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Hell Yeah!: Cowboy Take Me Away (Kindle Worlds) (Steel MC Texas Charter Series Book 1) by Wren McCabe (9)

Chapter Nine



Junior and Rayna Lynn left for Austin the Wednesday morning. “I’m excited to be going into the city, it’s been awhile since I’ve been there. Who is this therapist you’re seeing?”

“She’s a friend of mine’s wife. She’s a little miracle worker is what I hear. My friend, Joseph, was in a wheelchair and she made it possible for him to walk again. They say she does a few unorthodox methods but they work.”

“I think you’re doing fine. You only use the cane once in a while, right?”

“If I do too much, it tends to cause all kinds of grief with my back and legs. I just want to go over all my options and see if I can walk without this damn limp again.”

“I understand.”

“Do you really? It’s hard for me to even go for long motorcycle rides with the way my body reacts to the stress.” Junior wanted to be able to keep up with his men at the MC and also be able to get everything he wanted accomplished at the compound. They were going to start building next week and he had too much to do to constantly worry about the pain in his back.

“Where are we meeting this woman?”

“At an Austin clinic, she is able to get space there a few times a month with a friend I think anyways. I’m really not sure.” Junior didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Joseph and Cady were going to meet him and it didn’t really matter where if they were going to be able to help him.

“It really doesn’t matter. Just making small talk.” Rayna Lynn smiled. They turned up the radio and listened to his favorite country music station.

Pulling into the city of Austin, Junior followed the directions he’d received from Cady and pulled up to the medical building. “Here we go.”

Rayna Lynn and Junior walked through the front doors and asked the information desk where Suite 201 was. She directed them to the second floor. Using the elevator, they went to the second floor and found the suite. Cady and Joseph were waiting inside for them.

“Come on in.” Cady’s smile relaxed Junior immediately.

“It’s good to see you again, buddy.” Joseph shook his offered hand.

“You too. Thanks for doing this for me.” He looked over at Cady and she smiled then nodded. Her face was serene and pure beauty. He understood right away what his friend had seen in her as a wife. She had it all.

During the treatment, she used a special cream to rub on his back. It also helped heal the now five-day old tattoo as well. “This will help the rawness of the tattoo. Plus, if I rub it into the muscles and if you have someone rub it in after each time you do your home exercises it should help with the soreness. After a time, you should see a noticeable improvement on your limp.”

“Cady, I don’t know how to ever thank you enough. You’re a godsend.” Junior was pleased with the results of today.

As they started out of the office leaving, Sarah, rushed in. “I’m so sorry I’m late. It’s been one of those days.”

The nurse behind the desk stood up and she handed Sarah a few messages. “These came in this morning.”

Sarah nearly ran into Matt as he stood next to Joseph and Cady. “Matt, what are you…?”

“Sarah, this is my new client. But, it’s obvious you know each other.” Cady smiled.

“Yes, we know each other.” Sarah blushed and with her eyes downcast she tried to excuse herself. “I need to get in there my next patient should be waiting for me?” She looked to her nurse.

“You have a few minutes. Your first patient isn’t here yet.” The nurse smiled.

Junior excused himself. “I need to be going. I’ll see you soon?”

“See you next week.” Cady reminded him about their next scheduled therapy session.

Leaving Austin, Junior felt better than he had before the accident. He knew it wouldn’t last long and the home exercises Cady had given him would hurt like hell, but with a renewed sense of hope he drove back to Winslow with his sister.



Sarah tried to rush to the back of her office but Cady McCoy wasn’t having any of that. “So, that is the father?”

“How did you know?” Sarah knew she was only trying to kill time by asking her friend, Cady, that. She knew the woman knew things that most people wouldn’t.

Cady stood there with her hands on her hips. Joseph had excused himself from the two women and waited in the reception area. “Cady, I can’t get into it with you right now.”

“But, you know the right thing to do is tell him. Emmy has a right to her father.”

“I know.” Sarah sat down at her desk.


“Well it’s just that he hurt me when he left five years ago. I haven’t quite forgiven him yet.” It helped to talk with someone about what had actually happened all those years ago.

“He’s a changed man. You saw that didn’t you?”

Sarah nodded. “I saw it but is he going to stick around. For years he’d come back then leave again. How many times I can’t even tell you.”

“But, he’s moved back and brought an entire MC with him. I don’t think he plans on up and leaving again. It would take a bulldozer to get him out of Winslow now. Trust him.” Cady was right and Sarah knew it. She just had to get past all the trust issues.

“I’ll consider talking to him about Emmy. I don’t know though. It’s an awful lot of trust to put in a man who continually left me again and again.” Sarah knew she only had a matter of time before everyone was going to come down on her to tell Matt about Emmy. Her mom, Ben, Harlow, and now Cady. It was all there in the cards for her.

“Well he’s my new patient and he’ll be coming here weekly for a little while. I hope by next week he’ll tell me about his little girl.” Cady waved over her head and left her to her own thoughts.

What the hell was she going to do. One of her best friends, Cady McCoy, knew that Matt was Emmy’s father. It wasn’t fair how everyone knew this and she hadn’t told anyone but Harlow. How these people did it she didn’t have a clue. But, they were right she had to tell him.

Picking up her phone she called Low. “Hey, can you give me Matt’s number, please?”

“Hell yeah! I’ll text it to you.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Are you going to come clean about Emmy?”

“It seems I better.”

“What happened?”

Sarah told him what happened and that the guilt was eating her up. They ended their conversation and Sarah decided to wait and see her patients first before calling Matt.



Sarah couldn’t believe how much things had changed in town. It had only been a week since Junior came home and there were already five new businesses going up in the town. She’d had his phone number and decided not to call him. Maybe if she ran into him they could set up a date night?

Walking down the street she looked up and saw a Gun and Ammo shop and the Mullin Agency was opening in the strip mall. Then down the street a new bar called Dug Out 2 was going up on the corner of Williston and Ivory. She wasn’t sure what all would be in there. But, she had a feeling it wasn’t for families. There was a new restaurant just a few doors down from the Dug Out 2 named Winslow Family Restaurant. A couple of new warehouses were being renovated down by the docks of the river. So far, the new MC was building a name for themselves and she wanted to stop in and say hi to Mule.

Walking into the Mullin Agency the bell above the door tinkled alerting them to her presence. Mule and a couple of other men were leaning over a desk and looking at plans. “Sarah, hey it’s good to see you again.” Mule walked over and kissed her cheek.

He’d been dating her mom for years now. She wanted to know if he was out of the Marines and here to stay. “I see all the changes you all brought with you. It’s nice.”

“Thanks, Sarah. We’re trying to show that other corporation we’re not going to mess around with them. If they want to try and control the townspeople their going to have to go through me.”

“That’s a good thing. I sure didn’t like what they were doing to this town. They were threatening some of the people who owned businesses around here.”

“Well, let them threaten us once. They won’t get away with it,” the other man answered.

“Sarah, I’d like you to meet Dog. He’s a friend of mine from the Marines. He’s moving to Winslow. Dog, Sarah, is the best damn doctor this town has to offer.”

“That’s so cool. Maybe you could see me for my annual checkup?”

“I’m actually a pediatric at the clinic. I work weekends at the emergency room. So, if it’s an emergency I’ll be the doctor for you. Otherwise you could always go and see Dr. Neilson or Dr. Anderson. They’re both good general doctors for you. They work in the same clinic as myself.”

“Okay will do, Doc.” Dog walked back over to the table and him and the other guy started talking.

“Walk me outside, Sarah.” Ben touched her back and steered her towards the door.

“Have you seen Junior yet?”

“Yeah, I saw him.”

“You and he going to talk about Emmy?”

“Mule, come on, I already told you and Momma I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. I don’t want him hurting Emmy the way he hurt me.”

“He’s changed. Junior isn’t the same cowboy that left you five years ago. The man has a life now and he’s grown up.”

“I don’t know.” Sarah knew she had to tell Junior. Everyone seemed to be coming at her at once since he arrived back in Winslow. Could she trust him to stay around for her daughter? She didn’t care if he was there for her, or did she? Yes, she did. She wanted Junior with every fiber of her being. Still in love with him she’d never moved on. It was what she wanted even after five years, wasn’t it?

“Give him a call. Set up a date. Just don’t keep this axe between you two any longer. One of you have to make a move.” Mule patted her shoulder.

“Okay, I’ll call him.” She’d decided to let fate handle the rest of it after she told him about Emmy.

“That’s my girl.” Mule kissed her cheek.

After leaving Mule, she decided to make the first move toward Junior. If he wasn’t going to then she better. It wasn’t a town big enough to hide the fact that they had a child together.

Making the phone call took all her courage. He answered on the first ring, “Hello.”

“Matt, it’s Sarah. I was wondering if we could meet up and talk?”

“Sure, name the place?”

“How about Lucky’s tonight?” Sarah had the night off work and her mom would watch Emmy she was sure of it.

“That sounds like a plan, see you at seven?”

“Seven o’clock is good. See you then.” They disconnected and Sarah had a moment of panic. What would she wear?

After tearing apart her closet she finally found a soft blouse and skirt to wear. Taking a shower, she put on her best underwear and bra, why she didn’t know, there was no way she was going to fuck him, or was there?

Meeting him at Lucky’s Sarah was a bundle of nerves walking into the establishment.

Walking into the loud place Sarah had a few misgivings. Why had she brought him back to the one place they had their last argument. She recalled the moment she was so angry she threw a beer bottle at him and hit him in the head. With a smile on her face she scanned the room and found Matt sitting up at the bar talking with his younger brother, Damien.

Walking towards the two men, they saw her and Matt stepped off the stood and headed her way. She noticed the limp immediately and knew he was in pain by the flinch on his face. Cady must have worked him hard today.

“You okay?” She pointed to the cane.

“Yeah, I’m actually better now that I had physical therapy with Cady. She’s worked her magic touch on me.” Matt led her to a table near the back of the restaurant. “Is this okay?”

Sarah looked around and saw they had privacy in their little corner. “This is good. Thanks.”

“For?” Matt tilted his head sideways.

“Checking with me to see if this table will work, of course.”

“Oh, yeah. After you.” He pulled out a chair and she took a seat. Then he sat across from her. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been doing good. Busy with working and all.” Sarah knew this was small talk and one of them should start a deep conversation.

“Why are we here Sarah?” Matt as always jumped right to the point. He had a habit of doing that.

“Let’s have something to eat. I’m starving.” Sarah hadn’t eaten much all day. She was too nervous to have much to eat but at least it gave them something to do while they got used to each other again.

The waitress came over and she fawned all over Matt. “What can I get you, cowboy?”

Sarah felt rage when she saw how the woman was reacting over Matt. It shamed her to have such a strong reaction. She had no rights to this man, nor did she want any. Who in the hell was she kidding, yes she did.

Matt took off his cowboy hat and laid it on the table. He reached out and grabbed Sarah’s hand. “I’ll let the lady order first.”

“I’ll have the steak, with a baked potato, and a salad with French dressing, please.” His hand on hers sent sparks directly to her most private area. Her panties moistened and she could feel the electricity they’d always shared.

After Matt ordered his steak, she asked him, “Tell me about you and what you’ve been doing for the past five years. I want to hear everything.”

“Promise me that if I talk about me you’ll do the same and tell me everything?” He raised his brow.

“I promise.” She held up her hand as if swearing on the bible. Sarah would tell him everything before the night was over. Just touching his hand sent bolts of electricity up her arm. The attraction she’s always had for this man was still there. She was in love with him and that hadn’t faded even a bit.

Well as you know, I cowboyed for a while at all the rodeos. I kept traveling from rodeo to rodeo. In between that I stayed with friends in Texas and bought a quarter horse colt from the McCoys. I paid a pretty penny for him too. For a while I showed him as a young horse. Axel did so well I accrued points on him within his first year in the show ring. I still have that horse but he’s two years old now. You should see him.”

“Maybe you can show him to me soon. So, you not only cowboyed you put stock into a horse. Is he worth anything now?”

“Yeah, his stud fees are in the thousands. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished with him so far. He’s a beauty and he has a list of potential mares this year and next.”

“That’s wonderful.” Sarah was proud of him.



Junior was pleased with how the date with Sarah was going so far. She’d only asked him to talk about himself. He wanted to know everything about her too.

“Look my life took a bad turn when I drew the bull ‘Red’ he’s the reason for my troubles now. I only stayed on him for a few seconds when he threw me and I landed on my back. I would have been okay, but he turned on me and started attacking. The men did their job but by the time they were able to corral him, my back was broke, and I was being taken to the hospital.”

“That’s horrible. You promised never to ride that bull.” Sarah frowned.

He didn’t want to put that look on her face, ever. “I’m sorry. I don’t remember promising but if I did I’m sorry in a way. But, if I hadn’t fallen off that bull then my life wouldn’t have changed for the better. I can thank that bull for bringing me back to Winslow and for introducing the MC into my life.”

“Tell me about the MC.”

“Well what I can tell you is, it’s like a brotherhood all in its own. The members stick together and have each other’s backs. The Steel MC from New Mexico is the parent charter and those members are the originals. They set up the entire club and will actually come up here and patch our new members in. I would like to have you come to the picnic we’re throwing in a few weeks?”

“Sure, I can come. I’m sure my mom is going to be there. You know her and Ben are a thing, right?”

“No shit, really?”

“I think so. They’ve been seeing each other for years now. Momma is glad Ben is out of the Marines and settling in Winslow.”

“That old dog. I didn’t know. How cool is that? I’m happy for both of them. I can’t picture your mom being an Ol Lady though. I hope she realizes what she’s getting into?”

“I don’t think they care. She’s loyal to him and him only.”

“What is an Ol Lady? Sounds, um. Old.” Sarah chuckled.

Junior knew if he ever wanted a future with Sarah he’d have to be very careful on the wording of what his wife would be to the club. He was still hoping to have her in his future and this date was just hope enough to catch her again. “Well, let’s see, an Ol Lady is the woman who is the only lady in a Member’s life. Either they get married or are serious enough to accept being patched in as that Member’s Ol Lady. They can be tattooed and given a patch with a leather jacket to wear. They are respected by all club members and all the women in the club.”

“Women? What do you mean?”

“Every MC has women who will be loyal to the MC. We have several women coming up from New Mexico for a while. They will service the single members as well as work in the establishments owned by the club.”

“What will these women be to you?” Sarah’s frown told him she wasn’t happy with the mention of women. He had to tread carefully or he was going to lose her before they even got serious about their relationship.

“These women are part of the club and I need to protect them. But, if you think I need them for sex, I don’t. They’re there for the club members but they are much more to me then sex toys. We have strippers who make money. There are the women who will work in the porn industry who will bring in money for the club. Then you have the women who work at the clubhouse, they do chores and keep the boys happy. I don’t have a woman who is loyal to me. I want you to understand that, Sarah. I only have eyes for one woman and I haven’t seen her in over five years. That’s you.”

“So, you’re telling me you haven’t had sex with any of these women in five years. That I was the only women for you?”

“Yes, that’s what I’m telling you. I love you Sarah, that hasn’t changed. Besides I haven’t had time for chasing women. I’m the VP of this MC, and Mule and I have been working hard to build up this club and get it moved to Winslow. We’re here now and I don’t have time to be chasing women. Besides I made time for you, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but…”

“No, buts I can see that brain of yours working. You have nothing to worry over. None of these women can compare to you. Besides if you or your mom want the job of taking care of the women it is still open. You can meet and see for yourself what these women do for the club. I hide no secrets from you.”

Matt hoped his explanation was enough for Sarah, but just in case he leaned over and kissed her hard on the mouth. She seemed to melt into him for a second then pulled away.

The waitress chose that time to deliver their meals to the table. “Here you go.”

She placed the meals down on the table and Matt picked up his knife and fork. “Now, while we eat, Sarah, you tell me about you and what you’ve been doing for the last five years.”

“Well, let’s see I finished my residency. I started working for the Winslow Clinic in pediatrics. I also opened a clinic up in Austin, which is where you found me.”

“I heard you also work at the emergency room on weekends.”

“I pick up a weekend here and there. It helps pay the bills.”

“You don’t need to work so much, do you?” Matt felt guilty that this woman had to work so much and he didn’t even know why.

“I don’t have to work this much, but I figured if I put in my time now, when I get older I can back off a little and just keep the clinics. All the doctors in Winslow like to do rotations at the hospital. It’s just the way it works.”

“Is it just you at home?”

“No, I have a daughter.” Her answer somehow ripped out Matt’s gut.

“A daughter?”

“Yes, she’s four years old.”

“Is she mine?” Matt had to ask the question. He’d heard the rumors but nobody would confirm if she was his or not.

“Yes, she is. You’ve been the only man I’ve been with so I have no doubt whose child she is.” Sarah let out a breath she’d been holding and Matt could tell she was relieved. It was a secret that nearly destroyed her to keep. He couldn’t be mad at her because she’d done what any single mom would have done in those circumstances protected her child. Why should she have told him after he left her that way.

He rubbed his face. Before he answered, he wanted to think about what he could say. He took another deep breath, then spoke, “Sarah, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you that way five years ago. I was hurting and I could see that you needed more from me than what I could give you. I wanted to go to the top in bull riding and you hated it.”

“Look, we need to leave the past where it’s at. We can move forward now and you can be a part of Emmy’s life if you chose to. But, I’m warning you, Matheau Mullin, if you leave her like you always did me you’ll never see her again. I can’t have you in and out of her life.”

“I understand. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be there for you and her, I promise.”

“I don’t need you anymore. See I’ve grown up and don’t expect white picket fences and a dog. But, I do not want you to hurt our little girl. She’s precious and loves unconditionally. If I let you know her, then it’s important for you to be in her life always.”

“That I promise. But, Sarah, I want you too.”

“How can you say all that when five years ago, you hurt me then left?” Sarah was right. He’d have to gain her trust again but he swore on his families lives that he would make it up to her and she’d trust him.

He just didn’t know what he’d have to do to get that far. First off, he wanted to make this date special.

He moved his chair over to sit next to her. Reaching out he grabbed her hand. “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, please?”

“Your back?” She pointed to the cane.

“I can still dance.” He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. As they walked out on the dance floor he was amazed at how limber his leg seemed after only one treatment with Cady McCoy. The woman was a miracle worker.

After they enjoyed one dance, Junior touched the back of her neck and slowly kissed her. Their tongues met up and they kissed almost violently.

Sarah whispered, “Come home with me, please.”








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