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Kiss And Say Good Spy (The Never Say Spy Series Book 12) by Diane Henders (11)

Chapter 11              

As we wound through the labyrinthine house, my pulse pounded.  Was the goon taking me into some soundproofed room where he could kill me unobtrusively?

Drawing a deep breath, I countered my own nervous speculation.  So what if he did take me to a soundproofed room?  It just meant I’d be able to shoot him without attracting unwanted attention.

And anyway, if he’d been intent on mayhem, wouldn’t he have searched me for weapons?  Any hitman with half a brain would have confiscated my purse, finding my gun in the process.

Dammit, I really needed to get a holster I could strap to my thigh under a dress…

“Ma’am?” the goon inquired politely, touching my arm.  I twitched violently and he snatched his hand back.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Patting my heart back into place, I attempted a light laugh.  “It’s okay, I was just a million miles away.  Thinking about… um… accessories for this dress.”

He nodded without interest and opened a door for me, revealing a six-car garage containing several gleaming black limos.  He hurried ahead to open the rear door of the nearest one, then handed me in before closing the door softly and rounding the car to slide into the driver’s seat.

I eyed the exposed back of his head.  Either he was stupidly confident about his abilities to subdue me, or else he had no intention of trying.  And I was pretty sure no assassin would be dumb enough to expose his back to his mark.

Easing into the leather upholstery, I pulled the burner phone out of my purse and dialled Nichele’s cell phone.  Even if Riel was still holding it hostage, maybe he’d let her answer…

“Hello, this is Nichele Brown.”

Her voice made me suck in a breath of relief.  Thank God.

“Hi, Nichele.”  My throat was dry and I had to swallow before my voice came out in the light tone I’d intended.  “Guess who just got busted and escorted out?”

Her laugh bubbled over the phone.  “Seriously, girl?  Your buddy Lawrence threw you out?”

“Seriously,” I agreed, declining to mention Tawny’s involvement.  The less Nichele knew about Tawny’s real identity, the better.  “I told you he didn’t like me.  So thanks anyway, but I won’t be bunking with you tonight.”  Aware that my chauffeur was listening, I raised my voice just a fraction.  “But call me when you’re turning in for the night, and again in the morning, okay?  And call Dave, too.  He’ll be expecting to hear from you.”

There, that was the best I could do to ensure her safety.  If they knew she’d be instantly missed maybe they wouldn’t try anything…

“I will,” Nichele promised.  “But you’re worrying for nothing.  I couldn’t be safer here.”

“I know, but indulge me.  Have fun, and I’ll talk to you soon.  Call me at this number; I accidentally left my own phone in Calgary.”

“Okey-dokey.  Have fun driving home in disgrace in the middle of the night,” she teased.

Grinning in spite of myself, I gave her a fond, “Shut up”, and hung up on her laughter.

“Ma’am?”  The chauffeur eyed me in the rearview mirror.  “Where did you leave your car?”

I hesitated.

It was cold and pitch dark, and I was in ill-fitting high heels with no jacket.  Already I had blisters on my feet and I was shivering.  If I didn’t get him to take me directly to my car, I’d end up hypothermic, crippled, or both by the time I walked there.  But did I want him to know where I’d parked?

“Ma’am?” he prompted.

“Sorry… it’s dark out and I came in with a friend,” I stalled.  “I’m just trying to figure out where I left my car.  It was a turnoff around here somewhere…”  I peered earnestly out the tinted window at the black-on-black landscape.

Fuck it.  I was exhausted and my night was far from over.  If he tried anything, I’d just shoot him.

“There!”  I pointed to the gravelled road that led to the small clearing where I’d parked.

He took the turn at a decorous pace and moored the giant limo beside my Subaru Legacy.  Opening the door for me again, he remained standing beside the limo.

I slid into the Legacy and gave him a wave, hoping he couldn’t see my fingers trembling in the headlights.  “Thanks for the ride!”

“You’re welcome.”  He gave me a deferential half-bow but didn’t get back in the limo.  Clearly I was to be supervised until I was on my way.

Suppressing a sigh, I put my car in gear and headed for the highway.

The limo’s headlights followed me, then remained stationary at the intersection while I turned east toward Calgary.

Shit.  Watching me out of sight.

Letting out a small whine of tension and exhaustion, I kept driving until a hill hid his headlights behind me.

Damn, damn, damn.

How long would he wait to make sure I didn’t come back?  I’d have to find a different access to the creek and get back inside the security perimeter to retrieve my duffel bag.

I hissed out a slow breath between my teeth, considering.  Could I get Nichele to grab it for me?

No.  She might be able to sneak it into her room tonight; but when she checked out, a muddy black duffel bag beside her fashionable designer suitcases would attract far too much attention.  And anyway, Riel might have bugged her phone.

And speaking of bugs…

Pulling over, I activated my scanning device and let out a breath of relief at the sight of its green light.  Okay, so at least they weren’t tracking me.

Well, probably not…

Unless they were tracing my burner phone now that they’d gotten the number from my call to Nichele.  And dammit, I had to carry it because I wouldn’t get Nichele’s goodnight call otherwise…

Unleashing a string of profanity, I thumped my fist against the steering wheel.

Was I being too paranoid?  Or not paranoid enough?

A deep longing filled me.  If Kane were here, I could defer to his expertise…

“Let it go,” I muttered.

Should I call Holt?  He had the field experience I needed.

I weighed the phone in my hand.

But did I dare reveal my lack of confidence?  Bad way to start an already-shaky mission.  If it had been a life-threatening situation, maybe, but it was just a simple decision that any experienced agent would make without a second thought…


And I wasn’t going to call Stemp in the middle of the night to tell him I’d gotten chucked out on my ass before I could discover any useful mission-related intel, either, dammit.

Hissing out a harsh breath, I stuffed the phone back in my purse and put the car in gear.

After a frustrating hour of driving up and down dead-end roads, I finally discovered another clearing where I could park my car within hiking distance of the creek.  Turning off the ignition with a sigh, I leaned my aching head against the headrest for a moment.

If anybody was tracking my burner phone they’d know by now what I was doing, and I could expect an unfriendly reception.  Not only that, but I’d lose the advantage of my secret access point.

Groaning, I hauled myself out of the driver’s seat and plodded to the trunk.  Too late to worry about it.  I’d just have to trust to luck.

And so far luck seemed on my side, more or less.  At least I had my winter-driving emergency kit in the back so I didn’t have to make the trip in high heels and an evening dress.  Shivering, I hauled the kit out and surveyed my resources glumly.

The parka and ski pants were bright green.

Mental note:  Invest in some Jane-Bond-approved basic black cold-weather gear.

My boots would be far more comfortable than the too-small slingbacks, but they were giant Sorels rated to 60 degrees below zero.  Trekking the muddy creek would be like wading through quicksand wearing a concrete block strapped to each foot.

I sighed.  No choice.

Hiking up the ski pants under my dress, I slid my feet into the boots, donned the parka and set out.

Only a few paces away, I slapped my forehead and turned back to transfer my gun, phone, and keys into my parka pockets.

God, how much dumber could I get?

I hovered beside the car.  What other sleep-deprived idiocy might I be committing?

After a few minutes of intense thought, I popped the trunk again and dumped out my sleeping bag before pocketing its storage sack.  At least the sack was navy blue.  I could use it to conceal my head and some of the green parka for my next bear impersonation.

With any luck the guards watching the security cameras would be as tired as I was.  They might not look too closely at a bear, especially if they’d already heard there was one in the area.  I offered a silent thank-you to the ursaphobic guard who had undoubtedly told everyone who would listen about his near-mauling.



After only ten minutes of hiking, my shivering was nothing but a fond memory.

Sweat tickled unpleasantly in my cleavage and dribbled down my temples and backbone.  The heavy boots dragged at my feet and the swish-swish of my strides in the nylon ski pants sounded loud enough to alert the whole county.

I was peering anxiously around me when the nerve-shattering ring of the burner phone nearly stopped my heart.  Snatching the phone out of my pocket, I muted it with a glance at the display before accepting the call.

“Hey, girl, it’s Nichele.  Just checking in on your paranoia.”

I smiled in spite of myself.  “My paranoia’s alive and well.  Are you calling it a night now?”

“Yep.  All locked into my room.”


“Of course I’m alone!”  Hurt and indignation fought for ascendancy in her tone.  “I’d never cheat on Dave!”

“No, no, I know!  That’s not what I meant,” I said hurriedly.  “No; I just meant… you’re by yourself and in for the night, right?  You’re not going to pop over to anybody’s room for a nightcap, or let anybody in…?”

“No, you goof.”  Fond indulgence had returned to her voice.  “I’m done like dinner.  My makeup’s off, and you know I’d never let anybody but you and Dave see me like that.”

“Okay, good.  Sleep tight, then.  Call me before you start your seminars in the morning.”

“I will.  Are you home, too?”

“Almost,” I lied.  “I’m staying at Arnie’s place tonight.”

“Okay.  Goodnight, Ms. Paranoid.”

“Goodnight, Ms. Party Animal.”

After I disconnected I stood straining my ears for a long moment.  Nobody lunged out of the wilderness waving flashlights or firearms, so I resumed my tedious progress through the darkness.

By the time I had slogged along the cutbank and crept through the camera perimeter on all fours, I was so exhausted I couldn’t have crawled in a straight line even if the thickets of diamond willow had permitted it.

Just a little farther.  Then I could finally straighten up…

I blundered head-down along the creek, half-stifled by the nylon sleeping-bag sack.  I was almost to the place where I’d been spotted by the foot patrol last time.  Please, God, let them be on the other side of the property this time…

My hopes were dashed by the sound of male voices approaching.  Dammit, they must have several teams rotating through the patrol. 

Heart pounding, I crouched in the undergrowth with the sack over my hanging head.

Just a dark lump in the woods.  Nothing to see here, guys.  Just keep walking…

The flashlight swung my way.  “There’s that damn bear again!”

Oh, Jesus, no.

A gunshot shattered the silence of the night, catapulting me into frantic flight.  Hunched over like Quasimodo with a bellyache, I crashed through the thickets and lurched across the creek.

Another shot rang out, followed by roars of laughter.

“Scared the shit out of it!  Look at it go!”

“Gonna be a big pile of bear shit there tomorrow morning!”

More laughter, mercifully fading as they walked away.

Sucking air, I sank to the ground in a puddle of my own sweat.

“Mother… fucking… asshole…”  My quiet invective hissed out between gasps.  “Shove… that gun… right up… your…”

I froze at the sound of more distant voices approaching.

Christ, were they having a fucking party down here?

Snatches of conversation reached me.

“…discharging your firearm…”

“…bear… only fired in the air…”

“…get the dogs…”

Oh, no.  No, no, no.

I’d forgotten about the goddamn dog patrol.

I couldn’t remember the real name of this crummy little watercourse, but if they brought out the dogs it was Shit Creek to me; and I was far up it with no paddle to be found.

The thunder of my heart almost drowned out the voices.

“…Fish and Wildlife in the morning…”

The voices receded again, leaving me trembling in the undergrowth and straining my ears for the sound of barking.

Should I run?

Wouldn’t that attract more attention?

But, shit, if the dogs caught my scent it wouldn’t matter.  I couldn’t outrun them at the best of times, and with my giant boots and fatigued muscles I couldn’t even outrun a crippled snail.

For long moments I sprawled panting on the ground.  Gradually I got my breathing and heart rate under control.  No barking disturbed the silence of the woods, and after a few more minutes I dragged myself into sitting position and took stock.

Maybe they weren’t sending the dogs after all.

Or maybe the dogs were on the far side of the property and it was taking them a while to get here.

I drew a deep breath.  Relax.  They were looking for a bear, not a human.  The dogs wouldn’t have any reason to hone in on an unidentified human scent.

My shoulders had just begun to ease down from around my ears when a horrid thought clenched my muscles into quivering knots all over again.

If they found my duffel bag, the dogs would have a scent to follow.


Hauling myself to my feet, I staggered back across the creek and struck out uphill.

Trying to balance stealth with speed, I pushed my protesting muscles into an ungainly jog.  The clumsy boots slipped on fallen trees and caught on unseen projections, and after a couple of hard falls I gave up and shuffled forward with more caution.

Despite the slower pace I was out of breath by the time the mellow light of the guesthouse glowed between the intervening tree trunks.

Panting as quietly as possible, I eased toward the tree where I’d left my duffel bag.

The doorman was still in position, and I spared a moment of sympathy for him standing out in the cold darkness all night long.

A moment later my charitable feelings evaporated.

The duffel bag was gone.





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