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Found: An Omegaverse Story: Breaking Free Book Four by Arthur, A.M. (10)


Liam was the last to arrive for their scheduled support group meeting, because his little one seemed to have permanently planted his feet against Liam’s bladder, and he couldn’t get out of the bathroom long enough for the ride across town to the Jenks house. It was the most central location for everyone, and the living room had plenty of space for their group.

When he finally arrived, he said goodbye to Isa, and then waddled straight into the bathroom, calling out hushed hello’s as he went. With some relief, he finally squished himself into the far end of the couch that Kell, Braun, and Reid were already sharing. Brogan was nursing Peyton in an armchair, while Jaysan and Jax shared the love seat. He spotted Branson and Karson on a play blanket nearby.

Everyone looked as upset and sad as Liam felt. Usually, these meetings were to talk about their shared experiences, their hopes and dreams, and simply to be around other omegas who understood. And even though Braun and Kell hadn’t been part of the fight ring, they belonged here because of their own individual traumas.

“I talked to Laine on the phone a few days ago,” Brogan said. “He was excited to give birth soon. Said he was considering keeping his son, after all.”

“Joke’s on him, isn’t it?” Reid said.

“Hey.” Next to him, Kell nudged Reid with an elbow. “We’re all grieving, but you don’t have to be rude, or speak ill of the dead.”

“Why not? Laine’s gone, he lost his kid, and we all know who’s to blame. Fucking Udall and Dent for what they made us do to each other.”

“Reid’s right,” Jaysan said. “They should pay for what they’ve done. Reid’s baby died because of them. Reid nearly died because of them, and so did Brogan. Laine died because of them.”

“You can’t know that’s true,” Liam said. “You and Jax both had easy births, and you both fought.”

“It had to contribute. Normal omegas don’t beat each other senseless weeks before they give birth.”

“I nearly died giving birth,” Kell said quietly.

Reid sneered at him. “You also had an alpha who beat and raped you on a regular basis, and you’re telling me that didn’t contribute to your difficulties?”

Kell’s face pinched, and he launched himself off the couch and strode to his son. He picked the child up and held him close, even though Branson struggled for release. Liam’s heart when out to the young man, especially knowing Kell had briefly been separated from his son.

“Do you seriously have to be an asshole right now?” Braun snapped at Reid.

“What? Did I lie?” Reid countered.

“It’s called tact, dipshit,” Brogan said. “Learn it.”

“Fuck you, man, I lost Laine, too. I’m allowed to be fucking angry.”

“Get angry then, but don’t take it out on us.”

Kell left the living room with Branson, disappearing around the short bend that led to the kitchen. Liam watched him go, waiting for Braun to go after his brother, but Jax went, instead, stopping to grab Karson on his way.

“Goddess, you guys,” Liam said. “Fighting each other isn’t going to help. We need to be able to lean on each other and grieve, not create more problems. The courts will handle Dent and Udall, and if the coroner finds evidence that anything they did to us caused Laine’s death, they’ll be charged.”

“How do you know?” Jaysan asked.

“I live with one of the constables investigating and I asked him this morning.” While Isa couldn’t share details of his investigation, he answered Liam’s questions as best he could.

“He’s an alpha. You really trust him?”

“With my life.” Liam ignored the look he expected Braun was tossing his way.

Jaysan grumped, but didn’t otherwise reply.

“We came together to remember Laine and support each other,” Braun said. “Let’s try doing that, instead of fighting. Please?”

“In other words,” Reid said, “let’s not scare the omega still waiting to pop. He never fought, he’ll be fine.”

“Fuck you,” Liam snapped as his own temper took over. “Maybe I didn’t have to fight anyone, but I was still held captive in a tiny box of a room for five months, with no fucking idea what was going to happen to me. I was still fucking raped by that goddess-damned alpha during my first heat, so I won’t apologize for my feelings, my experiences, or my fear. And omegas have bad births for all kinds of reasons, so fuck you again, you arrogant prick.”

Instead of reacting with anger of his own, Reid stared blankly at him, before looking away.

Braun put a gentling hand on Liam’s thigh. “No one in this room gets to denigrate anyone else’s experience. We’re all here because we were abused in some way, and we’re sick of taking it sitting down. We are a support group, and we need to support each other.”

“Agreed,” Brogan said. Peyton had finished nursing and was dozing against his bare chest.

No one felt like talking much after that, and both Reid and Jaysan left before Kell and Jax returned. Braun whispered a brief recount of what they’d missed, and Kell gave Liam a sympathetic hug, before moving to his brother for a much longer hug.

“Keep positive,” Brogan said to Liam. “About your upcoming birth.”

“Easier said than done,” Liam replied. “Having Demir and Is—Constable Higgs around helps. They’ve both been wonderful.”

“You stay positive, too,” Kell said to Braun. “Both of you.”

Liam eyeballed Braun. “Do Jayson and Reid know you’re pregnant?”

“Wait, what?” Brogan asked.

Braun shrugged. “I’m barely three months along. Other than close family, Tarek and I haven’t made an official announcement.”

“I had a horrible first birth experience,” Kell said, “and our omegin died in childbirth, so Braun is understandably nervous. But you’ll be fine.” He kissed Braun’s cheek. “I believe that with my whole heart, brother.”

“So do I,” Liam said. “I mean, I’m not excited for the pain part, but I’m definitely ready for the pregnant part to be over. I haven’t seen my own dick in months.”

Kell burst out laughing, a musical sound Liam wasn’t sure he’d ever heard from the older omega.

“Oh joy, something to look forward to,” Braun grumped.

“At least you have an alpha to help you through it,” Liam replied.

Braun eyed him with a very clear “so do you, dummy” look.

Jax signaled something.

“He said Lawry’s trial starts soon and asked if any of us were going to appear,” Braun said.

“I don’t know yet,” Liam replied. “I don’t really want to, but the last time I spoke to the prosecutor, he said us showing up would play toward the jury’s sympathy. Seeing the actual people he hurt, not just our pictures.”

“Going to his trial won’t be as difficult as going to Udall or Dent’s,” Brogan said. “Still awful, but not as difficult.”


“Thanks for coming today,” Braun said. “I don’t know why Reid and Jaysan were acting like assholes.”

“They’re grieving,” Kell said on Jax’s behalf. “Apparently, they’re still stuck on the anger stage. They want someone to blame.”

A few minutes later, one of Brogan’s foster betas picked him and Liam up to deliver them home. Part of him wanted to stay and hang out with the others a while longer, but he also understood that they all needed time apart to grieve in private. And Kell was still visibly upset by what Reid had said, and he needed to be with his brother. Liam didn’t want to force himself into the dynamic.

But their exit from the house was interrupted by two unexpected faces: Karter Jenks and Isa Higgs, both still in uniform.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asked.

“We thought the others would still be here,” Isa replied, his expression grave. “But you young ones deserve to hear the news from us.”

Kell wrapped his arms around Braun from the side.

“Fynn Lawry killed himself today,” Karter said.

“He what?” Braun squawked.

“Got hold of his lawyer’s pen during a meeting, is what we figure,” Isa replied. “Once he got back to his cell, he broke off a piece sharp enough to dig into his carotid artery. Bled out before anyone noticed.”

Jax made a gesture.

“He is a coward,” Braun said. “Taking the easy way out instead of facing what he’s done. All the lives he’s broken.”

Liam didn’t much believe in the neverlife, but he hoped that monsters like Lawry and Kell’s former mate were burning somewhere for eternity, forever haunted by their own actions and cruelty.

“At least we know for sure he’ll never hurt anyone else again,” Liam said.

Isa wrapped a strong arm around Liam’s shoulders. “We do know that. And as much I would have loved to see that son of a fucker rotting in prison, there’s now one less soulless monster in the world.”


But there were still plenty of monsters out there, both in custody and running free in the world, and Liam was about to bring another life into it.

Goddess help us both.

* * *

The first contraction didn’t really register to Liam, because he’d been feeling them off and on for the past few weeks, without them developing into anything. But the second sharp pain that woke him early one morning, exactly two weeks after their disastrous omega support meeting, got Liam’s attention. He looked at the clock and waited as the minutes ticked by. About fifteen minutes passed, before another contraction hit, the pain radiating through his abdomen and down his back. He breathed through it, until the contraction subsided, and then he lunged for the bell. Rang it until two sets of feet pounded toward his door at once.

Isa pushed the door open first, his face a mask of worry, until Liam said, “Labor.”

Behind Isa, Demir whooped. “Dude, where’s the hospital bag?”

Liam indicated the small gym bag near his dresser. He’d packed it a few weeks ago, knowing he’d need it eventually. His room was still very impersonal, with no baby paraphernalia to be had, because Liam still didn’t know what to do: keep the newborn, or give him up.

All he needed to focus on right now, though, was getting to the hospital and giving birth. Other decisions could wait.

The moment Liam rasped the single word, “Labor,” Isa’s mind went blank. And thank goddess for Demir, because he was thinking clearly enough to ask about the bag. Isa didn’t care that they were all wearing sleeping flannels and t-shirts, he scooped Liam right out of bed and carried him toward the front door. It wasn’t easy carrying a heavily-pregnant man, and Liam probably could have walked just fine, but this was his omega.

Demir trailed behind, helping Isa step into a pair of shoes, and then grabbing the car keys. Once Liam was settled in the front seat, they were on their way. Another contraction hit, and Isa reached out, giving Liam his hand to squeeze while he endured. Isa vividly remembered the births of his three sons, and he’d been just as overprotective of Herris when he was in labor. Alphas abhorred seeing their omegas in pain, but he’d managed to control himself enough to be present for each birth.

“I can totally miss school for this, right?” Demir asked, and only then did it occur to Isa that his son had come with them.

“I suppose it’s as good an occasion as any to skip,” Liam replied.

“I’m fine with it,” Isa said. Demir was probably too young to be allowed in the delivery room, and if he wanted to spend his day watching public television in the waiting room, he could have at it. The most important thing in Isa’s mind today was Liam having a safe delivery.

The sun was barely up, so traffic was light, and it took one more contraction before they were pulling up outside of the E.R..

“I’ll get a wheelchair,” Demir said as he bolted out the door with the bag.

Isa parked and got out, so he could help Liam stand. Demir delivered the wheelchair, and Isa took over pushing it. Liam’s contractions were still far enough apart that they didn’t have to rush, but Isa wanted him in front of Dr. Troi as soon as possible. Liam and Laine’s situations had been vastly different, but he wouldn’t risk anything when it came to Liam’s health.

They made their way up to Obstetrics and Delivery, and a nurse ushered them into a room—not the same room as Laine’s, thank goddess. Isa and Demir were asked to step out while Liam was helped into a proper gown, and then into bed to wait it out.

Then Demir hung out near the partially open door, while Isa held Liam’s hand through another contraction.

“Goddess, this hurts,” Liam said once it had passed. “Fuck.”

“I know, but you’re doing so well.”

“I want him out, damn it.”

“Your son will be here soon, little one.”

Liam flinched. “I guess.”

Damn it, he should have known better than to say that, but this was very new to Isa—reacting to a man who wasn’t even sure he wanted his own baby. But Liam’s reasons were his own and they were valid. Isa wasn’t trying to unfairly influence him into keeping the child. Not if Liam truly didn’t think he could love him.

Dr. Troi arrived about thirty minutes later with a bright smile and a familiar nurse on his heels—Aiko from the isolation ward. “Apologies for the delay, I was assisting another life come into the world. How far apart are the contractions?”

“About seven minutes,” Isa replied.

“That’s quite a rapid progression, so it sounds like the little man will be along shortly.”

“Thank goddess,” Liam said.

“Let’s get some vitals, and then we’ll take a peek down below.”

Isa continued holding Liam’s hand, while Dr. Troi examined Liam, who clung to him for dear life. Dr. Troi seemed pleased with how Liam’s body was progressing. “How’s your pain level?” Dr. Troi asked. “One to ten.”

“I don’t know, I guess an eight,” Liam replied.

“Do you want an epidural for the pain, or do you want to go without?”

“Give me drugs, please.”

Isa chuckled. “I know it hurts now, but it won’t last forever.”

“Easy for you to say.”

“You’re doing so well, little one, I promise.”

Liam cried out as another contraction hit. “Goddess, uh.”

“I’m, uh, gonna go sit this out,” Demir said before high-tailing it out of the room.

“I’ll be back to check on you in a little while,” Dr. Troi said once the pain meds had been administered. “Aiko is your assigned nurse, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.”

Liam raised his free hand and issued a thumb’s up. He was sweaty and panting, but oh so brave, and Isa’s chest burned with pride. His omega was doing so well.

“Should we call anyone yet?” Liam asked.

“That’s up to you,” Isa replied. “It may be several hours before you give birth.”

“Ugh. Thanks for reminding me.”

“All your numbers are on track for a quick birth,” Aiko said. “There is nothing to be concerned about right now, except managing your breathing and enduring the contractions.”

“I read somewhere that walking sometimes helps.”

“It can, yes, but you’ve already received the epidural, which makes walking extremely difficult.”

Damn it, he wanted to speed things along.

“This is such a stupid question to ask,” Liam said, “but how do I eventually do this? Do I squat or something?”

“Definitely not a stupid question,” Aiko replied, “and there are actually several different positions, and they all depend on the omega’s preference and physical abilities. But these beds also come apart and rearrange in such a way that you can give birth on your back, which is the most common way.”


Aiko got him a pitcher of water and a cup. “Stay hydrated, all right? And if you need help to the bathroom, let me know. I’ve got to go check on a few other patients.”

“We’re good,” Isa said. He needed a few minutes alone with his omega. Once Aiko left, Isa at next to Liam and brought Liam’s other hand around to hold over Liam’s swollen belly. “Tell me what you need, Liam. Name it.”

“Other than this baby out of me?” Liam gave him a lopsided smile. “You being here means everything to me. I’m glad I don’t have to do this alone.”

“I’ll always be here for you, little one. I promise.”

So many unspoken things danced in Liam’s expressive eyes, and Isa wondered what his own were revealing as they stared at each other. The mating bond strengthened, and Isa knew he couldn’t deny it any longer. Now wasn’t the time to say it, but he’d bonded to Liam. And he hoped Liam felt it, too, in his own way.

I can’t lose him.

A contraction ruined the moment, but Isa stayed present for his omega, who seemed to be responding to the drugs. The room had a television, so Isa found a station with interesting programs for Liam to focus on while Isa made some phone calls. Work first, reporting to his own supervisor, Chief Constable Underhill, that he was taking a personal day. Then to Demir’s school, explaining he wouldn’t be in because of a family emergency.

“Do you want me to call Brogan or Braun?” Isa asked.

Liam pondered that a moment. “Call Braun. He can start the phone tree.”


It took Braun a few minutes to answer. “Hello?”

“Hi, Braun, it’s Constable Higgs.”

“Is Liam okay?”

Isa smiled at the protective tone. “He’s in labor. We’re at the hospital in delivery room C.”

“Oh, my goddess, really?”

“Yes, and Liam suggested you start the phone tree.”

“Of course, I’ll let everyone know. We’ll be there soon.”

“You don’t have to rush. He has a few more hours, but Dr. Troi says he’s doing great, everything is progressing smoothly.”

“That’s amazing, I’m so glad. Oh, there are so many people to call. I’ll talk to you in a bit, Constable.”

“Bye, Braun.”

The young omega’s excitement was infectious, and Isa was grinning when he typed off quick texts to Aven and Tarius. It was amazing that Liam was doing so well, when he’d been so nervous about this part.

My omega is a fighter.

Less than an hour passed before Braun poked his head into the room. His previously flat belly had popped out a bit since Isa had last seen him, and Isa gave the pair privacy with the excuse of checking on Demir. He was in the waiting room surrounded by familiar faces: Tarek, Kell and Branson, Jax and Karson, Brogan and Peyton, and even Jaysan. The only one not present was Reid.

Liam had confided in Isa about his last conversation—more like argument—with Reid, and it had infuriated Isa on a cellular level. To somehow imply Liam hadn’t also been traumatized, simply because his experiences had been different, was cruel. Liam had been upset at first, but he seemed to feel better after talking about it, and Isa was somewhat glad Reid wasn’t there. He wasn’t completely happy to see Jaysan, but he was grateful Liam had the support.

“How’s he doing?” Kell asked.

“He’s doing incredibly well,” Isa replied. “It shouldn’t be much longer.”

“Goddess, that’s wonderful.”

Isa answered a few more questions from the collected omegas, before allowing Tarek to lead him to another side of the waiting room. “You look like you’re about to jump out of your skin, sir,” Tarek said.

“You’d think this was my first time coaching an omega through birth,” Isa replied with a soft laugh. “But Liam’s so young, and he’s been through so much.”

“And you care about him.”

“Of course, I do. He’s been living in my home for the last two months-plus.”

“If you say so.”

Isa studied his subordinate. “What are you implying?”

“Maybe nothing, but Braun’s planted this idea that you and Liam feel the mating bond.”

“He isn’t wrong.” Off Tarek’s startled look, Isa added, “I can’t say for sure if Liam returns my feelings, but I do feel it for him. But there hasn’t been an appropriate time to talk about this, and today is definitely not that day.”

“I understand, and I won’t say anything.”

“I appreciate your discretion.”

“Of course, sir. And I won’t mention your confirmation to Braun. Your relationship with Liam is yours until you make it public.”

“Thank you.”

“I have to ask, though, sir, are you worried what other people will think? Because the bond strikes where it strikes, and we can’t help it.”

Isa studied his cuticles, buying time. “I can’t say if it’s people in general. Demir seems on board with the idea of me taking a new mate, but I’m not sure about my oldest. Aven has very strong opinions, and I fear pushback. I’ve had a poor relationship with my sons for so long, and we’re finally in a good place. They visit me every week. I’m scared of ruining that.”

“I understand. I hope you find a way to resolve things so it benefits everyone.”

“Believe me, so do I. I’d also like to get back to Liam.”

“Of course. Good luck, sir.”

“I think today you can get away with calling me Isa. Tarek.”

Braun was helping Liam through a contraction when Isa returned, and he gave Isa his spot next to the bed, promising to stay until Liam gave birth.

“You’ve got quite a group of friends out there,” Isa said to Liam. “Wanting to know how you are.”

“They’re all here?” Liam asked, his pretty face creased in a constant frown.

“Everyone except Reid.”

“Figures. Wasn’t there for Laine, why would he be here for me?”

“Jaysan is here, though. You’ve got people eager to know you’re okay.”

Liam sputtered and clutched at his abdomen. “And the baby, too. Right?”

“Yes. He’s a life, too, one you’re about to bring into this world. I’m so proud of all the work you’re doing. You’ll be an amazing omegin.”

His expression shuttered. “Maybe.”

Isa mentally slapped himself for that slip. “I’m sorry. I keep falling back into old habits.”

“Like when Herris gave birth to your sons?”

“Yes. We were so excited to be parents, and it’s unfair of me to project those feelings onto you. Your situation is so remarkably different.”

“I know, and I’m sorry if any of this makes you uncomfortable.”

“I’m not uncomfortable in the least.” Isa leaned in to press a kiss to his sweaty temple. “I’m happy to be here and to see you through this. You’re important to me, Liam. I need you safe.”

Liam’s warm smile turned into a grimace. “Oh, they’re getting closer together.”

“That’s good, that’s what we want.”

They sat for a while, and at some point, Aiko came in and examined Liam. “You’re almost there,” he said. “I’ll have Dr. Troi paged. Your little man is on the way, Liam.”

Liam simply nodded and breathed his way through the contraction.

Isa remembered this part well. The bed came apart at the base, and soon Liam’s legs were up in stirrups with his delicate bits barely covered by a sheet. Isa stayed at the top of the bed, resisting any urge to peek, because Liam wasn’t his mate, or his to ogle in any way. Dr. Troi rolled his stool between Liam’s spread legs and eventually told Liam to push.

Isa held Liam’s hand, let Liam squeeze the hell out of it as he did all the work and pushed. A few minutes later, a tiny, squalling infant was being wrapped in a blanket by Aiko, who wiped his face with a wet cloth. He offered the bundle to Liam, whose own face was streaked with tears. Isa didn’t know how to interpret those tears until Liam lifted the newborn and kissed both chubby cheeks.

“My baby,” Liam said on a sob. “My son. Oh goddess, he’s mine. He’s so beautiful.”

“Yes, he is,” Isa said. “He is.”

He’s beautiful and he’s yours. Thank goddess, he’s yours.