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Fated to Fall (Fated Mate Book 2) by Stephanie West (5)



Blaidd hoped to return to Torvus already, but there was one thing he needed to do, before he travelled home. And that meant he needed the cover of night to accomplish it.

“You sure this is everything?” Blaidd asked Serus, as he reviewed the list of supplies he would bring back on his next trip.

“You might go ask my brother.”

Blaidd took the stairs two at a time, and headed toward the room with the upbeat music spilling into the hall. Harper and Nameless were supposed to be going through the brown paper boxes for things she wanted to bring back to Torvus, but it looked like they were just making a mess, with stuff strewn everywhere.

Nameless opened a drawer in the table by the bed, and Blaidd wondered what he found when he saw a rotten grin split the male’s face. Blaidd almost barked out a laugh when Nameless pulled out a bright pink phallic object.

“I found something you don’t need anymore,” Nameless called out.

“And I found something you might like. What did you find?” Harper sashayed out of the closet wearing a small revealing lacy outfit. “Put that down!” She laughed, seeing what Nameless held in his hand.

“No. Now, I’m rethinking this. Maybe this will be useful,” Nameless growled as he snagged Harper around the waist.

“Eh hem,” Blaidd coughed, interrupting the pair, before things went any further.

“Oh my god, Blaidd! How long have you been standing there?” Harper hollered as she wiggled out of Nameless’ arms, then darted back into the closet.

“I didn’t hear you approach.” Nameless’ brow arched, as he turned down the music.

“Sorry,” Blaidd laughed. “I’m heading back, and wanted to ask if you need anything else.”

“I don’t think so. But I’m sure we’ll think of something else the moment you leave,” Nameless commented, as he tossed the pink phallus back in the drawer.

“That’s how it often goes,” Blaidd agreed. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone this time, so happy hunting that bastard.”

“You know it,” Nameless snarled. “Can you make sure my mother is doing well with things in the Imperial City.”

“There has been no word, but I’ll check on Immanis,” Blaidd replied, glancing toward Serus, who’d wandered upstairs.

“I’m sure our mother has the Empire eating out of her hand. She always had her fingers in what was going on, despite our sire’s machinations. If it wasn’t for her mending relations behind the scenes, Torvus would probably have a lot more enemies,” Serus interjected.

“I know. And Zaftan is with her. That male will squash anyone who dares to raise their voice to our mother.” Nameless was worried about the mother he’d only recently met, but clearly loved.

“I understand.” Blaidd nodded.

Nameless clapped a hand on Blaidd’s back in appreciation. It still felt strange the twist fate had taken. They’d gone from being enemies to brothers. Somehow the Hold and the trials they faced together did that.

“Alright. Until later.” Blaidd adjusted the destination on his remote limen for a location a little closer than home, and swiped his thumb across the sensor.

“That is always so freaky,” he heard Harper comment as the room wavered out of sight.

Blaidd was instantly on alert as he materialized in Vivian’s home. He could smell numerous humans had been in the dwelling, but thankfully no one was present now. The Earth authorities already removed the bastard’s body, covered the broken window, and even cut out a part of the rug for some reason.

He ignored all of it, as he walked down the hall. Blaidd stopped and scowled when he noticed the image of Vivian and her mate on the wall. Vivian was smiling as she stood in a lovely white dress. There was another picture with just Vivian and a group of females. Blaidd pulled it off the wall and carried it with him till he found Vivian’s bed chamber. He pulled out a drawer on the waist high wooden cabinet, then frowned. From the scent of it, these were the male’s clothes. Blaidd tried the next drawer, and was glad to find a colorful array of Vivian’s things. He held up a violet scrap of nothing, and stared at it in confusion.

“What the koyat is this?” Three strings intersected with a triangular piece of fabric. “It looks like a bolo sling.” It was stretchy, but not stretchy enough, and had one too many strings to be a sling.

Blaidd held it up to his nose. He wasn’t mistaken, the colorful item did belong to Vivian. The odd scrap of fabric smelled of cleanser, but he could still scent her. The distinctive heady aroma captured his attention and he drew in another deep breath. Blaidd’s eyes suddenly widened as he held the tiny garment that had been close - intimately close to Vivian’s body.

“Fate,” he groaned, his staff instantly growing painfully hard.

Blaidd grabbed several handfuls from the drawer, and placed them on the bed, before moving on to another drawer, and then the miniscule dressing room.

There was a table by the bed, much like he had in his own dwelling, and Harper had in hers. On Vivian’s table sat a squat box, lit with a red symbol. Next to the box was a tall ceramic pedestal with a fabric collar on top. Blaidd recalled Harper touching a similar object to produce light. But he didn’t need the artificial light to see, as he opened the drawer in the table. Blaidd found a bound collection of papers that smelled like Vivian, so he added it to the growing pile, along with the rest of the stuff in the drawer. Unlike Harper’s bedside table, Vivian’s didn’t hold a phallic shaped object. Blaidd’s ears twitched, uncertain if he was pleased or disappointed by that fact, given the salacious purpose of the little toy.

“Well, I hope this is enough.”

Blaidd looked around the room one last time, then gathered the corners of the blanket to make a bundle, and shifted back to Torvus.

He didn’t bother to check-in with Indago before heading straight for his chambers. Blaidd opened the door and was instantly struck by something large and soft.

“Do you have any idea how long you left me cooped up in this place?” Vivian snarled.

Blaidd dodged the next floor cushion that sailed toward his head.

“I guess you’ve gotten over the fact I’m Lupercalia.” Blaidd couldn’t help the smile that stretched his face. “I like you like this.”

Vivian stood with her small hands clenched by her sides, her eyes flashing. She had bathed and was wearing a clean bright yellow dress. Blaidd liked that all he scented was her, and not the dead bastard. The way her shoulders were thrown back, Blaidd could clearly see the outline of her nipples on her pert breasts.

“What are you talking about?” Vivian asked in confusion, thrown off guard by his comment about her unconventional greeting.

“Besides my mother, no one has ever dared to throw something at me.”

If anyone else had shown him such disrespect, Blaidd would’ve been at their throat in an instant. But Vivian’s spirited display made him proud. Blaidd set down his bundle and approached Vivian.

“I-um,” Vivian stammered.

She backed up, her demeanor changing again to fear, as she realized what she’d done.

“No. You have every right to be angry. But next time, when you go against a male who’s abducted you, you should throw something a little harder and heavier.”

“Well I didn’t want to really hurt you.”

“You’re mad that I took you from your home, enough to want to throw something. Why not make sure it hurts?”

“Look, I do appreciate that you saved me,” Vivian sighed, her shoulders slumping. “It’s just, I spent most of the day in here all alone, not knowing what’s going on.”

“Didn’t my mother come check on you?”

“Yes. We talked, and I bathed and slept. But that still left hours of nothing. I can’t stand being bored, left alone with my thoughts. Is it just you in here? Cause this is a ridiculous amount of space,” Vivian babbled as she relaxed.

Blaidd also relaxed, glad Zora hadn’t frightened Vivian further. If anything, his mother might have helped Vivian get more comfortable with the Lupercalia. Vivian wasn’t happy that he was gone all day, but she was calm compared to when he left, and she’d even eaten, which was good. He’d have to thank Zora.

“Yes, it’s just me.” Blaidd smiled in amusement at Vivian’s side comment. “I apologize for being gone so long. Unfortunately, I will need to go back and forth quite a bit. I will try to find something, so you won’t be bored. In the meantime, I brought you a few things.” Blaidd pointed to the bundled blanket.

Blaidd smiled wider as Vivian walked over to the pack, looking perplexed and curious. She gasped when she opened it and saw all her own things. Vivian smiled, but her happy expression quickly turned to a frown, and so did Blaidd’s.

What did I do now?

“You went into my house to get these, didn’t you?”

“Yes. But the authorities were no longer there. I wasn’t sighted,” Blaidd quickly added.

Vivian hung her head.

“You don’t get it. I want you to take me home. I was going to make up some story about a stranger intervening, but I can’t do that now. They’ll think I packed up and went on the run,” she cried.

Blaidd huffed. He wanted to bring Vivian a peace offering, but only succeeded in upsetting her further.

“Harper is going to see what she can do about the authorities hunting you, but you are staying here till I’m convinced it’s safe for you to return home,” Blaidd grumbled as he headed toward the bathing salon.



I don’t know how Harper can possibly help with any of this.

Vivian lamented her dashed hopes, as she picked through the clothes Blaidd brought her.

How many pairs of underwear does the man think I need? This is just embarrassing. Vivian blushed and smirked at the same time. It looked like Blaidd went hog wild in her panty drawer. Vivian tilted her head in consideration. Then again, a girl can’t have too many undies, she conceded.

Vivian paused when she found her iPod, and the picture of herself and her bridesmaids. Her sister Kara was smiling, but it was obvious she hated the burgundy chiffon dress. Vivian then noticed the journal she kept by the bed. She picked it up, and out fell the birthday card her mom sent, and a letter from Kara.

Oh. Her lip quivered. Why did he bring me these? Blaidd didn’t have to even bother, but for some reason he did.

Vivian looked toward the bathroom. She needed to apologize to Blaidd. He was trying to do something kind, and she repaid it with venom. Vivian didn’t like being trapped on the alien planet, but Blaidd was trying to keep her safe. That was more than she could say for the last man in her life.

Vivian walked into the massive bathroom, then froze. Her eyes widened when Blaidd stepped out of the water entirely nude. The fine hair that covered much of his body did nothing to hide his impressive physique.

Oh, wow.

Vivian never minded a hairy chest, and Blaidd’s wasn’t any hairier than some she’d seen back home. Except on him it looked smooth and natural, not bushy or patchy. Vivian followed the water as it sluiced between his pecs, down, and over each of the defined muscles of his stomach. She gaped when his velvety pelt gave way to a very fleshy and generous appendage hanging heavy between his thighs.

Why did you walk in here?

Vivian shook herself. The last thing she expected to see was Blaidd naked. And she certainly didn’t expect his body to look the way it did. But what did she expect when she walked in? This is his bathroom. Her eyes darted back up, to find Blaidd staring at her. He wore a smug smile, his fangs peeking out from behind his upper lip.

“I-I’m sorry for intruding. I wanted to say, um, well, I’m sorry, and thank you.” Vivian felt like an idiot as she stumbled over her words.

“Humans have trouble with nudity, not the Lupercalia,” Blaidd commented sardonically, as he swaggered out of the pool. “Let me know if you see something you’d like to get a closer look at.”

Oh god, he noticed me staring. Then Vivian’s jaw dropped in shock, when she truly processed his last comment. What did he say?

“I just wanted to thank you for bringing me my things,” Vivian replied, trying to remember what she wanted to tell him, her cheeks burning.

“You’re welcome.”

Vivian backed up as Blaidd moved in closer. He really had no problem with being naked. Blaidd bathed, except he still exuded a heady, darkly wild aroma. Vivian did her best to stay focused on Blaidd’s face, but the way his disconcerting fiery eyes pinned her, had Vivian just as nervous and flustered. Her gaze inadvertently lowered. Vivian quickly stared up at the gilded ceiling, when she again caught sight of Blaidd’s endowment.

For the love of all that’s holy.

Vivian came to apologize. She was getting entirely off track.

“I wanted to say sorry that I got mad. You’re trying to help me. This has just been more than I can handle.” Her mood shifted again, like it’d been doing all day.

Blaidd reached out slowly. Vivian watched as his hand came toward her face. His fingers smoothed the crease in her brow.

“Do not apologize, Vivian. You should be mad. What I witnessed was unforgiveable. And I know me keeping you here makes it worse. I am sorry, treasure.”

The unexpected tender gesture and words threw her for a loop. Vivian looked back into Blaidd’s eyes to see they’d gentled. She hadn’t talked much to anyone about what she’d been through, but Blaidd already knew. He’d seen the worst of it.

“I don’t want to be angry. I’ve been angry and upset for so long. And I’m tired of having no control over anything that happens.” Vivian wanted to pull her hair out. But now her frustration was aimed square at herself. “I just want to find my smile again,” she sighed, feeling weary.

“I’ve been in that place before. I was so angry all those seasons in the Hold. It was the only safe emotion there. It’s the only one you’re really allowed, since there certainly wasn’t anything to be happy about. So, I let my anger out to play, because if I didn’t, it would devour all the rest of the emotions locked up in the asylum.” Blaidd tapped his head. “But it took the reins, and I can’t seem to get away from it,” Blaidd growled. “And now, I find out one of my own has betrayed me, possibly killed my sire, and I don’t have a clue who it is.” The depth of Blaidd’s turbulent emotions swirled to the surface in his amber eyes, before he shoved it down again.

Blaidd understood what she was going through. Because he’s a real man, with real burdens weighing down on him. The realization was like a slap in the face, and Vivian instantly felt ashamed of the way she’d been behaving, like she was the only one dealing with garbage. She wanted to cry for what Blaidd suffered, and the cruelties life heaped on them both.

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. Especially for things you didn’t do,” Blaidd gently chastised. “I know I’m nothing like you.” Blaidd gestured from his face to his tail. “But I do get it.”

“I guess both our lives have been on hold. Me while I was married to Steve, and you while you were locked away.”

“Yes, and now that we’re free, we’re still trapped by the ghosts of our past. But not for long. Just give me a chance to fix this mess.” He cast her an encouraging smile.

“Okay,” Vivian conceded with a nod.

“I have an idea.” Blaidd grabbed Vivian’s hand and led her out of the large bathroom.

“Um, Blaidd.”


“You want to put something on?” Vivian sheepishly glanced at Blaidd’s bare chest, but refused to look lower.

“This is part of my attempt to keep you entertained while you’re here.” Blaidd wagged his brows, as he swiveled his hips. From the corner of her eye, Vivian saw his package do a little dance. He was back to being ornery.

“Blaidd!” Vivian exclaimed with a snort, trying not to blush. It had been a long time since anyone flirted with her. And it had never been quite so bold and overt.

“Alright,” Blaidd chuckled and grabbed a robe.

Vivian shook her head when Blaidd loosely tied the sash, leaving his chest exposed. She had no doubt if he took a long stride, the robe would gape at the bottom, exposing his bait and tackle.


“Um, yeah.” NOT!

“This way.” Blaidd headed into the bedroom, toward the wall with the giant dinosaur.

“That’s a wild fossil.” Vivian pointed. “I noticed it while I did a little exploring.”

“It’s hard to miss. I’m not sure what the creature is. When I was young, my sire took me into the mines, after they unearthed the beast. I instantly wanted to take it home. So, here it is.”

“I forgot you said your people do a lot of mining. That explains all this amazing stone.”

“Yes. Torvus has some wonderful minerals.”

“I love this color green.”

“It does have its drawbacks. We don’t mind working the mines; we’re not a lazy people. However, Nox pushed us into mining too much of the province. It’s not been good for the environment. But I can only pick apart one snarl at a time,” Blaidd sighed with a shake of his head.

“I can’t imagine trying to manage an entire planet. I’ve never had political aspirations.”

Vivian had enough to deal with. The only thing she’d aspired to lately was her freedom. But perhaps it was time to consider what she wanted to do with herself, like Zora suggested.

“Here it is.” Blaidd opened a stone panel door, exposing a ballroom sized room chocked full of stuff.

“It looks like everything you own is shoved in here,” Vivian noted as she peered in.

“No, this is just a storage room.” He shrugged. “There are several other rooms in my wing.”

“Why am I not surprised this is your version of a closet? You don’t do anything small, do you?”

“No, I don’t,” Blaidd agreed with a rowdy grin, as he suggestively wagged his brows again.

“You have no shame whatsoever.”

“None. And neither should you.” Blaidd raked his eyes up the length of Vivian’s body.

Vivian felt an unexpected tingle course through her at his blatant appraisal. Her cheeks grew warm, and she quickly turned away.

“This is nice,” Vivian deflected, while walking toward a tall statue that resembled a deer bounding through the forest.

“Oh, I nearly forgot about that piece. Let’s move it into the other room.”


Vivian attempted to help lift the rear legs of the statue, but it wouldn’t budge. Blaidd chuckled, then hefted the statue all by himself.

Jesus Christ, Vivian silently exclaimed as Blaidd carried it into his bedroom. His muscles bulged, but he acted like the stone monolith was hardly a burden.

“Watch,” he said, after setting the stone creature down.

Vivian’s eyes widened when Blaidd peeled his arms out of the robe, exposing his ripped chest and broad shoulders. Vivian repressed a squeak as he stripped.

Watch what? She wondered nervously.

She relaxed and let out a little sigh, when instead of pulling it off the rest of the way, Blaidd tied the arms of the robe around his waist. He pressed a finger against the statue’s rear hoof, and suddenly it flickered to life. Vivian gasped when the deer bounded off, leaping around the bedroom.

No wonder he brought it out where there’s more space.

“I played with this when I was a youngling learning to hunt.” Blaidd grinned, then took off after the statue. “You have to catch it,” he called out, as he chased the animated artwork.

“That’s crazy,” Vivian giggled.

As Blaidd stalked the bizarre toy, Vivian’s amusement shifted to something that made her bite her lip, while all the butterflies in her stomach fluttered. He was a predator, but somehow that didn’t scare her like it did at first. If anything, it sent a thrill coursing up her spine. The muscles of Blaidd’s back rippled, his steely arms poised to lash out, as he stealthily moved. Blaidd’s valiant attempt to secure the robe wasn’t quite working. The silky material rode up his thick bunching thighs, while he cornered his prey. Vivian shivered as she guiltily attempted to catch a glimpse of the over endowed man. Blaidd crouched low to the floor, then pounced. The statue froze the moment he tackled its haunches. When Blaidd let go, the statue was left in a new pose.

“That’s amazing,” Vivian exhaled.

“Like it?” Blaidd asked, wearing a cocky grin, as he swaggered back toward her.

Again, her eyes drifted where they had no business going.

“Yes.” Her reply was a little breathier than intended, making her blush. Thankfully Blaidd didn’t seem to notice this time.

“You are free to explore my storage room when I’m not here.”

Vivian attempted to get her head together as she followed him back into the crowded closet, eager to see what other treasures awaited.

“You might like this.”

Blaidd ran his large strong hand over a round orb atop a pedestal. Instantly stars burst on the ceiling, walls, and objects in the room. Vivian felt like she was hovering in space. Blaidd pointed at a particular star and twisted his wrist. The image zoomed in, showing a massive swirling galaxy. It was positively ethereal with all the shimmering colors.

“Beautiful,” Vivian whispered in awe.

Blaidd smiled at her again, but this time it wasn’t rowdy. The soft tilt of his lips, and the honey glow in his eyes, as he stood amidst the stars, made her more nervous than his randy side. With his kind gesture, their heart to heart talk, and the gentle way he considered her now, Vivian felt something shifting inside. She didn’t know what to think about it. It was almost more frightening than being spirited away to a foreign planet. Vivian had to force herself to turn away.

“This is the galaxy where my people come from. I had a chance to visit it once.” Blaidd shifted his hand, and everything whirled, making Vivian dizzy. “This is the Torvus Empire.” The empire wasn’t just one galaxy, but a handful. “And here’s Torvus.” The image focused on a planet.

“Torvus doesn’t look that different from Earth. Except the land is in different places,” Vivian commented, then covered her yawn. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. It’s been a long day.”

Vivian nodded in agreement. She slept a lot, but was tired again. All the upheaval had been draining.

“Take the bed. I need to do a few things before I retire,” Blaidd said as they left the giant closet.

“Okay. Thank you for showing me this.”

“You can explore more tomorrow.”

Vivian grabbed a pair of yoga pants and t-shirt from the pile Blaidd brought her, then changed out of the borrowed dress. When she emerged from the dressing room, Blaidd was sitting cross legged on a cushion by the low coffee table. He looked up from the device that reminded her of a tablet, and smiled.

“Good evening.”

“Night,” Vivian replied, as she climbed into the giant bed.

“Lights,” Blaidd said, and the orbs dotting the ceiling dimmed.

So that’s how they work, Vivian chuckled to herself.

She snuggled into the plush bed. It was quite possibly the most luxurious bed she’d ever been in, perfectly molding to her body. Vivian studied Blaidd, his face illuminated by the faint light coming from the tablet, and thought about everything that had happened. The strange day had gone from being terrifying to oddly nice.

When she first awoke on Torvus, she wanted nothing more than to retreat into a corner, and the werewolves to leave her alone. But as the day wore on, and Blaidd didn’t return, Vivian realized being alone was far more disturbing. Add to that the way he was with her this evening, and it was hard to imagine this was the same man that mauled Steve, then angrily railed at her for being appalled by the murder, as he refused to take her home. Vivian shook her head as she tried to wrap her head around her conflicted impressions.

Vivian’s eyes drifted shut, then fluttered open. She smiled languidly, seeing Blaidd still working. It was strangely comforting knowing he was near. Vivian shut her eyes again, and let sleep take her.





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