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Elite by Carrie Aarons (20)



Bloody professors droning on … why did it always seem that in the States, no one could shut their trap?

Now I was late, practically running across campus in my thigh-high suede black boots to make it to the Charter House meeting that Gretchen had called. Only thirty minutes ago, as if we were supposed to drop everything at her beck and call.

Well technically, everyone did that, so it wasn’t a surprise that she expected it. Rounding the corner onto Greek row, I realize that a lot of people are out on their front lawns for a blustery day at the end of February.

Come to think of it, there were a lot of people out on campus too, carrying boxes which I’d assumed were beer, and some of them had sleighs. Students flood the front lawns on Greek row, beer pong tables set up, ice luges carved out in the snow, everyone bundled up in the perfect winter ensembles, drinking steaming spiked cider from copper mugs.

What the heck was going on?

I reach the Charter House gates, and letting myself in, I notice the two huge cabanas with industrial heaters set up. Some of the girls lounge on furry white chairs and couches placed beneath them, music blaring out of the professional speakers set up on the porch.

“Did I miss something?” I ask one of them as I pass by.

A girl I recognize, an actual member, smirks at me. “Oh pledges, so naïve. It’s Mountain Day, duh … only the biggest day party of the winter calendar.”

I had no idea what the meant, and made my way inside to see what this drop-everything emergency was.

“You’re late,” Ciara says as soon as the warm air from the lit fireplace hits me as I walk through the door.

I scowl at her, trying to convey with my eyes that I know what she’s done and I’ll drop the bomb if she isn’t nice. She sticks a pointed purple fingernail in her mouth, telling me with her eyes that she isn’t scared of me, and if I punch, she’ll punch back harder. I have to hand it to her, she’s got some big bollocks to go against a girl who has such a secret on her.

“I was in class.” I don’t apologize.

“Whatever, just sit down.” Gretchen’s pinched face regards me, and then focuses back on the room. “By now, you’ll all have met various boys from different social clubs. And to be in, you also have to date within the inner circle. So your task for Mountain Day is simply, to come back with a boyfriend from one of the houses, by the time it gets dark.”

“Sorry, what’s Mountain Day?” I ignore the ridiculous task, instead leaning over to Abby.

She whispers back, “Biggest party day, always the last Thursday in February. Basically, the student body all converges on Greek row to drink themselves silly, until they can’t feel the cold or the snow. The cops turn a blind eye, and each house has these elaborate setups with tents and heaters and catered food. It’s actually a lot of fun … or well, it usually is. How the hell am I going to land a boyfriend in five hours?”

Looking at the other three pledges, I mean … it wouldn’t be that hard. Find any weak-minded, easy prey and convince him that you’d snog or shag him whenever he wanted, and they’d be putty in our hands. But I had a feeling that the more impressive the catch, the more weight you’d pull in these final days before they chose who would be officially inducted. Because come on, after almost two months of this shite, it had to be almost over.

“And you need to do it publicly, declaring your feelings for all of Mountain Day to hear.” Ciara cackles.

Of course. It wasn’t going to be as easy as pulling someone aside and striking a mutually beneficial deal. They wanted to embarrass us, make us look like desperate fools.

“I’m sorry, did you think you were going to find boyfriends sitting here?” Nina snaps at us, and we all get up, moving out of the house.

Striding out into the cold, I grab a cup of whatever cider someone is passing out. The crisp apple and sharp sting of whiskey melt down my throat, calming me and warming my insides. I hadn’t fully expected this, but I had to say, it had its Thistle charm. All of these students partying in the white drifts of snow, the mountain in the background in all of its glory, watching down upon them.

“You’ll be fine. Find someone, ask under your breath, and then do the whole charade. Honestly, it won’t be real … and look at you, half the guys here will be drooling over themselves to be your boyfriend.” I motioned to Abby and her petite, fairy-like appearance.

“Thanks, Eloise. You always know how to make this all better.” Her eyes say something different though, and I can’t help the shiver that has the hairs standing up on my neck as she turns to leave.

Taking my time, I mosey over to the front lawn of Keil House. The jocks have tubs and tubs of beer planted on the front lawn, kegs smushed into the snow and televisions set up under heated tents.

“We wanted to do something reminiscent of a Super Bowl party.” Griffin walks up, winking at me.

“Well, you know I have no idea what that means, but this is pretty posh.” I give him a thumbs up. “Where is your mate?”

He slaps a hand over his coat-covered chest. “You wound me, Eloise, always wanting to give him all of the attention. You know he’s just a big lug, right?”

A big lug that I happen to like seeing naked, and talking to, and dreaming about

Griffin points, and I see that giant across the lawn. My heart skips a beat, actually stops and then restarts, like you hear about in the movies.

I walk straight up to Colton in front of all of the social club members, in front of Gretchen, in front of his teammates. This is Gretchen’s way of embarrassing us, but I’ll beat her at her own game. It’s about time I made my feelings known anyway, and I was tired of having to pretend that I didn’t want to pursue something with their star athlete.

After Valentine’s Day, we’ve spent the night together twice more, and been texting all day every day. We’ve been skating in circles around the truth; that we want to be with each other.

And I’d never been one to shy away from anything, so here goes.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” My accent rings out thick in the air, and I can feel my heartbeat like a heavy lump in my throat.

A bunch of people turn to look at me, and some from adjacent lawns start to cheer for no other reason than they are drunk and someone is talking loudly.

Colton turns to me, his face zeroing in on mine when he sees me. A ripple of something moves through the air between us; attraction mixed with a mutual, unspoken knowledge about how we feel for one another.

“My name is Eloise Mason, and I’d like to just let everyone know that I think Colton Reiter is a hunk. Not only is he a hunk, but I rather fancy him, and I’d like to climb him like a beanstalk.”

Snickers ring out, but I’m only looking at him. Please don’t reject me. It’s my innermost thought, the fear that I never let bubble to the surface getting the best of me just this once.

But instead of embarrassment, my strapping golden boy is beaming. The smile that paints his face is one of pure amusement and adoration.

I walk closer to him. “So, because I think all of these things, it would only be right if we were a couple. Colton, will you be my boyfriend?”

I almost get down on one knee, just to sell it to these ladies more.

He tilts his head to the side, trying to figure out what I’m up to. I try to raise an eyebrow, give him any sign that this is a task and if he’ll just agree here, we can talk about this nonsense in private.

“Only if you’ll be my girlfriend.” His grin is totally infectious, and the next thing I know, his gloved hands are on my cheeks and he’s kissing me in front of the entire crowd at Mountain Day.

Students around us erupt into applause, as if we just got engaged or something, and I can’t help but let out a ridiculous, confused laugh.

“What the heck is going on?” He laughs into my ear.

I whisper into his, “I was challenged to ask you to be my boyfriend in front of all of these people. We can talk about it later, if you want.”

Blue-green eyes meet mine, and I thumb the dark stubble on his jaw with my white mitten. “I don’t care why it happened, just know I’m not letting you out of this now. We’re a couple, and you can’t say anything to undo it. Whatever I did, I’m a smart man to make you tie yourself to me.”

I roll my eyes. “Great, I think I’ve given you an even bigger ego than you already had.”

Turning to the side, I spot the Charter House girls standing close by, some of their mouths hanging open. I can tell by their faces that they had no clue I had been mingling with their golden boy, and Nina and Ciara are so jealous that their normally brown eyes were practically green. Gretchen just arced one perfectly-sculpted eyebrow, her only sign of congratulations on a task well completed.

“Oh my God!” I squeal, the world suddenly turning upside down.

Colton has picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder in front of the entire student body.

“What are you doing?! You’ve gone bonkers!” I slap at his butt, loving the way it firmly shapes to my hand when I hit it.

“I’m taking my new girlfriend for some alone time, out of the cold and away from all these drunk hooligans. We have to commemorate the day Eloise Mason asked me to be hers.”

The blokes of Keil House cheer as he carries me up the front steps, and I can’t do anything but hang there and laugh.

And think about all of the delicious ways he’s about to celebrate me.