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Found: An Omegaverse Story: Breaking Free Book Four by Arthur, A.M. (22)


Two weeks after Liam’s heat ended, the Senior Haus Iverson trial was set to begin jury selection. As with the Dent and Udall cases, Prosecutor Awless recommended they all attend the first day of trial. Every omega in their support group, except Liam, was being called as a witness, so they had to be there for the jury selection process, anyway. Liam attended in solidarity with his friends.

The front of the courthouse was packed when Liam arrived. He’d ridden over with Kell, Ronin and Braun, plus little Branson, who seemed displeased with his carrier. The boy was eleven months old now, and he looked more like his omegin every time Liam saw him. Ronin used a reserved space to park, and they all climbed out. Reporters were everywhere, but they’d all agreed to no comments with the press. All they were here to do today was be present and listen.

A few dozen yards away, Liam spotted Isa and Tarek among other constables providing crowd control. Because Senior Iverson had been on house arrest, he’d be arriving through the main entrance soon. Liam didn’t particularly care to see that spectacle, and he’d much rather Isa be over here with him, but he was so proud of his alpha. His mate.

There hadn’t been any more dead birds left on their stoop, and Mancini had denied everything. Without any evidence tying him to it, the case was dropped. Isa was going to install a security system, but the model he wanted—top of the line, he said—was back-ordered. But it should be available in the next few days, finally. And Jenks was still trying to find proof Mancini’s tuition had been paid in exchange for inseminating Liam but so far, he had nothing concrete.

Jaysan and Brogan approached their group, Peyton in a cloth sling against Brogan’s chest. Jax, Karson, and Karter arrived in short order, so the only one missing was Reid.

“Was his foster family bringing him by?” Liam asked Jaysan.

“I’m not sure. We haven’t talked much this past week.” Jaysan was still working through his sense of loss over his own son, and apparently he’d had a bit of a falling out with Reid, when the pair had once been incredibly close. “To be honest, I’m worried about him.”

“Me too.”

A small roar went over the crowd of gawkers, attendees and press. A big, black car had pulled up to the curb, and several constables moved toward it, including Isa. Had to be Senior Iverson’s car. Liam’s group was a good ten yards away, but several of his friends still physically recoiled when Iverson exited the car on the rear passenger side. The press tried to close in but the constables made a protective barrier. Doing their jobs, even though Liam imagined they hated it.

No one liked protecting a monster.

They waited on the sidewalk as Iverson began his ascent of the big stone staircase of the courts building. Plenty of time to get into the courtroom and find seats. Liam tracked the man, until a familiar figure appeared in his peripheral vision, on the steps and moving fast.


“You guys,” Liam said, pointing, “is that

Reid raised his left hand, and Liam barely registered he was holding a handgun before the first shot popped. People screamed. After the second shot, chaos ensued. Someone pushed Liam down, and Liam went, hands over Layne, praying silently for his son to be spared. He heard shouting, people demanding someone “put your gun down, now!”

Why is Reid doing this? Why?!

“Come on, now, don’t. Don’t!”

Another shot fired, and Liam screamed in his broken voice, because he knew. He knew.

Constables and patrolmen flooded the steps from the courts building, creating a barrier between the crowd and whatever had gone down around Senior Iverson.

Isa. Goddess, where is he?

Liam stood, and he cried out at the sight in front of him. Iverson stood off to the side with a patrolman near him, covering him. Reid lay face-down on the steps, red blood pooling around him, and Tarek kneeling beside him, feeling for a pulse. But that didn’t send instant fear down Liam’s spine like the sight of Isa on the ground, holding a bleeding wound on his side.

“No!” Liam surged forward, but someone caught him. He struggled, shoving so hard Layne started to cry. “Let me go, my mate’s hurt.”

The person holding him didn’t let go, not until Tarek hung his head. Liam didn’t need the words to know Reid was dead. Senior Iverson didn’t appear to have a scratch on him, but Reid was dead, and Isa was hurt. Finally, Liam achieved freedom and ran. A patrolman tried to stop him, but Liam pleaded to see his mate.

He was let through, and Liam fell to his knees in tears by Isa’s side. Another patrolman was applying pressure to the wound, so Liam cupped Isa’s cheek in one palm and held his gaze. “Don’t you die on us,” Liam said. “You have to be okay.”

“Not going anywhere, little one,” Isa replied. His face was pinched in pain, but his eyes were clear and determined. “Gotta be here in case we made another little man.”

“Yeah, you do.” He still had a week before he could take a pregnancy test, and he needed his alpha. Wet spots appeared on Isa’s face, and Liam wiped away his own falling tears. Layne was still crying, but mostly out of reaction to his omegin’s distress. “We need you, so maybe stop being the hero, huh?”

“Did my job.”

“That monster doesn’t deserve your protection.”

“Wasn’t in front of him. Must have been a wide shot. I’m so sorry about Reid.”

Liam glanced down the steps, to where Brogan and Jaysan were holding each other next to Reid’s body. “I can’t believe he did that. Why would he do that?”

“Rage does odd things to people. Wish he’d put his gun down and not forced Tarek to fire.”


Tarek was sitting on the steps with Braun and Kell holding him from either side. What a fucking mess, and their loved ones were tangled right up in it.

“Suicide by cop,” Isa whispered. “Always so fucking sad.”

Liam wanted to cry for the death of his friend, but his emotions were so completely shredded, he couldn’t find any new tears. Only a lot of fear, because his mate was bleeding all over the hard granite steps.

An ambulance wailed in the distance, and Liam released a relieved moan. “They’ll fix you right up, you hear me?” he said. “You’ll be fine.”

“Gotta be good for my men,” Isa replied.

“Exactly.” Liam stayed present until the paramedics finally arrived and took over. No one objected to him climbing into the ambulance with Layne, and he stayed by Isa’s side for the drive to the hospital campus.

But they were separated in emergency, Isa into a cubicle, and Liam asked to wait. So he did, pacing the rows of chairs, until his friends appeared in small groups. They took over a corner of the waiting room. Layne had finally calmed down, and Liam was clear-headed enough to ask questions.

“Is Reid really dead?”

“He is,” Jaysan said, his cheeks streaked with tear tracks. “I should have seen this coming, should have known he’d try something. He was so angry.”

“This isn’t your fault,” Brogan said. He wrapped his free arm around Jaysan’s shoulder, his other protectively over Peyton. “It isn’t. What Reid did, he did on his own.”

“So he what?” Liam asked. “Tried to kill Senior Iverson and shot my mate instead?”

“No one knows for sure what happened yet,” Braun replied. “All I know is Reid wouldn’t put his gun down, and Tarek was forced to shoot him to save everyone else.”

“I’m so sorry, Braun.”

Braun only shrugged and clung to Kell. The only alphas in their group were Karter and Ronin, and both men took flanking positions around the upset omegas. Liam appreciated their protection, but he needed to see his own mate now, damn it.

At some point, Senior Constable Roken and two patrolmen arrived to take individual statements. What did they see, what did they hear? Did any of them know about Reid’s plan ahead of time? Liam did his best to answer their questions, but all he could see was Isa’s blood on those stone steps.

A doctor finally approached their group, and Liam presented himself at Isa’s mate. “He’s lost quite a bit of blood,” the doctor said, mercifully speaking directly to Liam. “We’re transfusing him, and the bullet was a clean through-and-through, so there’s no organ damage. We stitched him up, but I want to keep him overnight to be safe.”

“Whatever you think,” Liam replied, his throat tight with grateful tears. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Once he’s settled in a room, I’ll have a nurse come find you.”

Liam collapsed into a chair from the force of his relief. Isa was going to be okay. He’d been shot, but he’d live. “Goddess, I should call his boys.”

“Want me to do it?” Ronin asked. “I don’t mind.”

“They should be here. Thank you.”

“No trouble.”

He didn’t ask how Ronin had their mobile numbers, because who cared? All he wanted was to see Isa for his own eyes, to know that his alpha was alive and healing.

“I’m glad he’s going to be okay,” Braun said. “Goddess, I remember when Tarek was shot last fall. Even though I found out after the fact when he was fine, I couldn’t help but ask what if? They do a dangerous job.”

Jax tapped Liam’s shoulder, then made a gesture of agreement. All three of them had constable mates; they understood.

Aven, Tarius and Demir showed up before anyone came for Liam, and a lot of hugs and condolences went around, as well as positive comments. Ronin must have been pretty detailed on the phone, because they didn’t ask many questions. Mostly, they were worried and angry—not angry at Reid, but that their father had been wounded protecting someone like Iverson.

A nurse finally said family could visit with Isa. Liam said goodbye to his friends and followed the boys up to the fifth floor and a regular room. Nothing prepared him for the sight of his big, broad alpha in a hospital bed, his skin as pale as the sheets covering him. Demir stumbled and Aven caught him. Isa was sleeping, his heart rate a steady, welcoming beat on the monitor.

Tarius approached first and threw his arms around his father’s chest. The sudden movement woke Isa with a groggy grunt. Liam shifted Layne in his arms, so grateful to see his mate awake, if still somewhat out of it.

“Dad, you scared us all to death,” Tarius said.

“Sorry about that,” Isa replied. He used the arm not full of needles and leads to hug Tarius back. “Liam?”

“Right here,” Liam said. He moved to the other side of Isa’s bed so he could see them. “Scared still, but I’m fine.”

Tarius moved away, and Isa reached for Liam. Liam clasped his hand, then leaned down to kiss his forehead. “You scared me, old man. I can’t believe Reid shot you.”

Isa frowned. “I’m sorry about Reid. Tarek had no choice.”

“I know. Reid made his own choices. None of us saw this coming.” He squeezed Isa’s hand. “Doesn’t mean I’m not mad at you for getting shot.”

“Are you in pain?” Demir asked.

“Nah,” Isa replied. “I’m on the good drugs, I think. I’m sure it will hurt later, though, so can I snuggle the little man a bit?”

Liam smiled. “Of course, you can.” He situated Layne on Isa’s good side, happy to see the infant settle in comfortably and doze off.

“Ah, need this. All my men in one room with me.”

It was the first time all six of them had been together in weeks. Even though it was customary for a newly-mated couple to have a celebration with friends and family, they’d pushed theirs back. Partly because of how icky the dead birds had made them both feel during Liam’s heat, and partly because they were enjoying the honeymoon period of being mates. And now with Iverson’s trial starting…Liam wanted to plan something when all their friends were a little less stressed.

And now Liam felt guilty, because Reid was dead, and maybe if Liam had talked to him, gotten into his head, he could have prevented this.

“You’ll see a lot more of us once you get out of here,” Aven said. “I know the doctor said it wasn’t serious, but we plan on spoiling you rotten for a couple of days.”

“I can’t say no to that,” Isa replied. “Wonder what happened at the courthouse. If they kept on with jury selection or not.”

“No idea,” Liam said. “When Karter showed up, he said the steps were still considered a crime scene, so I have a feeling it’s been postponed at least until tomorrow.”

“Makes sense. Guess I’ll be using up some sick leave.”


“Hey, guys,” Tarius said in a tight voice. “Can I talk to Dad in private for a few minutes?”

Liam’s heart tripped, and he caught Isa’s hopeful gaze. “Of course,” Liam replied. “I could use a cup of coffee. Aven? Demir?” They both nodded. “You want to keep Layne?”

“He seems content enough,” Isa said. “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

Isa’s heart sped up once he was alone with Tarius for the first time since graduation night.

Tarius shifted his weight from foot to foot, both hands deep in his pants pockets. “I know Aven told you something about that party,” he finally said. “And I’m not mad. I think having someone else tell you first makes this easier. And maybe telling you right after you’ve been shot isn’t the coolest move ever, but at least you’re a captive audience.” He looked up and met Isa’s gaze, his own trapped between upset and determined. “This winter I went to a party with Aven. Someone drugged me, and I wish I remembered more, but all I remember is feeling dizzy at the party, and then being with Aven in emergency. Feeling sick and being really confused.”

He sat on the edge of the bed, too far away for Isa to touch, but closer than before. “Aven told me how he found me, and I didn’t even remember talking to Skip, much less…anything else. Skip swore to security that he didn’t penetrate me, but there was lube…. And I didn’t not tell you because I didn’t trust you, especially after we all started getting along again. I guess…I guess I hoped I’d remember. So I could come to you and say I was raped, or things went too far at a party and my big brother rescued me before I got hurt. But I don’t remember. I probably never will, so I tell myself it didn’t happen.”

Isa’s eyes stung with tears—not only for his son’s pain, but for the incredible maturity and bravery he was showing right now. He hated that Tarius had to tell him this at all, but he was so grateful his son was confiding in him now.

“So, Dad, I was at a party this winter where I was drugged and undressed, but my big brother saved me before anything too bad happened,” Tarius said.

“And I accept that,” Isa replied. “Otherwise, I’d have to find this Skip and murder him. I still want to, but I also accept your truth. Thank you for being honest with me. It means more than you know.”

“If it helps, I don’t think I would have told Omegin either. Not right away. Demir doesn’t even know.”

“I told Liam. I had to vent to someone.”

“I figured.” Tarius scooted higher up the bed. “I’m not mad about that. I’m glad you have him, and that he was able to help you deal. Goddess only knows what you threatened to do to Skip.”

“I got pretty creative in my head.”

Tarius smiled. “What was the most creative?”

“I had vivid thoughts of dipping certain delicate bits in acid.”

“Ew, Dad, gross.”

Isa reached out; Tarius took his hand. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my men. Nothing.”

“Thank you. I love you, Dad.”

“Same. And remember, you can come to me for anything, big or small.”

“I know. It’s never easy to admit to your father that you’ve screwed up.”

“Hey, no.” Isa gave Tarius’s hand a shake. “You didn’t screw up. You did nothing wrong by going to a party. And I understand not wanting to tell me until you could be sure what happened, but what Skip did isn’t on you. If anyone in this family has screwed up it’s me, for becoming such an unforgivable bastard after your omegin died. I pushed you boys away, and I’ll always regret that.”

“You made it right, though. You got us back, and maybe you got shot today, but we’re all happy now, right?”

“Absolutely. I might have a small hole in my side, but I’ve never been happier.”

Goddess, please let this joy last.

* * *

They took turns sitting with Isa that day, so everyone could take walks and check in with friends. Tarek and Constable Roken stopped by to question Isa about what happened on the steps, everything he could remember in the chaos. Liam and Aven were in the room, too, listening, because Liam couldn’t make himself leave for long. He needed to be near his mate.

Isa couldn’t remember much. “It all happened so fast,” he said. “We were following Senior Iverson up the steps. Reid was close enough that I could hear him screaming Iverson’s name. When I turned I saw the gun in his hand. Someone jostled him, so it looked like the first shot went wide, and I tried to reach for Reid, but I was hit and went down. I saw Tarek’s back. He was protecting me and trying to talk Reid down.”

“He didn’t want to be talked down,” Tarek said softly. “I saw it in his eyes. Whatever sort of pain Reid was in, he wanted it to end. He lunged at me. Training kicked in.” He looked at Liam with genuine grief in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Liam.”

Liam couldn’t find any anger for Tarek or his actions in the heat of the moment. His friend was dead, but Reid was the one who’d brought the gun to the steps. He’d fired into a crowd. He’d refused to stand down. “I don’t blame you,” Liam said. “How can I? You were protecting Isa and hundreds of others.”

“Thank you for saying that.” It was clear Tarek blamed himself, and Liam made a mental note to check in with Braun later.

“It’s difficult to know Reid’s exact motives,” Constable Roken said. “He was angry and troubled, and it’s possible he saw this as his only chance to seek vengeance against one of the men who hurt him. Iverson was exposed on those steps, whereas Dent and Udall were kept in custody and brought in through private entrances.”

“That makes sense,” Liam said. “We’re all angry at what was done to us, and we all want revenge. But lately, Reid has been getting angrier and angrier. Had been. I just wish he’d talked to one of us.”

“That’s what your fellow omegas said. Jaysan, especially, seems to blame himself.”

Liam nodded. “Jaysan and Reid were very close for a while, but Jaysan said they’d grown apart these last few weeks. What did Reid’s foster family say?”

“Same things. He’d become reclusive, angry, lashed out verbally. They tried to make him see a mental health professional, but Reid refused. They very much blame themselves for not getting him the help he obviously needed.”

“It’s no one else’s fault. Reid chose to do what he did.” Liam could blame depression, PTSD or anger all he wanted, but at the end of the day, Reid chose to acquire a gun and try to murder a man.

And he nearly got my mate killed. Braun’s, too.

After a few more questions, Tarek and Roken excused themselves. Dinner trays came around, and Liam’s stomach growled.

“You boys should go get something to eat,” Isa said as he eyeballed his less-than-appetizing tray. “Then maybe sneak something in for me?”

“I like that plan,” Liam said. “Let’s go get some food, and then if you don’t mind, Aven, can you guys take Layne home? Being in a hospital all day hasn’t been comfortable for him. He needs his crib. I’ll sneak your dad some real food in and be home after visiting hours end.”

“That’s fine,” Aven said. “Demir and Tarius are in the waiting room.”

“Okay.” Liam kissed Isa’s cheek. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“I’ll be here,” Isa quipped.

“You better be, old man.”

Isa tried to swat his ass on the way out the door. Aven’s car was in the parking garage, and Tarek had dropped off Layne’s carrier, so they had no issues with transportation. After a quiet dinner of tacos at Petrova’s, Aven dropped him back off at the hospital with a small bag for Isa. Not having Layne with him felt strange, especially after the drama of the day, but it left him free to climb into Isa’s bed and hold him tight while he ate the contraband fish tacos. To soak in his mate’s scent and warm, steady presence.

“I can’t believe we have to sleep apart tonight,” Liam said. “We’ve slept under the same roof every night since you brought me home.”

“Best decision of my life. I can’t imagine not having you and Layne with me.”

“Same.” He rested his head on Isa’s shoulder. “You’re coming home tomorrow, right?”

“That’s the plan, seeing as I’m not dying or anything.”

“Thank goddess.”

They watched television for a while, until a nurse came around to inform Liam visiting hours were over. Liam hating leaving, but he had no choice. Despite now being mated, he didn’t trust public buses this late at night, so Liam called a taxi to take him home. The porch light was on, but the rest of the house seemed dark and quiet as Liam opened the unlocked front door.

He paused in the foyer, curious, because he thought Aven was bringing Layne home to his crib. Unless Layne and Demir were both asleep, but why was the front door unlocked? Liam went into the living room and switched on a lamp. No beta boys asleep on the couch.

And then a scent hit him. An oil-and-vinegar scent that made his stomach sour and his balls shrivel up and hide. From the gloom of the hallway, a tall figure stepped into the light. Hank Mancini stared at him from the mouth of the hall, Layne resting in the crook of his arm.

“Hi, honey,” Mancini said in a menacing voice. “You’re finally home.”




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