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Love Drunk (Broken Lives Book 4) by Marita A. Hansen (19)



“I ain’t fuckin’ singing that shit!” I snapped, glaring at Jade. We were in the studio, meant to be recording the album, but Jade had just dropped a load of shite on me, the songs he wanted me to sing so goddamn nauseating I wanted to chunder.

Jade paced back and forth in front of the couch I was sitting on, looking like he was going to blow his stack at any moment. But I didn’t give a toss, because he’d caused this problem, not me.

“You’ll sing it, end of story!” he barked, coming to a standstill in front of me.

I pushed up off the couch, throwing the music sheets at him. “Not happening. I don’t sing bloody love ballads, end of story.

I turned to go. Jade grabbed my arm. I wrenched free and spun around on him, getting my face down to his level. “Back off,” I growled. “Before I really lose my shit.”

He jerked his head back. “What the hell, Dante?! Why are you being like this? The songs are great, you’re just sore they’re not yours.”

“No, I’m sore that you’d think I’d sing that crap. You know I like rock, reggae, and rap.”

“Rock has love ballads.”

“Not sappy crap like L wrote. There’s no way I’m singing ’bout unrequited love.” I spread my arms out. “Look at me! Do ya seriously think I would get turned down by a chick? They’ll be mooning after me, not the other way around.”

“You told me your first girlfriend left you for someone else.”

“For Christ’s sake, I wuz thirteen and she wuz sixteen, of course she wuz gonna leave me. And I didn’t moon after that skank. I fuckin’ hated her guts after what she did to me. She could crawl back on her hands and knees, begging for my dick, and I’d tell her to go fuck herself.”

“Still, everyone relates to these kind of songs.”

“Not me. I relate to people fucking me over, like you’re tryna do now.”

“I’m not fucking you over,” he spat. “You’re fucking me over! You signed that contract, agreeing—”

“—to sing good songs. So, lemme use my own stuff, while L can do the music side of things. That’s what she’s good at.”

“You aren’t running the show here, I am.” He tugged at the lapels on his expensive jacket, trying to prove his worthless point. “And L is the best in the industry.”

“For music and guitar riffs, not lyrics. And you hafta talk to her, cos seriously, that last song wuz obviously ’bout my bro. She just changed the gender so people didn’t think it wuz weird that I wuz singing ’bout a bloke.”

“It wasn’t about Ash.”

“Oh, come on, wavy black hair, the darkest of eyes, the sweetest of smiles... Okay, maybe not the last one, cos he’s a grouchy bastard, but still, that song wuz defo ’bout my bro, and there’s no way in hell I’m singing a love ballad ’bout Ash. That’s fuckin’ sick.”

“Okay, I’ll give it to another artist, but the other songs aren’t about Ash.”

“Yeah, they’re poppy crap that I’d rather wipe my arse with than sing.”


“What do you expect from me? You know what I’m like.”

“I expect some sense of professionalism when it comes to work. And what do you expect from me? I have a business to run. I couldn’t wait around while you were off drinking yourself into a stupor. I had to start the project, and since you weren’t around, L helped out.”

“Cry me a river, I’m still not singing that shite.”

Jade shook his head at me. “You’re unbelievable. I offer you fame and fortune, and you throw a tantrum, saying you don’t want it? Have you gone mad?”

I gritted my teeth, the fucker making me really want to down a bottle of Jack. I had felt semi-okay at the clinic, but now, I needed a drink so fucking bad it was causing me to lose my rag.

I pointed a finger at him, about to spit out whatever unfair vile I had within me, but stopped at the sound of knocking.

L poked her head through the doorway, her expression concerned. “Why are you two shouting? I could hear you all the way down the corridor.”

“Cos of you,” I replied. “The Celine Dion of lyrics!”

“Dante!” Jade snapped.

I ignored him, my complete focus on L. “Did’ja seriously think I would sing that crap you wrote? I’d rather eat my own spew. Hell! I’d even prefer to fuck Jade, and everyone knows that’s one of my worst nightmares.”

Dante!” Jade yelled.

“Yeah, fuckin’ yeah,” I spat back. “I’m unprofessional, what the fuck ever, I don’t give a flying shit. I’m outta ’ere, until you put music to my lyrics.”

I picked up my folder off the table and dropped it at Jade’s feet, then headed for the door. L scrambled out of the way like a scared little mouse, irritating me even more. I hadn’t done anything to her, yet she treated me like the big bad wolf. The chick needed to get her issues under control if she wanted to work with me, because I wasn’t putting up with her crap.

Flicking her the finger, I stormed out of the recording studio, not caring that I’d wasted a shitload of Jade’s money by halting the recording. The musicians waiting in the corridor were all being paid for their time, which right now involved sitting on their arses.

“You lot might as well go home,” I said to them. “There’s no recording bein’ done today.”

I took the elevator to the ground floor, stopping at the sight of Clara by the reception desk. She was dressed in a pencil skirt and a blouse, with her pink hair pulled back as if she was applying for a secretarial job, reminding me of how she used to dress as a teacher. I made a beeline for her, wondering whether she was here to accept the job as my P.A., or more accurately, babysitter.

Her attention moved to me, the woman visibly swallowing. “Dante.”

“Yeah, I know my name,” I replied, not in the mood to cushion her sweet toosh. I came to a halt in front of her, dwarfing her small frame. “So, you taking the job or what? Cos I need some shit done.”

She nodded, holding out a folder. “I’ve signed the documents, and can start whenever you want me to.”

Now.” I took the documents out of her hand and slid the folder across the desk to the receptionist. “Clara starts today, Josie. Sort it.” I took hold of Clara’s arm, causing her to tense. Little did I care. I wasn’t in the mood for pissing about with anyone’s feelings, my need for a glass, or more accurately, a bottle of Jack growing stronger by the minute.

“Where are we going?” she asked.


She pulled free from my grip, but continued to follow me through the door that led to the car park. “I need more information if I’m to drive you.”

“I’ll drive.”

“Nope, the contract states that I have to drive.”

I stopped in my tracks. “You’re a P.A. not a chauffeur.”

“Apparently, I’m both, plus I have an impeccable driving record.”

“So? I have one, too.”

“No, you don’t.”

“That accident up north wuzn’t my fault.”

“I wasn’t referring to that. I was referring to the time you got caught driving dangerously after you had your driver’s licence suspended, which, by the way, was also for driving dangerously.”

“How’ja find out ’bout that?” I asked, both incidents happening when I was nineteen.

“It was in your rehab file.”

I scratched my head, wondering how Jade knew, since he’d filled in my form. Then it dawned on me. The dirty pervert would’ve heard about my conviction while watching the illegal tapes of me. I’d been so pissed off about getting a shitload of community service that I’d punched a hole in my bedroom wall, yelling at Kara to shut her trap about it serving me right. But at least I’d avoided jail, because if the cops had clocked my top speed, I would’ve definitely gone down, one-hundred and ninety K no small feat. Though, it still riled me that Jasper had not only won the drag race, but had gotten away from the coppers, leaving me to eat his dust. Fuck, I’d been a chump to ever think I could beat him, my mate good enough to go pro.

Clara indicated for me to follow her, which I did, the chick leading me to a rundown Civic, which was parked next to an Aston Martin of all cars. I burst out laughing, thinking it was hilarious.

“What are you laughing at?” she snapped, getting all haughty, her offended tone making it even funnier.

I wiped my eyes, not having had a good laugh like that in a long time. “I’m not gettin’ into that pile of junk, we’re taking my Mustang.” I pulled my keys out of my back pocket and chucked them to her, the clumsy chick almost dropping them. I headed for my red Mustang with black stripes, the paintjob a wet dream. “You better be tellin’ the truth ’bout bein’ a good driver, cos if you hurt my baby—”

She cut me off, “I’m not a good driver, I’m a great driver.” She shot in front of me, opening my door before I could get a hand to it.

I laughed again, highly amused, Clara loosening me up faster than a bottle of Jack. “You don’t hafta open my door for me.”

“But it’s part of the job,” she replied, still holding it.

“I doubt the contract says you must open doors for me.”

“It does, it’s on page two.”

I shook my head, Jade such a prima donna for putting that shite in there. “Ignore it, Jade’s just bein’ an entitled prat.”


“No buts. I’m not having a chick opening doors for me. If doors are to be opened, I’m doin’ it. And don’t go all feminist on me, I’m the boss.”

I climbed into the front passenger seat, about to close the door, but Clara got to it first, closing it for me. I shook my head again, watching as she ran around to the driver’s side. She climbed behind the wheel, the seat too far back. I leaned over her, making her inhale sharply.

I tapped the seat lever. “Pull that, so you can reach the pedals.” I retracted my arm, raising a brow when she didn’t move. “You want me to do it for ya?” I asked, my need for alcohol weakening further, replaced by another of my vices. I refrained from palming my dick, Clara making me horny as hell.

“No, I can do it.” She shifted the seat forward, quickly putting on her seatbelt. “Where to?”

“Home. When are you moving in?” I asked, Jade’s idea of her living with us something I definitely approved of.

“Tonight, but I’ll be moving my stuff in at the weekend.”

“Good,” I said, my eyes not leaving her as she started up the engine. “I wanna get the ball rolling on remembering shit.”

She didn’t reply, instead backing out of the car park. Then she was leaving behind the music studio, and heading through the busy streets of Auckland’s CBD, aiming for Herne Bay. I was meant to move into Jade’s other house, which had its own studio, but had dug my heels in, preferring to live closer to the city than out in the wops. Plus, it also meant that I could escape work when Jade was getting on my nerves, although I was sure I got on his more.

Clara glanced at me, looking distinctly uncomfortable at my stare. She returned her attention to the traffic, slowing down for a red light. She glanced at me again. “Why are you staring at me?”

“I asked you to help me remember. You’re not saying anything, so I’m tryna imagine bein’ with you.” I slouched in my seat and bit my lip. “Which I can do easily. You’re one hot chick, totally my type.”

She flushed. “And now your employee, so keep it clean.”

“Why? Cos you’re a prude?”

“No!” she said, indignantly.

“Then tell me sumpthin’ that shows you aren’t one, just make sure it’s to do with me.”

She lifted her chin up in that haughty way of hers. “We made love up north in your cousin’s beach house, not caring that Marino was in the next room. Actually, once we even made love while he was in the same room. All we saw was each other, not even realising he was there until we’d finished.”

My face went slack, what she’d said...

Her cheeks went brighter. “What? You asked,” she said in a little girl’s voice, her haughtiness disappearing in a second.

“You fucked me in front of my cuz?”

“No, you fucked me in front of him. He didn’t care, was facing the other way. Not like he was interested in me, he was only interested in those Swedish siblings.”

“Nah, Marino only fancied China, cos River’s a dude.”

She pulled away from the light. “Nope, I think he was into both. We overheard a conversation between him and River. Apparently, they kissed.”

My eyebrows shot up. “You’re fuckin’ with me, cos River... Nah, you’re totally fuckin’ with me.”

She shook her head. “Marino was yelling at River over the phone, saying that River kissed him, not the other way around, but I got the distinct feeling there was a whole lot more that your cousin wasn’t admitting to. So, I’m guessing he didn’t end up with River if you don’t know about it.”

“I have no idea who he’s with, haven’t spoken to him in years. He went into hiding to escape Craven. You know, the guy who wuz splashed all over the papers, the so-called entrepreneur who got shot.”

She nodded. “I saw the articles. I also had a client who worked for his family.”


“I can’t say due to privacy issues.”

I shrugged. “No worries. Anyway, I should send a message to Marino’s family, tellin’ them that Craven’s dead, just in case they don’t know. After all, they live in the wops.”

“What did Craven do to Marino?” she asked, slowing down for another red light, Victoria Park Market on our left, the grey clouds above its chimney stack looking like smoke.

“His goons put hidden cameras in Marino’s bedroom, filming my cuz without his knowledge,” I replied, what I’d been shown still pissing me off. “Craven sold the footage on a porn site. I only found out when the cops mistook me for Marino.”

“I can see why, you two looked a lot alike.”

“Which is why Craven also filmed me. Apparently, after Marino went into hiding, Craven blackmailed one of my exes to install hidden cameras in my room. The prick didn’t wanna lose his cash cow, cos Marino had quite a following,” I said, ogling a hot red Ducati motorcycle as it passed us.

“So, you didn’t do porn on purpose?”

My head snapped around to her. “How’d ja know I did porn? The cops were s’posed to squash that shit, since it wuz illegal.”

“It was in your file.”

My eyes went wider than my whole fucking head. “What the fuck?! Why the hell would Jade write that down?” I barked, making her jerk in her seat. “He bloody knows I wuz unwilling. Those videos Craven sold were clearly taken without my knowledge, and that time at his sex party wuz forced. Yeah, I fucked my woman, but I didn’t wanna do it in front of a bloody crowd. Craven and his sicko son threatened to hurt my family and friends if I didn’t play ball. So, not porn, blackmail.”

She stared back at me, looking shocked. A horn blasted behind us, causing her to jump in her seat. The light had turned green, the other cars in front of us long gone. She planted her foot on the accelerator, while I put my hand out the window, flipping off the person behind us.

Dante,” she growled. “Don’t do that.”

I pulled my hand back inside the car. “So, what other bullshit have ya read ’bout me?”

“That you’re addicted to sex, drugs, and alcohol.”

“Only a third of that’s true. I’m an alcoholic, not a sex or drug addict. I can control myself with the other two.” I licked my lips, just thinking about whiskey making me thirsty. “Get me some.”

“Some, what?”

“Whiskey. Jack Daniels in particular.” I looked out my window, my gaze roving over the shops, searching for a liquor store. “A small bottle will be perfect, nuthin’ too big, just enough to curb my craving without me losing control.”


I turned to face her again. “You’re my P.A., so yes.”

“No, I’m your minder. It’s my job to keep you away from alcohol, drugs, and women.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “I’m sitting next to one fine chick right now, so you’re already failing. Might as well add some whiskey to the list.” I leaned towards her. “Wanna add a fuck to it, too?”

She threw me a glare. “I’m your employee, not a prostitute, so keep your comments to yourself, because right now, this constitutes as sexual harassment.”

I leaned back in my seat, enjoying the to-and-fro between us, her indignant replies amusing me enough to curb my craving for the moment. “Were you like this when I wuz younger?”

“Like what?”

“Got all indignant, putting me in my place?”

“You needed putting in your place, like you need it now.”

“Guess I do.” I sniggered. “Hey, are you into BDSM?”


“Dante, Dante, I get it, it’s my name, had it all my life. Now answer my question, cos I can imagine you covered in black latex, ready to paddle my arse.” I snorted out a laugh. “I could dress up like a school-boy, if ya want.”

She jerked the steering wheel to the side, pulling over to the kerb. She yanked the handbrake on, about to get a telling off for mistreating my baby, but I quickly shut my trap at her furious expression. She poked a finger in my face, almost hitting me in the nose with it.

“I took this job because I didn’t want to work with that arsehole Simon ever again,” she snapped. “But I’ll be damned if I replace him with another chauvinistic pig. So, Dante, either clamp it shut or I’ll walk away right here and now.”

I blinked at her, taken aback.

She nodded at me as though I’d agreed to her demand, then restarted the engine and pulled out into the traffic.

“Fuck me,” I said. “I like you a lot.”

She gave me a sidelong glare, not saying a word.

I shook my head and turned to look out the window, a liquor store capturing my attention. I went to tell her to stop for it, but instead pressed my lips together, knowing she’d shoot me down. I glanced at her, catching her glancing at me. I winked, making her snap her eyes back to the road. I bit back a chuckle, sure as fuck happy she’d accepted the job, because, whether she helped me remember the time I’d lost or not, I was going to have one hell of a good time with her.




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