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Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4) by Savannah Rylan (29)

Chapter 6



The phone rang a few times before I gathered myself to answer. I cleared my throat while Harrison quietly lifted his pants back onto his waist and latched his belt buckle onto the front. After the fourth ring, I finally answered.


“Why did it take you to long to answer the phone, Carina? Where are you at? Are you alright?” Freya asked in a machine gun fashion.

“Yes, I’m alright. I’m still at the bar. I am getting ready to leave now, I think.”

“You think? Is Harrison still there?”

“Yes, he is here. Still being a gentleman. We are fine.”

“Are you sure?”

I chuckled. She was such a good friend, and I truly appreciated her.

“Yes, I am positive, Freya. I am good. Do you want to talk to him?”

“No, I don’t. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. We are still hanging, but I can come back and pick you up if you want me to.”

“Um…” I glanced at Harrison as he stood a few feet away from me. His expressionless glare made him look just as enchanting as the moon above. I didn’t know what his next move was, though.

“I’ll give you a call if something changes, but for right now, we are still hanging, too.”

“Oh. Ok, Carina. You just better give me a call if you find yourself in any trouble.”

“Depends on what you call trouble.”


I giggled. “Nothing. I will call you if I need you, ok? Love you, girl.”

“Love you, too.”

I hung up the phone and saw my panties in a ball just to the side of my feet. I bent to grab them, then balanced myself against the wall to slide them back on. Harrison stood in front of me, silently watching me.

“I just want you to know,” I said, almost losing my balance. I may have fallen over if he didn’t step in and grab hold of my arm. “I don’t normally do things like this. I just… I don’t know what came over me, but things were just clicking. So, I just went with it. I hope that you don’t think any less of me.”

I pulled my dress down and met his eyes as they stared deeply into mine. From the corner of his mouth, a smirk appeared.

“No, I don’t think any less of you because of what we did. I mean, I didn’t expect it to happen, but I am certainly glad that it did.”

He stepped closer to me and put his hand on the small of my back while he softly pressed his lips into mine. I put my hand on his chest and felt fire race over my skin at his touch. After we released, I stood still like a schoolgirl who had just gotten her first date with her crush.

“Do I need to put you on my back again so we can go down the stairs?”

My legs felt like jelly, and it seemed as though they would collapse under my weight as soon as I tried to walk down the flight.

“No. No, I can maintain. Just make sure you hold onto me though. I don’t want to lose my balance.”

“My pleasure.”

He opened the door for me, and with that, he put his arm around my waist, and we walked, side by side, down the stairs, slowly, joking with each other in the process like we were the best of friends for the past years of our life. When we got to the bottom, he opened the door and peered down the dark hallway to see if there was anybody in sight.

“Alright, we are good. Come on.” He took my hand and led me down the hallway. My legs felt as though they were beginning to regain the strength to walk on their own.

When we made it back into the bar, the crowd was beginning to disperse. It was nearly 2:30 am, and most bars around the city closed at that time.

“I can take you home if you want me to,” he said, confidently.

I wanted round two of our rendezvous because after going a year without sex, once was all I needed to get my thirst for it again, but I decided against it.

“No, no, Harrison. I think I will let Freya come and pick me up. She offered a little while ago, and I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”

“No explanation needed. I am still somewhat of a stranger, you know? So, I understand. As long as you leave me with your number, I will be fine with that.”

“Sure,” I said with a flirtatious smile.

After we exchanged numbers, I made the phone call to Freya so she could pick me up. Ten minutes later, she gave me a call to let me know she was outside. I wrapped my arms around Harrison’s statuesque body, copping one last feel of every muscle that I could, then we released.

“Please let me know when you’ve made it home,” he said.

“I will.”

Just inches away from each other, he leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, imagining him on top of me with his abs contracting each time he thrust himself inside of me. God, I wanted him again. An eternity passed by me in a matter of seconds and when his lips pulled away from mine, I snapped out of the lucid daydream.

“Until next time, Harrison,” I said as I walked away from him with the scent of an intoxicating kiss still permeating my lips.

I could feel his eyes on me as I walked to Freya’s car and opened the passenger side door.

“Are you alright?” she asked. I didn’t respond to her with words. I continued smiling off into the distance as I snapped my seatbelt across me.

“Carina? Are you alright? Do I need to call the police? Did he do something to you? Carina!”

“Freya, everything is fine, ok? I am good.” A few cars drove out of the parking lot as she sat idle near the front of the building.

“Let’s just say that you were right, you know? Before we left. You were right about me needing to come out.”

Her mouth dropped open. She looked back and forth between me and Luzano’s front door.

“What?! You did not! You did not let him fuck you, Carina! Did you?” I leaned my head back onto the headrest with the same smile still dancing across my face. “Oh, my God! Spill the deets, girl! And I want a play by play, too! Not a fucking synopsis!”

She accelerated on the gas pedal, and as we pulled away from Luzano’s, I started thinking about Harrison. I didn’t know if this was just a one-night-stand or what, but what I did know is that I wanted him again. No other man had made me feel that way before, and I would do anything to feel that way with him again.