the guy shot back quickly, stunning Talia. She assumed that they would all have unusual names like B, but Wade was very typical. She actually had a Wade in her class when she was a kid… not that she thought this was the same guy, but she supposed it was possible. The aliens could shift their shape in any way they wanted after all.

“And what do you personally intend to do after the war is done, no matter what way it goes?” B continued, a harshness to his tone that made Talia wince. All she wanted to do was help this guy and she couldn’t understand why B didn’t feel the same. Sure it put a little stickler to whatever the hell was going on between them, but the war was so much bigger than the two of them – why couldn’t B see it in exactly the same way?

“I don’t know,” Wade sighed sadly. “I just… I like it here on Earth, that’s all. I want to stay, and I do hope that’s possible, but for the time being I’m more focused on the war just being done.”

That statement seemed to be enough to convince B, and he stepped aside to invite Wade in. Talia was glad because it meant that they were helping someone else that didn’t agree with the war, but there was definitely a little pit of upset inside of her too. Sure, this was bigger than them, but she had just become aware that they would have no privacy anymore, not even enough to discuss what had just happened between them.

Sex with B had been unexpected and surprising, but it had lit a fire inside of her that wasn’t settling down. She felt like she’d developed some strong feelings for him during the time he was inside of her, and she couldn’t help but panic that they might never get the chance to explore those feelings more.

Of course, they couldn’t ever become something real – especially since relationships between humans and the Ec’dua were pretty much banned – but that didn’t stop her from wondering and hoping…




Things had changed rapidly for Talia. It was as if B had awoken a hungry beast inside of her that couldn’t be tamed. She felt horny all the time, and it was driving her insane. She didn’t get a moment’s rest from being turned on, and the more time she spent around him, the more intense that feeling became – it was almost as if he was feeling it too, and that was making her worse.

The only problem was, it wasn’t even B that was doing it for her… or at least not just B. In a weird way, despite the fact that Wade wasn’t anything like the sort of guy that Talia thought she would ever go for normally, she was finding him increasingly attractive as time went on, and that was awful. She wasn’t the sort of person who would ever cheat on a man, so she didn’t even know what to think. Not that she and B were a definite couple either… her head was simply a mess!

All she knew for sure was that whenever she was with B, she wanted to tear his clothes off and explore his body again, and whenever she was with Wade, she wanted to know what he was like in bed too. She would fantasize about kissing him, about stripping him down slowly and connecting all of his body with hers. She pictured running her mouth over him, tracing her fingers all over his body, and feeling him inside of her too – and that was the same whether he was in his human or natural form – something else that she found incredibly attractive about him.

While that was going on, seemingly oblivious the guys took turns to go out and scout for information about the war, needing to know where it was going while they were locked away. There was talk of some massive battle looming, and they needed to know where it was and when it was happening. While they were out they would get Talia some human food, for which she felt extremely grateful. She hated being such a burden to these guys. She felt guilty that they were doing so much for her and all she was doing was being useless. She hated it, it made her half miss the days when it was only herself that she had to rely on. At least then she felt like she was being strong. She didn’t feel like she was a burden to anyone. She much preferred being the badass she had always assumed she was, rather than this girl who had nothing to offer… not really.

She just wished that she could think of some way to repay them, but she couldn’t. Not while her brain was so confused and all over the place. She could barely even think, never mind make any serious decisions about anything. It was a vicious cycle that she couldn’t seem to get out of.




“It is my turn to leave,” B said sadly, stroking Talia’s cheek as they stood alone in the hallway, actually enjoying one single private moment together. It was just a shame that it had to be under such stressful conditions. “You look after yourself, won’t you?”

“I will,” she replied, staring at him, feeling just as emotional. She hated it when either of them were absent, it made her uncomfortable. She was only happy when all three of them together, and she knew that they were all safe. “You be careful too, okay? You’re the one out there, risking your life. I’m just stuck here, being useless.”

“You aren’t useless,” B whispered to her, wanting to fill her up with all of the emotions that were flooding through him, but unable to. He didn’t see how he could make her understand just how much she meant to him, and how amazing she was, but with so much fear coursing through her veins, nothing else would get in.

He couldn’t control her, even with the intense bond they had, but he could fill the room with emotions, which he often did to prevent her from feeling sad. But when her feelings were that strong, there was nothing he could do.

They embraced, saying a tender goodbye, but by the time Talia had turned back around and the door closed behind B, it was as if he’d been forgotten and that her mind was filled with thoughts of Wade. It always amazed her how that happened… well, afterwards when she was lying alone in her bed, pretending to be asleep. At the time she simply became swept away by it all. She simply allowed the emotions to consume her, however confusing they were. She did enjoy them, and she liked the distraction they brought too. If she was agonizing over her feelings for these guys, then she wasn’t getting sad, thinking about the war, and everything it spelled for them. She certainly didn’t like thinking about the end of the war, when everything would change all over again. That was the most terrifying thoughts of them all. Those were the ones that she really couldn’t cope with.

“Wow, I never knew that being on the run was going to be filled with such long, endless boring hours,” Wade joked, trying his best to make her smile. He spent a lot of his time in his human form, but every so often it was as if the façade would slip and he would return to the odd shape that Talia considered his real Ec’dua form. He was purpler, with a much larger head, and at least two more limbs that seemed to move as he needed them. At first, seeing Wade this way made Talia feel uncomfortable, she found it a little too strange for words, but she was much more used to it now, and she found that she actually preferred it. Wade was obviously more comfortable that way, and that was all that she needed.

“I know,” she said, half smiling. She actually hadn't been feeling bored because her mind had been all over the place, but she could see why he would feel the boredom. She was glad she wasn’t bored. She didn’t think that she would be able to cope well with that – it wasn’t the sort of emotion she’d ever had to contend with before. “It’s crazy, huh? It’s a shame that we don’t know when all of this will be over.” She felt like the sort of thing he might want to hear.

“I know,” he murmured, and she could hear the sadness in his tone. She wanted to walk to him, to comfort him, but that felt like it would be inappropriate. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to control herself if she got that near to him, and she didn’t want to step on B’s toes, not when she liked him so much. Urgh, it was so damn confusing for her, never knowing how to behave! “But I’m hopeful that the humans will win out.”

Talia couldn’t help but smile to herself about this comment – it was so strange to hear an alien wishing that the humans would win the war, but it was nice too. It was so like the Wade she was getting to know. He seemed quieter than B, more considered in the things that he said, but he was also funny and very sweet. A part of her wondered what life would be like if she met him under different circumstances, if the war had never happened and they had just met on the street.

Although she guessed it would probably be nothing, since inter-species mixing was against the rules of the Ec’dua.

“I just want this all to end,” he told her honestly. “I really enjoyed living on Earth when we could just be human, and I protested wildly when I found out what the overlords intended to do because I couldn’t see the point – why fight when we could continue to live among the humans on Earth? But of course no one listened to me and it started anyway. I just want it all to end, I just want to go back to some sort of normal.”

“But what if the agreement with the humans doesn’t pan out and you have to leave?” Talia gasped, feeling overly emotional at the thought of him leaving Earth.

“I don’t know,” he replied honestly. “I don’t know what I’ll do, but at least I won’t have to fight anymore. I really hate the fighting.”

“Hmmm…” Talia replied, seeing Wade as a calm diplomatic person – the sort that should be in charge. He had such a level head, so many good ideas. Why hadn't anyone ever listened to him?

As Talia pondered this, suddenly she feel an intensive change in the atmosphere, and she didn’t know what the hell to do with herself. Wade was sliding closer to her, making her feel all kinds of strange, unexpected things inside. An intense panic set in.

She scooted back against the wall, her heart pounding heavily against her chest, a tight knot of panic forming deep inside of her. She wanted this, she wanted it far too badly, but she was also completely aware that it was very, very wrong.

Think of B, she reminded herself. Think of him, remember what he means to you. Don’t forget that you’ve been with him and that he’s still staying here…

“I like you,” Wade whispered, slipping more back into his human form, causing all rationality to fly from Talia’s mind. “I cannot believe how much I like you… especially considering we’re really not allowed.” He moved closer to her, and Talia opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to think of the best words to speak, but she couldn’t think of anything. “I know that you have something with B, I’m perfectly aware of that. But I’m not talking about that.”

“Then… wh… what are you talking about?” Of course Talia already knew, but she wasn’t ready to accept it yet.

“I want you,” he said confidently. “And you want me. I think that we should explore that. Do you agree?”

Talia’s mind swirled with everything that was wrong with this scenario, but all she could really settle on was the one thing that seemed right… she wanted him, she needed him, her body was aching for him and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold back from that for.

I could die tomorrow, she thought to herself, trying to justify what she already knew that she was going to do. I should do this now, while I still can.

“Yes,” she answered in a small voice. “Yes, I want you too.”




As soon as she’d agreed, everything kicked up a notch.  Much as she couldn’t believe that she’d just agreed to have sex with the alien that could threaten absolutely everything, she also couldn’t resist him at all. There was just something really intense about him, something that exhilarated her, and there was nothing in the world that would hold her back.

Wade pulled her in for a kiss, and as he did he continued to shift his shape in a weird way that wasn’t at all unusual – in fact it made her feel even needier for him. She wasn’t exactly sure what it was she was feeling – passion, or an intense romance, but whatever it was it felt absolutely amazing.

“Oh wow Wade,” Talia panted against his lips, her entire being buzzing with lust. “You’re incredible!”

A part of her mind was very aware that she was acting totally insane, but she didn’t even care anymore. Any rational side to her completely disappeared as her body took over instead. Her body craved this guy like crazy, and it was acting whether she wanted it to or not… and she really did want it to.

An involuntary moan escaped her lips as she felt his erection pressing against her leg. He felt very different to B – not better or worse, just different – and that had her feeling hotter than ever before. She absolutely had to have him right now… and nothing was going to stop her. She’d overstepped the boundary now, and she wanted to take that one step further, to go the whole way.

“Are you okay?” Wade asked her, panting against her lips, desperate for her. “Are you sure about this?”

She nodded quickly, running her hands over his unusual, very new body, loving every curve of it. It was somewhere between that of human and Ec’dua and that was surprisingly sexy to her. She liked the fact that it was something different, something new to her, and she couldn’t keep her hands off.

“I’m fine,” she whispered seductively. “I really want this.” She knew what she wanted, and she was certain that he knew it too and that he was just trying to be gentlemanly about it – but she didn’t need kind and caring, she needed to be taken, to be claimed, and she couldn’t wait for that to happen.

He held out his hand to her, wanting to lead her into the bedroom, and she took his hand happily to follow closely behind him. All the while she wasn’t even thinking, her entire being was simply swimming with desire. She hadn't felt so turned on since her first time with B, and that made her feel like maybe this was a good idea. Things had been amazing when she was with B, and she couldn’t wait to get that same rush again.

Wade lay her back onto the cool sheets of the bed, taking a moment to let his eyes roam all over her body in a way that made her feel incredibly sexy. He desired her so much, and that was obvious in his eyes. She had never really considered herself a sexy woman before. She had a full figure; big, heavy breasts, fairly thick waist and a large bottom. She’d always thought she was just another typical plus-sized brunette, but under Wade’s gaze, she felt like a goddess.

He then climbed over her and began raining kisses all over her neck, increasing the special feelings coursing through her body. Talia tossed her head back in ecstasy and squirmed beneath him as he took her for his own. He caused prickles of desire to race right down to her core, and she felt excited to have him explore that. In that moment, nothing could have convinced her that this wasn’t right, because it felt so damn amazing. She didn’t think that she could stop right now, even if the entire world walked in on them. She figured she would probably carry on, allowing them all to watch, even B – a passing thought that quickly transcended into a fantasy for her. She had never thought about being watched before, but as Wade kissed her, she was picturing the room filled with random strangers.

He slid her oversized t-shirt – the only thing that she was wearing – up over her head, and his mouth travelled down her body, until he eventually found her soft, full breasts. He quickly tugged her bra from her body and began to play with her nipples, alternating between his fingers and tongue in a way that made her ecstatic. She was left gasping, panting for breath, and the more that his hands caressed her body, the better she felt. Wade grew limbs, feeling every part of her with them, and she never wanted him to stop.

“You drive me crazy,” she panted, as she started to lose control of her thoughts. She didn’t even know what to think anymore. Her body was feeling too many things at once, making her feel like she might have been having an out of body experience – it was almost too intense to handle.


Eventually Wade moved back over Talia, and a set of his fingers trailed down her body until they reached the outline of her panties, by now slightly moist. He could already feel that she was aching for him, pulsating for him. She desperately wanted him to take her panties off and explore her hot, wet desire… but he wasn’t going to. Not just yet. He wanted to see just how far he could push her first. He was fascinated by the human body – particularly Talia’s – and he wanted to know how different it was to what he was used to. 

As her breaths started to come out intense and ragged, Wade leant closer and started kissing her cheeks.

“Talia,” he whispered, in a slightly odd sounding voice. “Talia.”

The way her name fell off his lips sparked a weird connection between them. She liked hearing it way too much, and she knew that could spell trouble. She already had a similar bond with B, so this was some form of dangerous betrayal. But she just couldn’t seem to stop it. She needed him like crazy. The desire to have him inside her, to have him as part of her, was overpowering.

Sensing that intense desire, he yanked her underwear quickly from her body, and slid a finger deeply beyond her slick, sensitive folds, causing her to yell out in bliss. He was cautious, careful, which wasn’t what she needed, but she wasn’t quite sure how to express that.

“More,” she said. “I need more, please.”

He liked that she was being commanding, he liked being bossed around by her, it made him crazier for her which was something that he hadn't thought possible until now.

He slid in another finger, and another, but that still wasn’t enough, so she grabbed hold of him and pulled him into her, kissing him passionately as she did. As she clung to him, crying out in pleasure, he pulled back to slide his full length into her, experimenting with the size, shifting its shape until it fit perfectly.

“Oh wow!” she yelled excitedly, as she finally got what she wanted. This was enough to encouraging him further, and soon he was thrusting hard and fast against her soft, inviting body. She couldn’t even catch her breath long enough to pant or gasp, never mind speak. He was taking her totally, and that made her feel wonderful. Their bond strengthened and became deeper. As it did, Talia found herself feeling something that she could so easily, and dangerously, misinterpret as love.

A hot pool of pleasure started to build in her lower regions, and she gripped the sheets tightly beneath her, needing something to hold on to as she forgot about everything else. No longer could she consider her feelings, or the fact that she was not being faithful to B, or that they were on enemy sides, or different species. None of that mattered. Desire was pulsating wildly through her whole body, from head to toes, sending her crazy. The pressure was building, increasingly intensely, and she was really losing herself within that.

She’d never had an experience quite like it, and she it to keep going forever.

Then, just as everything was about to come to a head, Wade turned her over, and entered her sopping, hungry sex from behind. Shocked by the sudden change and the depth with which he entered her, Talia went to a height of ecstasy she did not think was possible.

They came together. Waves of torturous pleasure shattered through her body, leaving her shuddering and buckling beneath Wade, scrunching tightly onto the pillow with her fingers. In that moment, all she wanted was him, and she didn’t think anything would be able to change that. Everything else simply melted away, everything that she’d been through before that moment. All she could think about was Wade and the incredible way that he was making her feeling. She was certain in that moment that he was the only one for her, and that she was head over heels in love with him. On top of that, she became increasingly convinced that he loved her too. She felt like fate had brought them together and that they were meant to be.

He helped her turn her over on the bed, and allowed her to snuggle into his arm. Her head fit there perfectly. She was totally content and did not want to move, only listen to Wade’s breathing and heartbeat. She didn’t feel like anything would be able to tear them apart now, no matter what happened.




“What the fuck is this?”

As B’s shocked and hurt voice crashed through her hearing like a brick through glass, Talia’s bliss subsided quickly, and a cold shame washed over her.

He was standing there, at the bedroom door, falling apart in front of her eyes. She felt sad, ashamed, and absolutely sick with guilt, and the more hurt his expression got, the worse that feeling became.

How could she have done this? What the hell had she been thinking? She’d acted selfishly, becoming so wrapped up in Wade that she had allowed everything else to subside, and now she felt horrible for that. Looking at B, she couldn’t believe that she’d even slightly allowed herself to forget about him… what the hell was her problem? They’d been through such a tender goodbye only a short time before, and then she’d turned around and screwed Wade. She’d always considered herself a good person before this, but now she felt like she was the worst person on Earth.

“Oh God,” she gasped, trying to wrap the covers around herself, trying to maintain at least a little bit of her dignity. “I’m sorry B, I don’t know what…”

“Don’t try to give me the whole ‘you don’t know what you were thinking’ spiel… you’ve been thinking about Wade in that way ever since he came here!”

She froze, remembering the mind reading abilities that the Ec’dua had, and a blush covered her body. All of her thoughts, her secret fantasies, both of these guys could read them all. How embarrassing! She wanted a hole to open up in the ground and swallow her up. She’d been imagining all kinds of things, blissfully unaware, and they had known it all the entire time.

“I… I…” she stammered, wishing that she could find the words to make it all right. How the hell had she managed to get herself into such a mess? Things were so much easier when she only had the war to focus on, and she just had herself to worry about! Damn that gang who caught her and locked her up! If only she’d managed to stay free, then none of this mess would have ever happened.

“There’s no excuse,” B snapped, sounding incredibly hurt. “I don’t even know what to say.”

Then he stormed from the bedroom to spend some time in the front room, alone with his intense, sad thoughts. He’d never been so shocked, so hurt, and he had no idea how to begin processing those emotions. How could Talia do this to him? He knew that Wade didn’t exactly see things in the way that he did, so he couldn’t exactly blame him when he didn’t think that he’d done anything wrong. It was Talia he blamed. A rage towards her filled his thoughts.

Maybe he should have stayed away from Talia in the first place. Maybe there was a reason that they were supposed to keep away from humans. Maybe he should have listened rather than being so damn naïve…

“What should we do?” Talia pleaded with Wade, tears forming like dewdrops in her eyes. She really hadn't wanted to hurt B, but she’d gotten too caught up in the moment to even think. Now she was suffering the consequences of that, and she couldn’t have hated herself more.

“He’ll be okay,” said Wade. He didn’t look as worried as she felt, but he felt less guilty than she did. From his point of view, Talia and B were not officially a couple, and B was overreacting. But from Talia’s point of view, she had cheated on B. Wade said, “You just need to give him time. He will come around, and everything will be fine in the end. You’ll see.”

Wade pulled her in for a hug, trying to comfort her, but his touch no longer made her feel safe and loved, it made her sad and ashamed of what she’d done. She couldn’t believe that she had ever acted in such a way. And now she didn’t know how to solve it. That was the worst thing at all, that she had no idea how to make it all right again. Wade had said to give B time, but how? How could she possibly ignore him at a time like this? No, as far as she was concerned, this was an unsolvable problem, and that was all there was to it.

Sensing that what she really needed was to be by herself, Wade left her alone and took a walk outside. There, she collapsed into sobs, regretting everything that she’d done so far.

She thought about the way that she’d disconnected herself from other people when the war first started, and how she shouldn’t have done that. She recalled coming face to face with the gang that kidnapped her, and figured a dozen different ways that she could have handled that better, and then she went on to think about the way that she’d met B, and she realized that she shouldn’t have allowed herself to get sucked in by the connection between them. No matter how sensitive or caring he seemed, he had been her captor, after all, and was using her DNA to try to defeat her side, the human race. That was when she should have kept her distance – she got it totally the wrong way around.

Then she thought about Wade, and how she should have created a barrier between her and him the second he stepped into the cottage. She didn’t regret letting him in, because he was on the side of the humans, but she did regret giving in to temptation.

She knew where she should have been – in one of the refugee camps with other humans – but she didn’t ever feel like she could. She didn’t know how to fit in with them and trust them, but again, she had no one to blame for that other than herself.

Her life had been filled with mistakes, from the very first moment that she was on her own, and she cried over every single one of them.




Things at the house became tense. No one was speaking to anyone, which was incredibly difficult in such a small environment. Every moment felt like a spike in Talia’s heart, and she desperately needed to find a way to fix it. The only problem was that she just didn’t know what she could say to make everything okay again. She just couldn’t find the right words.

Every time Wade shot her a smile, she turned away, shutting him out, which only broke her heart that little bit more. Every time B refused to meet her eyes, she felt another tear open up in her chest. Her entire body was crashing apart, and there wasn’t a damn thing that she could do about it.

All she wanted was for things to go back to normal, but she was acutely aware of how impossible that was. Too much had happened for that, there was too much water under the bridge. She had messed things up completely, and there was no coming back from that.

She started to think that maybe she would be better off leaving, and being on her own again. She could go back to the way she had been before, a loner, fighting the lonely fight, building up her strength and wondering if the war was ever going to come to an end while contributing her own small part in the fight against the alien invaders. Maybe that would be better for her. Maybe that was where she was supposed to be.

Maybe, because things were so much different now, she could go and find one of the famous human colonies, and she could really join the fight. Wade had told her that things were turning around, and that the humans actually stood a chance, so maybe it was time for her to accept that. Maybe it was time to finally get involved.

If she could integrate herself with other humans again now, maybe things wouldn’t be so difficult when life returned to normal. Maybe she would find a way to connect with other people again, and it wouldn’t be too much of a shock to live among them normally. Now that it was clear she wasn’t going to die in a prison cell, it was time to begin really considering what she would do once all of this was done.

She didn’t really want to go anywhere – in fact even the idea of leaving B and Wade behind filled her with dread – but she didn’t think that she had any other options. All she wanted was for them to be happy, and they so clearly weren’t with her around. She’d been the one that made all of the mistakes, she was the one that had caused the tension. So it was only fair that she be the one to go.

She locked herself in the bedroom and tossed her head into her hands once more, allowing more tears to flow down her face. She was absolutely devastated, but it was all her own doing, and that was the most heartbreaking thing of all.

She lay down on the sheets, aware of B and Wade just outside that door, wishing that she could just go back out there and hug them both, but she couldn’t.

All she could do was lie down and cry, like the weak, pathetic girl that she had never allowed herself to be before. She hated this person that she’d become, she didn’t like this version one damn but, but she couldn’t see it changing. Not when she was here, stuck between these two men, feeling all of their hurt and pain.

Leaving was the only option that made any sense.




Talia took in a deep breath and stepped into the kitchen, where she knew both Wade and B were. The silence didn’t seem to bother them as much as it did her, they could be in the same room as mad as hell at one another, and they wouldn’t be affected. So she wasn’t surprised that there didn’t seem to be much of an atmosphere there at all.

But the silence really got to her.

“I… have been thinking,” she gasped out, feeling weird to finally be using her voice again. “And I have something to say to you.” They both looked at her in shock, but neither of them interrupted, which gave her the go ahead to continue. “I am terribly sorry for what I did, for the way that I hurt you both. I would love it if you both knew that was never my intention.”

Her voice broke with emotion, so she took a second to steel herself for what she had to say next.

“I never knew that any of this would happen, and I really feel bad about it.” She gasped, her breaths coming out labored, but she forced herself through it. “I think that it would be best for all of us if I just left…”

“No,” Wade instantly jumped in, shaking his head. “No, we don’t want that. We don’t want you to go.”

“I know,” she tried to reassure him, having thought all of this through. “But we are at war here, we need to separate soon enough anyway, so we might as well do it now.” She held up her hands to stop him from talking again. “I don’t want anyone to hurt any longer, and I hate that I’ve caused this…”

“This is my fault,” B suddenly spoke out, causing them both to spin around to face him. He stood up and walked closer to Talia, slipping her hands in his. “I allowed my petty jealousy to get the better of me. Maybe I’ve been among humans too long.” He stared deep into Talia’s eyes, and she felt emotion bursting from him. Whatever he was about to say, he really did mean it, so she listened to it carefully. “But romance is different for the Ec’dua,” he confirmed. “We don’t feel things in the same way that you do. We could… share you, I suppose that’s the best way for me to describe it. Neither of us wants to lose you, so why not give all of us a try?”

She glanced over to Wade, who was nodding happily, agreeing with what she was starting to think that she actually might like. The sharing part sounded a little weird to her, but the thought of all of them being together was oddly tantalizing. She could picture it already, and although it was confusing to her, and a little terrifying, it was also erotic too. An amber flame of passion grew and grew inside of her, warming her heart and making her skin tingle.

“But… but… the war…?” she shot out, needing to find a sensible way to look at this. This couldn’t be right, it was too good to be true, which meant that there had to be a fault with it somewhere along the line.

“Sure,” B nodded. “The war will be over soon, and we will have some decisions to make, but for now, why not just have fun?”

Fun… Could she just have some fun?




Talia wasn’t sure about this statement at all. It sounded a little strange to her, a little too out of the ordinary, but at the same time she could feel herself getting swept away in the moment. She liked both of these guys so much that made her actually want to try. She actually found herself wanting to know what it would be like to be loved by these two aliens… and would it be so different to overstepping the mark that she’d already done? She had already started sleeping with men that definitely weren’t human… so how much worse would it be to actually take this step, and be a threesome instead of a couple?

It helped a lot that no one else knew about her and them at all, and that there was no one around to judge her for doing what she really wanted to do. That allowed her the freedom to be who she so desperately needed to be.

“What would it entail?” she gasped out a little stunned, needing some form of clarification. “A schedule, guidelines, what?” There was an intense burst of passion coursing right through her and she didn’t know what to do with any of it. It was a crazy desire that she didn’t really understand, but that she wanted to explore anyway.

“We have done things your way,” Wade grinned at her, a spark of something powerful behind his eyes, causing the butterflies inside of her to transform into terrifying, flapping birds. “Why not try it ours? We can tell you all about how we do things on our planet… or we can show you, if you like.”

Talia’s heart fluttered with a nervous anxiety as she realized how far she would be stepping outside of her comfort zone for this one… but also how much she really did want it.

“Your way?” She asked. “Erm… I don’t know…” It was all a little too much for her, and her head was swimming under the weight of it all. She didn’t know whether she should follow her head or her heart, and that was almost making her sick.

If she looked deep into herself, she could see that this was exactly what she wanted, but she didn’t know what that said about her as a person…

“You only have to try it once,” B reassured her, moving closer to her. “If you don’t like it, there will be no commitment, no ramifications, we can just find another way to live instead. You do not ever have to worry about losing us completely, we will always be here. Neither of us want this unless it makes you happy… that’s all we’ve ever wanted.”

No consequences.

No ramifications.

No commitment.

How could she turn it down when they were offering her everything that she’d ever needed? It sounded perfect. She felt herself nodding before she’d even fully made that choice, and then the answer fell out of her lips.

“Let’s do it.”




“Are you sure?” B asked her with genuine concern in his eyes, sliding his arm down her back. This action made her shiver, and want to be his, be theirs. She wanted to give herself to them totally. What was it about these men? Was it their alien mind reading power, or was there a genuine bond there?

“Yes.” she replied automatically, trying to step backwards for a second to organize her thoughts. “I… I think so.” She still had no idea exactly what she was agreeing to, but she was sure she would regret it if she didn’t at least try. They were right… they had done things her way so it was only fair that she tried it theirs.

B pulled her back to him for a hug, and in that moment she realized that her heart was pounding, and that her legs were trembling because she realized just how intensely her feelings really ran. There was a connection there, with both of these guys, and she was about to find out exactly what that meant.

She stepped backwards for a moment, wanting to take a good look at B, just to find her body hitting Wade’s. He was standing right behind her, wanting to embrace her too, and for a brief second she simply fell into his arms, needing the comfort that only he could give her. 

“You’ll be okay,” Wade reassured her. “You will enjoy yourself, and if we feel like you are uncomfortable, we will stop immediately.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, becoming more settled with her choice. There was something so calming about Wade, something that made her feel okay again, and she realized just how much she enjoyed having him around. How could she regret anything anymore when it had led her to this moment? It might have been a crazy road to get there, but now that she’d arrived, it felt perfectly right, as if fate had intervened and made everything right for her.

With that, he pulled her back and put his hands on her cheeks, claiming her in a kiss all over again. This time as she became all-consumed by him, there wasn’t any guilt anymore because B knew about it. He was right there watching them, and according to them, this was the Ec’dua way… and if that was the case then she could get on board with it easily! How could she not when it was making her feel so damn good?

Her body was sparking with desire, hungry to be satisfied and she started to feel like she might go insane if she didn’t get exactly what she needed. She was already gasping in pleasure, feeling the bliss, and that was a sensation that she never wanted to end.

Suddenly, just as she feel like she about to lose herself completely, Wade pulled away from her and spun her around to give her a glimpse of how B was feeling. There was an excitement to his gaze, a fire blazing behind his eyes, and that thrilled Talia in a way that she hadn't ever expected. It turned out that not only did she enjoy the light spanking from B, and the rear entry from Wade, she also liked being watched too… just like in her fantasy. These sexual discoveries made her feel like she was getting to know herself better, and that was actually incredibly fascinating to her. If she hadn't met B and Wade, she would never have ever seen this version of herself.

B pulled her in for a kiss, being a little rougher with her than Wade. He started tugging at her clothing, wanting to see that naked flesh once more. When she did, it reminded her of the first time that they’d had sex, and the wonderful feelings she’d felt that time. His intense need for her made her feel beautiful and it really got her going, which was sending her tremblingly toward climax way too quickly.

“Beautiful,” Wade whispered into her ear once she was only in her underwear. He ran kisses down her neck and unhooked her bra, while B removed her panties. There were so many eyes, so many limbs. She felt overpowered by them, and she wanted to be. Her heart raced painfully in her chest with anticipation.

Wade began to play with Talia’s tightening nipples, allowing her to fall back against him, while B slid to his knees wanting to give her the same pleasure that she did to him not so long ago. He nudged her legs apart and moved his mouth in, allowing her to feel his breath on her entrance, driving her insane, before sliding his tongue deep into her and making her body buckle with joy.

If Wade hadn't been there, she would have gone tumbling to the ground. He licked and kissed her clit, making her writhe in pleasure, almost wishing she could leave her body.

“You…” she panted out, needing to tell them just how she felt about this situation. “This… Your way is amazing.”

And it really was. This way, she got to be with both the men that she’d come to care for and fantasize about equally. There was no cheating, no betrayal, only fun, and she still had both of them to explore too.

As B moved his head away from her, Wade bent her forwards and slid into her from behind, as h had before. She closed her eyes and gasped at the feeling of it, and how it reminded her of the first time he had done it. He thrust hard and fast, leaving her unable to even think never mind speak. He had adjusted his shape again, filling her perfectly. It was almost too much for her to take.

B moved back in front of her, giving her something to hold onto, and with a bolt of bravery, she decided to put him in her mouth again. He felt amazing when he was there last time, as though giving pleasure to her lover was as electrifying as receiving pleasure, and she wanted to repeat. As he filled her throat, she traced her tongue all over him, loving the way he pulsated between her lips. It made her feel incredibly sexy, and loved too. For someone who had always been as lonely as Talia, that sensation was incredible, and addictive too.

Wade thrust, and Talia licked, sucked, and gobbled B hungrily. B felt all kinds of Earthly pleasures crashing through his body. He never wanted to leave. None of three of them wanted this experience between them to end; they simply wanted to remain together for the rest of time. No matter what the rest of the galaxy thought. In that moment, she thought that they would find a way to make it work, whatever it took.

As the orgasm hotly gushed and overflowed through Talia’s body, her mind emptied, then became peaceful. As her thoughts returned, she tried to imagine what their future would be like if they were simply allowed to be. It looked amazing. Maybe there would be somehow they could make it work, maybe there would be a place where they could finally be happy…

I love them… she thought to herself as her body shuddered with joy. I love them and I want them to be mine forever.

“So what do you think of our way?” B asked, with a cheekiness to his tone. “Did you like it?”

“Like it?” she panted breathlessly, but she was already building up the strength and the need to go again. Once wasn’t enough, it was never going to be enough, she needed to have them again, and again, and again. “I loved it.” She rolled over and propped herself up onto her arms and shot them both a seductive grin. “I loved it so much that I want to go again!”




As they all lay in one another’s arms, panting breathlessly from the endless exploration of one another’s bodies, far into the morning light, a noise emanated from Wade’s jeans that were on the floor somewhere – an alerting sound – which shocked them all into the reality of the real world.

“What’s that?” Talia asked causally, feeling too drained to put in too much effort to show enthusiasm. Her limbs were all intertwined with theirs, and it felt like home to her, like she’d actually found the place where she fit in, and where she could be happy being herself.

“It’s the alert symbol from the rebels,” Wade gasped out in shock, causing Talia and B to pay much more attention to his words. “We were only ever supposed to use it when the time had come… when the humans were ready.”

“What does this mean?” Talia called out in a wide eyed shock as she tried to process his words. “What the hell is happening?”

He looked up into her eyes, fear flooding his body completely, and he told her the words that he knew were going to change absolutely everything. Things were already so strained between the three of them when it came to the uncertainty of their future, and this was about to make it all a million times worse.

“It means that it’s here, the final battle is here. The fate of the planet Earth is about to be decided. The battle that I told you about, the one that has been worked towards for a long time… well it’s here.”

This was it… the big showdown that had been building up for years, the final battle that everyone had been working towards, was here at last.

Of course, the Ec’dua race had been working towards it for a lot longer than the humans, they had been planning it for generations, but it still felt like it had been going on for far too long to Talia too. And now all of that was coming to head, just at the very moment she didn’t want it to.

She flickered her eyes between Wade and B, wondering what the hell that meant for the three of them now. Technically, they were all on different sides in this war. B was an alien who had been working for the Ec’dua. Talia a human, and Wade was a rebel. And that meant that they would be going into this battle on completely different sides.

It would be a huge fight, one in which people would die. What would happen if one of them lost their lives? What would happen if they had to separate? The wonderful, small world she’d built up with B and Wade was falling apart and Talia felt herself wanting to break down. She wanted to cry for the life she was losing, she wanted to weep for the fact that she felt hopeless, but of course she couldn’t do any of those things. She needed to be strong. She needed to make some smart decisions about what she was going to do next.

She needed to be the bad ass that she’d once been.

But looking at Wade and B, it was hard to keep it all inside because whatever happened next, there was a job to be done. The fate of Earth was more important.