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Eternal Fire: Myths, Magic and Gods (The Guardians Series Book 5) by S Lawrence (47)


To the person who could open the box:

We write to you to give you warning and hope. Heed our words. You will find letters from those that survived, those that fought, and those that have first hand knowledge of what the tablet contains. If you made it this far, we believe it belongs to you. You are strong enough to do what must be done.

Good Luck

My people came here long ago, and I was born soon after. They brought magic with them and they thought they were the first. They weren’t. Magic in itself is neither good nor evil, it is merely a reflection of the one wielding it. That which is locked in the box is something else. It will take you over if you’re not strong enough. My Uncle fought it for thousands of years, yet starving it only made it stronger and hungrier. If you take it within you, it must be a merger. Be aware the old saying ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ is true. Make sure you have something or someone to ground you. I have found that love is the way.

Morrigan, Goddess of War

I still can’t believe it's only been a little over a year since I stumbled into this world. I was searching for my father when I found out myths were real. Horrible things happened along the way but they lead me to Kai. My destiny, my love, and my dragon. He is a Guardian of the old Gods and Goddesses, a man who shifts into a dragon. Hard to believe but true. I was thrust into the war for our world. I’d like to say we won and I suppose in a way we did, but the cost was too high. Most of us lost just about everything and everyone we loved. But we still have each other. We chose to leave your world, to let you have time to recover and to see what you would make of the world without magic interfering, but we also wanted to give you the gift of it when the world was ready. If you’re reading this, then at least you are. Wield it carefully and with love, for it can do wondrous things.

Aislin and Kai, Guardians of the Tuatha de Danann

I followed Aislin and found myself trapped with a hellhound in the Underworld. Lucky for me, he is a wonderful man. Like the others, we sacrificed everything to save the world -- mothers and fathers, friends and enemies died that day. I’m sure you will have heard of none of it or it will be a distant memory of some horrible event that couldn’t be explained. Just remember, the power in the tablet isn’t just power. It is a being that has suffered a very long time. Wounded animals lash out. You must earn its trust before you invite it in. We did what we could to make the world better, and when you and the world are ready, we have a virtual ark of animals to set free in the world.

Emma and Jason, Queen and King of the Underworld

We have no advice. Nothing we could say would prepare you for what you are about to do. We did learn a few things in the last year that we hope might give you strength to continue. You will be able to live with the loss of those you love, no matter how deep that love is. They want you to continue without them. Second, it is always about sacrifice. And third, you must always believe in yourself and your self worth. You are worthy. Lastly, family is whatever you want it to be, with whoever you want it to be with. Never let anyone tell you who you can or can’t love. We will be in Valhalla if you have need.

Sean, Raven and Michael, Cù Sìth, Valkyrie and Cat sìth

What can we say? We didn’t see this coming. He sacrificed everything to save the world. Literally, he died for ten days. He held that power within him for his entire life, fought it with every breath. But just as I began to write this, I saw you. You aren’t him. You can do this. Don’t starve it, don’t ignore it. Remind it. Remind HER of who she was. Remind her of who they were as a people. You can save them. I’ve seen it. Call his name at the base of the frozen waterfall, and we will come if you need us. You’ll know exactly where when you see it. Look for the runes.

Cora and Loki, Seer and God of Mischief

Again, we wish you good luck and many blessings.

PS -- If I were you, I'd keep to the seas.~Cora

I’ve added this without the knowledge of the others. I will be watching, no matter the number of years. The others withdraw, feeling responsible for the destruction, but I will not. It has always been my purpose to help those on, let us call them, trips. You will be on a journey like nothing you can even dream. I saw the seer’s face as she finished her entry and I have a feeling about what it might mean. So I will be near and help if I can.

Nestor, Guide and Protector ~ among other things.