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Hudson (Thoroughly Educated Book 1) by Lara Norman (20)

Chapter Twenty

It wasn't as easy as Reagan thought it would be when she went back to college after the holidays. She expected the smooth transition she’d experienced when returning from Thanksgiving break, but it was nothing like that. She left home later than intended because it was storming, which only served to remind her how much she missed Hudson. She had to drive slower than she would have otherwise, and it was late when she arrived. She was exhausted from all the tossing and turning she’d done for at least a week. Her bags got soaked on the walk into the resident hall she lived in, and her clothes and hair were plastered to her body. She shivered on her way down the hall, dreaming of a hot shower and her bed.

When she let herself into her dorm room, she was met with a frizzy haired blonde girl that gave her a sweet smile.

“I’m Gabby.” The girl gave a half wave.

Right. Her new roommate. “Hi, I’m Reagan.”

Reagan set her stuff on her bed and tried to be reasonable with the newcomer. She wasn't in the mood to be polite, but she couldn't start off this new relationship on the wrong foot. She didn't say anything while she peeled off her wet clothes and threw on a robe, and then grabbed her shower bag from the closet.

“I, uh, just need to get a hot shower, but it’s nice to meet you.”

Gabby didn't say anything so Reagan just went down the hall. She moved quickly, not interested in anything other than getting warm and going to sleep. When she got back to her room, Gabby was sitting on her own bed brushing her hair.

“Where are you from?” Gabby asked.

“Virginia. You?” Reagan put her things away and sat on her own bed.


“Oh, so you had farther to travel than me. Which dorm were you in last semester?”

“Dorchester Hall. I didn't like my former roommate and I begged to be switched.”

“Well, thank God. My former roommate was awful, too. She couldn't wait to get out of here. I promise I’m not obnoxious, but tonight is not a good representation of my best self. I’ll be brighter and more fun in the morning.”

Gabby laughed. “I believe you.”

With a smile, Reagan turned off her lamp and lay down for the night.

She didn't feel any more rested in the morning, but she kept her grumbling thoughts to herself as she picked out a nice outfit for the day and accepted the coffee Gabby had made. There were definitely perks to no longer having to put up with Lydia.

“Thank you for being so thoughtful,” she said as she pulled on her jeans.

“Absolutely. I want to make this work.” Gabby was clearly a cheerful morning person, which Reagan wasn't.

“I think it will. I’ll see you this afternoon, right?” Reagan threw on a sweater and grabbed her bag and a granola bar.

“Yeah, my last class is at four.”

“Okay, mine, too. I’ll see you then.”

She left the room and hustled down to her car. She had her interview in the middle of the day between classes, and she was excited about the prospect, despite her misgivings about the long-term ramifications. As she headed into the building housing her literature class, she thought about the fact that she hadn't brought up her dilemma the last time she spoke with Hudson. She’d been focused on Grant and the remainder of their time together and hadn’t called Hudson again. They’d exchanged texts the night before when she’d arrived, but that was it. She knew he was disappointed that she hadn't come over, and it didn't help that it wasn't looking good for the rest of the week, either.

“Good morning, everyone,” she heard just as she came to the open classroom door. Her nipples tingled just at the sound of his voice. Hurrying in and sitting down, she pulled her blank notebook out and tried to focus.

She was easily distracted the entire time he was lecturing. As far as she could tell, there was very little difference between the previous semester and the current one except for what literature they were going to be studying. Instead of focusing on that, she was focused on Hudson himself. He hadn’t shaved his beard, and it had grown out nicely over the past month. His cheekbones were well-defined above the dark red growth, and his eyes sparkled as his gaze caught hers, holding the promise in them that when they finally got together it would be explosive. The resonating tone of his voice made her heart beat faster as he brought up the syllabus.

Reagan tried to look down at her notebook and focus, but it didn't work for longer than a few minutes at a time. She pictured finding him in his office after class. With the new semester, she didn't have to be in her next class immediately after this one. The thought of at least having a minute to kiss Hudson and tell him she would love to see him as soon as she had the time had her temperature rising. Maybe she'd make things easy on both of them and let him do a little more than kiss her. Their connection was like a steel cable attached between them. She felt the pull as he moved around the room, even when she didn't look at him. She couldn't help staring at the clock and watching the second hand move around as it approached the end of the hour. As soon as he announced that everyone could leave she was up and heading down the hall to his office. She waited impatiently outside the door for him to arrive, leaning against the wall and trying not to look suspicious.

He came down the hall with a swagger that stole her breath. She wanted to check around them for other faculty, but she could only stare at him as his long legs ate up the carpeted hallway. Reagan could practically see the need in his eyes as he approached, but she stood still with her arms crossed.

“I need to see you for a minute, please, Professor Clark.”

He grinned. “Of course, Miss Hughes.”

She waited for him to unlock the door before preceding him inside. As soon as he closed the door behind them, she pounced.

“God.” He groaned as their bodies came in contact and he pressed his mouth to hers. It had been too long since he’d wrapped himself around her, bending to meet her height and holding her close. Her mouth was a wonderland of sensation as she boldly stroked her tongue against his.

They shifted, moving across the room in stumbling steps. Her hands went to his waistband and delved inside to send him over the edge. Hudson buried his hands in her hair and angled her head as he deepened their kiss. He couldn't believe how much he’d missed her. Reagan’s hip bumped into his desk and a picture frame crashed to the floor. She giggled and pressed a kiss to his throat as she moved her hands to his chest. “I know we can’t go too far, but I really wanted to see you.”

“If only we had a few more minutes.” He caressed her curves. “I love your body. The way it feels under my hands, the way your ass looks as I fuck you from behind.”

She whimpered as he punctuated his sentence by biting her bottom lip.

“Professor Clark?”

Everything came to a standstill as she heard the shocked voice coming from behind Hudson. Her heart stopped beating, his hands stopped moving, the earth stopped revolving. Keeping her body shielded with his, he turned very slowly.

“May I help you, Ms. Powell?” Reagan flinched at the hardness in his tone.

“I—um, never mind.”

It was only once the door slammed shut that everything went back into motion. Hudson backed all the way to the wall, an entire room’s length away from Reagan. Her eyes were wide as she took in the expression on his face. It was a mixture of feelings, and the one that seemed to win out was rage.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she said on a whispered breath. She didn't even believe that herself.

“It won’t.” He wouldn't meet her gaze, instead looking at the floor as he grasped his forehead in one hand while the other fisted at his waist.

“I need to go.”

“Yes, you do.”

She bolted for the door, not stopping to look back at Hudson. She was fairly positive he was going to have a meltdown and she didn't want to be there to witness it. She hurried to her next class but spent the time chewing on her thumb as she worried over the ramifications of being caught. Hudson had just become comfortable with their relationship, but it was more than obvious he was going to shut her out. After an agonizingly long class where she learned what torture she’d be faced with for the next few months, she made her way to her interview. Despite the shaking in her hands and the trembling in her gut, she got the job. She was expected to show on Wednesday afternoon for her first day. The offer was bittersweet.

She finished her last classes of the day and went back to the dorm. She was supposed to meet Luna and Davis for dinner, but she needed time to herself first. She was alone, and though she liked Gabby, she was glad she wasn't there yet. Reagan sank onto her bed and cried but she didn't wallow for long. She changed her clothes and spent a few minutes in the bathroom washing her face before heading out. Davis had promised to pay if she met up with them, since she’d explained how broke she would be until she received her first paycheck. She didn't feel like celebrating, but she would make an effort for them.

She walked into the pizza place and spotted the two of them standing off to the side of the line. The first thing she did was walk up to Luna and wrap her in a hug, followed by one for Davis.

“It’s been too long,” she said.

Davis grinned at her. “It has, little freshman. Can you believe I missed you?”

She snorted. “Can you believe I missed you?”

Luna laughed at her. “I know that feeling. He’s obnoxious, but he grows on you.”

“Hey, now.”

She merely smiled indulgently at him and linked her arm with Reagan’s. “Let’s order so we can sit and talk about how horrendous this first day back has been.”

Once they were seated, Reagan let Luna talk about her day. Her alarm didn't go off, she was late to her first class, she spilled half a bottle of water on herself in the middle of the day and had to go home to change, and she broke a fingernail. Davis watched Luna as she spoke, and Reagan got the feeling of intruding on their alone time, something she had struggled with before, but never really let bother her. Reagan waited until Davis got up to get their order before she spoke up about her own day.

“Someone walked into the professor’s office while I was in there with him.”

Luna’s mouth popped into an O as she dropped her hands to the table and leaned closer to Reagan. “What were you doing at the time?”

Reagan sighed, blinking back tears. “He was kissing me after saying something particularly crude. He blocked me from whoever it was; a student, I think. He was basically in shock.”

“Oh, honey.” Luna covered Reagan’s hand with her own, knowing she didn't want to talk about it in front of Davis.

They changed topics when he came back. Reagan mentioned that she got the job at the daycare, and Davis talked about annoying the hell out of his parents while he was home.

“They complain constantly about my choice of classes, but they only demanded that I attend a four-year college, not that I get a specific degree.”

Luna chuckled. “And I’m sure your stellar grades thrill them.”

“I’m not flunking, if that’s what you mean.” He rolled his eyes indignantly. “I do the projects and pass my exams, I just don’t do the homework.”

“Well, aren't you special,” Reagan muttered. She saw the look that Davis and Luna exchanged, but neither of them said anything.

All Reagan wanted to do was go back to the dorm and call Hudson. She had a pounding headache by the time they were finished eating. Luna hugged her and promised to text her later, and even Davis gave her a hug and didn't give her any crap.

Gabby was there when she returned, reminding her that it wasn't the same as back home. She couldn't have a private conversation in the tiny dorm room. After getting something for her headache, Reagan headed out to the common area to find a spot that wasn't busy with students. She sat in an armchair in a corner and called Hudson. When his voicemail kicked in, she hung up and pulled up their text conversation instead. She told him that she was sure it would be fine since she hadn't been seen, but that she was sorry it happened at all.

She waited for his response, playing around on her phone in the meantime. When thirty minutes had passed and she didn't hear from him, she checked the message she’d sent. It appeared that he had his read receipts turned off because she couldn't tell if he’d received her message. Frustrated, she sent another text assuring him that she was there for him if he needed to vent. With tears pricking her eyes, she went back to her room and climbed in bed.




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