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Love Again: Love's Second Chance Series by Kathryn Kelly (6)

Chapter Six

Grayson stood in the middle of the supermarket riddled with indecisiveness. What did one give an 18-year-old college student as a get-well gift? As a college professor, he needed to know these things. Too late, he realized he should have asked the student worker in the office.

He went up to the customer service counter and asked the young girl working there. “What kind of gift do you recommend to give a college student who’s recovering from an accident?”

“It depends on what she likes.”

“I don’t know her all that well,” he said.

The girl raised her eyebrows. “A flower?”

“She’s my girlfriend’s daughter,” he clarified.

“What does she like?”

“All I know is she’s a college student. Oh. And she has a kitten.”

“Some cat toys? And an Amazon gift card?”

“Perfect!” He said. He located the pet aisle and started with a round blue pet bed. He put in some stuffed rats and a collapsible wand with something shiny on the end. He threw in a couple cans of canned cat food and moved to the gift card section. He picked a one-hundred-dollar amazon gift card.

Satisfied with his selections for Danielle, he started toward the checkout, passing the florist on his way. Going with impulse, he chose a single get well balloon and had blown up for purchase. The florist rang up his purchase and helped him arrange the cat toys with the gift card sitting in the middle, wrapped it with cellophane and tied it with bright blue ribbons to match the balloon.

Pleased with his purchase, Grayson took it out to the car and drove the short distance to Claire’s house. He was getting used to the area and didn’t feel quite so intimidated anymore. He noticed that one of Claire’s neighbors needed to clean his gutters and another had a foot-high ant hill encroaching on his sidewalk.

The people may have bigger, nicer houses, but they still had the same problems as everyone else.

Claire met him at the door with her phone to her ear. “Sorry,” she mouthed.

“For Danielle,” he said, indicating the cat bed.

Claire put her hand over her phone. “She’s in the living room.” She walked toward the kitchen. “Surely we can reschedule,” he heard her saying.

“Hi there,” Grayson said, stopping at the living room door. Danielle was sitting on the sofa with her arm in a sling and a pained look on her face. Charlie was on his back swatting the fringe on the throw. “I brought you and Charlie something.”

He set the package on the sofa next to her.

“You can sit,” she said.

“How’s your shoulder?”

“It hurts,” she said. “What did I miss today?”

“Nothing,” he said, holding out his phone. “I recorded it for you.”


“Yeah, let keep it between us, okay?”


He handed her his phone. “You can send it to yourself,” he said.

She took his phone and a couple of seconds later, hers chimed. “Thank you.” She tore the cellophane off and snagged the gift card, putting it on the end table next to her before unwrapping the collapsible pole with the shiny thing on the end of it.

She bobbed it in front of Charlie and he went wild chasing it wherever Danielle swung it.

She giggled and Grayson laughed.

“What are you two up to?” Claire asked, coming into the room.

“Look, Mom. Grayson brought toys for Charlie.”

“I see,” she said, turning a warm gaze in Grayson’s direction. “How thoughtful.”

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Danielle, would you like some tea?”

“Sure,” Danielle said, giggling at Charlie’s antics.

“Let’s get some tea,” Claire said, motioning for Grayson to follow her. They went into the kitchen and Claire turned on the teakettle.

“I love it that I can be here with her, but I had a major committee meeting set up for tomorrow. It’s going to take some work to get everything rescheduled.”

“Then don’t,” he said. “I can stay with her.”

“It’s likely to go late into the evening.”

“All the more reason for me to be here.”

She pressed her fingertips against her forehead. “Really? No,” She turned off the tea kettle. “I can’t ask you to babysit.”

“Claire,” he said. “She’s not a baby. And you didn’t ask. I like Danielle. We can hang out and watch movies.”

She poured water into three mugs. He smiled when she didn’t even ask him if he wanted any.

“Okay,” she said. “Are you sure it’s not an inconvenience?”

“I wouldn’t offer if it was.”

She stirred and turned to him.

“I know you’re a package deal now,” he said. “I’m good with that. I actually like it. You and Danielle need my help. Let me help you.”

“Okay,” she said. “Can you grab one of these?”

He picked up two mugs and they carried them into the living room.

“I need to call Martie,” Claire said, leaving them.


“Can you stay?” Danielle asked. “Mom and I are going to watch The 100.”

Grayson grinned. “If you Mom says it’s okay.”

“Are you kidding,” Danielle said. “Mom’s crushing on you.”

Grayson sat on the other end of the sofa and grinned. “Seriously?”

Danielle laughed. “You two are like teenagers.”

When Claire got off the phone and joined them, they ordered Chinese take-out and binge watched The 100. Claire pulled a footstool up and sat between them in the middle of the sofa. She slipped her feet out of her sneakers and propped her bare feet on the stool. Grayson followed suit and pulled off his shoes. He propped his feet, with his white socks, on the foot stool. He was distracted the whole time they were watching TV by his feet being only inches from hers.

Geez. He had to remind himself that they weren’t teenagers anymore. He was quite content to just sit next to her, their feet almost touching.

Though he was enjoying their time together, he was looking forward to saying goodnight.

After she noticed Danielle falling asleep, she suggested she go to bed. She followed Danielle up to bed to help her put on her pajamas. Then she came back downstairs to tell Grayson goodnight.

He’d been answering emails on his phone. Students were starting to stress now that their first test was coming up.

“I’m glad you stayed,” Claire said.

“Thanks for letting me. I had a blast.”

“You’re sure about tomorrow?” she asked.

“Stop asking. I’m looking forward to it. You don’t mind if I cook in your kitchen, do you?”

“Of course not. Enjoy yourself.”

He rubbed his hands together. “Danielle’s vegetarian, too, right?”

“As far as I know.”

“That’s okay. I have some vegetarian tricks up my sleeve.”

He pulled her into a hug. She started to pull away, but he pulled her closer.

He didn’t want to let her go. Ever.

But this time when she pulled away, he kissed her on the forehead and squeezed her hands. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

Claire was happy she could make the committee meeting, but she wanted to be somewhere else. She wanted to be home, with Danielle and Grayson. They were there in her kitchen. Without her.

She clicked on her phone to check the time again. They were interviewing mentors today. She should have delegated it. But she liked to keep a tight rein on her company.

Old habits were hard to break. If she was going to start having some semblance of a personal life, she had to become more comfortable at delegating.

Her mind was wandering anyway.

She kept thinking about being in Grayson’s arms. The feel of his lips on her forehead. Wanted more. So much more.

“Do you want stir-fry or spaghetti?” Grayson asked, putting the sacks of groceries on the counter. “I brought stuff to make both.”

“Spaghetti,” Danielle said. She sat at the breakfast table nook, with her headphones on listening to her lectures. She hit pause. “It’s really hard to keep up when you’re not there sitting in the classroom.”

“I agree,” he said. “That’s why I refuse to teach online classes. I took an online class once. And it was a joke. I learned absolutely nothing.”

“I should be able to go back to class Monday,” she said.

“Three days from now.” He nodded. That should do it. “You would have only missed two days. Not bad. Only a week’s worth of material during the regular semester. But,” he stopped and waited until she looked up. “You can only come to class if you let your mother drive you.”

Danielle scoffed. “That’s not a problem. I’m not one of those people who thinks if you don’t drive, you aren’t grown up. I can be grown up and not drive. In fact, I think I’ll move to New York when I get out of school so I never have to drive.”

“Where did you get that idea? It’s almost un-American.”

She laughed. “Savannah talks about New York and how she wants to live there.”

“Who’s Savannah?”

“That’s Daddy’s wife.”

It took Grayson a minute for his mind to wind its way around that piece of information. So, Claire’s ex-husband had already remarried.

“Well, in that case, you can come to class on Monday.”

She smiled and put her earbuds back in her ears.

Grayson chopped onions, bell peppers, and black olives. He found a large stove top pot and mixed in whole tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, three cans of cream of onion soup. He added the onions, bell peppers, black olives, and a host of Italian spices. After it simmered for awhile, he added in same grated parmesan cheese. While it simmered some more, he grated some mozzarella and poured some red wine into the pot.

He heated water in another pot for the pasta.

While he waited, he opened his MacBook and answered emails from students. He enjoyed the peacefulness of the kitchen, Danielle engrossed in her studies at the kitchen table, the view of the backyard, shaded by trees.

And more than anything, the knowledge that Claire would be home soon. He glanced up at the painting that she’d chosen, and that he’d bought and hung. His contribution to the house.

Charlie came into the room, sat in the middle of the kitchen floor, and started to meow.

He looked at Danielle. She took out her headphones. “He’s hungry,” she said.

“What do we feed him?” he asked.

She started to get up. Winced and sat back down. “It’s in the pantry. There,” she pointed, holding her shoulder. “There are little plates there, too, for him.”

Grayson opened the cabinet and took out a can of kitten food and a plate. He dumped the food into the bowl and set it in the floor.

Charlie howled.

Danielle laughed. “You have to mash it up and put warm water on it.”

Grayson did as she said and put the plate back in the floor. Charlie stopped meowing and lapped up the food.

There. Crisis solved. Now they could get back to their peaceful evening. He laughed at himself. He even liked the cat.

He turned everything off on the stove to wait for Claire and went back to his emails.

The doorbell rang. He and Danielle looked at each other. She shrugged.

“Want me to go see who it is?” he asked.

“Sure. I’m not expecting anyone.”

Grayson went to the front of the house and opened the front door. A man, about his size, stood with his back to the door, one hand on the front porch post. Though he turned with a smile on his face, his smile quickly turned to confusion.

“Can I help you?” Grayson asked.

“I’m Noah.”

Noah. Noah Worthington?

Danielle’s father. Claire’s ex-husband.

The pieces fell into place as the two men stood looking at each other. Grayson had a definite advantage. “I’m Grayson,” he said. “Claire’s… friend.” He held out his hand.

Noah shook his hand, though he watched him warily.

“Come in,” Grayson said, stepping back. “We’re in the kitchen.”

Noah followed him through the house.

Danielle looked up and saw Noah following him. “Daddy!” She said, standing up, wincing in pain.

Noah came across the room and hugged her gently. Then he stepped back and examined her sling. “Does it hurt?”

“Not so much,” she said. “Only when I move it.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay, Baby,” he said.

“Mom and Grayson are taking good care of me,” she said.


“Grayson is Mom’s friend from high school,” Danielle said.

“We met,” Noah said. “Where’s Claire?”

“She had a meeting,” Danielle said. “We’re going to eat when she gets home.”

Danielle’s phone chimed. “She’ll be here in ten minutes.”

Noah glanced at Grayson. Neither one said anything.

Danielle shoved her books aside.

Grayson put the angel hair on to cook. “Three minutes to dinner,” he said to no one in particular. “We have plenty Noah. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Sure. But I can get it.”

“No problem.”

Noah poured a glass of wine for himself. “Want some?” he asked Grayson.

Grayson declined. Noah sat at the kitchen table next to Danielle.

While father and daughter talked, Grayson heated the sauce and drained the noodles. He set out plates and silverware on the counter. Everything was ready, but Claire would have to take it from here.

A few minutes later, Claire came into the room. “I’m home,” she said, brightly.

“Hi Mom,” Danielle said. “Noah’s here.”

Claire’s expression went blank. Grayson wondered if Noah had a habit of making surprise visits.

“I see,” she said. “Hello Noah.”

Grayson watched their interaction. It was stiff. He wondered if it was because he was there. “Look,” Grayson said, “Everything is ready for dinner,” he said. “I can take off. Give you guys some privacy.”

“No!” Danielle said.

“Don’t even think about it,” Claire said. “That’s not even an option.”

“I don’t mind, really,” Grayson said.

“I’m the one who should be leaving,” Noah said. “I shouldn’t have popped in uninvited. I didn’t know…”

He didn’t know anything had changed with Claire, Grayson thought.

“No one is leaving. Both of you are being silly,” Claire said. “Let’s eat at the table. Noah, you set the table while Grayson and I get everything ready.”

Noah took the plates and silverware to the dining room.

“I am so sorry,” Claire whispered to Grayson. “He just does that. He just shows up without calling.”

“It’s okay,” Grayson said. “I understand. He’s Danielle’s father.”

“Still,” she chewed her bottom lip. “I don’t want you to feel awkward.”

“I don’t,” he said, taking her hand. “Claire,” he said, sweeping a strand of hair off her cheek. “I don’t expect everything to change just because I’m here. I know you and Danielle have a life. I’m just grateful you let me be a little part of it.”

Her chin trembled. “Thank you,” she said. Then she seemed to shake it off and smiled. “This pasta smells delicious. I can’t wait to try it.”

“But…” he said. “There is one thing.”

“What is it?” she asked. He heard the little catch in her voice.

“I promise to never show up unexpectedly.”

He heard the relief in her laugh.

Claire was nearly undone. Her ex-husband and her high school sweetheart were here in her home at the same time. Having dinner.

And same said high school sweetheart was the guy she was currently crushing on.

She had to get herself in check. This would not do.

She’d nearly cried in front of Grayson.

Claire never did that.

Always in control.

It’s what she had been taught. She was good at it.

But somehow all bets seemed to be off where Grayson was concerned.

Danielle seemed to be unaffected. Her father and her mother’s guy friend over at the same time.

Maybe Danielle was unaffected because she had friends with unusual dynamics. Claire and Noah had been married longer than any of Danielle’s friends’ parents.

That was it, she decided. She took a deep breath and focused on enjoying the pasta Grayson had cooked for her and Danielle.

She was a little surprised that Noah had stayed. Am I supposed to get used to this? Would Noah be bringing his wife next time?

She shrugged. Stranger things had happened.

He loved Danielle beyond anything else. It was very important that she do everything she could to keep them all connected.

Besides she and Noah were going to be better as friends. Already, she could tell. She liked that there were no expectations when she saw him. No pretending required. And really, their relationship was the same now as it had pretty much ever been.

Seeing him didn’t cause her heart rate to quicken the way it did when she saw Grayson. When she’d walked into her kitchen and saw both of them there, Noah sitting with Danielle and Grayson standing over the stove, she had been drawn to Grayson. Hands down.

She’d loved Noah. He was the father of her daughter and he was a good man. But she was… had been… in love with Grayson.

She carefully set down her glass of sparkling water and straightened the napkin in her lap.

She would have to think more about his. Later.

Right now she need to keep her edge. Danielle was telling Noah about her classes. Specifically, how much she loved her psychology class.

Grayson beamed.

“Honey, tell them about what you’re taking this Fall,” Claire said.

She rested her chin on her hands and watched her daughter interact with the men at her table. Just as she had thought earlier, Danielle seemed to have no problem with both of them being there. It was a most interesting situation.

Perhaps Danielle wouldn’t mind having two fathers.

She pulled herself out of her fantasy world.

Grayson would be leaving soon, so that was just that. A fantasy.

But Claire had schooled herself well on living in the present.

And she suddenly realized that she, just as Danielle, honestly didn’t mind having both of the men there at the same time.

“What do you do?” Noah asked Grayson.

“I’m a professor of psychology.”

“He just retired from the Air Force,” Danielle added.

“The Air Force?” Noah seemed surprised. “What did you do?”


“You jumped out of a few good planes,” Noah said.

“Quite a few,” Grayson said. “Do you parachute?”

“Oh no. My goal is keep the plane in the air, land smoothly, then step onto the ground.”

The men laughed. “A good goal to have,” Grayson agreed.

“My wife,” Noah started, then stopped, glanced at Claire.

Claire shrugged.

“My wife, Savannah,” Noah continued. “would love to talk to you. She’s studying psychology and she’s especially interested in studying traumatic experiences.”

“I know quite a few men who went through them,” Grayson said, easily, but Claire noticed the tension in his face. He took another bite, then set his fork down.

Danielle must have noticed, too. “Hey Dad,” she said. “Did you know that we have something called mirror neurons?”

“What’s a mirror neuron?” Noah asked.

“We have neurons in our brains that are activated when we watch someone feel something. So, when we see someone cry, our similar neurons are activated and we feel empathy for them. We essentially feel what they feel.” She glanced at Grayson. He gave her a quick nod.

“That sounds neat, honey. Sounds like you’re learning a lot.”

“I am! Grayson has been teaching us all about biology and how the brain and body are connected.”

“I’m proud of you, Danielle,” Noah said.

“Your daughter is doing really well in class,” Grayson said.

“I guess I’ll know after my test next week,” Danielle said. “It’s a lot of material.”

“I always say that intro psychology is the hardest psychology class,” Grayson said. “You have to learn a little bit about all the different fields of psychology. There’s a whole class on physiological psychology and you have to learn about the basics all in one chapter. Then you have to learn about the history of psychology and one on psychological disorders. You get a glimpse of everything and have to learn new terminology about everything.”

“Even statistics,” Danielle said.

“It sounds rigorous,” Noah said.

“It is,” Grayson agreed. “As long as she puts in the work, she’ll be okay.”




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