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Joker (Executioners Book 2) by J.M. Dabney (18)

Jackson Knew What He Liked

Two weeks of what came close to relationship bliss, except for Jackson’s stubbornness but it wasn’t like he hadn’t been aware of it. They had gone on dates, rides, and spent time with Mary. She was settling in but was a little too quick to pull her knife. He loved the woman, though. Her life had been hell, to the point she’d locked herself away to stay safe.

There was one thing that annoyed him though. The man wouldn’t go passed some make out sessions. He went to bed most nights with sexual frustration clawing at him.

“Your bed,” he ordered Killer who was on the pillow next to him.

She stared at him, gave him her signature glare, but jumped from the bed. Killer still hated to share, but she was going to have to get over it. Jackson was his too.

He turned to the side and eased the sheet off Jackson. He shifted down the bed and moved to straddle Jackson’s calves. The man’s body to him was perfect. It didn’t matter how many scars graced Jackson’s skin. He kissed the ones he could reach, paid special attention to the ones on Jackson’s hips, thighs and hidden by Jackson’s pubes.

He inhaled Jackson’s scent. Musky, spicy with hints of soap. He licked up the length of Jackson’s cock, kissed the scars, and Jackson’s hips lifted from the mattress. He grinned before he engulfed Jackson’s dick and swallowed him completely. He groaned at the feel and taste of him. He bobbed his head as Jackson roughly gripped his hair. He played with Jackson’s foreskin, sucked on it, nipped at it, and ran his tongue beneath it, gathering Jackson’s flavor.

Opening his eyes, he glanced up to see the quick rise and fall of Jackson’s chest, passed that to the man’s heavy-lidded eyes, and Jackson’s teeth were sunk into his lower lip. As he sucked Jackson’s cock, he relished each moan, whimper and curse. The sound of his name broke as Jackson’s upper body curled up and Jackson shifted his legs open.

The tug on his hair almost dislodged Jackson’s dick, but he increased his suction and Jackson’s stomach sucked in tight. He wasn’t a match for Jackson’s strength. As Jackson drew him near, Jackson sat up. The wet length of Jackson’s cock notched with his between their stomachs.

Jackson kissed him rough, teeth and tongue, and Jackson’s fingertips dug painfully into his ass. His thighs gripped Jackson’s hips. Their movements were feverish and desperate. They couldn’t seem to get close enough.

He rolled his head back as Jackson’s fingers massaged his hole. A pleasurable pinch preceded several tips pushing inside. He twined his arms around Jackson’s neck and rode his fingers, pushing his hips back as Jackson’ removed his touch.

“No, come on, Jackson, don’t tease.”

Jackson pushed him back, and he glared at Jackson. The man was smirking at him.


“My needy boy. Why should I let you have this,” Jackson asked as he stroked his hard, leaking cock.

He wanted that dick back in his mouth or better yet his ass. He jerked off so many times reliving the way Jackson had taken him last time. The soreness of his ass from being taken raw and rough. His high-pitched grunts still played in his head that accompanied each jab of Jackson’s perfect cock into his ass.

It was the roughness and the out of control nature of Jackson’s possession that he craved the most. He wasn’t treated like he was less than because his body wasn’t considered normal.

“You’re cruel.”

He reached for Jackson.


Jackson twisted to the side and pulled out the drawer, then he handed him the lube.

“Turn around, I want to watch you get your ass ready for me.”

His face flushed and his hands tightened around the small bottle. Jackson helped him turn around to straddle his thighs backward. He slicked his fingers and brought his hand to his hole, then he thrust roughly inside with one finger.

Jackson palmed his cheeks and pulled them apart.

“You should see how fucking sexy that is. Show me how you want me to fuck you.”

He leaned forward and placed his weight on his left hand, and he quickly worked up to four fingers. The slick, wet sounds joined Jackson’s grunts behind him. He turned his head to find Jackson sweaty and flushed, Jackson jacked his cock in a brutal rhythm. He nearly came when Jackson placed his hand on his crease and thrust a thick thumb inside to join his fingers.

He tensed as he was grabbed and thrown to his back on the bed. Jackson’s features were tense and sharp, his breathing was rough as if he couldn’t catch his breath.

“You want it, don’t you? Fuck, you should see yourself, all red and swollen, ready for my dick.”

His legs were pushed back, then his arms were positioned to lock his ankles and his hands wrapped around the headboard.

“Don’t fucking move.”

He didn’t say a word as Jackson sheathed himself with a condom and more lube. He swallowed hard as Jackson’s knees came to rest beside his hips. He shifted until he was comfortable. Jackson didn’t say anything, silently understood he needed to lay a certain way.

He watched as Jackson gripped the base of his latex covered cock and started to tease, shallowly pushing in and out. He tried to squeeze to keep Jackson inside, but that only made Jackson’s smirk. If he didn’t know Jackson better that expression would terrify him, but his cock only became harder.

A shout took him by surprise as Jackson slammed forward, and he bit his lip. Jackson withdrew slowly and repeated the quick, painful thrust. The force rocked him and the trailer. The sounds of pleasure coming from Jackson made it so much more than he expected. His body was flushed and slick, his heart beat a rhythm that was panic-inducing.

The fast and slow retreat and thrust grew to the point his hole was sore and his skin reddened from the slap of Jackson’s hips against him.

Jackson’s calloused hands wrapped around the front of his thighs and pulled him onto his cock. The man was focused on where their bodies joined. Jackson’s muscles stood out harshly on his hairy body.

“I want to cum, touch

“You cum when I tell you.”

Jackson pulled from him, and he released his legs to reach for Jackson. The man wouldn’t be that cruel to leave him. Jackson’s cock was red and his pubes slick with lube and sweat. It jerked with need.

His eyes widened as Jackson lubed his hand and forced Dem to his stomach. He buried his face in the pillow and screamed as Jackson fucked him with his fingers. The stretch was both heaven and hell. Jackson rammed into him pushing him closer to the edge, but he needed more. That more he didn’t know—couldn’t name.

“Scream for me. I want to hear how much you want it.”

Jackson’s voice was gruff and dangerous. He struggled until he could get his knees under him and slid them to the side.

He screamed and begged for more. Jackson leaned over him, kissed down the length of his spine to the top of his crease. His cock was painfully hard as it rubbed to the sheet under him, but still, he couldn’t reach the orgasm he craved.

“Fuck me, fuck…”

That’s when Jackson’s fingers disappeared, and his cock was back where it belonged. He screamed and cried as Jackson used him. Jackson reached under him and jacked his cock in the same pace as Jackson’s hips.

It was all he’d needed—Jackson’s dick and the rough stroke of Jackson’s hand. He clawed at the sheets and Jackson’s hips slammed once more to his ass. His hips bowed upward, and he came. He ground against Jackson milking every second of the best orgasm he’d ever had.

Jackson’s hand rested between his shoulder blades, and Jackson jerked from him. He listened to the sounds of Jackson jerking off behind him. He turned his head enough to watch, but he could only see Jackson’s face.

“Tell me you’re mine.”

“Yours, Jackson.”

“All mine, fuck, mine,” Jackson spoke that single word repeatedly until he felt Jackson’s hot seed on his ass.

The thick head of Jackson’s cock pushed just above his hole, and he shivered at the trickle of seed.

Jackson laid on him and pushed their mouths together. The kiss was rough and possessive but also had a lazy pace. Jackson’s arms held him close. He listened to the soft words, but couldn’t make them out. He opened his eyes to find Jackson’s lashes spiky with tears. They ran from the corners of Jackson’s eyes. He didn’t say a word, didn’t draw attention to it, and he realized Jackson trembled.

Jackson’s voice rose enough for him to hear, “Don’t make me go away.”

“Hey, shit.” He worked until he could turn over and embrace Jackson. “Jackson, baby, what’s wrong?”

“I should be gentle with you. Show you how much I

“How much what?” He wiped the tears and sweat from Jackson’s face and hated Jackson wouldn’t look at him.

“I love you. I think. I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like.”

“Then what do you assume it’s supposed to feel like?”

This wasn’t exactly the conversation he wanted to have after sex with his man, but communication was important. Especially when Jackson wasn’t really that great about expressing any emotion other than anger or sarcasm.

“Like my friends are with their partners. They’re always touching. They’re happy when they see them. I’ve walked in on most of them fucking, and they were always gentle. I keep

“Don’t, what happens in our bed is our business. Next time may be slow and gentle, or maybe it never will be. That’s for us to decide. Not what others may find normal. I like that you’re out of control.”

“Do you think you’ll love me one day?”

He hated his man was still insecure. Jackson still second guessed his every move and what he said. He knew Jackson would need time, a lot more time, and he was willing to give it to him. They had their agreements in place, and they were both happy with them. The one thing he wasn’t happy about was they hadn’t discussed their feelings as much as they should have. That had to change.

“Already done, I love you, it’s new and we’ve been together a matter of months, but that doesn’t change what I feel.”

Jackson tucked his head under his chin, and he held Jackson close. Their bodies slowly cooled, and Jackson drew the sheet over them. He did love Jackson. Jackson survived so much and to be honest, it had come close to him never meeting Jackson.

He knew life with Jackson wasn’t going to be easy, but it was worth it.

“Did you put Killer outside before you attacked me?”

“No, she’s in her bed and maybe traumatized now.”

“She’ll get over it.”

Jackson was heavy on top of him, and he loved it. Months ago, he wouldn’t have anticipated he’d ever be this close to Jackson. Allowed to touch the angry and cranky man. Jackson just needed cuddles and plenty of love. He was willing to take care of both for however long they had together.