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Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1) by Rayanne Haines (3)

Chapter 5

Alex refused to break eye contact. Something inside clawed at her flesh—reaching for the man in front of her. Desire crawled through her chest as he pressed his face to her neck. She gripped his shoulders as he placed her on the kitchen counter, and stepped between her thighs. The whole time he kept breathing in like he was trying to absorb her. His hands were brands on her skin. One palm stroked her back, the other found its way into her hair.

She pressed her body against his, trying to take on his heat. Her breasts crushed against his chest, and she whimpered in the back of her throat. Things like this didn't happen to her. She usually dated journalists with very un-dragon like qualities or weekend mountain men with annoyingly trendy facial hair. She did not get ravished by drop dead, slam-dunk, gorgeous alpha males, in her aunt’s kitchen.

After this morning’s revelations, she was ready for a bit of sinning. She nipped at his neck. His grip tightened as he growled low and deep. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Alex realized she was ready to have sex with a stranger on her aunt’s kitchen counter, with said aunt in the other room, perhaps even on her way back to this room. Awareness crashed in with a resounding thud.

He stepped back and shoved his hands through his hair in jerky movements before drawing a ragged breath. “I’m sorry. That shouldn't have happened. You’re at a critical point in your transition, and that makes your heat difficult to ignore . . . It will likely get worse as it grows.” His jaw clenched. “I should have been more prepared.”

Alex blinked, her mind jumped from one thought to the next.

“Did your aunt tell you what’s happening?”

“What?” She shook her head. “What the hell? Aunt Quinn,” she yelled, jumping off the counter to back away. Pulling her housecoat tighter around her neck, she snapped, “Are you kidding me? You can't do that. And I’m not sending out heat, asshole.”

He held up his palms in surrender. “I said I'm sorry. We don't have time for this. There are people who will hurt you if they know you’re still alive. I need to get you somewhere safe.”

A panic attack pushed at the edge of her temple. Confused and turned on, she needed a goddamn coffee. She refused to give control of the situation to him. “So, you're some kind of dragon thing? And I'm supposed to go away with you?”

Collum sighed and gritted his teeth. “Yes, something like that. Your enemies will make a move soon. As soon as they find out you live, they'll come after you, and me for my part in it. We hoped your element wouldn’t surface.”

“I'm expected to believe everything Aunt Quinn said was real. Just like that?”

“Yep.” He blew more smoke at her mouth, his gaze intense. “Just like that.”

She stumbled back. “Wait, do you know who my father was?”

“I don’t. But now that you’re transitioning, we need to find out before the elders do. They tend to dislike things more powerful than them. And if I’ve guessed right, you kid, are about to be far more powerful.”

He pulled at a stray thread on her housecoat, right above an old coffee stain.

“You need to put some clothes on.” Collum reached for her hand. “We have to go now.”

Alex yanked her hand back. She knew if she let him touch her they'd be on the floor. She didn't know if she trusted him, but she'd learned over time to trust herself. Aunt Quinn hadn't told her enough, but it was enough to know she wanted to find out more. Now she had to figure out why her parents were killed.

If sex dragon guy could keep her alive long enough to do that, then she'd go with him. She took a steadying breath. She didn’t usually feel small around men, but this giant dwarfed her. Instead of being frightened, she wished he’d lean down and cover her mouth with his.

He grinned like he knew what she was thinking, took her hand in his larger one, and rested his other on her hip.

Alex almost purred with the echo of his heat. She reached to touch the smoke pouring out the strands of his hair. Quinn walked in before she had a chance.

“Honey I have . . . oh.”

Alex wished she could sink into the blue wall paper, but Collum simply raised his head and took one step back.

He gave his head a slight nod. “Quinn, I presume.”

She responded the same. “Dragon King.”

“You have her things ready to go?”

All business, she handed the bag to him. “Everything is here; passport, extra clothing, all her necessities.”

“Good. We won't have time to stop. I won't make contact again for a few days, but I assure you I’ll let nothing happen to her. I promised Kaylen, and I never break a vow.”

Alex interrupted them. “Um, hello. I'm right here you know. How about you both talk to me, instead of over me? Besides, I haven't agreed to go anywhere yet.”

Collum stiffened, and glared at her.

She stomped her foot. “I’m not a child. I’ll make my own decisions, thank you very much.”

He snorted and turned back to Quinn. “Say your goodbyes. I'll be in the car.”

He strolled out of the kitchen like it was any other day of the week—not like her life had been ripped to pieces.

Quinn dropped the bags at her feet and rushed toward her. “I told you he was impatient. You really have no choice, my darling. I swear on my life that we’re telling you the truth. This must happen. You’ll be safe—he can control your fire.”

Quinn handed her a yellow tank top and a pair of sweats. “Now put these on. You can't run for freedom in a Hudson's Bay housecoat. It's undignified.”

“But I haven’t said yes yet. It’s—”

“No, Alex, stop.” Quinn hugged her. “I love you with all my heart. But you have no say in this. You must go now.”

Alex held on to her aunt as tight as she could for a final minute, then stepped away. “I love you too, Quinn.”

Five minutes later they walked out to Collum's vehicle. After a final kiss to her aunt, Alex climbed in the vehicle and looked at her would be saviour. “Okay, Dragon Boy. Let's go find out who Daddy is.”

~ ~ ~

Alex stretched out in the car beside Collum. All her limbs pulsed with electricity. She was running into the unknown with a stranger. A very rich stranger if the car had anything to say about it—although that wasn't saying much. I mean, who drives a Hummer anymore? Especially in the environmental haven of Victoria BC. If they weren't careful, they'd get lynched by the green-movement mob before they made it to the ferry to get off the island. He was losing a few cool factor points driving this thing.

She gave him her most formidable look of disapproval, to which he smirked and replied, “You wanna die, you drive a Prius. You wanna live, you drive a Hummer, baby.”

Alex knew she had to run and she knew it had to be with this man, but he pissed her off. She turned to look out the window, intent on ignoring him. It would be a lot easier if she weren’t picturing herself jumping him. She prayed he booked separate rooms at whatever hotel they found for the night. “So, you are a king in your world, right?”

He shrugged. “I suppose so. A few of my kind listen to me.”

“So why risk it? I mean, I don't understand why you would risk your future, your life, for me?”

“Your grandmother was my friend. She was one of the very few friends I’ve had in my long life. Hell, I even had a thing for her for a brief amount of time until she let me down easy. She became my family, both her and your grandfather.”

“My grandfather? I had a grandfather?”

“You still have a grandfather. Only you don't want to meet him. Domhall changed over the years. Too many wars, too much death. He isn't the same. He’s an elder, Alex. Your grandmother tried to save him, but in the end, nothing was enough.”

She ignored the scenery flying by them. “Why does he need to be saved?”

“Watching your mother die messed him up. She was always his favorite and her death did a number on him. Immortals the world over think he's as close to turning dark as any being can get without going over to the other side. All of the council recognizes it.”

His voice quieted. “After everything happened, your grandmother wanted to take him away, remove him from the council, so she could try and bring him back to the light, but they wouldn't let her. The fucking elders liked him where he was—half mad. It didn't do them any good—he disappeared for ten years after Gray died. These days he's mostly a rambling idiot. But don't let it fool you. He's still more powerful than any of the other elders, probably than any Elemental alive or dead.”

Alex stared out the window. “I never knew my grandmother, and she died not knowing what happened to me.”

“Don’t think of it that way. You lived. That's all that mattered to her. She gave you a chance. It’s more than the goddamned council would’ve ever done.”

“Who are the council?”

“They are the four elders and other statesmen for the Elementals. It’s like the human parliament.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“My place in England for now, until we can regroup and find a way to locate your father’s family. I’ve heard of a witch that might be able to help.”

Alex closed her eyes. She couldn't take much more. It seemed every time she asked a question, more shit landed in her lap. She just wanted to sleep, and they were almost at the ferry. Once they were on the mainland, things would get riskier. She had to take the time now.

~ ~ ~

Alex woke up to Collum’s thumb delicately rubbing along the edge of her thumb. Their eyes met. Her tongue darted out from between her lips. When she sensed him about to pull away she tugged his head down to taste his tongue.

The moment his mouth touched hers, desire ignited in Alex's stomach and she clenched her fingers in his hair. She needed to hold on to something. Something that would keep her from drowning. His tongue was making her whimper again. She tried crawling over the seats. Surely the pressure in her gut would ease if she could lie on top of him. Her skin ached everywhere. Her hands were on fire. Alex ignored the ache, struggled to help him undo her shirt buttons.

How long had he been kissing her? A minute? A day? Nothing mattered but his gorgeous mouth. Except her hand wouldn't stop itching and it was getting worse and it was seriously affecting her ability to be in the moment. Annoyed at the pins and needles, she shook her hands. Out of the corner of her eye she saw it. On the tip of her right finger was a velvet orange flame. All thought of flesh and fantasy fled.

Collum grabbed her before she could jump out of the car. “Wait a minute, babe. Don’t stop yet.”

“Really? Look.” She shoved her hand in his face.

Smoldering eyes dropped from her face to her hand. He exhaled slowly. “It's okay, Alex. We knew this would happen. We’re on the ferry now, and have a little breather. It's only one flame. I promise, you’ll eventually grow to love that tattoo. Now, let's go use the bathroom, wash our faces, get a coffee, and regroup. It's a short trip. Once we hit land we have a long way to go before we can stop.”

She yanked her hand back to examine the tattoo. “Maybe you knew it would happen, but I sure didn't.” She noticed the people in the other cars. Nausea climbed up her throat. She wanted to be one of them. “I can't do this. I have a job, and a deadline coming up. They’ll fire me. I worked really hard to get this story.”

“Your aunt will let them know you're sick. It’s all covered.”

“How can you be so calm about this?”

“Honestly, babe? Because this isn't the bad part. You're turning into who you are meant to be. Evolving. Go look in the mirror, Alex. Besides, in a couple of days we will be so knee deep in shit, it'll make this look like a walk in the park.”

“Right—good way to keep me from freaking out. And why do you keep kissing me? You have to stop doing that. I mean, I’m in a state of serious stress right now. I can't be held accountable for my actions around a guy like you. You are supposed to be making sure I'm okay, not ravishing me in the front seat of the car.”

Collum laughed. “Sweetheart, if I can figure out a way to not want you, you'll be the first to know.”

Alex punched his shoulder, hopped out of the car, and wound her way through the other vehicles to the ladies’ washroom. After taking care of business, she washed her hands and studied herself in the mirror.

Collum had been right. She could see the transformation taking place, and it wasn't just about a tattoo. Her skin glowed; her hair was thicker and more crimson in color. Not that it stopped the tangles. She pushed her fingers through the mass wishing she had silky hair like her aunt. The color of her eyes was shifting. Her lips were fuller. Her cheekbones seemed higher. It was subtle but Alex could see it all. She could feel it. Everything seemed firmer, healthier, stronger. She felt powerful.

In the mad dash from her aunt’s and the insane connection with Collum, (a fucking dragon thank you very much) Alex hadn't had time to connect with what was happening to her. Now, here it was, staring her in the face. Of course, there were questions. She needed to know what she’d be capable of. She needed to know what her father’s blood would bring to the table. Would she be able to control whatever urges bubbled to the surface? And how would it manifest itself physically? After the ferry trip, they’d head for the airport hopefully find the witch that could answer some of her questions. With any luck, she'd make it to her twenty-sixth birthday.

~ ~ ~

Collum knocked on the bathroom door. “C'mon, Alex. I picked you up a coffee and it's getting cold. We'll be docking in half an hour. It's time to suck it up and get back in the Hummer.”

She pierced him with an annoyed glance as she exited the restroom.

“Check you out,” he drawled. “Those eyes are ready to spit flames.”

She arched a brow. “Yeah, I've decided to seize the moment and go with it.”

His lips quirked. “Stick with me, baby, in case you need someone to reel you in. With eyes like that, you'll be sending out death rays pretty soon. Try to not to get pissed at anyone, okay?”

Alex grabbed her coffee and weaved in and out of the vehicles parked on the dock to follow him back to the car. She refused to notice the number of appreciative female stares Collum was getting. “Ha, Ha, warrior guy. I think they look cool. Where are we going anyway?”

“England, The Isle of White. Don't worry. The irony of leaving one island for another isn’t lost on me, but you'll be safest there while we figure a few things out. No one would dare try to take you from a dragon’s home. Our best chance is to hunker down there while we look for the witch. I'm hoping we can get the two of you together before any of the Elementals figure out what's going on. For now, we have to get to the airport in one piece.” He smirked. “I hope you like private jets. I only travel my class.”

“A Hummer and a private jet? Why don't you just tattoo environmental disaster on your forehead and be done with it.”

“Ah, don't act out, little girl.” He tapped her forehead. “Remember—Lava Eyes—try not to burn me. Besides you'll get used to it soon enough. And we immortals, play by a different set of rules. I've been saving this planet for longer than you've been alive.”

“How old are you anyway? You had a crush on my grandmother?”

“I’m a little over two-thousand years old. Your grandmother was six-hundred when she died. Elementals stop aging when they reach their full immortality. Which for you should be in about six months, unless your father’s blood affects you differently.”

“And you descended from dragons?”

He straightened to his full six-foot six-inch height. “I am Dragon, Alex. For the first one thousand years of my life, I was only Dragon. Over time, I evolved to be able to transition to a human body. Now I am a blend of both. The beast lives inside me and I control the power of the dragon at will.”

Heat pooled in her stomach as he spoke.

They’d reached the car and he leaned over her to get the passenger door latch. He covered her body with his and exhaled hot air against her neck. “Any more questions?”

Alex pushed him back before they made fools of themselves again. When she saw the burning red in his eyes, she changed the course of their discussion. “Yes, you said my grandfather was really old? How old is that?”

He sighed. “Domhall is over fourteen hundred. There are only a few of his age left. Domhall’s time in battle and your mother’s and grandmother’s deaths scarred him deeply. He stays very secluded now; always wary that someone is out to end him.”

“Does he have a reason to feel that way?”

“Partly yes, I suppose he does. The power he has amassed during his life is immense. He’s an unstable threat, not only to the Elementals, but to other immortals as well.”

“What if he isn't as far gone as . . .”

“He is, Alex. Do not attempt something with him. He’s a zealot and half insane. He’s not your tie to a family torn apart. I don't trust him.”

“Do you trust anyone?”

“I trusted your grandmother and she's dead. And during the last years of her life, the man who was supposed to protect her was too busy getting lost to give a shit. He isn't worth your time.”

“Is that why Aunt Quinn never told me about him?”

“I don't know. Today is the first day I've ever spoken to your aunt. My time with Kaylen was before your birth. As far as the world knew, our friendship ended hundreds of years ago.”

They climbed in the vehicle and prepared to depart the ferry. A slow silence grew as Alex became lost in her thoughts. They were in serious trouble.

Too soon, Collum started the Hummer and pulled off the boat onto the dock.

The moment they touched land, a vibration began to pulse around Alex. Whatever it was, she was sending off waves of energy. There was no way the council wouldn't sense her. They raced to the airport, ignoring all mortal speed laws. When they pulled in the parking lot, Collum snatched her out of the vehicle and they raced to the terminal.

Alex knew that if they made it to the plane they’d be lucky, very lucky.




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