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First Time Up: Living Legends Book 3 by Declan Rhodes (21)


I was surprised when Mo beat us to the call. As I broke the last piece of crispy bacon for breakfast into two parts and offered one of them to Harley, my phone rang.

Harley said, “If it’s a reporter from the South Baycrest Journal in East Massachusetts wanting a human interest interview, tell him our schedule is full. Maybe you shouldn’t even answer it.”

I looked down at my phone. “It’s Mo.”

“Wow, his ears must have been burning last night. I guess that’s a good one to answer. Tell him that he’d better be the real Mo and not a reporter masquerading as Mr. Sadler.”

After we exchanged greetings, Mo said, “Hey, do you remember when I suggested that you come out to my place on the beach?”

I asked, “Is that where you are now? Harley and I were talking about it last night.”

I heard the happy sound in his voice. “Yeah, it is. I dragged Jack away from Charlotte. I thought he needed a break from his project. He’s happy that I did. I told him that he couldn’t touch his laptop computer all day today. Outside of this call, we’re having a technology-free day.”

“Very cool. You know, in fact, we…”

Mo was eager to talk. He cut me off and said, “I have a reason for calling beyond suggesting again that you visit. Chase called me about ten minutes ago. He said that you and Harley need a place to get away.”

I sighed. “Chase called? I told him I would call you. I’m sorry he bugged you about it.”

Mo said, “Oh, it wasn’t a problem, and we love visitors out here. There’s something else, too.”

“Something else?”

“Yeah, the land right next door is going on the market. It’s a beautiful oceanfront property. I asked Chase about it since he was on the phone, but he said if they ever bought waterfront property, Aaron would insist on it being Lake Michigan.”

“Wow, waterfront property on the ocean? That must cost a fortune.”

“It’s not as bad as you might think, and I doubt two young guys like you are hurting for money.”

I glanced at Harley. He was listening carefully, and his eyes were wide open. I sighed and said, “It might be a little early for us to think of something like that together…”

My voice trailed off while I looked at Harley, and he shook his head no. Mo asked, “Are you okay?”

I said, “Hang on a sec. I need to see what Harley’s trying to say. He’s right here with me.”

I held the phone to my chest, and Harley asked, “He knows about property for sale? On the ocean? Let’s go. That’s an incredible opportunity, isn’t it?”

“You don’t think it’s a little early for us?”

Harley shrugged. “I don’t know, but I want to see it. We’re going to Mo’s anyway, aren’t we? Ignoring it would be stupid. It’s always exciting to dream.”

I was grinning when I got back on the phone. I said, “Mo, I know this is quick and presumptuous, but would you want any company for this weekend? The press around here are driving us crazy, and Harley wants to see the land.”

“Chase suggested that I prepare for the weekend.” I heard Mo speak to the side of the phone, “This weekend. Are you up for that, Jack?”

I asked, “How’s Jack? Would he be okay with us hanging out? If the two of you need some quiet time together, I don’t want to interrupt that.”

“He loves the idea. It will be great to spend time together and hang out, and we might be neighbors in the future.”

I said, “Well, don’t push that too far yet, but yes, hanging out is great. Should we bring anything? Should I make some food?”

“Yourselves and trunks. That’s all you need to bring. Otherwise, I think I’ve got everything.”

A moment before hanging up, I said, “Mo Sadler, you’re a good man. I can’t wait to see you and the beach.”

After I hung up, I watched Rudy nuzzle up to Harley. I said, “Oh, damn, I forgot to ask about Rudy.”

Harley said, “I’ll give him a call this afternoon. I hope you want to bring Rudy. He needs to see the ocean, too.”

“Of course I do. I want to see him barrel into the surf after a stick.”

Harley asked, “Do we really have to wait for two days before we go? I’m ready to go now.”

“I don’t think we can barge into Mo’s place early, but did you want to take the car and drive out there early?”

Harley shook his head. “No, that’s me dreaming. I told them I would be at the shelter Friday afternoon. I’ll go tomorrow instead, and we’ll get everything sorted for the weekend. I’m sure Carrie won’t mind.”

Harley stood up from the table and offered his arms for a hug. He said, “I can’t believe how happy I am. It’s like this is the year designed to make dreams come true.”

I grinned. “Oh, it is? And what are those dreams?”

“Don’t act so innocent. Joining the Yellowjackets and finally playing for a big league team was one of the dreams. The second is having someone special to share it all. That’s where you come in.”

I leaned in and kissed Harley. His lips and tongue were perfect. Every time his tongue slipped between my lips, I felt like I was melting. I didn’t want that sensation ever to end.

As we stood arm in arm, I asked, “Are you sure we’re not moving too fast?”

Harley asked, “What is too fast? Is there some rulebook to follow? If there is, I’ve never heard of it. Does it feel too fast for you?”

I shook my head. “No. I already know that I don’t ever want to let you go.”

“And why would you? I’m yours?”

I felt doggie toenails tugging at the leg of my jeans. “And I think we’re both his, too.”

Harley looked down and reached one hand out to Rudy’s head rubbing between his ears. I said, “It’s our little family. I wonder if it will get bigger someday.”

Harley asked, “Another dog?”

I said, “I mean a child, a human baby.”

Harley’s eyes opened wide. “A boy or girl of our own? Do you think we can do that and play baseball? Wow, I thought baseball might stop me from becoming a dad.”

“A lot of guys do it with their wives.”

Harley said, “But we don’t have a wife.”

I laughed. “Yeah, we’ll have to think this one through. Maybe after we retire.”

Harley smiled and was silent. Instead of talking, he began to slowly sway from side to side like he was slow dancing. He closed his eyes and started to hum. As he slowly turned me around in our spot on the kitchen floor, I said, “I love you, Harley. I’m yours.”