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Fated to Fall (Fated Mate Book 2) by Stephanie West (10)



Rising water sloshing all around jerked Vivian awake.

“I’ve got you,” a deep voice husked into her ear.

Vivian instantly relaxed, cradled in Blaidd’s arms, as he stepped deeper into the bath. The water felt good on her sore muscles and bits and pieces.

“It’s nice seeing you when I wake up,” Vivian yawned.

“This muzzle,” Blaidd grinned, exposing his fangs.

“Yeah.” Vivian nodded as she reached up and stroked his velvety cheek.

“You’ve been pawing me all night. It’s not like I could sneak out without waking you,” Blaidd teased.

“Hey!” She tugged his ear. “I did not.”

Vivian had an entirely different memory of their night. It was like the floodgates had been opened. At one point she’d woken up to Blaidd’s face between her legs, gripped by an impending orgasm, as his tongue punished her clit. Vivian smiled recalling his murmured apologies and something about being ‘in heat,’ while he repeatedly wore her out. Somewhere near morning, she fell asleep with her ass in the air, as Blaidd leisurely fucked her.

“Why do you think we’re here? I needed to cool you off,” Blaidd chuckled.

“This water is warm,” she smartly retorted.

“Yes, but you were so hot,” Blaidd rumbled seductively in her ear.

Then the rotten bastard ducked them both under the water. Vivian came up sputtering and laughing. She climbed Blaidd’s back and wrapped her legs around his middle.

“I think you were the naughty one; speaking out of turn, moving when told explicitly not to, and removing your restraints without permission. Tsk, tsk, Blaidd,” Vivian whispered into his ear.

Vivian couldn’t believe she tied him up, or that a dominant man like Blaidd allowed her take control. But she was glad she did, because it seemed to ease his fears about hurting her.

Blaidd reached around and pulled Vivian off his back, then pinned her against the edge of the pool.

“I have been rather bad. Are you the one who’s going to put me in my place?”

“As I recall, I did have you on your knees,” she countered against his lips.

Vivian knew she was flirting with fire, but couldn’t help herself. That he even pretended she had such power over him, was incredibly sexy. Blaidd attacked her lips, and she shivered, feeling the evidence of his desire sliding between her thighs. The man was insatiable.

“Eh hmm,” a female voice said.

Vivian squeaked, hearing Blaidd’s mother. She slipped between Blaidd’s arms into the water.

Oh god, how embarrassing.

“I’m not going to ask why my son, the Primitus, was bowing to a foreign female,” Zora huffed, unamused. “Indago has been implying some very disturbing news about Radma. What I want to know is, why I didn’t hear from your own mouth that you think his death is somehow associated with your sire’s? I know your sire’s passing hit you hard, but your father contracted a virus while in the Imperial City. Don’t reopen old wounds.” Zora’s voice was pained.

“Mother, I planned to discuss this with you once you got back in town. We have solid evidence that someone used the same chemical to assassinate them both. And that someone is here, amongst our people, pretending to be loyal to the Lupercalia. I won’t let this stand,” Blaidd growled.

“Then you must find this traitor.” Zora grimly nodded, then left as abruptly as she arrived.

“Sorry for the interruption,” Blaidd said stiffly.

“It’s okay.”

“I hate that I have to leave you here,” he groused.

“I understand.”

“I don’t know when I’ll return. I have this nonsense to deal with, and I need to check-in on Earth. Nameless and Serus had a lead on the Kral’s location, and they may have news for you.”

“It’s okay.” Vivian didn’t want to add to his worry.

Blaidd was quiet as they finished washing up and got dressed. They’d been having such a good time, then reality intruded, as it always does. Blaidd started for the door, when Vivian stopped him with a hand on his arms.

“Before you go off to save two worlds, you should eat something,” Vivian insisted. “My mom always said breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

“I don’t have time to sit down for a meal.”

“You’re in luck, because I know this room that has food ready to eat.” Vivian took Blaidd’s hand, led him to the kitchen, and opened the cooler. “Oh my. Look at this.”

Vivian handed Blaidd a platter full of food.

“Message received,” Blaidd chuckled.

With one arm, he snagged Vivian around the waist and lifted her onto the metal counter, setting the platter beside her.

“I’d cook you something, but I’d probably blow up the kitchen,” Vivian said, eyeing the intimidating roomful of gadgets.

She recalled the last time she cooked, then shook off the traumatic memory.

“That makes two of us.”

Blaidd popped a tiny meat stuffed pastry into his mouth, then held one up to Vivian’s lips.

“Thank you.” She took the offering, nipping his fingers with a coy smile.

Blaidd swiftly tangled his hand in Vivian’s hair and tugged her head back, his long canines at her throat.

“I think I’ve found something tastier,” he huffed, then pressed his fangs against her rapid pulse.

“Blaidd,” Vivian gasped, clasping the back of his head, when the sharp tips bit into her skin.

The slight twinge of pain sent a thrill coursing up her spine. Blaidd could devour her, and she’d welcome it with open arms. It was a slightly frightening realization. He laved the spot tenderly, before pulling back.

“As much as I hate it, I’ll have to finish this snack later.”

Blaidd cast her a wicked grin, and Vivian’s heart kicked up at the promise. He might be in heat, but she felt like she was the one burning up.

“Be safe.”

Vivian walked Blaidd to the foyer, and watched him leave wearing a goofy grin, then headed for the study. She climbed into the chair and swiped her hand over the squat processor. Seeing the 3D screen saver pop up was still mesmerizing. Being a guy, Blaidd had an animated video of two warriors locked in a death match. A rotten grin split Vivian’s face.

“Processor, is this program editable?”

“Yes,” the automated voice replied.

Vivian clapped with evil glee. She waited for the image to loop back to the part where one warrior was about to land a killing blow.

“Stop the image.” It froze as the warrior raised his sword above his head. “Now, reanimate with both warriors dropping their weapons.” Vivian watched as the characters released their swords. “Make the two warriors embrace.”

“Would you like to display the Karstan maneuver, the Gelu method, or some other grappling style?” The processor inquired.

I should’ve known this is some sort of training video.

“Neither. Animate so the warriors are embracing in an amorous way.”

“Several embraces are available in the copulating methods database.” The computer began showing examples of hugs.

Copulating database? Is that like a porn library?

“Stop. Use this one,” Vivian giggled as one beefy character wrapped the other in his arms. “Now make the warriors press their lips together.” Vivian laughed harder as the characters kissed. “Alright, loop the image, and display next time Blaidd starts the processor.”

“Change accepted.”

Vivian was too pleased with her bit of mischief, as she watched the video loop.

“I better get down to business. Bring up the list of plants I saved yesterday.” Vivian watched the scrolling 3D images. “Is there any way to load these on the utor I have?”


“Well that was easy. Now, Phaedra and I just need to go foraging.” She could get spoiled by this kind of technology.

Vivian headed out of the study, but as she reached Blaidd’s bedroom she heard voices inside.

“Luna, I can’t believe the Primitus mounted that bald female,” Amber snarled at another blonde she-wolf.

“Disgusting,” the white she-wolf replied, as she stripped the blankets off the bed.

Ah, great!

The bitchy duo turned to see Vivian, before she could back away from the door. Thankfully the pair didn’t attack her. Instead they finished making the bed then stormed out.

“Don’t get comfortable. You won’t be here long,” Amber snarled as she passed.

Vivian hustled to the limen mirror, before either of the women came back. She sighed in relief once she stood safely in Phaedra’s parlor.

“What’s on your agenda today, child,” Phaedra greeted her.

“I’d like to head out and collect some plants.”

“Great. I’ll hail Coal.”



Blaidd’s trip to Earth was quick and disappointing. Nox and Agrippa were gone once Nameless and Serus reached the source of the utor transmission. But they weren’t discouraged. It was just a matter of time before they found the old tyrant. And unfortunately, Harper didn’t have any news for Vivian. A part of Blaidd was happy about that, though he knew it was selfish.

Blaidd hailed Indago the moment he returned.

“What news do you have for me?”

“Primitus, it’ll be a moment, I was just finishing a midday meal on the mercantile level.”

“Don’t rush. I’ll meet you.”

Blaidd took the lift to the level filled with shops and cafes. He greeted his people as he walked past the numerous stalls. Blaidd reached the restaurant in time to see Limber leaving Indago’s table.

“You don’t have to go. I won’t tell Coal what you’ve been up to,” he said to the Lupercalia female.

Limber dipped her head respectfully.

“Thank you, Primitus, but my sire needs my help. They’re working on building a park in the omega block.”

“You didn’t mention that,” Indago said, looking intrigued.

“It’s going to be in the area the Imperial Governor razed.”

“That’s a good idea,” Blaidd agreed with a nod.

“But how do you plan to get anything to thrive in the city?” Indago asked curiously.

“I don’t know. My sire just told me about it, and wants my help. I better be going. He’ll be returning to the city soon.”

“I’m interested in this project. Let Coal know he has all the help he needs,” Blaidd promised.

“Thank you, Primitus.” Limber cast a final look at Indago then left.

“That would be something for the betas to assist with,” Blaidd suggested as he sat at the café table.

“I’ll include it in the rotation, before I send out the schedule.”

“Good. We are a tight knit people, but I’ve always admired the way the omegas have banded together across clan lines.”

“I think that’s one reason Coal refuses to ascend,” Indago commented. “Speaking of banding together,” he lowered his voice. “I’d like you to consider having a retinue of guards accompany you any time you leave the secure upper levels.”

“I appreciate your concern, cousin, and understand. But you and I both know that’ll ruin the element of surprise when we learn who this bastard is. We can’t afford to tip them off, and risk them going into hiding, or covering their tracks.”

“I just don’t want to relive those ambushes.” Indago frowned.

“I know, neither do I.” Blaidd grasped his cousin’s good shoulder. “But even with a bevy of guards, a sniper could take me out.”

Koyat’g fate.” Indago cringed at the thought.

“I’m sorry, but it’s better we appear ignorant.”

“Well, since we’re on this depressing topic, Galen sourced where the drug came from, and Zaftan is assisting us by tracing any shipments sent here.”

“Good, let me know what you find. I’m going to head upstairs. Vivian will be happy I wasn’t gone as long today.”

“How’s it going with the human?” Indago asked with a knowing smile.

“What’s that look for?”

“You can’t hide anything from me. You wore that same look the first time you -.”

“Enough. I’ve known you way too long,” Blaidd replied with a grin he couldn’t seem to wipe off his face.

Blaidd got up with a shake of his head, and Indago followed.

“Don’t worry, I’m not asking for details.”

“Good, because I’m not giving you any. You need to stake your claim for that female you keep sneaking around with. Limber’s more than old enough.”

“Not according to her sire,” Indago grumbled under his breath. “Besides, I just happened to be here when Limber was shopping.”

“Sure,” Blaidd replied incredulously. “Maybe I should pick something up for Vivian while we’re here.” He looked around at the various shops.

“You want to buy her a dress or some other bauble?” The way Indago grinned, Blaidd knew his cousin was implying something rotten.

Blaidd paused, derailed by the memory of Vivian’s exquisite creamy thighs clenched around his head, as he devoured her nectar, and ate up her cries of ecstasy.

I could buy her everything here and it still wouldn’t be enough, Blaidd snorted to himself.

“I’m not sure what to get. Vivian doesn’t seem to be fond of things. Her adventure in my storage room didn’t go as planned,” Blaidd replied, instead of rising to his cousin’s lewd jibe. His eyes landed on the pet store, and Blaidd headed that way. “I feel awful leaving her alone all the time. She’d love to tour the tower or see the park the omegas are building. But if that bastard decided to openly attack, and she got caught up in the crossfire -.” Blaidd shook his head, not wanting to imagine such a thing.

“So, you’re going to get her a pet?”

“She needs companionship when I’m away. Bringing her family here didn’t go over well, either.”

“How can I help you, Primitus?” The store clerk asked.

“What do you think she’ll like?” Indago asked as they looked around at all the creatures.

“I don’t know.” Blaidd thought about Harper’s pet as he considered the options. There was nothing exactly like the four-legged fur ball.

“Are you looking for something that will be better suited for an active cub, or an adult?” The clerk inquired.

“I’m looking for something that will be a good companion for an adult female,” Blaidd replied.

“Ah, the gilan with their smooth skin seem to be popular among the females.”

“Primitus, the gilan tend to get rather large,” Indago interjected.

“But they are affectionate,” the clerk added.

The trio eyed the scaly gilan. It would be soothing to run your hands over, but it would outgrow Vivian in no time, and might end up smothering her.

“Vivian is small.” Blaidd pointed to the middle of his chest. “Maybe something that would be protective.”

“The chiton are good guardians.”

Indago subtly shook his head.

“No.” Blaidd had to agree with his Chief Beta, as he looked at the stinger on the chiton’s tail.

“Not a problem. I have many options. All the pets you see are juveniles. They’ll easily imprint on the female.”

“I can’t decide. Send a wide selection up to my level, and I’ll let Vivian pick,” Blaidd replied to the clerk.

“Very good, Primitus.” The clerk looked positively giddy.

As Blaidd and Indago headed out of the store, Indago’s utor pinged.

“It’s the shipment manifesto. I’m sending it to your utor.”

Blaidd quickly read through the information. “This says the shipment including the drug was sent to Radma.” That seemed odd.

“Yes, but look who accepted it,” Indago said grimly.

Blaidd stilled when he saw the name on the manifesto. The pain in his chest was staggering.


“There must be a good explanation.”

Blaidd nodded, but all he could think of was his mother’s visit this morning. Although she encouraged him to find the traitor, she’d been more upset than he’d seen her in a long time.

Blaidd hailed Zora as he headed to the lift with Indago, but she didn’t respond. Instead of going to his quarters to find Vivian, as he planned earlier, Blaidd went straight to his mother’s wing.

“I’ll check her parlor,” Indago said.

Blaidd nodded.

“Zora, I need to speak with you,” Blaidd called out, when he entered her bed chamber.

Blaidd rounded the bed, then staggered back, before he stepped in the pool of blood.

“Indago!” Blaidd yelled, as he stared at his mother sprawled on the floor, a jagged blade tossed nearby.

There was so much blood he couldn’t tell where it was coming from, as he knelt by her side. It took Blaidd a minute to find the long gashes on his mother’s wrists.

“Mother, why did you do this?” He asked with rising panic, while tearing strips off a blanket.

Blaidd did his best to bind her injuries, but the blood kept flowing.

“The medicus is on his way. Galen is coming,” Indago said, horror twisting his face.

Blaidd scooped his mother up and cradled her on the bed.

“Come on, mother, open your eyes,” he entreated.

I can’t lose you. Not yet. He’d only just regained his family.

Things moved swiftly once Galen and the other medicus arrived. They sealed Zora’s wounds, but she remained unconscious, her heart barely beating. Blaidd followed the gurney blindly, as they headed down to the clinic.



The dirt felt so good sifting between Vivian’s fingers. She hadn’t planted a garden this summer, and missed it terribly.

“Take a bite,” Phaedra insisted, holding out something that reminded Vivian of a cereal bar.

Vivian smiled at the motherly gesture, as she took a bite. Somehow the afternoon raced by and the sun was now past its zenith.

“I guess we missed lunch. Sorry. This is the last one,” Vivian promised, as she finished transplanting the groundcover she hoped would make hearty turf.

“I’m glad you at least let us dig up the saplings,” Coal commented, placing the bagged plant with the others.

Vivian looked around, as she climbed into the cab of the hovering truck. They’d made a wide circle around the mines, passing the edge of a forest to hunt the specimens she needed. There was so much unusual vibrant flora, Vivian felt like she was exploring an equatorial jungle or walking through a dream. The trees reminded her of baobabs with their fat trunks and lush green canopies inverted like bowls. The grasses and groundcover were various shades of red, instead of the green Vivian was used to. Her favorite flower so far was a violet hue; the petals hung from its leaves like a shower of teardrops. It was incredibly fragrant, smelling almost like jasmine. In the distance a curtain of fluorescent light undulated in the sky. The borealis added to the ethereal feel of Torvus.

Twittery laughter and voices captured Vivian’s attention. She turned to see dozens of stick-built homes clustered in the umbrella trees. A flock of the vulture people mingled amidst the branches.

“It’s a Turcia settlement,” Coal commented and slowed the skiff as they passed.

Vivian had only seen the black feathered Turcia, who were rather grotesque looking, like the scavengers they resembled. So, she was surprised to see the brightly colored ornate feathers some of the people sported. They reminded her a bit of a peacocks with their jewel tone blues and greens. A handful of colorful and drab Turcia children playfully darted around the large tree trunks. They stopped and waved, as the skiff drove by. Vivian smiled and waved back. It had been a pretty amazing day so far. Vivian sighed happily, watching the landscape pass as they headed back to the city.

When the skiff pulled up to the dirt lot in Setmar, Vivian was excited to see all that had been done while they were out foraging for plants. The lot was practically barren, now there were giant piles of stone for paths, supplies for drainage, compost, and dozens of volunteers.

“Ah, good, my daughter’s here. I’ll introduce you.” Coal pointed to a black she-wolf as they pulled to a stop.

“Okay, great. This is awesome,” Vivian replied as she looked at all the eager manpower. “Hey, Cordova.”

“The others wanted to help, but are working today,” the blonde Lupercalia said as he helped Phaedra and Vivian out of the vehicle.

“It’s good to have you.” Phaedra patted Cordova. “Oh, and look who else came today. Hello, Bayl, Umi.”

Vivian turned to see the young boy and his little sister.

“Good day. This is my sister.”

Umi peeked from behind Bayl and gave everyone a shy smile, then tugged on her brother’s arm. Like her brother, Umi had variegated blonde and brown hair, cute big dark eyes, and a wildly active tail.

“What?” Bayl asked.

The cute little girl’s eyes widened as she made an emphatic gesture, forcing her brother to bend so she could whisper in his ear. Dutifully Bayl leaned over. Vivian grinned. Bayl was clearly a sweet brother, doing his best to watch out for his sister.

“I’m sure there’s a reason, Umi,” Bayl insisted looking slightly exacerbated.

Umi tugged his arm again.

“I’m asking,” Bayl informed her. “Vivian, why is our trash here?”

Vivian chuckled at Umi’s sour expression, as the child pointed to the load of compost.

“It’s going to be good food for the plants,” Vivian explained.

“The park is going to stink,” Umi exclaimed, scrunching up her nose.

“I promise you, it won’t,” Vivian giggled.

“How about you put this rabble to work,” Coal suggested, as he ruffled the kids’ ears.

“Alright. I need teams to dig the paths and irrigation beds where I marked. If someone could help me unload the plants, we’re going to see how well they do over here.” Vivian pointed.

“I’ll go get refreshments for everyone. Bayl, Umi, why don’t you help me.” Phaedra took off for her house with the youngsters.

It was hard not laughing as the siblings played a game of chase all the way across the field.

“Vivian, this is my daughter Limber,” Coal introduced the she-wolf, as they unloaded the plants.

“Hi, Limber.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Limber stuck out her hand in greeting.

Vivian was a bit shocked by the gesture, since it wasn’t a Torvus greeting.

“Thanks for your help.” She shook Limber’s hand with a smile.

“It looks like you females have it. Yell if you need anything.” Coal patted his daughter’s back, then went to help dig ditches.

“Do you know Harper? She’s my friend.”

“Yeah. She lives in my neighborhood.”

“I think Indago mentioned that. But he didn’t mention this was your idea.”

“Oh, well, he and Blaidd don’t know I’m doing this,” Vivian cringed.

“Really!” Limber looked around. “Well, my sire doesn’t know I had lunch with Indago,” she admitted quietly.

Vivian recalled hearing about the couple’s clandestine love affair.

“I feel bad I haven’t mentioned this to Blaidd, but every time I try to bring it up, something happens. He thinks I’m in the tower, while he’s away,” Vivian commented as she started planting the flora.

“I won’t say anything, unless the Primitus asks. But how are you getting out, without him knowing?”

“He let me play in his closet, and I found an old transporter that leads to Phaedra’s house.”

“I should have known she was involved,” Limber chuckled, while helping Vivian dig a hole for a sapling.

Vivian had a feeling the wily mage had her fingers in a lot of pies.

“I don’t mean to worry you, but I saw the Primitus at lunch,” Limber commented as they hefted the young tree into its new home.

Vivian froze, her eyes widening.

“He’s in the tower? I thought he went back to Earth. I need to get back.” Vivian quickly hopped up and dusted off her jeans.

“What do you want me to do here?”

“Just plant everything several feet apart, like we did that one, then water them a bit. I’m so sorry for ditching you.”

Vivian took off for Phaedra’s house, like her ass was on fire.

“Bye Vivi,” Umi hollered as Vivian barreled up the steps.

“It was nice meeting you Umi. Sorry, I have to go. Bye, Bayl.”

Vivian nearly ran into the mage as she entered the house.

“Blaidd’s home. I have to get back.”

“Yes, he’ll need you,” Phaedra said with this odd far off look.

Vivian jogged into the parlor, swiped her hand over the mirror, and stepped through without hesitating. She wound her way through the storage room, then stopped at the door. There were a lot of weird noises, but among them Vivian made out two voices she recognized.

“Seriously,” Vivian groaned. “What are Amber and Luna doing back?”

The bitchy duo were the last people she wanted to see. Once a day was more than enough. Vivian debated staying in the giant closet, but she needed to wash up. With Blaidd’s nose, he’d instantly smell that she’d been outside. That was not how she wanted him to learn about her outings.

Vivian eased out of the storage room and stopped. Her eyes panned the dozen cages containing a menagerie of bizarre creatures.

“We should be comforting the Primitus, not dealing with this,” Luna groused.

“I don’t understand why a pet needs a bunch of pets,” Amber snarled as she shoved a water bowl into a pin, then slammed the cage door, frightening the poor creature within.

Pet? Vivian frowned. Why did Blaidd get her one pet, much less a dozen? I’m sure there’s a reason. She shook her head in disbelief.

Vivian attempted to sneak toward the bathroom, but the pair whirled around, pinning her with their pissy gaze.

Damn noses, Vivian cursed.

“Looking for stuff to steal in the Primitus storage room again?” Amber accused.

“Blaidd gave me free reign of his entire wing,” Vivian reminded the red-head. “Thank you for feeding the critters.”

“He’s the Primitus,” Luna corrected with a smirk. “And we take our orders from him, so we don’t need your thanks.”

“Okay.” I was trying to be nice.

Vivian turned and headed for the bathroom. She quickly bathed, not trusting the pair wouldn’t attempt to drown her, if they found her in the giant bath. Their jealousy was getting more than obnoxious. Vivian got dressed and headed back into Blaidd’s bedroom.

Hopefully Blaidd didn’t come looking for me yet. I really need to tell him what I’ve been up to.

Vivian stopped mid thought, as something slithered around her ankle. She glanced down to see a pink tentacle.

“Oh god,” Vivian screeched when she saw the thing connected to the long tentacle.

A red hard-shelled football sporting a dozen snaking appendages pulled itself toward her. Another wiggly arm wrapped around her calf.

“No, no, let go,” Vivian said in a panic, as she tried to pry the rubbery arms off her leg.

A tentacle twined around her arm, and she scrambled to get it off. A long tongue slithered out its tube-like mouth, in an attempt to lick her.

Something scaly and blue swooped through the air, its long tail nearly whipping her in the face. Vivian released the tentacle she was grappling with, to bat the other creature away. She looked toward the cages.

“Bitches.” Amber and Luna had opened all the doors, before abandoning her to the beastly mob. “I hate those two,” Vivian declared.

A plump mass of purple feathers with a long neck and stubby beak chased a black bit of fluff. The tiny ball of fur launched itself at Vivian. It sprouted a pair of gray leathery wings and flapped frantically. Vivian ducked, but the fur ball tangled in her hair. It trembled as it took refuge from the feathered beast amidst her locks.

“Please don’t bite me,” she screeched. Vivian felt bad for the little frightened beast, but its claws were digging into her neck. “Ow, ow, ow.” Vivian plucked the fluff out of her hair.

The instant she pulled the fur ball free, the miniature purple ostrich lunged. Vivian tried to avoid its beak, but got tangled up in the tentacles around her ankles.

“Oh god,” Vivian cried, as she crashed to the floor.

The black ball scrambled up her arm, and burrowed back in her hair, crying piteously. Vivian fended off the beak bobbing at her face, with one eye on the blue lizard flying circles overhead, while shaking her legs to free herself from the grabby octopus. To her horror, her futile flailing about only attracted the rest of the wild brood.

“Help,” she screamed, watching in dread as the menagerie closed in.



Blaidd trudged toward his chamber, his thoughts weighing him down. There had been no change with his mother. Zora was still unconscious in the clinic. He had so many questions, and no answers. Blaidd’s ears suddenly perked up.

“Help,” he heard Vivian’s faint cry.

The primal side of him instantly came roaring to the surface, focused on dispatching the danger to his female.

“Vivian!” Blaidd bellowed as he raced down the hall, and threw open the bedroom door.

Blaidd rounded his bed, following her distressed cries. But rather than a traitorous assailant, he found Vivian sprawled on the floor surrounded by a swarm of beasties. An indigo penna was attempting to peck her head, while a long-armed calyx slithered up her legs. Blaidd brushed past the spiked testa stalking toward her, careful not to step on it, or any of the other encroaching pets. He swiftly plucked Vivian off the floor.

“Thank god you came,” Vivian declared, as Blaidd pried the overly friendly calyx off her legs.

“I heard your scream,” Blaidd replied with a frown, as he deposited her on the bed.

Vivian stood on the bed, warily eyeing all the creatures, while Blaidd locked the tentacled calyx back in its terrarium. He snatched up the feathered penna, before it managed to jump on the bed, and captured the swooping blue squama with the other hand. One by one he collected all the pets and returned them to their pens.

“There’s one missing,” Blaidd commented, as he surveyed the cages.

“No. It’s right here.” Vivian parted her hair, and out popped the little reno’s furry face.

Vivian untangled the black reno from her hair, and it mewled as it desperately clutched her arm.

“What is it?” She asked as she peered at the fluffy beastie.

“It’s a reno,” Blaidd chuckled as the fur ball latched onto Vivian’s finger.

Vivian cringed then relaxed.

“You don’t even have teeth,” she said in surprise.

“It will, when it gets bigger.”

“It kinda looks like a kitten and a bat had a baby.” Vivian tickled the reno’s plump belly, eliciting a tiny content rumble, that made her giggle.

Now that Vivian was no longer in danger, Blaidd was able to smile. The image of her inundated by a pack of fledgling pets was actually kind of amusing.

“What are you grinning about?” Vivian asked.

“You kind of looked funny with all the beasties surrounding you.”

Vivian frowned, and Blaidd suddenly worried he screwed up - again. After all, he was the reason all the creatures were here. Then a broad grin split Vivian’s face and she giggled. Blaidd sighed in relief.

“I feel a bit silly. I guess I just got mauled by the Torvus version of a pack of puppies.”

“I promise I won’t tell anyone,” Blaidd assured her with a grin.

“Why’d you get all these?” Vivian wiggled the little reno at him as she spoke.

The beastie didn’t seem to mind, merely content she was being held. Its pale blue eyes blinked curiously at Blaidd. It appeared that Vivian had made her choice.

“I felt bad you were all alone,” he replied.

“Oh, about that -.”

“Why -.” They both spoke at the same time.

“Sorry. Go ahead,” Vivian insisted.

“Why’d you try to play with them all at once?” Blaidd asked.

“I didn’t. I came out of the bathroom and they were all loose.”

Vivian avoided looking at Blaidd, and he knew there was more to it than that. There was no way all the creatures managed to free themselves.

“Tell me,” Blaidd urged.

“I don’t think Amber and Luna like me,” Vivian admitted.

“They’re responsible for this!” Blaidd roared, frightening both Vivian and the reno. The beastie again took refuge in her hair.

Vivian grabbed ahold of Blaidd’s arm as he surged to his feet.

“I’m fine. Don’t overreact. I think they’re just a bit jealous.” Vivian tried to assuage his anger.

“It’s not fine. They tried to harm you. It not their place to make judgements about what I do. My mother has shown those two favor for too long,” Blaidd grumbled, as he plopped back down on the bed.

The reminder of Zora instantly had him morose again. Vivian succeeded in distracting him with her unintentional antics, but it now came flooding back.

“What’s wrong?” Vivian asked, her hand smoothing over the crease in his brow.

Blaidd shook his head. He didn’t think he could say it out loud.



Vivian knew sorrow when she saw it. And the look in Blaidd’s eyes, when he mentioned his mother, was breaking her heart. Vivian ignored the reno burrowed in her hair, as she climbed onto Blaidd’s lap.

“What’s going on with your mom?” She gently caressed Blaidd’s cheek.

“Zora tried -.” Blaidd paused and swallowed. “She hurt herself.”

“Oh no,” Vivian cried, feeling his pain.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight.

“She won’t wake up. What did she do?” Blaidd shook his head in confusion as he clutched Vivian. “I refuse to believe I was betrayed by my own mother,” he rambled.

Blaidd held her so tight that Vivian had trouble breathing, but she didn’t dare say a word. He wasn’t making sense, still it was better he let it all out.

“She objected when she learned I was looking into my sire’s death. Then I learn she accepted the shipment of those drugs several moons ago. She’s one of the few people who could get into Radma’s cell, and she knew my movements when I was ambushed and dragged to the Hold.”

Vivian shook her head in disbelief. She knew awful mothers existed, but she never suspected Zora. The way the she-wolf spoke about Blaidd the day they first met, Vivian couldn’t believe she’d betray her son. Vivian was sure Zora would do anything for Blaidd. This just felt all wrong. But Blaidd’s pain was very real. Vivian caressed Blaidd’s cheeks, as she looked into his sad eyes.

“I’m sorry, Blaidd. What can I do for you?”



Vivian’s face was twisted with concern. Her dark expressive eyes were filled with sorrow for him. Blaidd couldn’t ever recall a female caring for him like this. In the Hold, they bartered their affection for protection, and the females of the pack cared for him just as shallowly. He desperately needed Vivian’s genuine affection. It overwhelmed every cell of his being.

Vivian tenderly held his face in her small hands. When she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, the damn on Blaidd’s emotions broke.

Without releasing Vivian’s mouth, Blaidd spun, pressing her back against the bed. The tiny reno took off for the head of the bed, to keep from being crushed. Blaidd growled as he ravished Vivian’s mouth, while shredding the small shorts she wore. Vivian returned his passion, clamoring to hold onto his shoulders. Blaidd tore open his pants and thrust.

“Blaidd!” Vivian cried in pain, and he froze, his shaft barely buried in her constricted channel.

Blaidd reared back. He was instantly stricken by the look of anguish on Vivian’s face, and the tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

“I’m sorry!” Blaidd scrambled off the bed, leveled by the horror of what he’d done.

“It’s okay. I wasn’t quite ready yet.” Vivian followed him.

“I hurt you,” Blaidd snarled in anger at himself, as he backed away.

“Blaidd, it’s okay.” Vivian reached for him.

“No, it’s not. I hurt you.” He bumped into the cushions on the floor and nearly tripped.

I knew this was going to happen. She’s too delicate.

“Blaidd,” Vivian said sternly, and he stopped, focusing on her face. “Just calm down.”

Blaidd shook his head, taking several chuffing breaths. Blaidd’s fists clenched, as he tried to reel in the heat burning through his veins. Vivian stood wearing nothing but a thin shirt that barely reached her creamy lush thighs, tempting him. Her sweet scent and the lingering taste of her on his lips, was enough to deal with. Blaidd closed his eyes to block out the sight of Vivian, as he attempted to regain a measure of his sanity.

Blaidd’s eyes flew open when he felt a swath of material wrap around his left wrist. Vivian finished securing his arm using the fabric partition hanging from the ceiling. Without saying a word, she bumped him with her hip and nodded to the right, her eyes pointedly staring at his other hand. Blaidd did as he was instructed, and held out his arm. Vivian grabbed another drape and tied his right wrist, pulling the knot tight.

“There.” Vivian admired Blaidd with his arms spread wide.

Blaidd never fathomed the curtains would be put to such use, as he flexed his arms.

“Can you get loose?” Vivian tossed two seat cushions at his feet.

Blaidd attempted to grab her, but stopped short when the fabric pulled taught.

“No,” he grumbled.

It was probably for the best that he was tied up. Between the barely leashed heat and his widely vacillating emotions, he was a menace.

“We’ll see,” Vivian said coyly, her dark lashes fluttering seductively.

Vivian started to sway her hips. Her hands roamed up her thighs, slowly lifting the hem of her shirt. Blaidd bit the inside of his cheek when he caught sight of the patch of hair on her mound. Maddeningly she let the shirt fall, and proceeded to play with her full breasts, hidden by the material. Blaidd growled in frustration. He could see the outline of her hard nipples, and wanted to touch and taste the turgid buds. Blaidd pulled at his fabric bonds, but Vivian had done a good job tying them tight.

Vivian spun around, presenting him her back, and continued undulating erotically. Again, her hands drifted up her thighs, shimmying her shirt higher. Blaidd groaned when she exposed the swell of her pert rear.

Koyat’g fate,” he snarled, as Vivian bent over and gripped her knees.

He had a perfect view of her pink folds, and could do nothing about it. Vivian cast him a wicked smile as she wiggled her full ass.

She’s an evil temptress!

The rotten female stood upright, while pulling her shirt over her head. Vivian pivoted on her toes, but continued to tease him by cupping her breasts, hiding them from view. Blaidd’s mouth watered as he watched her knead the luscious mounds. His eyes roved lower, appreciating the way her figure narrowed at her waist, then flared at her hips. He wanted to grip those full hips and thrust into her hot little body. Blaidd’s hips bucked inadvertently at the salacious thought.

“Well I guess if you could get free, you would’ve by now,” Vivian taunted, as she approached.

Vivian reached out, and ran one finger down Blaidd’s chest. His hair stood on end, in the wake of her wandering touch. The stacked muscles of his stomach quivered where she traced each one.

“Is this for me?” Vivian asked when she reached his arousal.

Blaidd grunted, his grasp on language having escaped him. At the moment, he wasn’t able to concentrate on anything but the siren gently caressing his turgid shaft.

Vivian leaned in and placed open mouth kisses on his chest, following the path her hands had taken. When she knelt, Blaidd realized what the cushions were for. Blaidd held his breath as Vivian ran her soft cheek against his staff, while stroking it back and forth. He choked when Vivian opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head of his shaft. Blaidd threw his head back and started panting, as she rolled her tongue.

Unbelievable, he groaned at the startling pleasure. He had females lick him before, but they all had razor sharp teeth that didn’t permit them to envelop him entirely. This was such a carnal act, it had him reeling.

“Vivian,” Blaidd roared on Vivian’s first pull, sucking his engorged length deep into her hot mouth.

Blaidd thought he knew bliss a moment ago, then Vivian shoved him over the edge. The stab of ecstasy made Blaidd’s knees buckle, and he barely caught himself. Never in his wildest fantasies had he imagined such a thing. Vivian was going to suck the very life out of him, and he’d die with an agonized smile on his face.

His response only goaded Vivian on. She pulled him into her hot wet mouth, till his crown bumped the back of her throat. As she slid over his length, her tongue pressed against the line running the base of his shaft. When Vivian reached his crown, the vixen swirled her tongue, then sucked him deep again.

If that wasn’t torture enough, Vivian continued to stroke his straining shaft, all while staring up at him with those dark beguiling eyes. The unreal sensations assailing him were overwhelming. Blaidd jerked, his stomach clenching spasmodically. Vivian might be the one kneeling at his feet, but she ruled him in every possible way.

“Mmm,” Vivian moaned around his girth.

“Fate,” Blaidd snarled in response to the vibration along his shaft.

He clenched his fist, and shook his head in denial, attempting to leash the churning ecstasy. When Blaidd noticed Vivian reach between her legs to play with herself, the impending climax surged forth. He tried to pull away, but Vivian released his shaft, and gripped his flexing ass, while continuing to suck frantically. Blaidd roared as the searing heat shot up his spine, and every muscle convulsed from the intensity of his release.



The way Blaidd responded to having his cock sucked was an incredible turn on. Vivian furiously worked her clit, as she bobbed her head. Vivian was forced to release Blaidd, before she choked. He was already more than a mouthful. As she rocked back on her knees, feeling proud of herself, she heard a tearing sound. Vivian scrambled back, as yards of fabric came tumbling down. Blaidd easily shredded the material tied around his wrist, his fiery golden eyes pinning her the entire time.

Uh oh.

The thought barely formed before Blaidd was on her. His massive body pressed her into the plush carpet, as he shoved her thighs wide making room for him. Blaidd, unlike normal men, was again ready, though he just found release. Vivian felt his stiff arousal pulsing against her thigh. This time, he reached between her legs to find her soaking wet and wanting. A rumble of satisfaction vibrated in his chest, tickling her nipples.

Blaidd watched Vivian’s face as he breached her. Mixed with his feral passion was an underlying deep concern. But there was only unbelievable pleasure when Blaidd filled her body. His thick cock pressing and stretching her silky walls as he impaled ever deeper. Vivian arched into Blaidd as he grazed the bundle of nerves on the roof of her channel, inducing a full body spasm. He pulled back and swiftly stabbed back in, so the head of his cock struck that spot again. Vivian’s pussy convulsed in response, her mouth opening on a moan.

“Blaidd,” she gasped when he did it again.

She wasn’t going to last long. As it was, pleasuring him had nearly brought her to her own release. Blaidd’s mouth crushed against hers as he slammed repeatedly into her body. Their kiss was as frantic as the love making. Both of them desperately trying to hold onto something fleeting.

Vivian locked her ankles around Blaidd’s straining ass, her heels goading him on, as she met each thrust. Her hands clutched his shoulders, her nails digging into his velvet covered skin. Her pussy constricted tighter around his driving girth.

“I’m going to -,” Vivian cried as she tore away from his mouth.

“Mine,” Blaidd roared.

He lunged and bit down on the crook of her neck, his sharp teeth piercing her skin. The sting of pain threw her headlong in a twisting orgasm that seized every part of her. Vivian bit down on Blaidd’s shoulder, as she shuddered and bucked beneath him. Soul wrenching ecstasy blinded her. Darkness flecked with spiraling stars encroached all around. Vivian smiled against Blaidd’s shoulder as she went limp, and succumbed to the euphoria.



The taste of Vivian’s blood instantly pulled Blaidd from the waning cloud of ecstasy. He reared back and stared at the bloody mark on the crook of her neck. Blaidd’s eyes darted to Vivian’s face to find her unconscious. He started to panic, till he saw the languid smile twisting her mouth. Then he noticed blood on her lips. His eyes widened as he glanced at his shoulder, and saw the impression her blunt teeth made.

“I need to get something to clean your neck, treasure.” Blaidd attempted to get up, but Vivian tightened her legs around his waist.

“Leave it,” Vivian moaned as she came to, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I bit you.”

“I know, you sexy beast.”

Blaidd stared into Vivian’s sweet dark brown eyes, and was filled with relief. She wasn’t in pain. He glanced from the bite on her neck to the one on his shoulder, and was filled with a perverse sense of pride, before reality dawned on him. If Vivian was Lupercalia, she’d understand what sharing blood during sex meant. It was as binding as the hand-fasting ceremony.

“Blaidd, you’ve gone stiff, and your ears are twitching like they do when you’re agitated.”

Blaidd rolled to the side, and Vivian snuggled against his chest, while still staring at him in concern.

“I’ve done something,” Blaidd admitted, unsure of what to say.

“Are you talking about biting me?”

He nodded.

“It doesn’t hurt. It was actually -,” Vivian paused with a smile, her cheeks and upper chest flushing pink.

Another surge of pride filled Blaidd, and he gripped Vivian tighter, not willing to let her go.

“Vivian, we bit each other.”

“I forgot I bit you,” Vivian interrupted. She leaned back and looked at his shoulder, her hands fluttering over the mark. “I’m sorry. It’s just that in the moment it felt right.”

It did feel right, Prima.

Blaidd hadn’t planned this, like everything else, but more and more the thought had been in the back of his mind, and in the heat of the moment he latched onto Vivian. But he never expected Vivian to return the gesture, binding them together.

Maybe its best if I wait to tell her, considering everything I attempt goes sideways where Vivian’s concerned. We still have a score of days before I promised to take her home. A lot could happen in that time. Somehow, I’ll convince her to stay.

“I’m not complaining.” Blaidd smiled at Vivian, then kissed the hand that was fretting over the bite mark on his shoulder. “Are you hungry?”

“No,” Vivian yawned.

Blaidd scooped Vivian up and carried her to bed. Vivian giggled as they crawled into the covers. Her hand pulled a black ball of fluff from beneath the sheet. He barked out a laugh seeing how disgruntled the little reno was at being dislodged from its resting place.

“What are you doing, little dingbat?” Vivian asked, as the beastie attempted to burrow back under the covers. “Oh, Dingbat, that’s a good name for you.”

“I guess Dingbat’s the lucky beast,” Blaidd said as he pulled Vivian close to his side.

“What about the others?”

“I think I can find homes for them.”

“Okay, good. Night, handsome,” Vivian replied sleepily, as she drifted off.

“Goodnight, Prima,” Blaidd whispered, and kissed her forehead.





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