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Hell Yeah!: Cowboy Take Me Away (Kindle Worlds) (Steel MC Texas Charter Series Book 1) by Wren McCabe (13)

Chapter Thirteen


Matt had been about ready to leave for Sarah’s when he was talking to his dad and noticed the gray color of his face right before reality hit him hard right in the gut, as Junior watched two of his siblings try and save their dad. He stumbled towards a chair and sat down.

His mother leaned on his shoulder. “What am I going to do if we lose him?”

He patted her hand. “We’re not going to.” He realized he wasn’t needed here with his family. He’d abandoned them a long time ago. Damien and the others had taken charge, they’d all grown up and he’d missed everything over the past ten years while he’d been chasing after that damn rodeo. He held onto his mom’s hand, giving her the support she so desperately needed right now.

When he heard the wail of the ambulance, he got up. “I’ll be right back, Mom. I’m going to show them in.”

She nodded.

Junior walked outside. The ambulance was coming down the long drive. He knew Rayna, Maggie, and Vivian would lead them in. He needed to do more, so he remembered they had another brother.

He dialed Kalvin’s number at school. No answer, so he left a message for his youngest brother to come home. A family emergency and he was needed.

Junior’s heart pounded and his own chest hurt with stress and worry. How did a man in his early sixties have a heart attack? Life was just too damn short.

The ambulance arrived in the yard, then through the trees he spotted headlights coming at a fast pace with their blue, white, and red lights swirling while lighting up the entire place. Dark had settled in and the ranch was suddenly buzzing with activity.

Three sheriff’s vehicles pulled in behind the ambulance. Dante Adams, a sheriff’s deputy and the other two, Junior didn’t recognize got out of their cars and followed the EMTs into the house.

Dante walked by him, Junior stood up and shook the offered hand. “Junior, it’s good to see you home again.”

“Thanks.” Junior limped his way into the house long after the others had entered. He seemed to be like a fish out of water at this moment and didn’t want to get in anyone’s way.

They loaded his father into the ambulance, the driver slammed the door shut. He turned to the family. “Meet us at the hospital?”

Junior stepped forward. “Yes, we’ll be right behind you.” Peering into the back window, he watched the EMTs working on his father, his mother right beside her husband, holding his hand. She’d been given the choice to ride in the ambulance or ride with the family, of course, she chose to be with Junior’s father.

Junior turned towards the family. “Well, what the hell are we all standing around for? Let’s get this show on the road.”

He put the call into Sarah. After that riding with his family it seemed to take forever to get to the hospital.



Running into the hospital she practically dragged Emmy behind her. Finding her a nurse also her friend, Janice, she said, “Janice, my mom will be here shortly. I have a heart attack coming in. It’s Matt’s dad.”

“Oh shit. Okay, I got Emmy. Go!” Janice grabbed her daughter’s hand.

Even though she knew about the heart attack hearing it dispatched over the radio and the EMTs were giving their report to the hospital it made the entire thing a reality to her. Her heart felt as if it had come up and out of her throat. Sarah spoke with the EMT at the scene.

“It doesn’t look good, Doc. No blood pressure, no pulse.”

“Use the automated external defibrillator on him.”

The EMT went through the steps. “I got a pulse.”

“Get him here as soon as you can.” Sarah, the doctor, was completely in charge.

“Roger that.”

“Use everything you’ve got to keep that man alive.” She disconnected the call. Instantly, she knew tonight was going to be one of the toughest she would ever have to get through.

Junior’s father—this was earth shattering news to her. Guilt at not sharing Emmy with his parents was eating at her heartstrings. She sat behind the desk. She needed to recover from the shock she was in.

Her nurse, Judy, stood in front of her. “Come on, Sarah. I know how bad this must feel for you. And I’m sorry, suck it up and get a move on. They’ll be here in minutes, what do you want us to do?”

“Get the crash cart set up in room two. I’ll meet you by the entrance in the garage.”

Judy nodded before racing off to do Sarah’s bidding.

Everything and everyone was ready for the incoming emergency, now all Sarah had to do was pray the EMTs were able to keep him alive. She wasn’t going to let Junior’s father die on her. If he made it through this emergency, he would see his granddaughter. 

The ambulance was fifteen minutes out. She quickly called her mom on her cell.

Her mother answered on the first ring, “What is it Sarah?”

“Mom, where are you?” 

“Five minutes from the hospital.” Her mother always knew how to answer direct and to the point.

“Mom, I want to tell them. If he lives, I want to introduce Emmy to her grandpa. Do you think that would be okay?” Sarah had only her mother, so her blessing would be necessary to her.

“It’s about time, child. I thought you should have told them when you were pregnant. I’ve told you that so many times, I finally gave up.”

Sarah knew her mother had been right all along. It was the fear of Junior rejecting his daughter that had scared Sarah into not telling him. How could she have thought that about the man she’d always loved? Junior was everything to her. He had taken off to try and build a life for both of them. So many times, he’d thought he was doing what was right. In a way, Sarah never told him any different. She’d been in college for over eight years, how were they going to have a normal relationship anyways?

Those were questions Sarah had asked herself many times before. What was different now? She loved him and there wasn’t anything better than having him hold her in his arms. That was how she still felt. Now, she had to just hope he would forgive her for not telling him about Emmy before now. She needed to fix this. “How did you get to be so smart, Mom?”

“Because I have a smart daughter. I love you, Sarah. I’ll pray for the Mullin’s. I’ll be there soon.”

“I’ll keep you posted. Find Janice she has Emmy.” Sarah disconnected the call, looking up at her staff.

They all looked upset as well. Everyone in town knew the Mullin’s. They were a well-loved family and she knew everyone prayed for the elder one.

“Dr. Moore, the ambulance is backing in!” Mindy, another nurse ran ahead to open the doors.

Chad, an EMT was running in with the gurney and Josie, the other paramedic was on top the gurney doing chest compressions. “His BP dropped again, this time bottoming out!” Josie yelled out.

Mindy grabbed one end of the gurney. “Bring him to room two.” 

Sarah followed close behind them as they rushed the Sr. Mullin into the trauma exam room. “One, two, and three.” They slid his body onto the hospital gurney. She’d taken over—she was the doctor in charge. Not even thinking anymore…just doing. This was one patient she refused to lose. 

Sarah had already called in a cardiovascular surgeon from Dallas, he was flying in on a medivac.

They worked through the night to save Matheau Sr. The hours seemed to run into one another. Sarah didn’t even realize how late it had gotten until, Judy, her lead nurse walked in. “Dr. Moore, the family has been asking. Maybe you should probably go give them an update. He’ll be okay for a few minutes.”

Sarah nodded. She hadn’t left his side most of the night. The entire emergency room had been busy. They’d even called in two other doctors from town to help with all the patients who had come in during the night. 

Matheau Sr. had lived through the night, only because Sarah hadn’t stopped trying. The prayers helped too, she had to believe that. While she’d been working on him, she had told the older Matheau about his granddaughter. She believed he heard her, because it seemed as if he’d fought a little harder.

When the heart surgeon arrived, he confirmed what she had diagnosed. Matheau Sr. needed open heart surgery…a triple by-pass. Now, she needed to tell the family.

Sarah peeled off her doctor’s coat and gloves. She had on just her scrubs when she walked out into the waiting room full of Mullin’s.


Lilly leaned over and asked, “Junior, you doing okay?”

“Hell, no. My back is killing me. But you know what I better stop friggin’ whining, right?” Junior tried to smile, but the pain wasn’t letting up.

“No worries. We still love you the same.” Lilly kissed his cheek.

His back wasn’t cooperating with him, he’d gotten up to go to the bathroom and had stumbled a few times.

Then Caleb had walked up and took his elbow. “Come on big Brother, let me help you.”

Tears threatened to fall, Junior held them in and nodded. “Thanks, Caleb. I could really use a hand right now.”

“Hey, it’s all good.” Caleb walked with him to the bathroom.

After they both finished up, Junior rinsed his face off. “I want to check on Dad. It’s been all night and we haven’t heard much. Do you want to walk with me to the nurses’ station?”

“Sure.” They walked up to a nurse.

“Can we find out how our dad is doing?” Junior asked.

“Oh, hold on, I’ll go and get the doctor.” She left them.

Junior and Caleb walked over to their mother who was standing next to Lilly. He noticed his mother kept wringing her hands together.

Tears stained his mother’s eyes. She looked up at him. “Can we find out what’s going on?”

“Yep, the nurse went to get the doctor.”

She nodded and let Junior and Caleb direct her back to her seat in the waiting room. His mother leaned on his shoulder. “You know, I’m glad your home with us. You know all your father talked about was how he wanted you to take over the ranch, so we could travel.”

“I know, Mom.” Junior put his arm around her and hugged her.



Sarah found Avis sitting with her family. She was in Junior’s arms. She realized how much she missed this entire family, especially Junior. They had an amazing support system for each other. They all pulled together tightly when the shit hit the fan.

“Mrs. Mullin.” Avis stood up and pulled Sarah into her arms. “How is he?” she whispered.

“He’s alive. He is on his way into surgery. The next few hours will be touch and go. All I can say to you right now…is pray for him. He’s with one of the best heart surgeon’s in the State of Texas. I’ll try and keep you all up-to-date on his status.” 

Avis held onto Sarah’s hand. “Thank you for doing the best you could.” 

Sarah hugged Avis to her. “I have done everything in my power to keep him alive until the surgeon arrived.”

Avis nodded, Junior continued to hold onto his mother. He pulled her gently away from Sarah. “Let’s let her get back to her job, okay, Mom?”

“Yes, dear. Thank you again.”

Sarah felt glad Junior was here for his mother. This night had been extremely tough for their entire family. She looked up at him and smiled gently. “Junior, I’m here for all of you if you need me.” She laid her hand on his arm. She needed to tell him something. Junior surprised her, when he gave his mom to Caleb’s waiting arms, then turned to her.

“Sarah.” He pulled her into his arms and whispered, “Thank you.”

When his cane hit the floor with a resounding thump, it reminded Sarah of how she’d lost him so many years ago. Bull riding and the rodeo had almost killed him. She pulled away out of his arms. She couldn’t deal with all that now though, and neither could he. “I need to go and see how your dad is doing. I’ll come check on all of you in a bit.” She then noted Junior seemed to be in a considerable amount of pain with his back as he made it back to a chair with his mother in tow.

On her way back to the ER, she heard her name being called out, “Sarah!”

She turned quickly toward her mother’s voice. From down the hallway, Michelle, her mother was toting her daughter, Emmy along beside her. “What are you doing?” Sarah asked her mom.

Sarah was relieved she’d told him last night. Now, his entire family would know the truth before this night was out.

“Momma, please don’t yell at Nana, I begged her to bring me here to you. I knew you were upset and probably needed kisses and hugs from me.” Emmy pointed to her chest.

“Mom, what are you doing?” Sarah asked again.

“Avis, honey…She’s one of my best friends. She called me just a bit ago and told me to come over to her in the hospital. I need to know that is okay for Emmy?”

It had always amazed her how her mother could be. Loyal to a fault and she couldn’t stay mad at her. Sarah pulled her mother aside. “I still need to tell them about Emmy. Did you ever tell Avis? After all, you said she’s one of your best friends?”

Michelle was smiling and shook her head. “Honey that is for you to tell people. It was hard but I believed in you and kept my word.”

Sarah nodded, tears gathering in her eyes. What a sacrifice she’d forced on her mother. Not being able to share the news of Avis having a grandchild.

“Um, there’s one thing, maybe I should tell you,” Michelle said.

“It’s going to have to wait. I’m going to do this. Junior’s family needs someone to cheer them up. It should be Emmy.”

Her mother nodded, gripping her hand and giving it a squeeze.

Sarah dropped her gaze down to Emmy.

Her daughter looked up.

Junior’s blue eyes stared back at her, Emmy looked so much like him. She had to hand it to her daughter, the girl knew how to work her and her nana too.

Emmy grabbed her hand. “Tough night, Momma, right?” With her bright smile, along with her giving personality, somehow, her daughter knew how to help her through the tough days and nights. “I think you just need a hug and a kiss from me.” Emmy threw herself into her arms and hugged her tightly to her body.

She enjoyed the warmth and love from her. It’d always surprised her, how smart her daughter was, especially at four years old. Sarah held her for another minute until she was ready to announce her to the Mullin’s. Her nerves were already shot, she just wanted to get it over with. When she stood back up, she lifted Emmy in her arms because she needed that close contact.

“Mommy…I know them, right?

Sarah turned toward the family. How did she begin to explain? Most of Junior’s siblings stood beside him. They must have known about Emmy, she looked just like them. She’d lived in the same town, attended the same church with them all. Why hadn’t any of them confronted her about her daughter?

Sarah already knew the answer to her question. They were a kind, loving, and compassionate family. They knew how hurt she’d been with Junior leaving her all the time. Five years ago, had been the last time he’d left all of them. Then she’d went back to college and returned with a baby in tow. Time to time, Avis and some of the others would check on her, see how she was doing. Talk to her in church. Emmy knew them well enough, because they had been part of her community. This wasn’t going to be so bad, right? Sarah had to talk herself into walking over to the family.

She knew the only reason she hadn’t told them about Emmy was because she didn’t want to put pressure on Junior or need their help. She had always been able to support her little family. When she turned toward the Mullin’s, she immediately focused on Junior. “Will you go with me to your mother, please?”

He nodded. “Of course.”

He seemed to be limping more. His face was stern and closed off to any emotion. She looked up at Junior and gave him the best smile she could.

He nodded slightly, his eyes held onto hers for a moment before he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Sarah knew him too well. His eyes held the glossiness that told her he was trying not to cry—it wasn’t anger he was feeling at all. In that moment, she forgave him for everything. Only because she knew he was pursuing his dreams first, then he would have come back to her, if she’d been honest with him. This wasn’t his fault. To let go of the hurt and guilt was not easy for her, but she would do it and it was worth the effort to tell him about Emmy. She’d felt the strain and guilt of keeping Junior’s daughter from them all these years.

She’d always suspected the family knew, they just didn’t say anything to her. Every Sunday when they would greet her at church, Sarah had rushed her along to Sunday school. She felt like an idiot now, there was no way this family didn’t know Emmy was Junior’s. She looked almost identical to him, only a feminine version. Same eyes, hair color, and smile. Now it all seemed so childish. She should have told them and let them be the judge of how they would handle it. She hugged her daughter close to her. “I have a secret to share with you, Emmy.”

“You do?” The blue eyed girl smiled.

“Yes, I do. I’m happy you are here for me but these people here need you more. This, you already know is Matt.” She kissed Emmy’s cheek.

“You said...” Her daughter squeezed her head down to her shoulders preventing her from blowing on her neck.

“Emmy, you do know that I love you very much?” Sarah set her down until her feet touched the floor. She wasn’t so little anymore and was getting too heavy to carry. 

Emmy smiled at her. “Well, I love you more.” 

Michelle walked up to Sarah. “It’s time. These people deserve the truth.”

“I know, Mom. Just give me a minute,” Sarah whispered. She knew everyone heard her but she didn’t care. This was her time and she would be damned if she was going to rush. It was her own fault for it to come out this way. When she thought about it though, it would be a huge relief off her shoulders to finally end the deception. “Emmy, I know you are still really young and probably won’t understand what Mommy is about to tell you. But, you see all these people here?”

Emmy nodded. “I’m not that young, Mommy. I’m four years old.” She held up her left hand spreading her fingers apart.

Sarah chuckled. “I know, baby.” Then her chuckle faded away as she gazed into Emmy’s eyes. “This family is here because a very important person in their life is sick and I had to help him feel better.”

“Like you did when I had a tummy ache? Did you give him soda and crackers too?”

It didn’t surprise Sarah that this was more difficult than she originally thought it would be. “Something like that, honey. I need you to understand something though.” She picked her daughter up into her arms. “These people are all related to you. You see this man right here?” She pointed over at Junior.

He’d stayed by her side the entire time.

Sarah waited a couple of seconds as she drew in a deep breath and exhaled. As her daughter looked up at Junior, Sarah joined her.

Unhindered tears fell down his cheeks.

Sarah’s heart melted and she reached over and took his hand.

He squeezed hers gently and pulled her to him. His arm encircled her waist and pulled her tightly against his body.

In that moment, Sarah knew Junior couldn’t be mad at her, and he accepted Emmy and Sarah with no strings attached. They could remain friends and raise this little girl with both parents. Even if they lived in separate housing, Sarah would never keep Junior from knowing their daughter again. “Thank you for not being mad about this, Junior.”

“How could I? She’s beautiful,” he whispered next to her ear.

Sarah wiped the tears from her eyes that she refused to shed before now. She gazed down at Emmy who was hanging onto her other hand. “Emmy, this man is your father.”

“Oh that, well I already knew about him being my dad.” Emmy wiggled out of her arms.

Glaring at her mom, Sarah groaned, “Mother.”

Avis walked over to them. She sat down in a chair next to where Sarah and Junior were standing and reached out. “Hello, Emmy. My name is Avis and I’m your grandma.”

“Just like that one.” Emmy pointed toward Michelle.

“Yep, just like her.”

Emmy opened her arms. “It’s okay if I hug you like I do her, right?”

Avis smiled and nodded.

Sarah led her daughter around to each and every one of Junior’s siblings introducing all of them to her daughter. She was proud of Emmy for handling the larger family. As each sibling told her their name, Emmy added aunt or uncle to it. She had to hand it to her daughter, she sure was accepting a large enough family.

Sarah knew one of the twelve siblings was missing. When she counted them, there were only eleven. She looked over at Lilly who smiled at her. “Who’s missing? I’ve tried to figure it out, but I just can’t keep all of you straight.”

“Kalvin, he’s driving up from Mississippi.” Lilly seemed frustrated or upset.

Sarah squeezed Lilly’s knee as she knelt next to Emmy who was sitting on her best friend’s lap. “Oh yeah, forgot the younger brother. What’s going on Lil?”

“Nothing.” Lilly lowered her head.

Sarah didn’t want to hassle her about it, so instead, she smiled at her daughter. “Emmy, I need a hug, I have to go back to work. The ER is going to get busy soon.”

“Sure, Mommy. I love you.” Emmy threw herself into Sarah’s arms.

“Okay, sweetie. Give me a kiss then crawl back up on Lilly’s lap.”

Emmy kissed her then held her arms out to Lilly.

Sarah was struck for the first time how much Lilly looked like Emmy, now that they were side by side. Her cheeks flushed. They all must have known—all along.

Lilly teased little Emmy, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. “I know I already got a hug from you, but can I have another one? I seem to be liking this niece stuff.”

Emmy tilted her head slightly, lunged herself back into Junior’s twin’s arms, then answered, “I kind of like this aunt stuff too.”

“You know, girl, I’m going to take you shopping and out to breakfast maybe.”

Emmy’s eyes twinkled as she nodded her head.

Sarah let out a sigh, this all turned out well and she felt thankful. However, she didn’t for a single moment forget Matheau Sr. She glanced over at Junior. “I need to get going to check on your father.”






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