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Just One Night by Charity Ferrell (14)

Chapter Sixteen


The door chimes when we walk in, and the nurse behind the counter jumps up from her chair to greet us. Her smile collapses when she notices Dallas behind me. She has the perfect sun-kissed blonde hair and a summer tan. She reminds me of Lucy. Dallas’s type.

She tucks a strand behind her ear. “Dallas … I didn’t see you on the books today.”

“Hey, Fiona. I’m with Willow Andrews. We have an appointment with Aidan,” he explains, keeping his focus on me.

Dallas wasn’t lying about there being an office inside. It’s not modern, like the one I went to for my first pregnancy test. First professional one. I’d taken fifteen at-home tests and then finally gone to the doctor because I was in denial and determined they were all defective.

A few chairs sit in the waiting room across from the wooden front desk A photo of an older man with his name underneath it is centered on the wall, and a corkboard covered with flyers is hung next to it.

Get your flu shot!

Join the bowling league!

Fire department fundraiser this Friday!

The nurse’s red lips dip in surprise as she stares at me in curiosity the same way everyone did at the fair. “I see. Let me collect the paperwork your doctor sent over this morning, and then I’ll show you to your exam room.”

Dallas tucks his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Is Rick in today?”

“No, he’s out hunting. Won’t be back until the weekend. We have a light schedule today, even with Aidan here.” She laughs. “Everyone remembers all the trouble he got into when you guys were younger, and they aren’t sure if they trust him with needles yet.”

I jerk my head to glare at Dallas. The hell? Is he bringing me to some quack?

“Aidan knows what he’s doing,” Dallas says, reassuring me. “We can’t all stay the kids who drank behind my parents’ barn or nearly lit the town square on fire.”

Fiona slaps his shoulder. “I miss those days.” She taps it next. “How have you been doing?”

He nods, scraping a hand through his hair, and his face tightens. “Fine.”

“You let me know if you need anything, all right?”

“Thanks,” he replies flatly.

Well … this sure is fun.

“So, where to?” he asks.

She leads us to a room at the end of the hallway. The door isn’t numbered but does say Dr. Aidan Riley across the top glass.

I sit on the exam bed while Dallas scoots his chair next to me. I don’t realize I’m tapping my feet until he rests his hand on my thigh, causing me to flinch. I surprise myself by not moving it. He might piss me off, but his touch relaxes me. That still doesn’t stop me from scowling at him though.

There’s a knock on the door, and Dallas moves his hand like a kid caught with it in the cookie jar when the doctor walks in.

The first thing I notice shouldn’t be how attractive he is, but he’s definitely a looker. Blond hair cut short in almost a frat-boy style but more sophisticated and an oval face with perfect features. I was expecting a dude in overalls. Now, I’m stuck in a room with two men I wouldn’t have a problem screwing. My OB-GYN and the off-limits man who knocked me up.

He holds out his hand with a smile. “Willow, pleasure meeting you. I’m Dr. Riley, but call me Aidan, considering my father has the same name, and I’m not an old goat.”

I smile back, and his attention goes to Dallas next, worry crossing his features.

“Dallas, you doing okay, man?”

My smile collapses. I feel bad for Dallas. His loss follows him everywhere. He will forever be known as the man who tragically lost his wife too soon. And I’ll forever be known as the woman who screwed the heartbroken widowed man and got knocked up.

Dallas’s attention stays on me as he answers, “Sure am, Doc.”

Aidan sits down on the rolling stool and comes closer. “The doctor who gave you your initial pregnancy test sent over your records. It appears, you’re around twelve weeks. Good timing for your first ultrasound.”

“Right … right now?” I ask. I knew he’d want to run tests but figured he’d want to ask more questions before diving straight in.

“We can do it another time if you’d like,” Aidan replies.

“No.” I clear my throat. “Today’s fine.” I want to see my baby. I peek over at Dallas. “You probably don’t want to be in here for this.”

He kicks his legs out and makes himself comfortable in the chair. “I’d like to be. That cool?”

Fuck no.

Aidan opens a cabinet and pulls out a cup before handing it to me. “You think about it. Meanwhile, I need a urine sample.” He tips his head toward the other side of the room. “Bathroom’s right there.”

I shut the door behind me and am washing my hands when I hear their conversation.

“Your mom know about this?” Aidan asks.

“No,” Dallas answers. “Just Hudson, his girlfriend, and Lauren.”

“Is she …” Aidan pauses. “Are you two …”

“Are we dating? No. It was a one-time thing.”

Aidan chuckles. “Oh, man. Good luck, my friend, and congratulations on the baby.”

* * *

My head flies up, nearly colliding with Dallas’s, and I’m struggling to keep my breath.

“Twins?” I yell. “Did you …” My gaze flicks to Dallas, who looks in as much shock as I am. “Did he … did he say twins?”

“Sure did,” Aidan answers with a wide grin. “My first prenatal patient, and we’re having twins. Yes!”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, Doctor, but you’re new at this, right? Are you sure you know how to read these correctly? They’re probably more ancient than what you worked with in med school.”

Aidan is still smiling, not offended. “I read these things for years when I shadowed my father. I clearly see two fetuses.” He puts his finger on the screen. “Here’s baby one.” Then, he moves it over. “And baby number two.”

Holy shit. Holy shit.

Dallas is sitting up straight, mouth open, and staring at the screen like he has to memorize it for a test tomorrow.

I can’t think straight. I was scared shitless when I thought I was having one baby. Now, I’m having two?

Double the responsibility. Double the diaper-changing. Double the expenses. Double the help I’m going to need from Dallas. Double the time we’ll be spending together.

* * *

“Let’s get lunch.”

I stop in my tracks and coldly gape at him. From now on, I’ll be placing all of this pregnancy blame on him because it’s too much for me to carry two babies in my body along with the responsibility of our choice on my shoulders.

He knocked me up. I’m the one who has to push the babies out, so he can deal with the blame for the pain and fear I’m experiencing. It only makes sense.

“Lunch?” I repeat. “Don’t you mean, let’s find a safe, pregnancy-approved Xanax? Or let’s go to yoga? Or find a stress-management class? Did you hear what Aidan said? I have two babies inside me.”

We found out we’re having twins, and he wants to get fucking lunch? Surely, I can’t be the only one in shock.

Lucky for me, Fiona was on break and unable to witness the panic in me when we left the exam room.

He stares at me with unease. “I heard him loud and clear. Two babies make feeding you even more important.”

“Are you not fucking terrified?” I shout.

We’re on the sidewalk outside the doctor’s office, which isn’t too far from the town square where most of the people hang out and gossip. There’s a chance someone might hear us, but I don’t care right now.

He takes a deep breath. “Nervous? Yes. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.” He takes the step separating us and runs his hands over my arms. “You can do this. We can do this. You’re going to be a great mother. When the babies come, your instincts will kick in, and you’ll have it figured out. Hell, I’ve seen you do shit for Stella that’s more demanding than children. So, yes, I’m nervous and surprised as fuck, but I’m relieved, knowing our twins will have a kick-ass mother. I trust you. I have faith in you. It won’t be easy, but we’ll make it work.”

I scrunch up my face when he snorts. “What’s so funny?”

“I bet you’re glad you didn’t hide this from me now. Admit it. You’re going to need my help.”

“You’re changing all the diapers, by the way. That’s your daddy duty.”

“Whatever you need, I’ll be here.” He rubs his hands together. “Now, how ’bout that lunch?”

“Lunch together? Like, in a public place?”

He chuckles. “Yes, together. There’s a diner down the street that serves the best sandwiches and pies you’ve ever had.”

I fake a yawn. “Thanks for the invite, but I’m pretty exhausted.”

I used to feel comfortable with spending hours with Dallas. We traveled together for weeks straight at times and ate meals together, and it never felt weird. So, why does it seem like such a big deal now? We slept with each other, for God’s sake.

“Come on.” He places his hands together. “Please.

“Fine, but a quick meal, and that’s it.” It’s hard to turn down this man.

He grins in victory. We pass small shops and bakeries before stopping in front of Shirley’s Diner. Large windows line the front, and I see the prying eyes before we even step foot inside. My anxiety triples when I follow him to a booth at the front of the diner sitting along the window.

“You okay?” he asks when we sit down.

I lean in and lower my voice. “They’re staring at me like I’m from a different planet.”

“They’re just curious.” He rests his hands on the table. “Say the word, and I’ll get up from this table and tell them to stop.”

“You’d do that?” I grab his arm when he starts to get up and let my fingers linger around his muscle before slowly peeling them away. “No!” I spread my napkin across my lap in an attempt to calm my nerves. “Forget I said anything.”

An older, dark-skinned waitress comes to our table. “Dallas, it’s nice to see you. I was afraid you’d been cheating on me with a new diner.”

Dallas chuckles. “You know I’d never betray you, Shirley. I’ve just been busy.”

She waves off his response with a grin. “You know I’m only giving you a hard time.” Her lips form a sincere smile when she glimpses at me. “And I see why you’ve been busy. What can I get for you, sweetie? Iced tea? Lemonade?”

“Lemonade.” I hold the menu up and set it back down. “And whatever today’s special is.”

“I’ll have the same,” Dallas tells her.

Shirley grabs our menus. “Coming right up.”

“She’s nice,” I comment when she scurries over to the booth across from ours.

“Blue Beech is filled with nice people,” he replies.

“I’m assuming you meant to say nosy people.” How bad will it get when news about my inhabited uterus gets around?

“Yes, they’re nosy, but they’ll lend you a helping hand without asking for anything in return, feed you, take care of your pets when you’re out of town, and always make sure you’re doing okay when something tragic happens. They’re only staring because they want to get to know you.”

“Or because they’re not used to seeing you with someone who’s not Lucy.”

A hint of a frown hits his lips, and his shoulders stiffen. “You could say that. I’ve been the town’s brooding bachelor for a minute now, who’s never been seen with another woman.”

“They see you as a traitor. You’re finally seen with a woman, and she’s an outsider.” I stop when I catch my words, my brain scattering to backtrack them. “Not that we’re, uh … more than friends. Just friends sharing a meal.”

“They’re well aware we’re more than friends sharing a meal.” He relaxes in his seat. “They’re really going to find out when you start to show and wear clothes that don’t swallow you up.”

“I’ll tell them I got fat.”

“And then lost all the weight, and we suddenly have two babies?”

I shrug. “Sounds legit to me.”

Shirley interrupts us and winks while dropping a turkey bacon club and our drinks in front of us. “You two enjoy.”

“You ready to come up with a plan yet?” Dallas asks when I take my first bite.

“Nope,” I answer after chewing.

He nods, telling me the conversation isn’t over but that he’ll save it for later. “What’s your favorite food?”

I look up from my plate. “What?”

“Your favorite food. We can’t sit here in silence, and I figure we’ll ask each other questions we never did when we worked together.”

I tell him it’s a tie between sushi and tacos. His is his mom’s carrot cake. We throw questions at each other back and forth while we eat. Having a normal conversation with him feels right. It’s comfortable. It doesn’t feel like first-date awkwardness because this is definitely not a date.

My dream vacation is staying in one of those tiki huts in Bora Bora. His is Yosemite. Black-and-white movies are my thing. He’s not much of a movie buff, but we both agree that anything with Tom Cruise is overrated.

Shirley collects our plates and comes back to set a delicious piece of blueberry pie in front of me.

“Oh no, I didn’t order this,” I say.

She smiles. “It’s on the house, honey. First slice for a newcomer is always free.”

“Thank you.” I take a bite and groan at the deliciousness. “Shirley is officially my favorite person in this town.”

He smiles in amusement. “She’s bribing you. The first piece is never free.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t think I’m the only one hoping you stay in Blue Beech.”




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