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Found: An Omegaverse Story: Breaking Free Book Four by Arthur, A.M. (12)


Liam woke the next morning to the strange sensation of being well-rested. He hadn’t slept well in the days leading up to giving birth, and he hadn’t managed more than four hours of naptime in one go since, so sleeping the entire evening and night?


Too bad it came about because Liam passed out like a fool. A fool who couldn’t take care of himself and his baby. But Isa had been so sweet, from what Liam remembered, and he’d held Layne with all the care and tenderness of a true sire. The lovely sight was seared into his mind.

He stretched aching bones and glanced toward the foot of the bed. The crib was no longer against the far wall. Curious, Liam stopped in the bathroom for a much-needed whizz, then crept down the hall to Isa’s room. The door was half-open, and he spotted the crib near Isa’s big bed. Liam slid deeper into the room, unsurprised to see Isa asleep under the covers. He was more surprised that the crib was empty, and Layne was tucked up next to Isa’s head, sleeping soundly.

Liam stared at the pair in the dim light, Layne barely the size of Isa’s head. But it was the loveliest sight he’d ever seen. So completely natural, like an alpha protecting his own offspring.

Maybe he wants us after all.

Not wishing to disturb the beauty of the sight, Liam slipped back out of the room—and nearly ran right into Demir, who was exiting the room across the hall. Demir’s eyebrows shot up.

“I didn’t sleep with him,” Liam said. “I was looking for Layne.”

Demir smirked. “Yeah, Dad borrowed the crib last night. His decree was you were to get a full night’s sleep, period. We were on baby duty.”

“Goddess, after ignoring us for three days, now he’s Sire of the Year. They’re sleeping together in his bed.”

“You’re shitting me.” Demir sneaked past and poked his head inside. When he pulled back, he was holding in laughter. “He is so into you and your kid. Oh goddess, this is wonderful news.”


“Sure. You two are great together, and Dad is in the best mood lately. Ever since Omegin died, he’s been surly and obnoxiously distant from us. But you brought him back.”

Liam blushed. “I care for him.”

“Good, then I think we’re all going to be happy.”

“You really don’t mind that I’m younger than your brothers?”

“Hell no. Makes you easier to relate to you. If Dad had found someone older, closer to his age, I don’t think it would be as easy. But that’s me. Of anyone, Aven will be the hardest to convince. I mean, he does like you, but…yeah.”

“I don’t want to come between Isa and one of his kids.”

“You won’t.” Demir led him down the hall to the kitchen. “Listen, if Aven has a problem, it’s his deal. Period. He’ll get over it, especially when he sees how happy you and Dad are.”

“I hope so.” Liam paid attention to the microwave clock. “It’s barely seven. What are you doing up so early on the weekend?”

“I’m going hiking with some friends out in Grand River Park, and my ride will be here at eight.”

“I’ve never been out there.” Liam wasn’t a hugely outdoorsy person, and his family had never gone camping, or done any of the trail hikes.

“It’s great. We used to hike those trails when we were all younger, before Aven started secondary school, but it’s been a long time.” Demir looked at him, his pale eyes sad. “It didn’t really hit me until now, but we all know what real loss feels like. You lost your family, and we lost Omegin. We’re all trying to heal and move on. Build a new family.”

Liam’s chest squeezed tight with emotion as Demir laid bare their exact situations. All of them were trying to build a life, create a family, and move on. And if the goddess put Liam and Isa together for a reason, he’d honor that by being the best mate and omegin possible. “I’d love to be part of your family.”

“Same.” Demir grabbed him in a warm, sure hug that Liam returned.

If Liam and Isa mated, Liam wasn’t going to try to parent Demir. Demir was too old for that to work, and he had Isa to guide him. But Liam would very much love to be Demir’s friend and a solid influence in his life.

Liam whipped up pancake batter and cooked some for them to eat. A while later, a baby squalling occurred, and five minutes after, Isa and Layne appeared in the kitchen. Liam squealed, the soft, stunted sound more like a mouse squeak, and eagerly took his son. Inhaled his baby powder smell.

“How do you feel this morning?” Isa asked. “You gave me quite the scare last night.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. I let myself get too worn down and tried to cook, when I should have been napping.”

“No, don’t apologize. It’s my fault, too. I wasn’t helping you the way I should have been, and I’m sorry for that, Liam. Truly.” Isa rested a hand on his shoulder. “I promised you we would talk today, so let’s talk.”

“After you both eat.”


Liam nursed Layne while Demir cooked pancakes for his father, and the domesticity of it all made Liam yearn. He wanted this every day, from now on. All he had to do was be brave enough to ask for it.

Once everything was cleaned up, Demir left for his trip, and they retired to the back porch. It was a cool morning, but not too chilly. They sat side-by-side on a wicker love seat, Layne asleep in his lap, and now that the moment was here, Liam didn’t have the words.

“Since the day we met in that tiny prison, I’ve felt something for you, Liam,” Isa said. “At first, I assumed it was the reaction of an alpha seeing so many hurt and abused omegas. I thought my instinct to carry you to safety was simply that of an alpha caring for an omega in need. I didn’t allow myself to truly understand that what I felt that day wasn’t simply compassion, but the mating bond.”

Liam’s mouth fell open at the blunt way Isa put it all out there. His insides gave a delighted wobble at finally hearing such a confession. “I wasn’t sure what it was at first, either. But the moment I caught your scent the first time, I knew in my heart I was safe with you. It’s the only reason I let you anywhere near me that first day. But I could tell you’d been previously mated, and you knew I…sort of had. I tried to brush it off, but deep down I knew I felt the mating bond, too.”

Isa’s entire face lit up with his smile. “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that. And this does not excuse my behavior over the past few days, but I resisted getting close to Layne, because I felt the bond, and it would have killed me to lose you both if you didn’t return it.”

“I understand that, now.” Relief flooded Liam’s chest. “Goddess, does this mean what I think it means? We’re truly bondmates?”

“Yes, we are.” Isa squeezed his shoulder. “It’s unusual, but the goddess blessed us with each other for a reason. It would be a shame to waste this chance.”

“But I’m so much younger than you, and your sons

“Will accept you. They’ll learn to love you, because I love you.”

Liam’s breath caught. “You do?”

“Yes. I haven’t had the words until now, and perhaps we’ve only shared that one kiss, but I do love you, Liam Haley.”

“I think I love you too, Isa Higgs.”

Isa leaned forward and kissed him again, a gentle press of lips, sealing a promise. “My omega.”

“My alpha.” Liam had never said those words to a man before, and it felt right saying them to Isa now. “And if you’ll have him, I want Layne to be your son. Birth certificate and everything.”

“Really?” Isa’s eyes gleamed. “I’d be honored to be that little man’s father. Thank you for choosing me.”

“And in the interest of honesty, I want to be your mate, but I’m also scared of it.”

“Tell me why.”

Liam pulled on all his various reasons and tried to sort them into an order that made sense. “I know we can’t officially mate until my next heat, and goddess knows when that will be, and that’s fine. I understand it’s biology.”

“But you aren’t ready for a physical relationship with me yet.” Isa spoke simply, with no judgment or anger.

“No, I’m not. And it isn’t just the physical stuff and what that alpha took from me, but it’s mental and emotional, too. Normally, mated couples get to know each other over the course of their first pregnancy, and they’re ready when the baby arrives. We came at this separately, and we’re still learning how we mesh.”

“I promise I won’t guilt or push you into anything you aren’t ready for, Liam. You have my word.”

“I know, and I trust you. I suppose what I’m hoping to start with is a platonic relationship. I need to adjust to being an omegin, and now that I have a partner, we need to figure out how we work as a family. Privately.”

Isa quirked an eyebrow. “You want to keep us a secret?”

“Yes? Yes. For now. There is just so much going on with Udall and Dent’s trials coming up, and everything happening with the other omegas. I’d like to know I have you to support me, and I’ll be there to support you. The other stuff will sort itself out.”

“What about my boys?”

“Demir supports us, and I think he’ll be discreet if we ask him to keep it quiet for now. I know it isn’t fair to ask you to lie to Aven and Tarius, and I won’t.”

“But it would be easier on you if we didn’t tell them until we’ve reached a steady balance of our own?”

Liam nodded, feeling a bit sick for asking this of Isa.

“Will you feel better about it,” Isa said, “if I agree with you because I think it’s what’s best for us, too?”

“You do?”

“When Herris died, I never imagined wanting to find another partner, never mind a new bondmate. I grieved him for two years, and our relationship was vastly different than yours and mine. We’ve had our own unique challenges, and I agree that we need time to define what we are without being scrutinized by the world, because goddess knows, people will have opinions.”

“Especially with the age difference?”

“That, and when Karter Jenks first mated with Jax, there were rumblings around the office about an alpha taking a mate who’d already”—he made air quotes—“been had. It was different with Jax, because his child was sired by his former mate, but I expect there will be gossip about us. I want us both to be comfortable enough in our relationship to face any challenge head-on.”

“Thank you.” Liam rested his head on Isa’s broad shoulder. “Goddess, I never expected you.”

“Same. But we’ve found each other, and I want to make this work. I want you and Layne to be part of my family.”

“I want that, too. So does Demir, actually. He’s a great kid.”

“They’re all pretty great, and when we’re ready to tell them, they’ll come around. I won’t give you up, Liam. I can’t.” Isa’s arm fell across Liam’s shoulders. “And I’d love to mate with you during your next heat, but that has to be your choice. Another baby so soon after Layne is a big deal, and I won’t pressure you into that possibility.”

“Thank you.” Liam kissed his cheek. “I’m not sure what I want yet. I do want to be your mate one day, but if my heat triggers in a week or two…”

“I understand. If that happens, we can wait. I won’t force it on you.”

“I know. You’d never do that. But maybe with condoms…a few times for the surges…maybe?”

The arm across his shoulders tightened. “Let’s give it time. I know heat can be triggered by the mating bond, but it isn’t something to consider today. If you start feeling the symptoms of heat, we’ll talk again. I want to be there to help you, but I don’t ever want you to feel obligated to accept my help.”

“Thank you.” Liam’s first heat had occurred in Lawry’s house, so he’d never had to endure one alone. It was physically possible, but why suffer when he had an alpha who loved him and who’d take good care of him? And he wanted to mate with Isa, but the possibility of another pregnancy when Layne was only days or weeks old was overwhelming.

“So Demir is off hiking for the day,” Isa said. “What would you like to do? Omegin’s choice.”

And that innocent question was how Liam found himself taking a hot bubble bath, while Isa dealt with Layne’s latest stink-bomb diaper.

* * *

The weekend was over far too quickly for Isa, who enjoyed pampering his chosen omega and bondmate. Once they declared their feelings and intentions, everything became easier. Demir spent a lot of time with his friends, so they had the run of the house and backyard. Layne was still too young to take into the city, so they had small picnics in the yard and enjoyed time as a family unit.

And now that Isa knew he wouldn’t lose him, he reveled in every moment he got with Layne. He’d forgotten how much he enjoyed babies, and how many things he’d missed with his boys because of his career. He didn’t want to miss too much time with Layne, but his position as a supervising senior constable meant at least forty hours a week in the office, plus overtime for cases.

He regretted his job at the start of the new work week, even though he did love it. Leaving Liam and Layne behind in the house hurt, but he took comfort knowing they’d be there waiting when he returned home. And while he’d only seen Demir in passing, they’d spoken long enough that Demir understood the discretion they were hoping for. He promised not to say anything to his brothers about Liam and Isa being bondmates.

Demir did whoop and hug Isa when he found out, though, and it felt great having one of his boys in their corner right at the start.

Isa was surprised to find the night supervisor, Senior Constable Lars, and their supervisor, Chief Constable Underhill, waiting in his office. “Lars,” Isa said. “Chief. Something wrong?” Certainly, they didn’t know anything about him choosing a new mate, or his quiet weekend simply enjoying time with Liam.

“You could say that,” Chief replied. “It came down from the courts early this morning that Haus Iverson was allowed to post bail. Several million credits of bail, but he’s out.”

“He’s what?” Isa dialed back the sharpness in his voice.

Senior Haus Iverson was in lockup awaiting trial on dozens of charges, including incest, battery and rape, and he was facing life in prison. The first judge to arraign him refused to even consider bail.

“What the hell happened?” Isa asked.

Chief grunted. “Iverson cooperated with some of the charges against Udall and Dent,” he replied. “Gave us information we can use against them without incriminating himself, and in turn he got bail. We insisted on an ankle monitor and house arrest, but as of ten minutes ago, he’s no longer in our jail.”

“Fuck. Do Jenks and Bloom know?”

“Not yet. Seeing as you’re their direct supervisor, I thought I’d give you that task.”

Gee, thanks for fucking nothing.

“But he’s in his home and cannot leave, correct?” Isa asked. At the very least, he could offer those assurances to the mates of the omegas Iverson had scared and abused.

“Correct,” Lars replied. “I’ve got constables seeing to it right now. His phone line will be monitored, and we’ll have a car outside the home twenty-four-seven.”

“All right, thank you for the information.”

“Not a problem,” Chief said. “On a personal note, I hear the omega you’re fostering gave birth. How’s he doing?”

“Both Liam and his son are doing remarkably well. He chose to keep the baby, so it’s been a bit of an adjustment around the house, but I don’t mind. I missed a lot of my own boys’ earliest days, so it’s nice to have an infant around again.”

“Even if it messes with your sleep. I remember it well.”

“As I said, sir, it’s an adjustment.”

“Well, good luck with the lad and his wee one.”

“Thank you.” Isa walked around behind his desk and sat, effectively ending the horrific conversation. Lars and Chief left, and Isa glared at his phone. The last thing he wanted was to impart this news to anyone, much less Jax and Braun’s mates, but it was his duty. He rang Ronin Cross first, asking the attorney to meet him in his office at nine-thirty. Then he called Bloom and Jenks for the same meeting.

A small part of him wanted to call home and tell Liam what was going on, but Iverson had never directly affected Liam’s captivity. That monster Iverson had never gotten the chance to buy and abuse Isa’s mate. He did some paperwork from the weekend until his guests arrived. Ronin Cross showed up first, with Tarek Bloom and Karter Jenks close behind.

“What’s wrong?” Tarek asked.

“Bad news,” Isa replied, trying to address all three men at once. Their collective worry was a tangible thing in his small office. “In exchange for information on Dent and Udall, Senior Iverson has been granted bail.”

The uproar was a bit staggering, and it took Isa close to a full minute to get the three angry alphas to calm the hell down. “He has to wear an ankle monitor, and he’s confined to house arrest,” Isa explained. “We’ll have a car outside his home at all times.”

Tarek let loose a string of profanities.

“The case against Senior Iverson is incredibly damning,” Ronin said. “He’s going to prison no matter what for his myriad crimes. As long as your constabulary keeps him under lock and key, he can’t hurt our omegas anymore.”

“He will be heavily monitored,” Isa replied. “His phones are already under surveillance from our previous investigations, and we’ll know every visitor he may receive. He will not get a chance to hurt anyone.”

“He’d better not,” Karter snapped.

“As it is, the three of you are personally invested in this, so I wanted you to hear it from me. Now you can tell your omegas exactly what is going on.” He fixed Ronin with a pointed look. “Reassure them that they’re safe.”

Ronin squinted at him, having the most to lose in this. His omega, Kell Iverson Cross, was the key witness against Senior Iverson and his many crimes.

“This is bullshit,” Tarek snapped. “That monster should be in jail.”

“Yes, he should,” Isa replied in a warning tone. “If you want to chew someone’s ears off, I suggest you start with Prosecutor Awless. He isn’t stupid. This was a calculated risk to strengthen his cases against Udall and Dent, and we want those bastards behind bars just as much as we want Iverson there.”

Ronin growled. Karter’s answering growl came across like a challenge.

“Enough,” Isa snapped. “Counselor Cross, thank you for your time. Bloom and Jenks? Call your mates, and then get back to work.”

“Yes, sir,” Tarek said.

His office emptied out, and Isa sank into his chair, already exhausted and the day had just begun. He didn’t envy those men their conversations with their mates. While Kell had undoubtedly suffered the most at Iverson’s hands, Braun had been threatened by him, and Jax had been raped twice by the man. The other omegas who’d fought in the ring had suffered similar abuse. Everyone except his Liam, and thank goddess for that. Still, Liam deserved to know what was happening and why.

Isa picked up the phone and called his mate.

* * *

Even though they’d had their bi-monthly support meeting last week, the day before Liam went into labor, a lot of back-and-forth phone calls brought everyone to the same conclusion: they needed each other. Their group agreed to meet at the Higgs house, because of how young Layne was, and Liam wasn’t surprised when Ronin showed up with Kell, Branson and Braun. Kell was a visible wreck, clutching at Ronin while Braun carried Branson.

Jax showed up later with Karson, Brogan and Peyton. Jaysan and Reid were the last, but they were both there. Braun helped Liam serve everyone drinks, and a lot of hugs were exchanged, but no one really said anything. Ronin hung back, silent support and, in his own way, private protection.

“My foster family is worried,” Brogan said. “After the threats Braun and Tarek received during Kell’s trial, they’re scared something is going to happen.”

“Iverson is being closely monitored by the constabulary,” Ronin said, his deep voice soothing and authoritative. “They will do everything in their power to keep Iverson under lock and key until trial.”

“So much so that they let him out,” Jaysan sneered. “You know he bought me four times? Four of the six times I lost.”

“He’s a sick bastard with a lot of money,” Braun said.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Kell said in a broken voice. “To all of you.”

Jax signaled something that Liam thought was a reassurance.

“I know, but he was my father-in-law,” Kell told Jax. “I feel responsible.”

“You’re not.” Braun slipped an arm across his brother’s shoulders. “Iverson is a sick monster, and he can’t hurt us anymore. Ronin and Tarek won’t let him, and neither will I. If he so much as sneezes in your direction, I’ll find a way to murder him myself.”

“You aren’t alone, Kell,” Liam said. “None of us are. Isn’t that why we get together like this? To talk and support each other?”

“So we can experience the joy of reliving the past?” Jaysan asked. “Because that’s all we’re doing when we talk about this shit, and I’d really like to move on.”

“Congrats to you,” Liam retorted. “I’d love to move on, too, but I know I can’t do that until Udall and Dent are finally in prison where they belong. That’s the closure I need.”

“Me too,” Brogan said. “I’m sick to my stomach that Iverson is out of jail, but he’ll be back in it soon enough. Udall and Dent, too.”

Jax signaled his agreement. Reid simply stared at his lap, while Jaysan glared around the room at them.

“This is a process,” Liam said to Jaysan. “You can’t just give up your baby and hope all the bad memories leave with him.”

Jaysan’s face went scarlet. “Fuck you, you don’t know what I went through.”

Reid jumped to his feet. “Stop. Fighting. We should be doing something proactive, not sitting here fighting with each other. If this is all our meetings are going to become, I’m out. I can be miserable at home.”

“Then let’s talk about something else,” Kell said. “Reid, please stay.”

While Jax was technically the oldest omega in their group, Kell possessed an air of authority and world-weariness that the others generally responded to. Plus, he had a normal voice and knew how to use it to his advantage.

Kell stood and placed a hand on Reid’s shoulder. “Please.”

Reid held his gaze, and something silent passed between the two. Something Liam didn’t completely understand, and that was okay. Their group of seven omegas was still bound by other things, and that made them all family. A big, squabbling family of men who were trying their best with the hand life had dealt them.

And they would. As long as they had each other, they could face any challenge.





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