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Eternal Fire: Myths, Magic and Gods (The Guardians Series Book 5) by S Lawrence (25)

Chapter 27


I hate leaving her. I hate lying. Morrigan holds my hand, gripping it tightly as we materialize.

“He will feel us here.” I nod at her, looking around at the gate and searching for my other daughter.

“Hel.” I call for her and hear a deep bark from her guard dog, Garm. “Garm, go get Hel.” A yip is his reply. “Now we wait. Although she also will know we are here and is most likely already on her way.”

Morrigan paces. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” I shrug. I don’t have much choice. Our time is running out. “They probably won’t tell us anything.”

Shoving my fingers through my hair, I stare up at the gates. “I know that,” I snap. Her hand lays over my heart, and I look down into her sad eyes.

“Uncle, you have been my father, my friend, and so much more. It’s not fair of them to put this burden on you. I can’t,” she looks away swallowing, “we can’t lose you.” I pull her into my arms, holding her tight.

“I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen, Eun Beag.” Her fingers grasp at my shirt, and I feel the hotness of her tears sweeping through. The gate swings open, and I nod as Hel strides through. Her face falls as she shakes her head. “Daughter, I need your help.”

Morrigan pulls away, wiping at her eyes. Hel holds out a hand to us both. “Anything, Father.”

“I must see the Norns but I can’t sift there. Odin must not know I’m here.” She nods before looking at the beast sitting slightly behind her.

“Garm often runs the roots.” Hearing his name, the animal in question stands, bouncing in joy, drool flying from his massive jowls. “He will take you. We just need to hide your presence from anyone who might see his trip.” She is quiet for a long time. “He sometimes delivers things for me to those realms I don’t wish to go to. I think you will fit in his pack.” She looks down at us before turning and jogging away. Garm lays down his head, still above us watching us closely.

She returns in minutes, carrying a bag that attaches to the collar around his neck. I’m only a bit annoyed at having to do this. After it is hooked and ready, she shrinks down. I hold out my arms and she rushes into them. Her icy skin steals my warmth, but still I hold her tight.

“No one else loves me.” Her voice sounds like it did when she was a little girl and it breaks my heart.

“They do, and those that don’t are fools. If something happens, find Morrigan and Danu; they will take you to Cora. She and those Druids will be your family.” I blink and draw in a deep breath. “I have loved you since before you were born and I will love you until time is done.” She clings to me for a long time before breaking away. “I am doing everything I can, I promise.”

Nodding, she grows big again, picking us up gently and putting us in the bag. We sit in silence in the darkness as Garm races along the roots, jostling us from side to side. The trip doesn’t take him long, and when he stops, he lays down, flopping over, and we tumble from the pouch. Morrigan climbs to her feet, shaking her head. I sit where I land for a moment, trying to tamp down the humiliation of what just occurred.

“Why have you journeyed here?” Morrigan turns, looking at those we have come to see. Something like fury shines in her eyes. I stand and reach for her arms, drawing her attention.

“I would have thought you would expect us,” my niece grumbles under her breath.

“We see many things but not all,” Wyrd replies, her serenity grating on my nerves, as does her smile. My life is in shambles, and they stand here smiling at us. I clench my fists, trying to remind myself I need their help.

“I’ve come to ask you about the coming war.” I watch for their reactions. “Yggdrasil has been unable or unwilling to tell me what I need to know.”

Unmei waves her hand toward an area behind them. Seats are arranged around a fire, four seats, and I glance at Morrigan. “I’ll stay with Garm and keep watch, Uncle.” She hugs me tight. “Don’t get your hopes up for answers. No matter what they say, we can figure a way out,” she whispers in my ear, and I squeeze her, wishing like hell she was right.

Following them, I ignore their offer to sit. Instead, I stand staring into the fire. “Is there any other way? Any way to save them without losing myself?”

“We can show you many outcomes,” Hatima offers as she once again points to one of the seats. “We mean no harm, Loki. You must know we have worked through the years to guide Cora to you. We have made her as strong as we can.” They all look at me, judging me.

“Why? If this is the only way, why send her to me? Why show me heaven to only have it ripped away from me?” My anger boils, and my magic flares causing them to stiffen.

Unmei stands and glides to me, stopping inches from my face. “You have fought so long and so honorably, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by those of us who understand. Let us show you what we can. It has always been your decision that will shape the future.” Her hand slides down my arm, and I let her draw me to a seat close to the fire.

After I settle, they move around my back. I feel their hands touch my shoulders. “Just watch the fire,” Wyrd’s voice is low as she leans close to my ear. “Try to clear your mind and focus on Cora. She is the driving force right now. You love many others, but she is the one you are fighting to stay with. We all know you would willingly go if not for her.” They are right, only Cora makes me want to stay.

I watch the flames dance, focusing on her voice, her body, and those threads that link us. Everything else fades away. Slowly images come into focus. Battle after battle playing out. It goes on for hours, hundreds of different outcomes. Finally I come back to myself. The fire has burned out, and Morrigan is asleep laying against Garm’s side as he watches me.

“So you see now,” Hatima’s voice is sad. “It is all we have seen, and we haven’t seen beyond the battle. If Yggdrasil has seen beyond, she hasn’t told us.”

“She hasn’t told me much of anything,” I murmur as I continue to stare at the dead fire. Morrigan shifts in her sleep, and I turn my head to watch her, remembering the day she was born. Odin was nowhere to to be found, having shown Danu his true intentions soon after we arrived. I held her moments after she entered this world, her bright eyes locking on mine, knowledge and power shining out from her. I vowed that day to protect her, not just from hidden dangers but also from Odin’s unquenchable hunger for power. One of the battles plays through my mind again, and I close my eyes to the images of her being ripped apart by her own father, of Danu dying as she tries to save her. Tears burn my eyes as I swallow.

“Uncle?” Forcing away the horror, I open my eyes and try to reassure her, but she sees the truth. Shaking her head, she falls into my arms, curling into my lap like she did as a child. We cling to each other. I finally pull back.

“We need to go back. It will be soon, and I’d like to spend some time with those of you I love.” She nods. “No need to hide from him now.” I look at the Norns. “Will you be alright if he knows I was here?”

“He wouldn’t dare attack us, but we are prepared if he does.” Wyrd’s voice is hard and the others’ faces mirror that hardness.

Turning, I move to Garm’s side. “Go back to her, protect her, and bring her to the Isle if it becomes too dangerous.” I rub over his jowl, remembering when Fenrir brought him home as a gift for his sister. I have no idea where the pup came from but I often wonder if he wasn’t Fenrir’s. I like to think he was, that my son lives still in this protector of my other child. He pushes at my hand before standing and then racing away.

Morrigan grabs my hand, and I sift us back to Danu’s home. She is sitting in front of a fire, feet pulled up on the couch beside her. She leans back against her Druid’s chest, his arms circling her and holding her close. He has aged but he should have died hundreds of years ago, yet here on the Isle his aging has slowed dramatically. I wonder how much longer she will have him at her side.

I glance at Morrigan, and she is watching them sadly when she looks at me. I can tell she is worried over how Danu will handle another loss. She straightens when she notices us. “Well? Did they tell you anything?”

Morrigan looks at me, not saying anything. “Nothing I didn’t already know,” I shrug. “Where’s Cora?” I look around.

“I put her in your bedroom. She paced herself into exhaustion.” Danu looked down the hall toward the room I always stay in. “Are we going to talk about what happened?”

“No.” I squeeze her shoulder for a moment as I walk by the couch, making my way to Cora. She is curled on her side on top of the covers, dressed in some sheer lace gown that could’ve only come from Danu or Beathag. It’s made from gold threads and shimmers against her coffee-colored skin. I undress before crawling onto the bed and lying down behind her. I pull a cover up over us before wrapping my arm around her, and she sighs and pushes back against me. A smile curves my lips as I tighten my hold on her. I want her badly but I also just need to hold her, to feel her warmth and her soul wrap around me. I try to sleep, but it is a long time coming and when it does, it’s filled with nightmares of what’s to come.

The rainbow light of Danu’s fake sun is shimmering through the window when I feel her lips on my chest. “Good morning. What should we check off your list today?” I kiss her hair, and she turns her lips up to me. Who am I to deny her? I kiss her deeply, lingering in the dark heat of her. When we break apart, her hands are sliding over my skin, and I reach for them, stopping their downward progression. “Where would you like to go? Anywhere in the world.”

“What if I just want to stay here… in bed… with you?” She kisses my chest at each pause, and my determination to show her the world waivers.

“I’d love that, and we can do that.” She smiles. It’s the kind of smile a woman gets when she has been successful in seduction. “Later.” She pouts instantly, and I grin at her. “Come on, where? I chose Paris.”

“Fine.” She goes to pull away, but I hold her tight.

“Cora.” She looks up and stops fighting me, growing quiet. “We don’t know what’s going to happen or how long before it does. I just want to make the very most of every moment we have.”

“Don’t talk like that. Did the Norns tell you something?” Her muscles tighten.

“Vague as ever. We can only show you possibilities blah, blah, blah.” She laughs, and I smile at her.

“Social media and slang? What will you surprise me with next?”

“Did you think I lounged in Valhalla every minute of my last fifty years? I was at marches in Birmingham, I went to Woodstock, and I was on the strip in Hollywood for the music of the eighties and in Seattle for Grunge. Eternal life is boring if you don’t live.” She’s thoughtful for a moment.

“How about we go to the most beautiful beach and spend the day swimming and working on our tans?”

“I like that idea. What beach?” I query.

“How should I know? I’ve only been to Florida.” I nod, pushing up and thinking of all the places I’ve wasted a day in the sun.

Deciding, I wave my hand and put her in a lilac bikini. It’s tiny, and she raises a brow as she runs her hands over the barely there bottoms. Another wave and she has a hat and cover up on. A bag of supplies sits at her feet. I change my own clothes and enjoy the feel of her eyes as they move over my chest and down to my waist. Her hand reaches out, and one finger traces over the muscles before tickling through the hair that disappears into my waistband. I grab her hand again.

“Let’s go before I change my mind.” Her lips purse in interest. “Temptress.”

We walk out, or rather I pull her out, as she drags her feet, making our way to the kitchen after I hear Morrigan’s voice. They all turn when we enter. I didn’t realize everyone was here.

“Lass, what are you wearing?” Sean chokes on the coffee he is sipping at Michael’s outraged tone. Raven grins winking at Cora.

“Tis a swimsuit, ye old man.” She grins at him as she twirls. “We are off to the beach, unless y’all need us.”

Raven looks at me. ‘I just need some time with her. I went to see the Norns, but they gave me no new information on how to fight him. I think your men are right -- we must weaken him by taking out those that have joined him. The fewer he has at the battle, the better.’ I don’t tell her what I have to do. No need to make her worry also. Morrigan looks at me over the rim of her cup.

“Nae, ‘tis no reason for ye to hang around lass. Go hae fun. Let those with real power handle the heavy lifting for ye, ye princess,” Sean grouses, earning a glare from said princess.

“I think you mean goddess,” I murmur, smiling at them over her head, silently thanking them for the blatant attempt to goad her into leaving. “Come, Elskan min, they don’t deserve to be in your presence.” I use a haughty tone, ignoring both Raven and Morrigan’s raised eyebrows at the term of endearment. Sifting, I take us to Lake McKenzie on Fraser Island in Australia. She spins in a circle, eyes shining and a huge grin plastered over her face before she turns to me and jumps at me. I catch her in my arms, dropping the bag in my hand.

“It’s so… gorgeous, amazing, just breathtaking. Thank you.” Her legs wrap around my waist, and she takes my lips with hers, feasting on me. Pouring everything into me. I cup her ass in my hands, holding her high against my chest. The feeling of her makes my heart pound. As she breaks away, I look into her eyes, the silver swirling with power for a moment. “I won’t let you go.”

“Go? Where? I’m here with you.” I pretend to not understand, and she lets me. “Come on, we can pick the best place.” She looks around, finally noticing we are alone.

“Is it hard to get here?” I shake my head. “Off limits?” Again I shake my head. “Why then?”

“I maybe asked Emma to send a storm out around the island.” She squints looking out from the beach. Dark, ominous clouds swirl in the sky miles away.

“Well, I suppose I should thank her. And you for this day. I just hope we have no more visitors.” Power tickles over us, and I glance around. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She shouts.

‘Just me, giving you some peace for the day. We should be able to keep you hidden.’ Yggdrasil’s voice plays through our heads.

“Thank you,” I say as Cora falls to her knees, hands sinking into the sand. She has a silent conversation with the old one, and I leave her to it, moving down to the water's edge and spreading a blanket. She joins me just as I’m sitting down. “Did she answer you?” I guess at what Cora had conferred with Yggdrasil about.

She sighs and rolls to her back. Answer enough. I squint out at the aquamarine water, deciding whether or not I should push. She slides the sunglasses I had laid out for her over her eyes then reaches a hand out to me. I take her hand and thread our fingers together. “Let’s just lie here and forget about everyone else today. We are protected, the sun is shining, and we have paradise to ourselves.” She whispers, her eyes closed behind the glasses. She pulls at my hand, and I lay back, letting my eyes close. “Music. Can you get us something to play music?”

“Of course.” I manifest an iPod and dock, and she smiles as jazz floats softly from the speaker. We lounge on the sand until her skin starts to turn pink. I rub lotion over her shoulders and back before I pull her up to her feet. She stands, swaying slightly for a moment, and then I scoop her up in my arms, striding into the water. Drops splash up onto her, and she shrieks. “Jesus, it’s fucking cold. Why is it cold?”

“It’s fed by a spring but really it’s not that cold.” She glares for a moment before her face softens.

“Could you warm it, O mighty God?” Cora’s voice is thick with the sugary sweet accent she and the other two use when they are working the men around them.

“For you, Elskan min, anything,” I murmur against her neck as I pull her up higher on my chest.

Dipping one finger into the water, I send out my magic and heat the water slightly, turning it into an almost luke warm bath. Then I wade in deeper, lowering myself and her into the water. I let her float out, watching the sun glint off her wet skin.

She rolls to her back, floating with her eyes closed. Dunking under the water, I lose myself in the silence, in the peace, letting the responsibilities slide away. Eyes open, I watch her bob on the surface above me. I dive deep, arms stroking and pulling me to the bottom, and I run my hands through the sand, staying down until my lungs burn.

“You think I keep things from you on purpose.” I don’t answer as I push off gliding to the surface. “If I knew another way, I would tell you. You are like a son to me. I wish I knew another way.’ I’ve never heard emotion in her like this and I almost break my silence. Almost. Her power fades.

I tread water, staring at the beach, my thoughts swirling like a tornado. I’m so lost in them I don’t hear her paddling up behind me. Her arms slide around my waist, hands coming up over my chest. “You’re supposed to be relaxing. I can see your tension from halfway across this lake.” I cover her hand with my own, pulling it up, kissing her fingers. I let her pull me from the water. She walks back to the blanket, lying back and pulling me down with her.

I let her pull me from our worries. We get lost in each other.