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Eternal Fire: Myths, Magic and Gods (The Guardians Series Book 5) by S Lawrence (44)

Chapter 48


I hold my future in my hands. Whether it is good or bad, I don’t know. Everyone waits holding their breath and we’re all unsure how to proceed. Studying the tablet, I find no clues. There is writing, but it is in the language of the ancients. I ask if they know how to read it, and it is a resounding no from everyone.

“So, now what?” Khonsu mumbles. Hecate glares at him.

“It’s not like it came with instructions. Or if these are instructions, we can’t read them.” I want to cry. I feel so tired, exhausted tears burn at the back of my eyes and I swallow hard trying to get myself under control. A tsunami of self-doubt rolls over me. I look at him lying there and I shove the tablet into someone’s hands. My feet are moving before I realize, and I’m gasping for air.

I’m not sure how far I’ve run when I feel a hand close around my upper arm, pulling me to a stop. Another pushes on the center of my back forcing me to bend over.

“Deep breaths. Take deep breaths, Cora.” The large hand rubs circles over my spine as I try to do what Michael is telling me to. I hold one hand back, my fingers spread wide searching for him and he does not let me down. His hand closes around mine, gripping it tight as I squeeze my eyes shut to the panic. I draw in air shakily as the tears I’m fighting fall steadily to the ground. “We’ll figure it out. One way or the other. I promise ye that.”

The hand that had been on my upper arm I slid down to my other hand. My boys, my brothers, our time, Valhalla, and the roots forged a bond like none I’ve had. They and the others will see me through this. No matter what happens.

“If this ends differently than I hope, I want you to take me somewhere here in our world. I don’t want to go to the other realms with you all; I don’t think I could face it without him.” I straightened as I spoke and I look at them both now, silently begging for their help. I can tell they want to argue with the decision, but they nodded in agreement, and I love them more for it. “Okay, go see if we can save a God.”

They flanked me as I walked to join the others. No one says anything as we return. “Sorry, momentary freak out.” I smile at everyone. “So, any ideas?”

Morrigan holds the tablet and she is the one to speak. “We’ve talked about what my uncle told them about the ceremony. About how they had to welcome the power. Aislin explained that she was told the power comes from a small piece of an actual ancient. Like a piece of their soul. The whole process initially was supposed to be symbiotic. We know now it’s turned parasitic.”

I nod in agreement, still unsure of how that could help us with the tablet. Khonsu starts where she left off. “If this tablet is the same stone that was in the cave, we wonder if maybe that stone was designed to pull that piece of the ancient out of anyone who denied them.” My heart begins to pound. Could it be that simple?

“Yggdrasil told me it was only now that she could attempt this coup. The pieces would move from one clan member to the next generation. Like they were in stasis until another was born. And here Loki and Odin were the last. She was the last true ancient so there was none of her blood that she could transfer it to. If there had been someone strong enough, she would’ve pulled the pieces from them years ago. I think the tablet is like a storage device.” Everyone’s eyes widen. Stored but not destroyed.

“So, like an external hard drive. Everything’s there but unless it has a computer to plug into, its basically a paperweight.” She nods in agreement. “Okay, so how do we transfer that information?” This is when everyone gets quiet. We all stare at the stone like the emerald will somehow tell us what to do.

“Whatever we’re going to do, we need to get going.” Nestor is watching Loki closely. Going to his side, I can tell he will wake soon.

“My dragon thinks it’s like our bonding.” We all turn our heads to Asger, who’s been quietly standing away from the others. I realize now why. He was having his own conversation. “We both had to agree, and even now, he says if we changed our mind, the bond would be broken.” Those words ripple like a shockwave through us. Kai stares at the man. “I did not know, brother. Did you?” Kai shakes his head. “Not that I’d ever change my mind.” He falls silent. I watch both of them.

“Mine says he remembers the ancients. They were good. Like she was. He thinks the magic that split the soul twisted it. Or maybe it is a mixture of both, maybe it needed the blood of the ancients and a true bonding like we have.” Kai’s voice and face are thoughtful.

I hold my hand out and Morrigan places the tablet in it. “We’re not going to send him back under.” I look at Aislin. “Can your power hold him once we let him wake?”

“I’ve been thinking about that. I think with a little boost of my power and Jason using his, we should be able to keep Loki in control.” She looks at the man in question to see if he agrees.

“What power of Jason’s?” The looks on their faces makes me nervous.

“One of my powers is my voice. I can use it on people. It can soothe them, frighten them, convince them of things, or even distance them from traumas in their past.” I see I’m the only one that didn’t know that. Now considering some of the things that I know about some of my friends, I realize that he’s used it on them to help them.

“And you’ve used it on me.” He has the decency to look sheepish. I’m willing to let it go for now. “So you will keep him calm, keep Loki in control, and pray we’re right.” Drawing a deep breath, I rolled my head around trying to loosen the muscles before I say the next words. “If we’re wrong,” I look at the men, the ones who had promised to kill him, “if we’re wrong, you know what to do.” They all nod.

I join my love on the chair, holding the tablet in my hands near him watching as he begins to fight more. Jason and Aislin move behind him. Jason’s lips are by his ear and Aislin’s hand is on the top of his head. Two dragons are crouched near his feet and the others stand close, just in case. It’s now or never and I’m terrified.