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Kill Game (Seven of Spades Book 1) by Cordelia Kingsbridge (17)

To Levi’s great displeasure, Jonah Gibbs was the first responding officer, even though his usual beat was nowhere near the hotel. Never one for social graces, he made constant wisecracks as he took Barton into custody and established the perimeter of the crime scene. At one point, he waggled his eyebrows at Levi and Dominic and said, “Too bad this ruined your night, huh, guys?”

Levi crossed his arms and glared, but what could he say? It’s not what it looks like? Nobody had ever believed that line in the history of the English language.

It took about an hour for the detective in charge to release Levi and Dominic, allowing Levi to take a few essential items with him and promising the rest of his belongings would be sent along once the scene had been fully processed. On his way out, Levi paused to look at the security chain, dangling in two pieces from the door and the jamb. The metal links had broken clean in half.

He shivered.

A hotel employee showed Levi to a new room on a much higher floor. Dominic accompanied them without comment. Levi badly needed to speak with him in private, away from curious ears, and it seemed he understood that without being told.

When Dominic had given his statement to the detective, he said that he’d been directed to the hotel by someone claiming to be the Seven of Spades. The detective had asked why he’d been so quick to believe the warnings, and he’d shrugged and said, “I’d rather have come and found out it was a trap than stayed away and found out it was true.”

Once they were alone in Levi’s new room with the door locked and chained behind them, Levi dropped his bag on the bed. “I need a drink.”

Dominic remained silent, but his expression made his reservations clear.

“I’m not planning to get drunk again, for God’s sake.” Levi opened the minibar. “You want something?”


Levi tossed him a tiny bottle of Stoli, then grabbed the Jack Daniels for himself. He drank the entire thing in one shot, grimaced, and dropped the empty bottle into the trash.

While Dominic settled into one of the room’s overstuffed armchairs, Levi got in touch with Martine to assure her that he was fine. It turned out that she’d been calling him earlier to warn him that Barton had slipped away from the cop keeping an eye on him; in the aftermath of the attack, he’d found several increasingly frantic voicemails on his phone.

He accepted a scolding, promised multiple times that he’d never ignore a call from her again, and hung up a few minutes later. With that taken care of, he turned to Dominic. “I need you to tell me exactly what the Seven of Spades said to you.”

“I can do better than tell you.” Dominic handed over his cell phone. “I can show you.”

Levi reviewed the odd text exchange, shaking his head as he read. “I don’t get it,” he said, returning the phone to Dominic. “I mean, it makes sense that they’d be following Barton. They told me themselves they would kill him if we couldn’t arrest him first. The five-day grace period will technically expire tonight at midnight, and they’d want to make sure he didn’t get away.” He dropped into the chair opposite Dominic’s. “Why risk so much to help me, though? Contacting you directly, calling 911—that was dangerous for them.”

“That’s not all,” said Dominic. “I’m pretty sure the Seven of Spades killed the hotel’s electricity.”

Levi agreed, but he wanted to hear Dominic’s reasoning. “What makes you say that?”

“While you were with Detective O’Brien, I talked to a couple of guys from the hotel. Nobody can figure out why the electricity went out at all, and what’s more, their emergency generator should have kicked on right away. Instead, there was a three-minute delay they can’t explain.”

“That makes this even crazier,” Levi said. “That would mean the Seven of Spades was here in the hotel, risking discovery just to protect me. Why?

Dominic spread his hands. “Isn’t it obvious? They know you.”


“I think you know the person behind the Seven of Spades. Maybe they’re a friend, maybe they’re just someone you work with, but there’s some connection beyond the case. When you were threatened, they felt responsible and took it very personally. I can’t imagine them reacting that way for a stranger.”

It wasn’t the first time Levi had considered this possibility, but hearing someone else say it aloud made it less abstract—and more sickening. “You think that while I’ve been investigating this case over the past week, I’ve come face-to-face with the Seven of Spades, spoken to them, and never known who they really were?”

“Yeah. I do.”

Levi groaned and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Fuck. This is insane.”

Dominic shifted in his chair, and for the first time, Levi noticed that he was favoring his right shoulder—holding it in a stiff, unnatural way.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

With a lopsided smile, Dominic said, “Shoulder’s a little sore. Forcing a door open by throwing yourself at it repeatedly is neither as easy or painless as it looks in the movies.”

Guilt swamped Levi. God, he should have realized—he should have anticipated that Dominic would be in pain after that. “I’ll get you some ice,” he said, rising from his chair. “Take off your jacket.”

He filled the ice bucket down the hall and returned to the room to find Dominic had folded his jacket on the table and piled his shoulder holster on top. Fetching a washcloth from the bathroom, Levi wrapped up some of the ice and approached, watching Dominic roll his injured shoulder experimentally beneath his long-sleeved shirt.

“Um . . . this will probably work better if you take the shirt off, too.”

Dominic met his eyes. For a moment, Levi was sure he would object, or just laugh it off—but then he started unbuttoning his shirt, not saying a word, looking up at Levi the whole time.

Levi felt oddly short of breath.

Grimacing slightly, Dominic peeled off his shirt and set it aside. He wore a sleeveless white undershirt beneath that clung to his muscles in a way that made Levi’s mouth go dry. Though Levi had seen him completely bare-chested three days earlier, this somehow felt more intimate, even dangerous.

Levi stepped closer and examined Dominic’s right shoulder. Visible bruising hadn’t set in yet, but it was badly swollen.

“Looks like you’ll have a nasty bruise tomorrow.” He gently pressed the makeshift ice pack to Dominic’s shoulder. “Are you sure it’s not dislocated?”

“I can say from experience that it’s definitely not,” said Dominic. “It’s not too bad, really.”

There was no reason for Levi to continue keeping the ice in place; Dominic could have easily held it with his left hand. Yet Dominic made no move to take over, and Levi didn’t ask him to.

“Thank you for coming,” Levi said, when the silence had dragged on too long.

“Of course.”

“No.” Levi’s throat was sore, his chest tight. “Not ‘of course.’ Do you know how few people would have done what you did? If you hadn’t come, or if you’d hesitated even for a couple of minutes, I could be dead right now.”

Dominic grinned. “Nah, I think you would’ve been fine. You’re a total badass.”

Levi rolled his eyes, a blush rising on his cheeks that he could do nothing to stop. “Is your shoulder feeling any better?”

“A little.” Dominic put his left hand on top of Levi’s, pressing the ice more firmly against the bruise. His shaky inhalation wasn’t a sound of pain.

The air was heavy and hard to breathe. Levi’s eyes roamed over Dominic’s body, taking him in. Usually, he was attracted to men with lean frames, not unlike his own. He’d never been with a man built like Dominic—massive shoulders, brawny biceps, a chest thick with well-defined musculature.

He’d never questioned those preferences before, either, but standing next to Dominic now, he knew it was because he felt uncomfortable around men who were physically stronger than him. Dominic didn’t make him uncomfortable, though. He could be trusted. Levi would never have to find out if he could defend himself against Dominic, because Dominic would never hurt him.

His free hand rested on Dominic’s arm, though he couldn’t remember putting it there. Every point of contact between their bodies prickled with heat, and Dominic’s eyes were dark.

“Levi,” he said, “you just ended a serious relationship yesterday. This is not a good idea.”

“I know. But objectively speaking, it wasn’t a good idea for you to come here tonight on the word of a serial killer. It wasn’t a good idea for you to follow me into that vet’s office. You seem to have a pretty good track record of turning bad ideas around.” Levi hesitated, then said, “You don’t want me?”

Dominic let out a strangled, incredulous laugh. “Oh, I want you. But only if you want me. Not just stress relief, or—or a rebound fuck.”

“That’s not what you are to me.”

Levi threaded his hand through Dominic’s gorgeous wavy hair and leaned down slowly, giving Dominic plenty of time to pull back if he wanted. Instead, Dominic tilted his face up and met Levi halfway.

It was soft, exploratory, the butterfly-gentle kiss of two people unfamiliar with each other’s bodies. Knowing Dominic had reservations, Levi held back, not wanting to be the one to push things further. It was Dominic who swept his tongue across Levi’s lower lip and into his mouth, deepening the kiss.

He moved both hands to Levi’s hips, his thumbs rubbing the prominent jut of Levi’s hipbones through his sweatpants. Levi was insanely sensitive there, even with the barrier of clothing; his body shuddered and he moaned into Dominic’s mouth.

That kicked things into a higher gear. Dominic’s answering groan was deep and hoarse as he tugged at Levi urgently. Levi dropped the ice-filled washcloth, uncaring as it scattered half-melted ice cubes across the carpet, and let himself be pulled onto Dominic’s lap.

Straddling Dominic’s powerful thighs, he wrapped his arms around Dominic’s neck and dove into a kiss that had become aggressive and hungry. Dominic pushed his hands underneath Levi’s T-shirt to rub up and down his back. Their bodies were pressed tightly together, not a centimeter of space between them. Levi ground his hardening cock against Dominic’s stomach and felt Dominic swelling beneath him.

He was growing dizzy from lack of oxygen, so he pulled his mouth away from Dominic’s and kissed his neck instead. As Dominic tilted his head to the side, sighing in pleasure, he grabbed Levi’s ass with both hands and squeezed.

Startled, Levi bit down harder than he’d intended. Dominic gasped.

“Sorry,” Levi said, lifting his head.

Dominic looked at him with glazed eyes. “No, it’s fine. Mark me up as much as you want.”

Levi lowered his head to suck a bruise into the hollow of Dominic’s throat. Dominic arched against him, strong hands kneading Levi’s ass and driving him crazy.

“Get this shirt off me,” said Levi. He was burning up, even the lightweight fabric of his T-shirt unbearably smothering.

Dominic stripped him out of it, then stared at the body he’d revealed. “God, look at you,” he said, his voice so rich with admiration that Levi’s eyelids fluttered. Dominic dragged a knuckle over the hard ridges of Levi’s abdominal muscles. “You’re built like a fucking panther.”

His eyes intent on Levi’s face, Dominic dipped his thumbs beneath the waistband of Levi’s sweatpants to caress his sensitive hipbones. Levi couldn’t control his reaction; he groaned and jerked, steadying himself on Dominic’s shoulders. He should have known Dominic was too perceptive to have missed his earlier response.

Not to be outdone, Levi retaliated by biting down on Dominic’s collarbone, licking and sucking at his skin. Dominic bore it stoically for a few seconds, his tightening grip on Levi’s hips the only sign of how much that affected him. Then he grunted and tugged Levi’s mouth back up to his own.

It had been three years since Levi had kissed anyone other than Stanton, and the adjustment was disorienting. Everything about Dominic was unfamiliar, from his size and shape to the playful, teasing way he kissed, which involved a lot of nipping and pulling back and provoking Levi into taking a more assertive role. Levi didn’t know Dominic’s body the way he knew Stanton’s, but that held its own excitement.

One thing he looked forward to learning was how Dominic’s bare skin felt against his. He broke the kiss and helped Dominic out of his undershirt—moving carefully, in deference to Dominic’s injured shoulder. Once that magnificent chest was on display, Levi smoothed his hands across the broad expanse of muscle, then raked his fingers down through Dominic’s chest hair. Dominic’s back bowed away from the chair, his breath escaping him in one low hiss.

“What do you want?” he asked, pulling Levi close. “Tell me.”

Levi was too worked up for modesty or ambiguity. “I want you to fuck me with all the strength you used to bust through that door,” he said. Then he cast a mischievous glance at Dominic’s right shoulder. “If you think you can handle that.”

He and Dominic were complete opposites in many ways, but there were things they had in common—the inability to resist a challenge among them. Dominic wrapped just his left arm around Levi’s waist and rose easily from the chair, bringing Levi with him and setting him on his feet.

“I think I’ll be fine,” he said with a smirk.

Levi yanked him into another kiss, which was a more challenging proposition now that they were both standing. Still, they persevered as they stumbled toward the bed. When Levi’s thighs hit the foot of the mattress, he sat down—only to immediately spring back up.

“Hotel bedspread,” he said in answer to Dominic’s questioning expression.

“Ugh.” Dominic grimaced. “Good call.”

Levi turned around, shoved his bag onto the floor, and wrenched the covers off the bed, bringing all the little decorative pillows as well and throwing the whole bundle aside. Dominic seized the opportunity to grope his ass with impunity, which wasn’t helpful but also wasn’t something Levi had any desire to object to.

With the bed stripped down to sheets and regular pillows, Levi turned back and sat down, perching himself on the edge of the mattress. Now his and Dominic’s positions were reversed, and he was unmistakably vulnerable. In any other situation, with any other man, Levi would have felt threatened by someone so much larger and stronger looming over him like this.

But it wasn’t anxiety that had his pulse racing.

After kicking off his sneakers, Levi rested his feet on the floor and leaned backward, stretching out to prop himself on his elbows in clear invitation. Dominic stooped to kiss him, then hooked his fingers in Levi’s waistband and pulled his sweatpants and underwear down as one. He dropped them on the floor and stripped Levi’s socks off as well, leaving him entirely naked.

Levi tried to lie still and let Dominic ogle him, but his cock was aching, straining upright between his legs. He took himself in hand and gave himself a couple of soothing strokes.

“Fuck,” Dominic said, and fell to his knees.

He ran his hands up Levi’s thighs, pushed Levi’s arm out of the way, and closed his hand around Levi’s cock in its place. Burying his face in the hollow of Levi’s hip, he nuzzled and licked and sucked that sensitive spot while he pumped Levi’s cock with a firm grip.

Levi’s head tilted back between his shoulder blades. “Oh God, that’s . . . ah!

Both of his hipbones were covered in bites and stubble burn by the time Dominic’s mouth descended on his cock. Dominic took half its length in his first pass, went even further on the second, and it was at that point that Levi’s arms gave out. He collapsed flat on his back and stared hazily at the ceiling.

Dominic draped Levi’s legs over his own shoulders, which created a more favorable angle, and deep-throated him like he was starved for cock. All Levi could do was hang on for the ride. Sinking his fingers into Dominic’s hair didn’t raise any protests, so he petted Dominic’s head restlessly, bucking his hips and crying out his pleasure.

He couldn’t marshal the brain cells to warn Dominic that he was getting close, but Dominic pulled off anyway before he reached the point of no return. Dominic lifted Levi’s legs and pushed them toward his chest. Breathlessly anticipating what would come next, Levi grabbed the backs of his knees and pulled them as close to his shoulders as he could get them.

After kissing a path over Levi’s balls and perineum, Dominic spread Levi’s ass open and sloppily mouthed at his hole, ragged moans vibrating against Levi’s skin. He teasingly flicked his tongue until Levi whimpered, then wriggled it inside.

Levi’s head tossed from side to side as he writhed against Dominic’s face. His toes curled in midair; his clenching fingers were sure to leave bruises on his own legs. He could only breathe in shallow, gasping moans.

Eventually, he became aware that Dominic was speaking, but his brain was so muddled with arousal that he couldn’t process the words.

“What?” he said, his tongue thick and clumsy.

“We need lube.” Dominic’s thumb was massaging circles around Levi’s hole, hinting at penetration but never quite pushing inside.

“Oh. Um . . . there’s some in my bag.”

Dominic shuffled around the side of the bed to retrieve it. Levi shakily pushed himself upright, trying to get a grip. That goal was jeopardized when Dominic returned, tossing the bag onto the bed—seeing him on his knees with his mouth red and swollen did nothing to calm Levi down.

Concentrating on the task at hand, Levi rummaged through his bag until he found his toiletry kit and the small bottle of lube it contained. He pushed the bag onto the floor again and squirmed backward on the bed to lie properly against the pillows by the headboard.

Dominic took his shoes and socks off before climbing onto the bed as well, unzipping his pants and reaching inside to pull his cock out of his boxers.

“Holy shit,” Levi burst out, his eyes wide.

Dominic’s cock was in proportion to the rest of him, long and intriguingly thick. It was by far the largest Levi had ever seen in person.

“We don’t have to do this, you know,” Dominic said, apparently mistaking Levi’s shock for intimidation. “You could fuck me, or we could suck each other off.”

Levi had zero interest in topping, but that conversation could wait for another time. “No,” he said, reaching out as if mesmerized to explore Dominic’s cock. “I . . . I want to . . .”

He trailed off there, fascinated by how heavy Dominic was across his palm, how hot. His chest heaved with his rapid breaths.

Dominic made a soft sound of amusement. “Oh. I have to admit, I’d never have pegged you for a size queen.”

“I’m not—” Levi’s eyes snapped up to Dominic’s, but his outrage was difficult to sustain when he was literally shaking at the thought of having this huge cock inside him. “I never used to be, at least,” he muttered. “It’s just that everything about you is so . . . overwhelming.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“It’s good. Now would you take your clothes off, for God’s sake?”

Dominic grinned. “Yes sir, Detective.”

He got rid of his pants and boxers and lay on his left side next to Levi, gloriously naked. Levi handed him the lube, then pulled his knees up to his chest. Try as he might, he couldn’t stop staring; he only hoped that Dominic didn’t take offense.

Dominic eased one slick finger inside him, and he stopped worrying. He wrapped one hand around Dominic’s cock to jerk him off while Dominic fingered him—though he admittedly didn’t do a great job, distracted as he was.

Even with his range of motion compromised by his injured shoulder, Dominic was skilled at this, coaxing Levi’s body open and seeking out all the places that made him moan and writhe. When he pulsed his fingertips against Levi’s prostate, Levi yelped and twisted, his hips coming off the bed.

“Don’t, I’ll come if you do that. I’m already too close.”

“Hmm. I might like to see that—you coming on my fingers.”

“Not this time,” said Levi, who honestly felt like he might lose his mind if he didn’t get fucked soon.

Dominic hesitated, and Levi realized that not this time heavily implied that there would be a next time. He braced himself, afraid he might have ruined everything, but Dominic just dropped a kiss on his shoulder and pushed a third finger inside him, steering clear of his prostate.

Preparing to take a cock like Dominic’s was a lengthier process than Levi was used to; he soon grew frustrated with Dominic’s refusal to move on even after he insisted he was ready.

“You’re still crazy tight,” Dominic said. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I know my own limits.” Levi circled his thumb around the head of Dominic’s cock, rubbing a few drops of pre-come into the soft skin.

Dominic groaned, his shaft jumping in Levi’s hand. “Okay. If you’re sure. How do you want it?”

“From behind.” With some reluctance, Levi let go and rolled over, lifting himself to his hands and knees. His muscles were already trembling; he imagined what Dominic would feel like sliding inside him and had to fist his hands in the sheets at the sudden onslaught of lust.

“Uh— We need a condom.”

Levi blinked. He was so used to not having to worry about protection that it hadn’t even crossed his mind. “I don’t have any,” he said, cursing himself for his idiocy. Between his intense attraction to Dominic and the adrenaline from Barton’s attack, he was so dangerously keyed up that he considered asking Dominic to just fuck him bareback.

“I’ve got one in my wallet,” said Dominic.

With that near crisis averted, Levi waited impatiently for Dominic to retrieve the condom and get into place behind him. Dominic smoothed his hands over Levi’s back, then nudged his cock up against Levi’s hole.

Levi let out a low, throaty moan as the fat head pushed inside, spreading him open. His entire body seized up, clenching hard around Dominic’s cock and preventing him from going any further.

“Levi,” Dominic said, “you have to relax or this isn’t gonna work.”

“I can’t relax. Do you even know who you’re talking to?”

Dominic laughed softly. He withdrew, fed Levi just the tip of his cock again, pulled all the way out once more . . . then repeated that over and over, teasing Levi’s hole until the sound of Levi’s harsh panting filled the room.

Leaning forward over Levi’s back, Dominic murmured, “Don’t you want this?”

“Y-yes.” Levi canted his hips and felt Dominic sink an inch or so deeper on his next push.

“Then let me give it to you. Let me give you what you want, Levi, let me do that for you.”

Groaning, Levi shifted his legs farther apart and braced one hand on the headboard. Dominic’s incursion was gentle but inexorable, working Levi open by degrees. His hands swept soothing paths up and down Levi’s sides, and he scattered kisses across Levi’s shoulder blades while he told him how amazing it felt, how good he was going to make this for Levi.

Once he finally had Dominic’s entire thick length inside, heavy balls resting against his ass, Levi dropped from his hands to his elbows and buried his face in the pillow. He couldn’t stop shivering; he had never felt this full before. His erection had flagged somewhat during the drawn-out penetration, but not because he was less aroused. It was just that this pleasure was focused so deep inside him that everything else faded in urgency. The stretch, the pressure—it was unbelievable.

“You doing okay?” Dominic asked. His voice was strained.

Levi nodded without lifting his head. Then Dominic started moving—not thrusting, just rocking back and forth—and Levi had to lift his head so he could suck in a lungful of air as his nervous system went haywire.

“Oh my God,” he said, because those were the only words he could remember right now. “Oh my God.”

“More like this?”

Levi answered with a sobbing moan.

Dominic ground his hips against Levi’s ass, his cock pressing up against every inch of Levi’s hole in slow circles. Though it was still a snug fit, Levi’s body was no longer putting up the fight it had before. His muscles rippled greedily around Dominic’s shaft, begging for more without him having to say a word.

Dominic was between his legs, his knees holding Levi’s apart. Levi shifted to hook his feet over Dominic’s ankles, which both opened him up further and provided a point of leverage for what he wanted next.

“Fuck me,” he said breathlessly. “Come on. Do it.”

Dominic rubbed the spot where his cock was buried to the hilt in Levi’s body. “What do you call this?”

Fucking magnificent, is what Levi called it, but it wasn’t enough. “You know what I mean. Fuck me for real, Dominic, come on. Please.”

He shoved his ass back on Dominic as he spoke, and he never knew if it was that or the please or both that spurred Dominic into action. It didn’t matter anyway, because the moment Dominic started thrusting, every other thought in Levi’s brain just vaporized.

The first few strokes felt careful, assessing, but when Levi’s body took them without resistance, Dominic sped up until he was snapping his hips hard and fast. Crying out in ecstasy, Levi rolled his own hips, meeting Dominic thrust-for-thrust. The brisk slap of flesh against flesh echoed in his ears and turned him on even more.

He ended up flat on his chest, the pillows cast aside, his legs spread wide and his ass in the air, just fucking taking it. His hands clawed at the sheet, his mouth hanging open, so that all his desperate moans and cries spilled forth unchecked.

“God, you’re so loud.” Dominic’s hands were tight on Levi’s hips as he drove into him, slamming deep on every aggressive thrust. “I love that, do you have any idea how fucking sexy it is—”

The pleasure was so intense that Levi’s skin had broken into goosebumps all over; his scalp and toes and fingertips tingled with the chills that raced up and down his spine. Whenever Dominic’s thick cock put pressure on his prostate, it sent an electric shock pulsing through every nerve ending, making him shriek and writhe. His own erection slapped against his belly with the force of the pounding he was getting, but he couldn’t coordinate his limbs enough to reach for it.

Dominic let go of Levi’s hips and leaned forward, grabbing his shoulders instead. Levi wouldn’t have thought it possible for Dominic to get any deeper, but he was wrong. The new angle had his eyes rolling back in his head and his hips bucking frantically.

“I’ve got you,” Dominic said. “I’ve got you, hang on.”

He pushed a hand between Levi’s legs to jerk him off. Levi came immediately, his vision going white as he let out a hoarse scream, his hole squeezing so tightly around Dominic’s cock that it was almost painful. He kept gasping and squirming while Dominic milked the last of his orgasm out of him.

Panting and cursing, Dominic fucked Levi in a frenzy, reestablishing his two-handed grip on Levi’s shoulders. Then his hips suddenly slowed, giving Levi a few forceful, measured thrusts as he groaned brokenly through his own climax before coming to a stop altogether.

By that point, Dominic was the only thing holding up Levi’s limp, sated body. When he pulled out—which was a particularly unpleasant sensation—Levi fell onto his side, barely avoiding the wet spot of his own come. Closing his eyes and trying to catch his breath, he listened to Dominic moving around the room. Little aftershocks of pleasure kept zinging through his body, leaving him shuddering in their wake.

Dominic returned to the bed and toweled Levi off with a damp washcloth—it had to be the one they’d used for the ice, because Levi hadn’t heard him go into the bathroom. Levi peeled his heavy eyelids open to watch, then frowned when he saw Dominic was using his left hand.

“Did you make your shoulder worse?” he asked.

“Well, I wasn’t exactly thinking about it during,” Dominic said with a grin. “And now it hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.”

“Here, lie down.” Levi sat up, his muscles weak and rubbery, and took the washcloth out of Dominic’s hand.

While Dominic slid between the sheets and rearranged the pillows, Levi finished cleaning up the bed. He just crumpled the washcloth into a ball and dropped it off the side of the mattress, knowing his legs wouldn’t support his weight long enough for him to make it to the bathroom. Then he got under the top sheet as well and curled up against Dominic’s left side, resting his head on Dominic’s uninjured shoulder and draping an arm across his chest. Dominic made a quiet noise of surprise.

“What?” Levi said.


Dominic wrapped his arm around Levi, settling a hand on his ass. Levi threw his top leg over Dominic’s and let his eyes fall shut.

They would have to have a serious conversation in the morning, but that was hours away. In the meantime, there was nothing wrong with letting himself enjoy this, taking refuge in this blissful sense of warmth and safety and overwhelming physical pleasure.

They both drifted in the afterglow for a while, Dominic idly massaging Levi’s ass while Levi scritched his fingers through Dominic’s chest hair. It was a peaceful, comfortable silence, and Levi was half-asleep when a sudden loud growling startled him awake. He glanced at Dominic’s stomach in astonishment and then looked up at his face.

“Sorry,” Dominic said ruefully. “I never ate dinner tonight. Think we could order some room service?”




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