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Howl (Southern Werewolves Book 2) by Heather MacKinnon (38)

Chapter 38

The fire was bigger than I imagined, and I instantly regretted agreeing to this. Abraham, sensing my wariness, wrapped an arm around my waist and dragged me toward the flames.

The werewolves had formed a line on one side of the bonfire and Abraham led us to the front and spun me around.

“Can I have your attention for a moment,” he called above the cacophony of voices.

“What are you doing?” I whispered at him.

He ignored me and when the noise died down, he spoke again. “Friends and family, I need your help.”

Whistles and calls of things like “anything” and “what do you need” rang out from the crowd.

He looked down at me and smiled before raising his voice again. “This here is Elizabeth’s first summer solstice celebration, and that means she’s never jumped over a bonfire before.” Abraham paused as the swell of disbelief subsided. “I was hoping y’all would help me show her how easy it is.” Then he lowered his voice conspiratorially. “She’s a little nervous.”

As the round of sympathetic noises and well wishes died down, I speared Abraham with a glare. “You’re a dead man.”

He laughed, completely unconcerned with my threat.


I turned to find Evey, Del, and Callie making their way through the crowd toward us. When they got closer, they each pulled me into a hug as if we hadn’t just seen each other a couple of hours ago.

To be honest, I was starting to kind of like it.

“Don’t tell me you’re really scared of jumpin’ over that fire,” Evey said.

I glared at her too and pointed at my skirt. “I’m flammable.”

Evey laughed. “You’re wearin’ the short dress. You’ll be fine.”

“Will you go first and show her?” Abraham asked.

“No!” I said.

“Of course,” Evey countered at the same time. She shot me a puzzled look. “What’s the matter, Ellie?”

I huffed out an exasperated breath. Did these werewolves fear anything?

“Evey, you’re five foot nothing and you think you’re gonna jump over that huge fire?” I asked, waving toward the six-foot flames behind me.

Evey laughed again. “I don’t think I am, I know I am.”

I took a deep breath and shook my head. What could I do? Evey was going to jump over that fire no matter what I said. Now she’d probably do it twice just to spite me.

Evey strolled to the front of the line and kicked her ballet flats off before hiking her skirt up above her knees. She shot me a quick wink before sprinting toward the bonfire.

I watched in equal parts horror and fascination as tiny Evey ran as fast as her little legs would push her. When she was just a couple feet from the flames, she jumped. She sailed over the flames as gracefully as a ballerina and landed on the other side in one piece and not on fire.

I ran over and pulled her into my arms. “You crazy girl,” I whispered into her hair as I held her tight.

Evey laughed and pulled away so she could look me in the eyes. “You were really worried?”

I nodded vehemently. “Petrified.”

She wrapped her thin arms around my neck and squeezed. “You don’t need to worry about me, Ellie. I wouldn’t have done it if I thought I was gonna get hurt.”

I sighed and shook my head. They were all saying the same thing. That there was no danger, and I was making a big deal about nothing. But, as I looked at the roaring flames behind me, I couldn’t help but worry for my friends.

We walked back over to Abraham with our arms linked. When I got to him, he had an expectant look on his face and I almost swallowed my tongue, so I didn’t have to say what he was waiting to hear.

Finally, I sighed. “Okay, Abraham. You were right, and I was worried about nothing.”

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me from Evey’s side. “I like that you worry about my sisters so much, but it’s unnecessary. I told you, it’s easy for us.”

When Abraham released me from his arms, I saw there were more wolves on the opposite side of the fire who’d already jumped and one that was preparing to. Each time I watched one of my friends leap over the flames, I held my breath until they touched down on the other side unharmed.

It was a long twenty minutes.

Finally, there was just Abraham, and I who hadn’t gone yet, and all eyes were on us. He wrapped his hand around mine and tugged me forward.

“What do ya’ say we go together? Just like at our lake.”

I smiled as I remembered that day over a month ago when Abraham had taken me to his secret place. It was a beautiful lake near the base of the mountains with crystal clear water and a pile of rocks you could climb up to get a better view. He’d talked me into jumping off the rocks and into the water below. It had been freezing but was an experience I’d never forget.

I’d trusted him then, I could trust him now.

I nodded and squeezed his hand. “Okay, let’s go together.”

As soon as the words left my lips, the crowd around us whooped and hollered and whistled loudly. When I looked up, I saw all their eyes were trained on me. Some yelled out that I could do it, or that they believed in me, or not to be nervous. The loudest of them all were members of my own pack, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Here were my friends, my family, cheering me on and encouraging me to get outside my comfort zone and do something a little crazy, a little reckless, but honestly, something that looked pretty fun too. I’d watched the others jump and their expressions were all so happy and excited, I couldn’t help but feel that energy swell deep inside me.

Abraham and I stepped up to where the other werewolves had started their run and looked at each other.

“Any last pointers?” I asked, hoping the fear swirling in my belly didn’t show too much in my voice.

Abraham cradled my face in his hand. “Just trust me and commit to the jump. If you back out at the last second you could get hurt.”

I raised a brow at him. “Have you ever known me to back out?”

His grin was crooked, but beautiful. “Never.”

I nodded once. You’re damn right I don’t back out. Not once I say I’m doing something. Come hell or high water, I’m doing it.

He squeezed my hand and asked, “Ready?”

I took one last deep breath and nodded. “Ready.”

The crowd was surrounding us now, everyone yelling out tips and well wishes and I took that energy deep inside me. Let it grow and strengthen me in a way I’d never felt before.

“On the count of three,” Abraham said. “One… two… three!”

We sprinted toward the fire, hands gripping onto one another and feet digging into the soft grass beneath us. When we were within a few feet, as if we’d practiced this a million times, we both leapt off the ground at the same time. Our bodies continued to rise as we soared through the air, easily bypassing the flames.

It felt like we were suspended in midair for minutes, not seconds. While we were up there, with Abraham’s hand around mine and the sound of my pack cheering me on, I’d never felt more full of life than in that instant. It was something so silly, just a werewolf tradition, but I felt it irrevocably change me to my core.

While most of my life, I’d accomplished what I had out of spite, now I was doing something as a result of encouragement and praise. It was wonderful and fulfilling and exhilarating all at the same time.

Our feet finally touched down on the other side of the bonfire to the loudest cheers and whistles I’d heard yet. I turned to my friends and held up our joined hands in victory. They only yelled louder, their voices echoing back to us like there were twice as many people here.

I turned to Abraham with a smile so wide, it hurt my cheeks. “I did it,” I said breathlessly.

Abraham cupped his hand around the back of my neck and threaded his fingers through my hair. “I knew you could. You can do anything, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

Somehow, my smile grew wider, and I reached up on my tiptoes to kiss him. A simple peck turned into something more and soon the cheers were catcalls and the whistles were provocative.

I pulled away from Abraham with my face burning and asked, “Can I do it again?”

He laughed. “As many times as you want.”

I ran to the other side of the fire and took off over the flames again laughing the entire time. After my third time over the bonfire, I was out of breath and a little sweaty, but exhilarated. My pack had stayed to cheer me on while I was jumping, but now they were slowly dispersing.

Abraham walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist before tugging me up against his chest. Once I was level with his handsome face, he smiled so wide, my heart clenched in my chest.

“Are you having fun?” he asked.

I nodded vigorously. “So much fun.” Then I thought of something. “Can I try moonshine now?”

Last time I’d wanted to partake in the werewolves drinking festivities, I was denied. Callie later explained that the moonshine they drank was much stronger than what a human should consume and that it would be dangerous for me before my shift. But, now that I was a full-fledged werewolf, it was time to try the elusive elixir.

Abraham nodded and released me, so I could slide down his toned body. Once my feet hit the soft earth, I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath. With the adrenaline still pumping through my system paired with being this close to Abraham, I was finding it hard to keep my hands to myself.

“You all right?” Abraham asked quietly.

I released a big breath and looked up at him. “I’m fine, let’s go get some moonshine.”

He chuckled and reached for my hand. “If that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get.”

I reached up, so I could whisper in his ear. “Does that apply to anything I want?”

Abraham growled so low I knew I was the only one who could hear him. “You better behave, or I’ll take you up to our room right now.”

Not feeling like behaving at all, I shrugged a shoulder. “Promises, promises.”

He growled again, this time a little louder, as he pulled me to a stop in a secluded corner of the tent. The sun had almost fully set by now and we were concealed in shadows away from the noisy crowd. He tugged on my hand until my chest bumped into his.

“You want to hear some promises?” he asked softly, his voice rough.

I swallowed and nodded, eyes wide as I watched him.

He leaned down, lips brushing against my shell of my ear as he spoke. “I promise to make you scream my name tonight.”

I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes.

“I promise to make you come at least five times.”

“I can’t do five, Abraham,” I whispered, my voice cracking.

“You will,” he said, the command in his voice unmistakable. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me even closer before making his final declaration. “And I promise you’ll come on my hand, my tongue, and my cock before we’re done.”

I let out a shaky breath as I tried to calm my beating heart before it alerted the whole party to our secret conversation. Abraham reached up and pushed a lock of hair off my face. “Then I promise to hold you for the rest of the night. And I promise I’ll be the first thing you see when you wake up.”

My mind melted at his words. How could he be so sexy and so sweet at the same time? This man, who made me feel things no one else ever had, who tilted my world on its axis, was somehow also so incredibly thoughtful and charming, it was hard not to love him.

My brain froze as I replayed my words over and over.

Did I love him?

Is that what this feeling was? This glowing, warm tumultuous thing deep in my belly that churned when he was near and yearned when he was gone.

It was, wasn’t it?

I was in love with Abraham.

As I thought about it, I realized I’d loved him for a long time and just didn’t know what it was. I felt foolish for holding back so long.

The words were on the tip of my tongue and for the first time, they didn’t frighten me. I wanted to share this with him, to make sure he knew I loved him too. Abraham, who’d fought so long and hard for my heart, finally had it.

“Abraham, I–”

Movement across the field behind Abraham distracted me. I watched as a figure walked away from the lodge toward the tree line. Just before disappearing into the foliage, they turned back to look toward us, revealing their face.

I squinted although I could see perfectly. “Is that Clyde?”

Abraham frowned and turned to look behind him. Of course, by that time, he was long gone.

“I wonder what he’s doing out there,” Abraham muttered.

That was an excellent question, and I’d be sure to get the answer to it later, but right now, I had a revelation to deal with.

As I thought that, I realized now was not the time.

I needed to tell him, and soon, but it shouldn’t be like this. It should be when we’re alone, where we can act out these feelings unhindered.

I decided then and there that I’d tell him tonight after the party. I didn’t think I could wait much longer than that, anyway.

Abraham squeezed my hand. “What were you gonna say?”

I smiled and kissed the hand that was holding mine. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll tell you later.”

He looked unconvinced, but I dragged him toward the drinks and soon our stolen moment was forgotten in the mayhem.

I was quickly handed a drink by Aubrey, the girl I’d met when we were trying to figure out how Charlie had been poisoned. I gave her a grateful smile and took my first sip of werewolf moonshine.

And immediately spit it out I coughed so hard.

Abraham was laughing as he patted my back and waited for me to get my spasming lungs under control. When I could finally speak, I speared him with a glare.

“Why didn’t you tell me this tasted like motor oil?”

He laughed loudly, head tipped back to the night sky, the smooth column of this throat exposed and his Adam’s apple bobbing. Instantly, my anger was forgotten.

When he was done laughing at me, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “All you had to do was ask, baby.”

I rolled my eyes and handed him the offending liquid. “Here, you finish it.”

He shot me a wink and took a big gulp of the clear drink. I watched in fascination as he swallowed it with no problem and even licked his lips when he was done.

“It’s an acquired taste,” he explained.

“It tastes like paint. Who acquires a taste for paint?”

He laughed loudly again, this time drawing curious looks and smiles from those around us. When he finally composed himself, he got a cold bottle of water from Aubrey and handed it to me. “Here, this is more your speed.”

“Oh, shut up.”

He laughed again, the sound almost drowning out the first few cords of a popular Taylor Swift song.

“Is that Del?” I asked.

Abraham nodded, his eyes bright. “Sure is. Why don’t you go find a seat near my sisters and I’ll be right back?”

I nodded and watched him take off for the lodge, his large legs eating up the distance in no time. I shrugged and turned to find his sisters, ready to listen to Del perform for the party.




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