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His Revenge Baby: 50 Loving States, Washington by Theodora Taylor (15)

Chapter Fourteen

Would you like your car now?

No didn’t realize how long he’d been sitting with Ana until his phone lit up on the round wooden side table he’d placed it on before settling into the slipper chair.

He always kept his phone out when he was having sex. Just in case something more important came up. Also, so he could text for a car as soon as he was done. No need to linger with the women he’d only hired to fulfill his biological needs.

But if Miyuki was texting him, it must be well past the usual hour or less he typically spent with his Osaka Charm girls.

Yet he didn’t pick up the phone. In fact, he closed his eyes, resting his head on Ana’s shoulder. Even though he knew if he didn’t go home now, he’d have to cram like a schoolboy on the plane tomorrow to get his notes finished, he couldn’t let her go.

No silently swore, because he had technically finished, releasing into the condom. But he still wanted more. His eyes were closed. But the image of her large breasts as she came in his lap, still blazed bright in his mind. He needed to return to reality. But the feel of her in his lap. So soft. So warm. So real…

“What are you going to do with the money?” he ground out. Not so much a question, but a reminder to himself about what this really was. Little more than a commercial exchange of highly desired goods. Luxury perfume sprayed on a very base arrangement.

Though she hadn’t put on the perfume tonight. And he could feel her confusion in the way her back tightened, in the sudden pause of the hand stroking his hair.

“You mean the money Miyuki gave me earlier?” she asked.

“Yes. That money. And the money you will be paid at the beginning of every month until April. What plans do you have for it?”

“Um, that’s not exactly a sexy conversation topic. But you asked, so I’ll tell you. I’m planning to go back to school. Get my, um…masters.”

He leaned back from their half embrace then. Opened his eyes in order to look at her quizzically.

And she gave him a chagrined half-smile. “See I told you it wasn’t sexy.”

So she only planned to do this for a little while? After him she’d be going to school, not into another man’s arms? Why did this new piece of information make his heart beat faster?

“Oh, hey! Look at your phone…” she said, her eyes swinging away from his. “It looks like you got—I mean, received a text. Do you need to answer that?”

“Why do you do that?” he asked her.

“Do what?”

“Correct yourself. I don’t understand.”

“Well, according to the instructions I received from Osaka Charm, I’m only supposed to use sophisticated language with you. Not talk like I usually do. No cursing, no bad grammar. It’s probably a good thing for me to clean up my language, since I want to get my masters here soon anyway.”

Yes, her masters. An advanced degree in teaching English. “You enjoy working with children.”

Now a genuine smile spread across her face. “I do! I love being able to help them. See them grow. It’s a privilege, and I’m really happy to serve them during this stage of their lives.”

“Yet you are here with me.”

He shouldn’t have said it. He realized it almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He hated watching the smile curdle on her face in response to his question. Like he had taken something precious from her.

“Only for a little while,” she answered, her voice small.

Nakamuras were born warriors. And he and his younger brother Hayato, in particular, were descended from samurais on both sides. From an early age they’d been taught to never, ever, under any circumstances shame either side of their family by showing weakness. That meant never explaining their actions or words. Especially when it came to Westerners. Yet No could feel an apology hovering on the top of his tongue, an explanation about how he was only trying to understand her thought process forming at the back of his mind.

But then his phone vibrated and lit up with another text:

“Is there anything else I can do for you before I go to sleep?” it flashed. Miyuki’s gentle way of repeating a question without actually asking it.

“Seriously, if you need to answer that…” Ana said.

The mood was awkward now. Thick with post-sex tension. Apparently she’d taken his words about waiting for a dismissal to heart. She didn’t move off his lap but she shifted so he was no longer inside her, and her discomfort was patently obvious.

He glanced at the phone, but only once before saying, “We shower before bed. That is our way here. Will you take a shower for me?”

At this point, No had to wonder if the American had even an ounce of guile in her blood. Her eyes flared as wide as an anime character’s with surprise, which made it all that more amusing when she answered, “Sure, no problem, I can do that,” with a forced casual tone.

Hesitating, she started to get up off his lap. Then stopped, seeming to think twice about possibly disobeying one of his commands.

Funny, Western girls had a worldwide reputation for being much more sexually open and outgoing, but he’d never met a woman from West or East as awkward as this one. So why did he find her manner so arousing? So incredibly hard to resist?

He gave her a slow nod of dismissal. After which she scrambled into her bedroom, closing the door softly behind her.

Then, and only then, did he pick up his phone to text Miyuki back.