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Hell Yeah!: Cowboy Take Me Away (Kindle Worlds) (Steel MC Texas Charter Series Book 1) by Wren McCabe (3)

Chapter Three


After driving a half, a day, Junior was happy to see Kerrville was five more miles. The sign was a relief, his back was killing him. What he wanted to do was keep driving and reach his hometown, but getting this shit done was too important to the club.

Hardbodies was a happening place. As he pulled his set up into the crowded parking lot he found a cool spot under a couple of shade trees near the back. His horse would be fine, with a refill of water and some hay for the remainder of the night. It wasn’t the first time they’d stayed overnight together in the trailer.

Mule and the rest of the men’s motorcycles were lined up out front along the front windows of the building. He recognized a few of the custom paint jobs on the motorcycles. Walking through the front door he had to wiggle his finger in his ear because the volume was cranked on the music. “Damn this place is louder than a honky-tonk bar.”

A handful of guys were sitting in the far corner of the bar. “Hey, Junior! Come on over,” Mule was yelling over the music and waving his hand. Blame it on the cripple to show up last to the party. Mule, Remy, Skip, Dog, and Dom were there and he welcomed the site of his men.

“Hey, boys.” He sat down on a chair that they’d pulled up to a table. He reached out and grabbed a cold beer from the bucket of ice and beers sitting in the middle of the table. “If you don’t mind I’d like a cold one.”

“Help yourself, buddy. How was the drive?”

“Painful, but it was nice. Can’t wait to get this ass home though. Thanks for meeting me here. I thought this would be a great place to meet halfway?”

“Yeah, it’s nice. Haven’t seen the McCoys in a while. Isaac welcomes bikers in his place?”

“He does. Been a while for me too. Is he here?”

“Standing at the bar.” Mule pointed.

Junior looked up and found the tall dark haired blue-eyed McCoy working behind the bar. “I’ll have to stop up there and talk to him about possible recruits. For now, let’s order some food, I’m starving.”

Junior waved to the waitress to stop by. “What can I get you boys?”

“I’ll have a cheeseburger and fries. Also, another round of beer. You can fill up this bucket if you’d like.” Junior handed over the empty bucket to the waitress.

“Sure, I can do that. What else can I get you all?” After the guys ordered their food, Mule called the meeting to order. “You all ready to talk business?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Junior, you still going to donate that property to the cause?” Mule asked.

“Yes, sir. I told you I put aside one hundred acres for it right next to Winslow. It’s the perfect property. Easy in and out access and we can keep the club from the ranch. Privacy and all. You understand?” Junior explained.

“Yes, I do. Glad you’re thinking about the club.” Remy leaned in over the table.

“Always. It’s what we do!” Dog shouted over the top of them.

“There’s one problem that has been brought to my attention regarding Winslow. The folks said a new corporation has moved in and they are peddling illegal shit through the town. Nobody can prove it yet but it is up to us to investigate.” Mule informed the group.

“I heard something from Dad about this. We can use the investigation agency to search for this shit. We’ll be able to open for business by the end of next week. Already have the location of the office in that strip mall on Main Street.” Junior was proud of what he had accomplished over the phone this past week.

“Well that is a hell of a way to start business. We have two other jobs to take care of. They pay a lot. I’ve been hired to capture two bail jumpers for the local bondsman. He’ll pay us well. One is at ten thousand and the other is five thousand.”

“Sounds like a great pay day. I vote we take on all three jobs.” Remy started the voting and the rest all agreed.

Their club business was handled and they were free to eat their food when the waitress delivered it. Junior took the last bite of his burger and decided a walk to the restroom was in order. After washing his hands, he hobbled his way out of the bathroom and up to the bar.

Isaac McCoy walked over. It had been awhile since Junior had seen him.

“Hey, Isaac, it’s good to see you.” Junior reached out and they shook hands.

“It’s good to see you, man. How have you been?”

“Great, getting along. How’s Joseph, haven’t seen him since his motor-cross accident.”

“He’s doing great. Fully recovered.”

 “Damn shame his racing career went down the drain. Glad he recovered and he’s talking about life again. That miracle girl, right?” Junior had heard about the girl from Louisiana that saved the man’s life.

“Our Cady, she did give him back his manhood that’s for damn sure.” Isaac shrugged his shoulders. “What can I get you?”

“Another bucket of beer.”

“Sure, coming right up.” He threw up a new bucket of ice and beers onto the bar, Isaac asked, “See you still have a limp, back giving you problems?”

“Yeah, a little. I was going to talk to Joseph about hooking me up with Cady for a few physical therapy sessions. Maybe she could help with the pain?”

“I’ll leave that up to you to talk with Cady and Joseph.”

“Yeah, it will be nice to see him again. Thanks.”

“What are you and the boys doing in town?” Isaac nodded towards the table of men waiting on Junior.

“I have my new MC club here. The Steels were wondering if you have any men around here you can trust that would want to join up. We’re looking for good loyal men who are looking for the freedom of the open road on a motorcycle. We’re looking for men who are tough that aren’t going to puke at the sight of blood. We take care of our own and their only qualification is their loyal to only us and respect the law. We don’t run drugs, humans nor do we solicit kids nor women.”

“I know a few men been looking to join up with a good club. You say the Steels.”

I think I’ve heard of them. From New Mexico?”

“The one and the same club. We’re putting together a charter right here in Texas. Looking to start up in Winslow my hometown. I’m donating a hundred acres on the ranch to build the compound. Mule, my uncle is the prez. He’s a fair man and I’ll be taking the VP spot.”

“I’ll call them. Tell them to come on down to do a meet and greet.” Isaac grabbed his cell phone holding it up.

“I’ll give you some privacy. We’re just finishing up and going to enjoy these beers. Let us know if you have any interested.”

“I sure will. By the way thanks for asking me. These men are good people they need a place to call home.”

“It’s what we do. Look, if you don’t mind, I’m probably going to spend the night in my trailer in the parking lot, is that okay?”

“Sure, make yourself at home. Also, I think the family will be stopping by later. I’ll call Joseph and tell him you are in town.”

“Much appreciated. It would be nice to see him again.”

Junior grabbed his beer and limped his way back over to the tables. Mule looked up. “Any luck with McCoy?”

“Yeah. He’s calling in a few guys he knows. He’ll update if they are interested.”

“Hope this goes over well. If we can find even one more, it will be a complete board and we’ll have enough to form the club.” Mule was a fair man.

Junior knew how important this coming together was for the club. “This is a nice place he has set up here. Like the town too.” Dom leaned in.

“Not bad. I think I’ll let the family know what he’s done here. I know Damien was interested in owning his own bar someday. He should come and check it out.” Junior’s younger brother Damien wanted to buy a place similar to this in Winslow.

“How many recruits have you all found?” Mule asked.

Remy leaned forward. “I found another two prospects. Both Army and they can move to Winslow. Also, Daddy, is bringing up a few of the women. We have six total so far. I think we need to find a leader among them to keep them in line. These six women have been in the club for a while so they’re good.” Delaney, Steel’s wife was known to the club as Daddy. She took care of all the girls and it was a godsend some of the New Mexico girls wanted to move to Texas.

“Can’t have an MC without good gash. Glad you took care of the women.” Junior leaned forward and fist bumped Remy.

The men all laughed. Women helped keep the men calm it was the way of the life. There were women that just enjoyed club life. Plus, they could do work around the compound that men just couldn’t do. “Any of them working girls?”

“Two are with the porn trade, the other four are strippers from the Dugout. They said they’d help out where they’re needed. Daddy has them trained, she’ll also put one of them in charge. Move onto the club business,” Dog growled.

Junior knew Dog handled the club businesses. He’d set everything up once the club moved into Winslow. “Just want to know what businesses are we investing in. You know we’re fighting against corporate America in Winslow. They built a new strip mall and the town is booming. If we build it has to make us money. How much money are we talking we’ll need?”

“We need a strip club for the new Dug Out 2, restaurant, bar and grill, the new ammo and gun shop, and a warehouse for the movies. Plus, the new compound built. We have four million in savings.” Remy recounted the accounting. As treasurer, he maintained the records for the Steel MC.


“Steel made sure this charter was rich in investments. We’ve been talking about putting this charter together for a long time. If we succeed then there’s more money coming our way. I think with the four million we’ll be able to set up shop and make this work, don’t you all?”

Junior was shocked Steel and the MC had given them that kind of money along with their trust that they’d do good by the club. Junior smiled. “Hell yeah!”

The rest of the men voted and they agreed on the five establishments and the start of the compound. With the property being donated for their homes it helped considerably with the accounting.

“Your family has really stepped up to help us,” Dog the quiet one spoke up.

“Yes, your family is a godsend to the club.” Remy smiled.

“Dad decided each of us kids will get a few hundred acres. Me giving the club a hundred of mine is my way of contributing to this cause. I think we can bring about good in Winslow. We need to protect what is ours and this club will be there for my family and the others in the town.”

Isaac walked over with a tray of shot glasses and a fresh bottle of whiskey. “Boys, here you go. I have two men from Kerrville that are definitely interested in the club. They’re heading over now. I know them personally and you can trust them. Wizard and Scar are their road names.”

Junior pointed to a chair. “Sit, tell us a little about them before they get here.”

Isaac sat down and joined the men. “Scar, his full name is Jackson Harley. He got the road name Scar because when you see him you’ll know. He’s Army Ranger and one of the best snipers in the country. He retired a few years ago and been one of my friends since high school. He’s been wandering a bit because nobody seems to understand him. He’s a fright to look at but a stand-up guy that will protect his family with his life.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s fucked up as any soldier coming home from the Army is. Held down a job here in Kerrville but just don’t fit in anywhere. He’ll fit it with you guys I know it. He’s good with his hands and can fix any motor.”

“Good a mechanic. This Wizard what’s his story?” Mule asked.

“Wizard’s full name is Howey Tate. He got his name because the man can seriously hack any computer in the world. He’s been working for a tax service and bored to tears. He’s Navy I believe. He’ll be good to help you all set up the computers.”

“He fucked up too?” Remy asked. The club wanted to know what they would be dealing with. Once a member joins it’s like putting together a family and they needed to know they can trust a member and what their problems and lifestyles are like. If they don’t get along then it’s not a family.

“No, normal, just doesn’t have a family and wandered into town a few years ago and just wants to belong somewhere.” Isaac smiled and patted Junior on the back. “I hope you all can make this work if not they’ll understand.”

“Thanks for your help. We need a secretary to make the board complete, maybe let’s talk to this Wizard about that position. The other one will fit in as another enforcer maybe?” Mule scrubbed his hand over his face.

Junior knew his uncle had a lot on his mind and that the pressure was on to build this MC overnight and make it work. “Mule, don’t worry this is something we all want. It will be good.”

“I know. It’s a lot on me. I don’t want to disappoint Steel and the others. The Steel MC trusted us to do this.”

They all drank their beers and  everyone seemed to be in agreement to give these last two men a chance to give them their story and see if they could be trusted into the club. It was asking a lot and Junior felt the pressure building on him as well. As VP it was important to have all the men trust each other and build the club into something they can all be proud of.

A man walked through the door that was dressed in all leather. His long black hair hung down over his collar and he walked up to the table. The scars on his face told everyone who this man was. Mule and Junior both stood up. Offering a hand, Junior introduced each of them. “You must be Scar.”

“Yes, sir. It’s a pleasure.” The man clasped hands with Junior with a firm handshake.

He greeted each member as well.

After the introductions, the man joined them and told them his story. “I fought the war and lost. After the Army sent me home on a medical discharge they said with half my hearing gone I was no good to them. I can fix any engine. Car, diesel, and motorcycle. I can do it all. I have no family. After my parents were killed in an auto accident I signed up. Wanted to do a career in the Army. After the explosion that did this to my body, I was discharged and landed back in this town.”

“Why do you think the Steel MC would be a good fit for you?”

“Are you kidding me? Look I’ve known several of the members and I served under Steel himself. I was in that convoy the day we lost Chip off that roof.”

“Seriously?” Remy stood up. He glared down at the man sitting at their table.

“Remy, sit down. What the fuck are you doing?”

“I don’t remember you?”

“How could you. I was in the truck with the fucking dead. They sent me on ahead. Let me tell you what I remember. Delaney O’Riley watched her husband hit the ground in front of the truck. Then she took a couple of guys and went over and saved the pilot, her brother-in-law, Cake Malone. and Preacher. They both made it I hear.”

“Well I’ll be damn. That’s all true. Nobody would know unless they were there. Delaney didn’t want anyone to know she left Chip to go and save those men.” Remy smiled. His face relaxing told the rest of them that Scar was welcomed to the club.

“I hear you boys are looking for another member?” A man walked up to the table dressed in jeans, T-shirt, and a leather jacket. Tall, well-muscled, good looking with brown hair, green eyes and a smile. “The name’s Howey ‘Wizard’ Tate.” He greeted the members.

“Have a seat. Like to do the introductions.” Junior pointed to a chair. “This here is the president, Mule, I’m Junior, VP. Remy, Dom, Dog, Skip, and the newest member which we’re voting in here shortly, Scar.”

“It’s a pleasure.” Wizard shook everyone’s hands.

“Look I don’t expect you all to trust me right off the bat. But, I’ll tell you my story. I was on a ship as a sonar tech. I can hack any computer anywhere. I came back to no family, grew up in an orphanage and nowhere to go. Started working for the local tax service and wanted to join up in an MC to help where I’m needed. I don’t fit in anywhere but I’m willing to start as a prospect and work my way into the club once you all can trust me?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Mule answered. “We don’t trust easy but you came with a high reference from McCoy.”

“The family knows me. I’ve done a few of their tax returns.”

“It’s good enough for us. Especially if you’re willing to start as a Prospect. We have three others but they usually don’t last more than a few months.” Junior laughed. He knew how fast the club would go through prospects. He’d seen it first hand when he was guarding Sal and the Steel MC New Mexico Charter.

“Well it looks like we’ve accomplished the near impossible. Let’s get this show on the road. The next place we’ll meet is in Winslow, Texas. I’ll call you all in when Junior and I connect with the Mullin family and we have our plot of land secured.”

The Members all sat around and drank a bit more than started to disperse with a promise to meet up in a few weeks. They welcomed and voted in Scar as a member and Wizard as a prospect.

After the members had left, several members from the McCoy family walked in including Joseph, and his wife, Cady. Junior welcomed them. “Joseph, it’s been a long time.” He hugged his friend.

“I’d like you to meet my wife, Cady.” Joseph introduced his wife, Cady, and Junior was honored to meet such a lovely and special woman who’d saved his friend.

“Cady, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“It’s all mine. Joseph told me about you and the accident with the bull, Red. I was glad to hear, my Joseph, never went head to head with that wicked animal.” Cady’s laugh warmed Junior. She was beautiful in her own special way.

“It was a bad day for me that’s for sure. I broke my lower back and spent some time in a wheelchair myself. Now, I can walk but it causes me pain to sit too long. I’ve been traveling so the limp is back and more pronounced.”

“You know what, I can give you some home exercises that might help. I can also offer you a few physical therapy sessions which will help with that limp.” Cady pointed.

Junior was happy to visit with these fine people. He’d missed his friendship with Joseph and now including part of his family mattered to him. “Maybe if you have time, that would be great.”

“Stop out at Tebow and I’ll give them to you, if you have time. Actually, why don’t you give me your phone number and I can text you a couple of appointment options and I’ll give you my contact information.”

“Next time I’m in Kerrville, I’ll do that.” He grabbed a napkin and wrote down his phone number and handed to Cady. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, I’ll send you a text.” Cady used her phone and sent him a text. “There, now, you have my number.” She smiled.

“Thanks.” Junior checked his phone and confirmed he had her information.

They visited for a few more hours, Junior had to take himself to his trailer and get some sleep. He knew he had a long day ahead of him tomorrow if he wanted to make it home.





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