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Her Cocky Doctors (A MFM Menage Romance) (The Cocky Series Book 1) by Tara Crescent (18)



One year later

I’m naked under the thin hospital gown, lying on my back, my feet dangling next to the stirrups at the end of the examination table.

Christmas came early this year.

The two doctors move into the examination room, and my pulse quickens. Both men are wearing white coats. Stethoscopes are draped over their necks. They look perfectly professional. At least until you notice that they’re both sporting huge hard-ons.

My mouth waters.

“Ms. Davey,” Declan says, his eyes glued to the outline of my nipples underneath the translucent fabric. “What brings you in today?”

“I’d like the special service, Doctor,” I whisper, my cheeks flushed. “Will you make me feel good?”

I’m a lucky, lucky girl.

It’s been an eventful twelve months.

A couple of days after Blake and Declan bought the clinic from the sleazy doctors, we drove to Portland, where my two hot guys helped me pack all my possessions into Blake’s Jeep. It didn’t take long. “Are you keeping the dead cactus?” Blake asked me, holding the small pot with the dried-out husk of a plant in his hand.

“No,” I’d replied. The cactus represented a life that was no longer mine, and I was ready to let it go.

I’d hoped that I was done with John and The Torch, but my editor had one last bit of pettiness. He sent me an email informing me that he would not be able to give me a reference because of my bad attitude and he also refused to reimburse me for my stay at the Nanny Goat.

Thankfully, Blake was right about the editor of the local paper. Mr. Perkins had taken one look at my resume and offered me a job. “If it meant that I was on Elvira’s good side, I’d have hired you anyway,” he’d said to me, his eyes twinkling. “But I’m relieved to leave the Weekly Goat in competent hands.”

So I started working at the local paper. In my spare time, I wrote a story about a purebred Siamese Cat called Smokey who solved crime along with the aid of his human, a bumbling middle-aged journalist named Bree Calloway.

Elvira Grantham, who’d read cozy mysteries all her life, acted as an enthusiastic cheerleader slash beta reader. With her encouragement, I published the book. It sold much better than I’d expected.

Buoyed by my success, I wrote a follow-up book in which Smokey tracked down a baker who laced her oatmeal cookies with arsenic. It did better than the first one, so I wrote a third and a fourth after that.

I have fans now. Smokey gets emails from readers around the world, and so do I. In fact, I’ve done so well that I resigned from my job at the Weekly Goat last week, but never fear, I found Connor a replacement. My best friend Hailey is moving to Goat this summer. She’s taking over the Weekly Goat, and she’s going to keep running Girl Power on the side.

And Blake and Declan? Our relationship has matured. Our sex life has stayed smoking hot, but it’s not just sex that connects us. It’s so much more. We have similar tastes in books, music, and movies, but more importantly, they treat me with love and respect, and they never take themselves too seriously.

Lettie Herman and her husband Michael are still together. Word around Goat is that the two of them spent most of last year seeing a marriage counselor. I think it helped because whenever I see them around town, the two of them are holding hands like newlyweds.

Blake and Declan never heard from Drs. Swanson and Rhodes again. The Goat Clinic is doing really well, and it keeps my two hot doctors pretty busy.

Like I said, I’m a lucky, lucky girl.

Which brings me back to the clinic, where the three of us are role-playing a very slutty version of Doctor and Patient.

Blake moves to the foot of the bed. He nudges my knees apart and positions my legs into the supports, spreading me wide open. While he does that, Declan reaches behind me and undoes the tie that keeps my gown closed. “You won’t need this today,” he says sternly.

Arousal dances in my blood. “Yes, Doctor.” I shiver as he tears away the gown from my body, leaving me totally naked. My nipples harden immediately.

Declan wraps his big hands around my breasts and squeezes. I whimper, and my pussy gushes in response to his touch. “Oh God,” I groan. “That is so good.”

Blake moves into my line of sight. “You know what I’m going to do, Ms. Davey? I’m going to push my cock into your wet pussy. You’re ready for me, aren’t you?” He brushes a knuckle between my folds and my breathing quickens as fresh heat trickles through me.

Of course, he notices my response. Both men know my body too well. Declan gives me an amused look and moves between my legs. “Are you wet, Ms. Davey?” he mock-scolds, his eyes hot with desire. “Already? You’re such a bad girl.”

Spank me, Dr. Wilde. I bite the words back and wait as Blake buckles my ankles into the stirrups. When he’s done, I can’t move them, not even a little. My legs are spread wide open, and I can’t writhe away from their touch. Not that I want to.

Blake bends his head to my pussy. “Somebody’s excited,” he teases me. He parts my folds and hones in on my clitoris, stroking me just the way I like it. At the same time, he slides two fingers into my pussy, twisting them to find my g-spot and pressing down on that fleshy pad.

I whimper again and try to squirm away. If Blake keeps this up, I won’t last five minutes.

That’s the wrong thing to do. Blake lifts his head up and gives me a stern look. “Tie her down, Declan,” he says. “I don’t want her squirming away from me.”

A shiver wracks my body as Declan holds up a set of leather straps. I nod eagerly, and his lips curl into a smile. “That’s our girl,” he says approvingly. He wraps the strap around my waist and hips and ties me down to the examination table.

Pinpricks of anticipation burst across my skin. “Can’t squirm away now, can you, Lana?” Blake sounds satisfied. He drizzles lube over a large butt plug and he pushes it into my ass. My pussy clenches hard.

Declan leans forward and kisses me, running his tongue at the seam of my lips. I groan and open my mouth, and his tongue pushes in and claims me. He sucks my lower lip into his mouth, and our tongues intertwine. His weight presses down on me, his chest crushing my breasts.

I feel like I’m drowning in pleasure.

Blake’s fingers scoop my juices from my pussy, and he sucks his fingers clean. My insides clench. “Everything looks fine down there, Ms. Davey,” he says. “But just to be sure, I’m going to conduct a deeper examination.”

He’s going to fuck me. Hallelujah. “Yes Doctor,” I say meekly. “I’ve also been having problems with my throat.”

Declan chuckles and spanks my ass. “Have you, Ms. Davey? I should check it out for safety’s sake. Open wide.”

He unzips his pants and pulls out his thick, fat cock. He’s hard already, and I lick my lips, unable to resist. Closing my fingers around his base, I stick my tongue out and swirl it around his head.

Declan threads his fingers through my hair. “Open wide, Lana,” he repeats. “Take me all the way.”

I obey, taking him deep in my mouth. At the same time, I feel Blake move between my legs. He fills my pussy in one powerful thrust, not stopping until his entire cock is buried in me. He’s so deep he’s bottoming out.

No matter how many times I sleep with them, my swift rush of desire always takes me by surprise. I’m dripping wet as Blake slams into me, over and over again. Declan grabs my head with both hands and thrusts deeper into my mouth. My fingers dig into the thin paper that covers the examination table. I hear it rip, but I don’t care.

My climax builds as Declan’s grip tightens and he comes in my throat. Blake chokes back a shout as he erupts inside me, and that’s all it takes. I come hard, my body shaking and trembling with desire.

“Wow,” I say at last. “That was one hell of a happy ending. I’m not sure how you’re going to manage to top it.”

Declan exchanges a glance with Blake. “Well,” he says, “There is this.” He pulls a ring out of his pocket. It’s a solid band of gold, with three diamonds embedded in the metal. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone, Lana.”

“Me neither,” Blake says. It’s a rare moment with Blake Thorpe is at a loss for words. “I want forever with you.”

My heart floods with joy. “Yes,” I squeal, a wide grin spreading across my face. “I want forever too. Now, if you’d let me out of these straps so I can do a happy dance all around the room?”

Blake chuckles as he slides the ring on my finger. “What’s the hurry, Lana?” he asks silkily.

I lie back in happy anticipation of Round 2. He’s right. There’s no hurry at all. We have the rest of our lives to celebrate.

* * *

Lovely reader, thank you for reading Her Cocky Doctors.

If you enjoy menage romances, may I suggest my The series is set in the small town of New Summit (which is much more gossipy than Goat, Oregon.) Each book features a smart and sassy heroine, and a pair of men who fall in love with her, and each book in the Dirty Series is a standalone MFM Menage romance.

Flip the page for an extended preview of , the first book of the Dirty series.

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