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Hundred Reasons (Money for Love Book 1) by Ali Parker, Lexy Timms (24)



My feet were blistered and sore. I winced as I hung up my apron and grabbed my bag from the back room. Diana nodded at my feet as if to say, “I told you so.” I just shrugged and waved goodbye on my way out the back door.

“See you tomorrow,” Diana called.

I nodded, too tired to speak. My entire body felt like lead as I dragged it across the sand. The parking lot for The Diner was up on the street level. It was connected to a stairwell that led straight to the beach, but I never parked there. Even when Dad and I would come, we always parked right on the street and jumped over the rocks onto the sand. It was faster, but I didn’t consider how hard it would be to climb back up after working a full shift.

The stairs leading up to the street were further down the beach. I paused at the wall and stared up at my car. Part of me wanted to walk the extra distance just to reach the stairs. The thought of pulling myself up was exhausting enough, but actually doing it?

I groaned and pushed myself forward. There was no use wasting time. I needed to get home and in bed so I could be ready to meet with Declan first thing in the morning. With another groan, I pulled myself up on the rocks like I’d done a thousand times before.

My arms protested, and my leg muscles tightened, but I made it up to the street without injuring myself. Thankfully, my car was right there. I walked five feet and practically toppled into the driver’s seat. My eyes fell closed without my consent. I had to shake myself awake before I could drive home.

“This fucking sucks,” I said to myself.

I drove toward home with my mind split between the shop and Declan. My shift at The Diner had been great. I did well and even managed to pull in some great tips, but it wasn’t enough. At the end of the night, Diana pressed a wad of cash against my palm and fixed me with a no-nonsense stare.

“I don’t want to hear any complaints,” she told me. “You take this money and put it toward the shop. It’s not much, but it’s all I have.”

“Diana,” I began, but she shook her head firmly and walked away.

It felt like charity, and my first instinct was to throw the money at the back of her head. I was enraged that she would dare give me a handout, but as I stared down at the money, I felt my anger evaporate into nothing.

Diana wasn’t taking pity on me. She was helping. She knew how hard I was willing to work to save the repair shop, and she wanted to help. I tucked the money away in my bag and didn’t say another word about it. When things leveled out, if they ever did, I would pay her back. Until then, I would show my gratitude by working my ass off.

I drove through town slowly. My house was calling out to me, specifically my bed, but I took my time getting home. Not only was I too tired to rush, but I needed time to think, and I always did my best thinking on the road.

I took the long way home and let my mind spin circles around itself. The shop’s impending doom hung over my head like a rain cloud. Imagining the doors locked and my keys taken away sent waves of nausea rolling through my stomach. I felt bile rise in my throat. I swallowed hard and forced myself to think about something else, anything else.


His face popped into my head immediately. He didn’t say what exactly our meeting would be about, but I was smart enough to figure it out. Gamble Realty still wanted to buy Tanner Bikes. The first time I’d met the Gamble brothers, I could tell how interested Samson was in the repair shop. Then, I didn’t think he was interested in buying me out, but now, I knew the truth.

Samson wanted the shop. And Declan? Well, I couldn’t tell what Declan wanted.

There were moments during our lunch that I felt something from Declan. It wasn’t exactly desire or even attraction, but it was there. An interest that I couldn’t ignore. But that didn’t stop me from trying.

I told myself that Declan was only interested in my business. That was why he’d set the meeting. It wasn’t about seeing me. It was about procuring my property. And yet, that didn’t feel right either.

As I pulled into my driveway, I remembered Declan’s words. He’d said he wanted to help. He saw me struggling, and he wanted to help. At least, that’s what he told me. It was impossible to know the truth.

It didn’t matter, though. Whatever his true intentions were, I’d already agreed to meet with him in the morning. It was already well after midnight, so I got out of my car and limped my way inside. I didn’t even bother changing out of my uniform. I collapsed onto my bed with my shoes still on my feet and my bag still thrown over my shoulder.

As exhausted as my body was, my mind wouldn’t quiet down. All I could think about was money and Declan. Declan and money. Mila and Declan. Declan and the repair shop. Money. Money. Money.

Finally, I sat up in bed and opened my bag. I dumped out all the tips I’d made that night along with the money Diana gave me. Laying on my bed in a messy pile, it looked like a lot. But, once I started counting everything, I realized it was next to nothing.

Diana was right. The money she’d given me wasn’t much, but it still meant the world to me. I counted everything and felt my heart fall into my stomach. There was no way I’d make enough money before the week was up.

I organized the money carefully and tucked it away inside my wallet. I would deposit all of it into my account tomorrow, but for now, I didn’t even want to think about it anymore.

I pushed myself to my feet and got undressed. My disappointment seemed to wake me up enough for me to find pajamas, brush my teeth, and then fall right back in bed.

My brain slipped in and out of consciousness. I tried not to worry, but it was all I could do. My body was tense when I finally fell into a dream that relaxed me more than anything had in months.

I was back at The Diner. My apron was tied tightly around my waist, and my hair was pulled back in its low ponytail. Diana was behind the counter, pouring coffee into mugs and flashing her brilliant smile at every customer she served.

When I turned to take an order, I saw Declan and Mila. They were back, sitting in the same booth as before. Mila’s Little League uniform was replaced with a pair of jean shorts and a T-shirt. She had on tennis shoes and her wild red hair was braided smoothly down her back.

Declan’s eyes met mine and my stomach flipped. He was wearing a similar outfit with a baseball cap on his head. He looked five years younger as a wide smile spread across his face. I walked over to them, and Mila jumped out of her seat.

She threw her arms around my waist and squeezed as if she’d done this every day of her life.

“What are you in the mood for?” I asked her when she sat back down.

“Apple pie! With ice cream!”

“I think we can do that.” I grinned.

“And you?” I asked, turning to face Declan.

“I think you know.” He looked me up and down with a mischievous grin on his face. I expected to feel my cheeks blush, but they didn’t. I just took a step forward and put my hand on the table, leaning down so our faces were inches apart.

“Behave yourself,” I whispered. “I’m working.”

“It’s not my fault,” he said. “That dress just…”

“Hush,” I said playfully.

He laughed. I straightened up and finished taking their order before I hurried behind the counter. I could feel Declan’s eyes on me the whole way.

“Your man looks good today,” Trish, another waitress said.

“He’s not my man.” I waved my hand dismissively.

“That’s her story anyway,” Diana said. “We all know she’s in denial.”

“I’m not in denial,” I said. “We’re just … We’re friends.”

“Friends,” Trish said. “And yet, you spend almost every day with him and his daughter.”

“Mila’s great,” I said.

“She is,” Diana said. “But so is her father.”

“Declan is great,” I said. “Which is why we’re friends.”

I left Diana and Trish to whisper about my relationship with Declan. Even to us, it was still undefined. When I turned back to face him, he was smiling across the booth at Mila. She was chattering the way only a little girl can, and Declan was listening to her with rapt attention. They reminded me so much of me and my father that I felt a hole burning in my heart.

Declan glanced at me and saw the sadness on my face. He said something to Mila and then hurried over to me with concern in his eyes.

There was a flash and the world seemed to spin around me. The next thing I knew, I was standing on the beach with my toes digging in the sand.

Mila was splashing in the waves, and Declan was standing beside me. Their clothes had been replaced with bathing suits and when I looked down, I didn’t see my waitress uniform. Instead, I wore a bright blue one piece that hugged my curves and made Declan’s eyes flicker continuously to my chest.

“If you stare at me any harder,” I said, “you’ll burn a hole straight through me.”

“You’re so fucking sexy.” He growled and grabbed me around the waist.

“Watch it.” I giggled. “Mila is right there.”

“She’s distracted,” Declan said, burying his face in my neck.

I felt the prickle of his five o’clock shadow against my skin. Electricity shot down my spine and into my toes. I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his scent. He smelled sweet and salty at the same time. The scent of his shampoo tickled my nose, and when I lowered my head to his shoulder, I could smell his sweat dripping down his back.

“You’re torturing me,” I whispered.

“That’s the point.”

His lips found my ear, and he exhaled slowed. I shivered and held him tighter. My body was on fire when he pulled away suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked breathlessly.

“Mila,” he said. He jerked his head to the right and then ran toward the water.

Panic gripped my chest as I watched Declan sprint toward Mila. She was still above water but just barely. I took off running. I ran as fast as I could, but the ocean seemed to slip away. With every step I took, Declan and Mila moved further away. I couldn’t reach them.

Everything went dark. My heart was racing, but when my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the ocean was nowhere in sight. Mila was gone too. There were candles flickering all around me. I blinked and realized I was lying on a bed.

I turned my face to see Declan walking toward me. His blue eyes were alive with desire. They twinkled in the candlelight. My heart raced faster as he crawled up the bed and put his arms around me.

“Hey, you,” he said. “I missed you today.”

“You have no idea.”

He grinned and let his eyes fall closed. He traced his nose gently over mine. My breath caught in my chest. I lifted my chin, searching desperately for his lips.

When he kissed me, desire flooded between my legs. For the first time, I realized we were naked. Declan’s skin slid smoothly over mine as he trailed his hands over my thighs. Pressing his fingertips against my skin, I moaned and wrapped my legs around his waist.

His dick was hard, gently pressed against me.

I moaned and shifted my hips, wanting him more than ever.

Slowly, Declan trailed one finger down my body, sliding it between my legs. He brushed my clit once, his eyes finding mine. A silent question formed on his face. I nodded.

Declan’s finger brushed my clit again. Pleasure coursed through my body as he slowly picked up speed.

My hips lifted on their own, rising up to meet him, then falling back against the mattress. Within seconds, I was panting and desperate for more.

Declan’s fingers flew over my sensitive clit. I trembled. Moaned. Whimpered. Cried out his name.

And when I came, the earth seemed to open up and swallow us whole.

Still panting, I pulled Declan down for a kiss.

His lips moved fast over mine, a desperate hunger pouring off of him. When he pulled away, his dick was once against pressed against me, silently begged for me.

Declan froze, his eyes never leaving my face. “Are you sure?” he asked.

I woke with a jolt. My heart was pounding inside my chest, and my palms were sweaty. I glanced at the window to see sunlight streaming through my curtains. My meeting with Declan was in an hour.