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His Dream Baby: A Miracle Baby Romance by B. B. Hamel (17)


It’s been a long time since I’ve shared my living space with a woman, and I almost forgot what it’s like.

It takes us a few days to really get her settled. Since my place is pretty much furnished, she leaves most of that in her apartment. She mainly moves her bedroom over, and claims the room next to Ryan’s although I offer her the whole third floor.

It doesn’t feel too different at first, at least until I realize that they’re not going anywhere. Leah comes home from work with Ryan and we go through his routine. He seems to like living in my place, and fortunately it doesn’t disrupt his habits too much.

I suspect he’s used to being moved around all the time, but I try not to think about that too much. Leah mostly keeps out of my way, and disappears into her room for the first few nights.

I don’t feel insulted. She’s coming to grips with this strange relationship we’re building and I don’t want to pressure her any more than I already have. I’m pretty sure we’re way beyond her normal comfort zone at this point, but I think she’s trying to do what’s best for Ryan, even if she’s afraid of it.

Which makes me want her even more. She’s such a good person, sacrificing her own desires for Ryan. He’s not even her own biological son and yet she’s treating him like he’s flesh and blood. I think a lot of people would forgive her if she couldn’t handle this momentous task, but she’s doing her best and keeping it all together.

On the fifth night, Ryan goes to bed early and Leah hustles upstairs like normal. I just smile and say goodnight to her, but this time I can’t stop thinking about how she’s right up above me. I could walk up the stairs and see her if I wanted to.

I get up and pace a little bit, trying to decide. I drink a beer in the back yard for like a half hour, wrestling with myself, trying to decide if I should just go up there and talk to her. Eventually she’s going to have to accept that we’re living together, and it would be so much better for everyone if she’d at least sit downstairs with me and acknowledge that fact once in a while.

I decide just to go for it after some thought. Worst case scenario, she’s annoyed and stays locked in her room, but I don’t think so. I catch the way she looks at me, I know how she feels. I know what she wants. She’s just still trying to come to grips with it.

I head upstairs, trying not to think too much of it. As I head back toward her room, the bathroom door suddenly opens, and there’s Leah, her hair wet, just a towel wrapped around her.

She stares at me for a second. “Uh, sorry,” she says.

I raise an eyebrow. “Don’t be sorry. I didn’t know you were showering.”

“Right.” She glances at her bedroom door. “I should get dressed.”

“Yeah, I guess.” I stop toward her, heart beating fast. I remember showering with her, kissing her, feeling her body. Every time we get close to that again, something happens to push us apart, but this time I’m not letting it go down that way.

She looks at me and bites her lower lip. “Connor,” she says.


“I don’t think you should come closer.”

I stop right there, but I’m barely a foot away. “Why not?”

“Because.” She looks down. “Things are complicated enough.”

“I think you like complicated.” I take a step closer. “I think you want complicated.”

She takes a deep breath. “Maybe,” she admits, letting it out. “God, I didn’t know that about myself.”

“I think I can teach you even more.’

Her eyes meet mine and I grin at her. I know what she’s thinking right now.

“Like what?” she asks.

I step closer and reach out for her. She doesn’t flinch away when I pull her against me. I half turn and push her up against the wall, only the towel between me and her damp, naked body.

She’s breathing fast, eyes wide, staring into mine. I know what she’s thinking. My hands stay on her hips. “We’re living in the same house now,” I say softly. “We might as well try and enjoy it.”

“Enjoy it?” she asks, head cocked.

“Right.” I put my lips against her neck. She groans a little.


“You can let me sneak into your room at night. Let me fuck you rough and deep.”

“Ryan’s right next door,” she says, trying to control the quaver in her voice. “He might wake up.”

“You’d have to be quiet.”

“Connor,” she gasps as my hands move off her hips toward the bottom of the towel. I touch her bare thighs and slowly move the towel up.

“I can teach you how to loosen up,” I say.

“I don’t need to loosen up.”

“I think you do.” My fingers finally find her pussy and she’s dripping wet, but not from the shower. “I think you really do.”

She groans but stops herself as there’s a noise next to us. Ryan’s door opens and I quickly move my hands away from Leah. She straightens up and slides away from me just as Ryan steps out into the hall, rubbing his eyes.

“Leah?” he asks, blinking at the two of us.

“Hey bud,” I say, swooping him up. “Why are you awake?”

“Tired,” he says, rubbing his face against my chest.

Leah’s bright red when I look back at her. “I’ll get him down,” I say, and she nods gratefully. I grin and wink at her and she quickly heads into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

I take Ryan back into his room, sit down on his bed with him, and read him his favorite story. He’s asleep before I even finish, and I can’t help but sit there and watch him sleep for a second.

I wish he hadn’t interrupted what I had with Leah out there, but now I know she wants it just as much as I do. And now I know exactly what I have to do.

I’ll see her later tonight, and I’ll give her what she wants.